~ ¢ a ae GIVEN FREE BANC HAMTON Oarrraz, Parp Ur - « §$ 2,229,980.00/ oes Suarivs Pporrs 4 2,000, 900.00, ee a Fas to every Girl and Boy Toran Assers - - 424,718,618.07 af 4 ' ESTABLISHED 1872. : buying their HEAD OFFICE : PAMILTON.|° yi J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. SCHOOL SUPPLIES 'iistowe. Branch ESTABLISH- ; ED 3! YEARS. (from toc worth and up) DIREUTORS: AT HUN. WM, GIBS N, President. JOHN PROCTOR, GEO, ROACH, A. B i: 9 LEF, JOHNS,HENDRY 4M. P,P, J. Livingstone's GRO. RUTHERY RD. : J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres, & Gen, Mgr. H.M. WATSON, Inspect , Drug and Book anones ; _ | SA¥_GS_LEPARTMENT. jeposita $1 and upwa oS seokived one and interest allowed Store at curren and added to principal ° twice a- st June and Ist December. o for: ities, no aap rel in drawing money. A Secure one before they are all of "responsible farmers discounted, sale ; notes collected and advances made thereon. one, COLLECTION DEPARTMENT has every é ___.__. | facility for making prompt returns at low- eat, rates, DRAFTS bought and sold on any part, of J. W. Scott & Son, Bankers, | wewora. CORRESPONDEDTS in all parts of Can- =. HS: Listowel = bird 2. ads, United States and Great Britain. OFFIC istowe almerston a BANKING BUSINESS of all |:inds trans- Clifford, also with J. A. Halatead, Mount | ,.¢7 on most favorable terms. Corres- Forest and Stelberwe.* | pondence solicited. A General Banking Business transacted, ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, a. eeneanevi iJ ayable in all partsof the DOMINION, Agent, Listowel, UNITEU STATES and GREAT BRITAIN | _ samen - ; NOTES DISCOUNTED. , DEPOSITS RECEIVED. EFFECTS OF CLIMATE. current rate of interest allowed. Mealth and Beergy Flourish Best In the Temperate Zones. te funds to lend * beara of pire 4% per cent.,| Grant Dexter in his book on "Weath- with privilege of repaying annually. Se says that eens climates are usually ess, un- Marriage Licenses Issued, | inventive, apathetic and improvident. ~ An equable high temperature, especial- ]. W. Scorr & Son. | iy se moist, weakens body.and mind. peat Ne long established lowland tropical people is a conquering race in the sense of the word. For the FALL OF PORT ARTHUR WITH-| tonapitants of the higher altitudes, a IN TWO WEEKS. even under the tropical sun, this may * be true, for as we ascend the tempera- . ture leasens about 1 degree every 270 The Japanese a are pressing the feet on an average, and even at the fighting for possession of Port equator 'we may have a temperate Arthur, assaults being made almost climate. The most favorable tempera- po pri watente -- the oe ture for health, which carries with it or defences. eports [rom Jap-/} an aggressive energy which leads and anese sources intimate that the} which has led the world march of clv- ammunition and supplies of the) ilization, is about 45 degrees on an garrison are running short. Itis| ®verage, and this Is found in the tem- asserted that General Stoessel, the | Perate races. From there bave come the brawn and brain of martial con- ussian commander at quest and intellectual attainment. The oe has been disabled by dominant peoples ore shown between wounds, the latitudes of 25 degrees and 55 de- Headquarters of the third Jap-| stee*. anese army before Port Arthur,| "During the London foge and on days when the weather is particularly de-. Nov. 14, via Fusan, Nov.16 (de- ine fa the Basie of B a layed).--Spies and Russians who| Pres*ing in the Bunk of England cer- h tain sets of books, an error in which have surrendered report that Fa! would be cumulative and produce dils- tions in Port Arthur have been re-| astrous results further on, are locked duced. The wounded found by| up and the clerks set to tasks less tn- the Japanese were emaciated. | tricate and {important in character. The capture of the eastern fortified | Experience has taught those in charge ridge will mean the surrender of | that the percentage of error increases the fortress in a couple of weeks | many fou ae pe ce iy -- unless the garrison there retires to) (oN% (au that it i money ae ete isolated forts. This seems im-} '© T't! to them. The same necessity ISO . for cessation of certain lines of work probable, however, and Cold | suring bad 'spelis of weather' la recog- weather and the lack of food and, nized by the larger banking Institu- ammunition renders desperate | tions in New York and the other east- resistance unlikely. ern cities. "[t has been the universal experience ee of the superintendents of prisons and YANECDOTES OF ACTORS. asylums for the jnsane that the per- . sous in their chirge varied so marked- A Collection of Rich Stories of a « oot- ly with the meteorological conditions light Favorites Made by Ltoyd's that no man could doubt that the rela- Weekly Newspaper. tion between the weuther and emotion- oe jotta a ion ppy Pinan l al states was any other than that of as given b eqn arry on § ot, 7 John Crompton, lle said once to ae. em eraueriag scsi ane ar tne Corrs, who Was praising Cromptss 8 performance of some particular c weather peiGed te pe the meet Bee acter a night or two ductive of emotional abnormalities ne Yes, he played that part pretty satisfactory answer could be made." well; he hadn't time to stucy it!' dg Not Sunlight. POINTED PARAGRAPHS, The late William Terriss, when ---- play ne in "Harbor Lights,'"' had to Do the best you can and you will be say, "And straight before us like | 8Utprised how well you do. , two ate of hope we see the harbor It is one sign that you are all right lignta ' when you believe that others are. a a Pe " baa 7 mania, The smartest min we ever knew and "'And straight before us like two bars the one who could use e longest of soap we gee the harbor lights."' words could not hold a job. wisi ihe tireat So many of us act the fool while . thinking we are acting smart. Leek whe bate at Savelind Era ond yourself over. Do you do it? ' . . made his first stage appearance at Don't be too confidential; don't tell Ipswich in Rice under every one the story of your Ife. It name. In O t ar he} Will be soon enough to tell that when made his Londen -- at Good- | you stand before St. Peter. man's Fields, his Richard II. ing They talk about getting Into the rut. the town by storm. Drury Lene and} Remaining in the rut Isn't so bad. Covent Garden theatres became de- | Nost successful men are found in the tie Bact Hod pievhouse clined rut; most failures are found outside the authorities, which resulted in of It. Garrick settling at Drury Lane. «s Pope, the famous author, wes one| | The Word "Marmalade. of *sose who went to see Garrick"s The word "marnalade" is apparently nage im. His verdict to Lord Or- | derived from the Portuguese murmelo, rey "JT am afraid that young | a "quince," which, gain, is from mid- man 'ail be spoiled, for he will mever | Latin malomeclu:n, Greek ie have a rival.' "honeyapple," or "sweet apple" Autbor's Friend. word is at least as oid as the an a Mr. Henry Abbey, who died in Henry VIII. The followings sentence 1897, head 2 once the temporary occurs in a letter from that mouarch: agement of the ao Lge , --, He "Ile most heartily thanketh hey good a hair " fal. sf pber wrinarlo," which | with great dignity, when an actor lads ship_fur. . a a hich by was announced. The new arrival pre- a comparison of other letters was op- sented a letter of introduction, and | Prrently made of quinces. having read it, Mr. Abbey coldly Anne Bascet, Lady Lisle's daughter, looked him up and down. 'The actor | gives the nanie "codiuiie" to her moth- was a slight -- in appearance, and | er's dainty. Ler letters giving the ac- by no no means ta . count of the presentation of the said "Ah!" said Mr. Abbey, 'you afe | marmalade to the king ant relating no good wn ed eee I ise Wel now he desired 1 repetition of- the , Ten " renilied i ae, rool snine ns soun as mi.ht be bave been ' buying legs. am sclling brains? printed more than once. I Good day!"' ---------- , However, bcfore the cnd of the - Antmats Which Rarely Drink. , month the actor was engaged at the Naturalists bave discoverel many ' instance of the author, whose word | animals which seem to necd no water , with regard to:the casting of his | or which drink only at rare tutervals. b -- plays was even greater than that of | qhere is a certain breed of gazelies ' the manager himself. _-- which uever drink, and the Hamas of 4 s Patagouin live for years without tak- ; = oerek wel gs Played 8) ing weter. There Is a particular class c ine satin we iclin his paling pies of cattle near Losere, in France, that » a: o rurely tuuclres water, but in spite of pe "Young man, you have not only | this fact these cattle give milk of @ mo leased the public, but you have rich quality, from which excellent and good wishes I beg po acceptance of a small piece ne - The present > Was a silver toothpick. eer, i cheese Ix made, Many naturalists have the theory that bares do not drink or that water Is not a necessit¥ for them, aud thet the ¢ew on the grass ts suf-. ficient for thelr needs, sae ------------ Bh "OFCANADA. ~ | | Capital, ald-__ $8,000, 000.00 | und Boyt Pret }_ $2.990,606.56 Total Assets-- 80, 760,097.09 RSTABLISHED 1876. . T. B. Merri Ly D. Wilkie, Vice HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, B anches in the Provincse of On transfer letter 6 or yA to of by ° any part LISTOWEL BRANCH. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT -- Deposits a to principal twice SPECIAL attention given to the discounting of DRAFTS SOLD, available st all points,in R. ARKELL, Manager. FARM FOR SALE: A good 100 acre > dere, half lota1l and 12, lst concession of Elma, 80 acrea cleared aud under good cultivation, balance hard wood bush ; well watered and well fenced ; good farm 'house ; ; f barn with straw shed; good orchard'; mile and a quar- ter from cheese factory, less than three miles from Listowel ; convenient to School, For particulars apply on pl are! or to ROBT, SHARPEN, aa SCOTT & DICKSON, LICENSED AUCTION ERS Perth and Wellington Conntiea. Sales promptly ottandalte) in any art "th om counties, and satisfection guaran- te w. W. SCOTT. GEO. H. DICKSON, MOUREFIELD, ONT, Arrangements for sales can be madéat Standard Office. Nov: 16- a Se, SAND : 2 MEN'S FURNISHER. New Fall Goods; IN EVERY LINE. NEW PREMISES ONE DOOR EAST OF IMPERIAL BANK. TAILOR, . FURNISHER,| JENKINS. HATTER. THE BIG Bankrupt Stock STORE, J.R.GRANT & Co Is now in full swing again in their NEW STAND, Next Door to Livingstone's Drug Store. Having Bought THE STOCK OF M. McGILLIVRAY at a less price than is usually paid for a Bankrupt Stock, we have moved it along with our own into the afteve stand, and The Two Stocks are then : and offered for sale at rn on the Market f Less Than Bankrupt Prices. LOUIS GABEL, LICENS ED AUOTIONEER WALLAUE P, 0, Salea conducted in any part of Perth o Wellington se at moderate ch -------- guaranteed may be arranged for at ---- office. - Trowbridge Cider Mill. The Trowbridge Cider Mill will be ru ning on Tuesdays, Thuredays and Saturdays of each week during the ap Bring slong your apples opel have u didar' home with you, Grain chopping on Tuesdays and Frideys. 33 A JAS, McCRAFE. WANTED MEN and TEAMS. A ho and Coderiot ilway. For work on the Ra: Wages $1.50 to $1.75 perday r Men, and $3.60 for Teams. Apply a at the office of the undersigned at Milve J. BR. MoQUIGGE, Contractor. North Perth Con- servative Asso- ciation. 32n Annual Meeting. While the | of most Dy¥ Goods are going up, with us they are tumbling down, for these two stocks must be sold mer at mean ughtering of yoods in every epart IN« RESS GOJODS We have an immense stock fe pri Fe'nearly cut in two, - OU WARE DEPARTMENT is full and com- lets a article at a satrifice price. IN READ®-MADE CLOTHING and GENTS' FUR- NISHINGS je have a welk assorted stock and prices are marked awey n far below' wholesale cost. In. Linens, Tickings,. Towellibes, Shirtings, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Prints, Gloves, er etc., etc., we havea full stock in alllines, and on eac4 and every articlé you buy you will SAVE FROM 25 to 50°PER CENT. 'The reason why wecan give you these big reductions is because we bought them that much below their values. Always buy in the cheapest arid best market A Full supply of FRESH GROCERIES always on hand Farm Products taken in exchange for cash. JOHN R. GRANT & CO, Dealers in remind Stocks. a5, M. Scninhein FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. -- We have opened up this week one case of Fancy Goods such as you are now looking for tor Christmas presents. Ladies' Comfort Soles at 25c., Towel Rings 5c. each, all kinds of Hair-pins, White Vassar Combs, 15c., all kinds of | Fancy Hose Supporters, Laundry Bags 25c. each, all kinds of Fancy Sets and Centre Pieces, Colored Tickings, Fancy Table Covers, Tassels, Girdles, Cords, Cushion Tops, Ruf- Tai to match, Fancy Hdkfs, Hdkfs for Corset Covers, a full range of colors in silk at 4c. each, Children's Fancy. Hoods, Jackets, Mitts, Boots, Fancy Laces' and Braids, Rib- bons, all kinds of Hand-bags, Purses, Music-cases, Bolte Gloves, Corsets, etc. We are showing the best $5 Boys' Overcoats in town. Come in and see them. See our Men's Scotch Tweed Suits at Fro, $r2, he and 15, they are if you buy your 'Suits and Qver-coats here. THE WALKER"S FRIEND. Our Wool and Cashmere Hosiery, double knees. You will buy no Osher once you buy ours, LOOK HERE. Saturday we will give special bar- gains in Ladies' Jackets, Skirts Ready-to-wear. 20 per cent.. discount. Special Values in Furs of all Kinds. Dress Goods. Do you want to buy Dress Geods ? *Come and see us, as we are giving a great discount on all Dress Goods. GROCERIES. jj New Raisins, new Peel, Currants, Spices, Baking Pow- ders, Teas, Sugar and Rice. ee a J. M. SCHINBEIN. | HE. THIELE. Dealer in all kinds of First-class Meats, "Sausage, Bologna and ead-cheese. Prices as Follows : Simmons gold- filled chains are | gold - plated, as Y fine mahogany veneer Is from auil pine. Having all the uate +12 1-2c, per Ib. practical virtues of all-gold oast- " ose: | Sim | Sausage - "12 1-20, | mons. ologna .10c. - = hains ork - .-10c. " " | Watch C In order to compete with the have the added virtue of economy in price. cheap meats that are selling in P town, we have also decided to Each chain i ; beneiecs eecoud line in Beef, Pork . Bach chain is guaran, _ Sausages, at the following) tced GENUINE Ly ces : Boiling Beef.. os one ner te W.S. BARTLEY, i" oast Beef.. .-and Watchmaker and Jeweler, [ Wallace Street. SSeS A bad smash-up took place near. Nic- gara Fails, Ont.. at 2 o'clock Tuesday morning, in which two Grand Trauk Round Steak. 'ihe ate 10c. per ib. ov 3 tha. fr Also the very best of Home| Rendered Lard at 12 1-2c. per pound. Beet by the Quarter at Wholesale Rates. | engineers were seriously injured, aad | 'A A R R Y T H | E L E, several perenges received 8 | Dodd St, Butcher, , shaking up FARM FOR SALE. -- 100 acre Som being ion No, 12, 6th con- cession of Elm ing the farm of the late Robert F. stewart ; 90 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation ; good bank barn an frame house ; small urchard. 'About two milea from Atwood and four miles from Listowel. For further particu. lans apply to T, E, Mayburry, Listowel MRs. 38A BY KS vs SARAH ptt Executrix, T. EB VBORRY, Exec utor SIAR RAE EES "WRIGHT « THOMPSON LISTOWEL'S CASH STORE. BERRI ERASERS DBRREASS: BRE CREE ee RRR Cook's Cotton Root Compound. : | ' WILL FIND TH : i The annual meeting of the Is ane oa Paige a | North Perth Liberal-Conservative peed "in tha" gmaa | E Association will be held a of need." é" No. 1 No. | AT MILVERTON tet far the best dollar | STORE ON THE ° on No, 2°-For "wpechl® cases 10 degrees WED, NOV. 30TH, 1904, | centramn set csers.cer core 138 CORNER THE PLACE , deepen Noo en No, dare sold and . at 11 a. m., in Grosch's Hall. recommended a he Do T Election' of officers and other| Siaehte shan ate 'any adarest 0 TRADE. usiness will be transact or 0. MsILHARGEY, 8 3.5 rr hal ae errr Listowel by J. A. Backing and _ vip Ee er: = GRAND IDEA, - | THE RANGE THAT NEVER FAILS. (e Want on earth. than any range yet produced. 4 Y cannot be su Grand Idea Ranges have made a record for themselves. Ladies who have dperated them claim they are the best ey are popular because they are economical on fuel and will bake perfectly more material with less fuel For Beauty of Design and sitaicisy of Operation they rpassed. a Cw~ae~ THOSE WHO WANT Your Trade. For the Month of July we are Of- fering Bargains in the Following Lines: Dress Goods, Parasols, Corsets, Gloves, Neck Wear, Prints, Table Linen, Table Nap- kins, Towels, Ticking Cottonade, Ready- Made Clothing, Gents's Neck Wear and Shirts. Dress Trimmings, Shirt Waists, FOR $1.00. Highest. Prices..Paid for all Kinds of Farm Produce. mS FOR SALE BY B.. feviadpahoc? A PEAR ASAS REABSQ Wright & Thompson, THE CORNER STORE. A Rm LISTOWEL'S GREATEST STORE. fe