4 i ; SCHOOL SUPPLIES We are giving away FREE Oamon, Mr, Porter said that all he knew of Reilly wan thet he was a school teacher. With referance to the of the bogus boxes he admitted 'that be had msde no attempt sts haere and turned aes over to the d Kimo eeizure,. but bad merely taken Say der' THE WENTWORTH RECOUNT. Conservative Declared Elected. ~ Hamilton, Nov. 21,--By '@ decision given this morning in the Wentworth recount, Ez D. Smith, Conservative, is elected. RULERS, BLOTTERS, PENCILS, With Every purchase School ee * ARE you + GOING TO TRAVEL? Call and see me about rates and special days either to Toronto or Londou. ~ ce | -fl , i Ue . U s 3 Marriage Licenses Issued. Tickets to all parts of the world, ListowelStandard FRIDAY, NOY. 25, 1904. BOGUS BALLOT BOX FRAUD. Plot to Steal West Hastings Election. Philip Lott, Brother of Liberal Candidate, Makes Disclosures, Implicating His Own Brother and other Liberal Workers. Startling Revelations. Belleville, Ont., Nov.19.--The revala tions made yesterday in the libel suit fM Gas Porter, M. P., against Mr. T. OC. Carman, editor of the On- tario newspaper, have more than jasti- fied the prediction tbat the troth about bogus ballot boxes imported into West Hastings wonld create the political sensation of the year. The story as outlined by Mr. Porter, and corroborated by Mr. Harry Corby, ex-M. P., was exciting enongh, but its sensationalism paled kefore the evi- dence of Philip Lott, the brother of Byron O. Lott, the defeated Liberal candidate. MR. PORTER ON THE STAND, Mr. Porter identified the paper ac- cusing him of beivg responsible for in- troduciog the bogus boxes aud parsing them off on the Liberals, aud it was a copy of the Belleville Daily Ontario, of which Mr. Carmon is the editur avd proprietor. Mr. Porter said be had firat learned of the bogus bexes on th. Sunday privr to to tbe elections, On the afternoon of that day be was ip Mr. Corby's office, when Philip Lott, brother of Byrov Lott, bis (Mr Por- ter'+) opponent, entered. Be was sur- prived to see bim there, aod asked him what he wanted, io reply Lot! said, "MY GoD, IT's AWFUL" Both Mr. Corby avd Mr. Porter press- ed tim to explainu bimerlf, avd after making them promise that they would pot expose bis brother without his conorent, be went out avd brought io ove of the bogus machines, and showed them how by turping the bandle falve ballots could be substituted for good. His brother Byron bad toid biw that be bad "tumbled" to the boxes first iv the office of one Vauce, in Toronto, and he wanted Philip to goto King ston for him and make arrangemente with 4 man called Reilly for a eupply for West Hastings. Philip said that Reilly did pot know bim, Byron gave him a letter of introduction. This let- ter and others passing between Byron Lott and Reilly were 1p the poeseesion of Mr, Corby, having been giving bim by Philip Lott, and were placed in the hauds of the court as eabibits. HIS BROTHER'S WORK. Proceeding with his tale, Philip Lott told them that be had seep Reilly and-| week that asnpply of the boxes had been shipped frum Prescott to Central On- tario Juvction, and there Philip Lott had reovived half a dezen, the reat havin: been ascot on to Juho Bremner, of Bavoroft, for distribution to various deputy returping «officers, and bis own six were to be given to Ed. Rattan aud Bert Cook, of Frontenac, and Avson Cvnvors, of Rawdon, with one for himself. Mr. Porter eaid that Mr. Corby had asked Lott why he made these divclosures about bis own broth. er, und he replied, '*Remember I am My brother expects me to take the oath of deputy retarniog officer, and then use a gus box. He would send my soul to hell to be a member of | Pore court aijoarned for Tanch at 1.80, when Mr, Porter was being cross- examined ef the solicitor of Mr. Uar- man, who is charged with crimioal libel. In red afternoon Mr. H. Corby oor- to the teat ballot STARTLING "REVELATIONS, Philip A. Lott then took the stand, and related bow he had, in the inter- ests of his brother, gone to Kingston and negotiated for the delivery of the bogus - ballot boxes into West Hast- ings. Aman vamed Reilly, of Kingston, was the agent for the bores, and Mr. ballote in the Beverly township polling subdivision, where A allens, the deputy retarning officer, illegally num- bered the Sg Had these ballots count W. 0. Sealey, the Libe would have been elected by 15, his majority having been reduced from 20 by the recount, ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL AND EX- PERIMENTAL UNION. Annual Meeting at Guelph. The twenty-sixth annual meeting of the Ontario Agricultural and Experi- mental Union will be held at the On- tario Agricultural College on Monday and Tuesday, Deoember the 5th and Judge} soll,.for $47,793. ceived from any local firm, as the ten- The com- t' Regiment o home, as the old drill shed, crected in 1886, w did duty that time as » Nov. 2 the k bard by y -& taper ss, 'ha ari ie Of the turned ata insec > its yee Nittle mind faint eee jetined, For the beautital Ore, ileal it wotsed Theo away. it aped sank For a moment's span, And a range delight Lured on course With alate Towards t al souress tion what polls they were intended to be used in. He had, he said, been prom- ised po reward for giving the matter away, but was on Tuesday night last called on by aman, who offered him enough to make him independent for life if he would jeave the country. He scorned the offer. The cross-examination _-- to shake the witness's testimon 'The court adjourned at 9 "30 o'clock till to-morrow morniug. THE FIRST ARREST MADE. Belleville, Nov. 20.--Another im- portant development has taken place in the bogus ballot box case, namely, the arrest of T. Whalen, the man who shipped the cases containing the trick ballot boxes from Prescott on Oct. 27. The arrest was made by Co}. Percy Sherwood and Detective Chambechs of the Dominiou Secret Service to-day, and the prisoner was brought to this city, takeo before a magistrate and re- leased on $2,000 bail till next Friday. PHIL. LOTT'S STORY VERIFIED, In several important particulars the startling story of Phil A, Lott was verified this morning. It was proven by Arthur Reid, the West Hastings election clerk, that Byron A. Lott, iberal candidate in the riding, had gone tothe returning officer's office and asked for a ballot "to "age a young fellow how to vote. eid eaid the returning officer hed gone north to distribute the ballele He vieited on the same day by Phil vou, who referred to the echeme; ant he (Reid), bad admitted that Byron had tuld bim whatit was. This was done by Reid to get Phil to tell bim what the scheme was. Phil, however, did not explain. Reid believed tbat some- thing disreputable and dishonest was eo foot, bat be took no steps to pre- veut its briug carried out. COULD HAVE HAD ONE Jumes Gay avd Paal Sherry, Oon- Kervalive ecratipeers, who had been warped by Mr, Porter to be on the lookout for the bogus ballot boxes, testified that Simeon Ashley, the de- paty returoieg officer .at No.2, Weat Huntingdon, had admitted to them that he could have had one of the box- es, and if he bud it be noats = $50 they could vot discover the tr James Hust, to whom Phil 'Lott a" made bis discl ' frieod iu every particalar. So far, therefore, the prosecution has clinched many points and the defence tally isa zero mark, It was etated on the streets to-day that the defence would produce three men who wonld swear that Phil Lott offered them $10U apicce if they would use the trick box- . It is also expected that Byron Lott will deny the story of bis brother. Byron Lott bas not yetappeared on the and itis eaid be is away bunting. As the deer season is over, he may take sufficieut interest in the proceedings tocome to Belleville nest . THINES IT WAS A FALSE Box. Kingston, Nov. 20.--The News and Times says a ballot-box happened to be lying on a chair in the County Building on Saturday moruing, when it cangbt the eye of Vouncillor Tapping. He walked over to it, tarned it toward the light and read on the label pasted on one side: "Clarendon and Miller No. 2." Mr, Tapping called several of his fellow Councillors to examine the box, which to all appearances bad been used in the Avery-Shibley election in Fron- tennc. Now Mr, Tapping acted as Mr, Avery's (the Conservative mem- ber) agent during the recent fight. Mr. appipg ~~ located at "Clarendon and Miller No. 2," which was at Ardoch, He declares that the ballot- Ladies' sessions under the auspices of the Women's Institate, will be held in the MacDonald Institute on Mon- day, Tuesday. and Wednesday. On Monday evening, a public meeting of interest to all will be held in the Ool- lege Convocation Hall, Arrangements have been made for single rates to Guelph for the Experi- mettal Union Meeting and the Provin- cial Winter Fair. The excursion rates atart of Saturday, December 3rd. For full particulars in reference to the programme aod the excursion rates, write tu C. A. Zavitz, Sevretary Agri- cultural College, Guelph, Ontario. Nearly Six Millions of Dollars to Spe 06 for Patents. The past year 'bas a been a bney one for inventors, and, unlesa all signs fail, manufacturers in the United Statee intend placing upon the mar- ket many new products not heretofore known. During the last year, 31,699 patents were issued bythe U. 5. Pat- ent Office. The number of patente which expired in the United States in 1903 was 21,797. The number of ul- lowed applications awaiting the pay- ment of final fees was 10,545, and there are $5,682,540.61 tu the credit of the Patent Office in the treasury of the United States. Messrs, Marion & Marion, of Muntreal, secured 26 per cent. of a patents isened to Canadians iv 1903. Aloastber the volume of business done by the U. 8. Patent Office last year was the Teageat iu its bistory. Germany has purchas- ed land, and plans have been prepared fora new Patent Office bnilding io Berlin to provide accommodation for two thousand employees. Commenc- iog Jdtuary 1, 1905, the British authorities will follow the methed of examination now practised in Canada, the United States and Germany. Oar readers may obtain any ioformation about patents and trade marka by ap- plyiug to Messrs, Marion & Marion, Patent Attoroeye, Moutreal, Canada, who have sent us the above article. Beyond All Discription Was the experience Mrs. E. V. Car- ter of Dansville bad with rheametiem which resisted everything till Nervilioe was tried, and it cured. "The only re- lief Lever got was from anbbing op Nerviline" writes Mre, Carter. 'Jt penetrated to the very core of the pain sod eased my suffering after a few ap- pleations. I bave used mavy rheuma- tic remedies but none had the eoothing, pain eubduing power of Nerviline, which I recommend highly." Try Nerviline yourself. Good for internal nee and excellent to rnb on, rice 95 CARTHAGE. Mr. and Mre. F, W. Schaefer spent Thankegiving in our burg. Miss Annie Campbell spent Thanks- giving in Woodstock. Mr. and Mr. Jas. Riddell frieuds in Motherwell last week. Miss Mnud Kerr and Miss Jennie Campbell spent Thanksgiving with friends in Downi The balance of this season's make of cheeee was shipped from the factory on Monda visited Mr. Wo . Campbell hae sold bis farm to Mr. Jas Riddell for the sum of $6,500. Mr. Ed. Simpson left last week for New York, where he will spend the winter. Mr. W. J. Moore of Listowel spent Sunday under the parental roof. 4TH LINE WALLACE. "ot Par iament, and I think I ought to expose him." e apshot of their in- terview with Mr. Lott, Mr. Porter said, was that they secured five of the bogne boxes where they were stored in Lott's barn and turned them over to the police. Mr. Porter further said thet Philip Lott had told Mr, Corby avd himeelf that he bad been informed by his brother Byron that 400 of theee boxes had been designed for use in the Provincial elections. He bad "tambl- ed" to the ech me, and insisted.on try- In oon- names of Stratton, Vance, Sullivan and some man in Buffalo mentioned, . MoCamon protested from time to time against Mr. Porter's divclos- ures being deed as evidence, but was over-ruled, though the magistrate promised that anly that would be con- sidered as evidence which he ehonld conclude bore directly on the case. It was necessary, however, to go into anvh details aa were given by Mr. Poiter to get at the root of the libel. On b ' x bow in the Oourt House, and which should have been used in the recent election, was not. The one at hand is an ordinary tio bor of innocent construction. M Tapping says the substitute box had « compartment an inch or two below the hole into which the ballot is put. He noticed that the ballots had to be rammed into the opening early on electiou morning, when th xX was Dot one-quarter full, proving that there was some obstrnction, some separate compartment, below the cover openiog. To olinch this statement it may be added that Mr. Avery's major- ity was only 7 at the Ardoch polling booth, where fully 40 of » majority was expected and admitted to be his, When the Liver Gets Torpid You want a mild stimulant like Dr, Hawilton's Pills of Mandrake and Bat- ternat, which cure inactive liver, re- lieve constipation and sick headache at ouce. Use ouly Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 250. : After reading the follc following letter from Mr. H. A, Thareton, of 228 Vermont street east, Indianapolis, Ind., no one will > ae the merit of Ferrozone. sie o I took the grippe. I at elas sel I was no longer able to ea blood was thin. My Souls were white and hollow. Doctors gave me all kinds of medi- cine, bat none of them brought me atrength. My friends said I was wasting away with -- slow disease, and I bid them good-by Thea r heard of the wonderful Fer- roz ies three days it gave me an appe- tite. I gained strength and became 'cheerfal, Under Ferrogzone l improved steadily. I am well to-day. I weigh fifteen pounds heavier than ever before, and feel like s new man. (Signed) H. A. Thareton." The secret of growing strong is solv- ed by mien Is supplies actual nourishment. It braces you up quick, supplies new energy, brings back the snap and fireof youth. Try Ferrozone, 50c. per box, or six for $2.50, at all dealers in medicine, or Puleon & Oo., Hartford, Conn., U.S.A., and Kingston int. A poor Galidan, os in a eaddle factory at W: in bank bills into and cat the bills into Geo. McCaliamm felt from a high chim- vey at Barberton and dashed his brains out against an iron tbe. Busy People Need 4 Heath Whata rush modern life is, pusb, drive, get theresomehow, It's hard on the nerves, hard on the digestion, bard on sleep, Your blood gets thio and strength goes down hill. Busy people must maintain health, must build up. 'Take Ferrozone,--it sharpens the appe- tite, forme rich, red bleod, develops strength as if by magic. risen! is a nerve and brain tonic that keep a re- building going on in the system and brings vigor and energy to those who veed it. Try Ferroz ue and see how quickly hie 'llimprove, Price 50c. at druggist The Canadian Jay. Mr. Charles Pickering of Toronto, writes: Ont 15th October I saw three Canada jays (l'crisoreus Cana- densis), the Wis-Ka-Tjan of the In- dian, the Whiskey Jack of the lum- berman, which were killed this morn- ing on Fisherman's Island. Though common throughout northern On- tario and northward to Arctic Am- erica, it is very rare in southern Ontario, Mellwraith in bis Birds of Ontario gives no authentic record of its capture so far south, though he mentions hearing of cue being taken at OShawa. This bird, well known to all lumbermen and prospectors, with whom he is @ star boarder, is not thought 80 much of by the hunt- ter, for whom he has destroyed many a fine carcass of venison, tearing off the fat and strips of tlesh, which he would store inthe mo of some near- by tree for felt u Who can tell the cause of tnis 'Goauuel migration? It cunnot be fear of cold nor yet scarcity of food, as he i8 a general ScavengeT, aS much at home in the dense pine forest as around the min- ing camps, picking up whatever is thrown out in the shape of food, On the 15th 1 saw a large flock of snow- lith and 12th flocks OF wild geese were seen. On the 16th three more Canada jays age for arms equipment up till And it followed the spell Shibley, Liberal candidate in Fronten- 6th, starting at 1.30 m. on the Sth. | last year, was sold last fall. The Through an ed maze, ac, was also concerned io the deal. Experiments i in agriculture and borti- building was -- at a cost of $3,000 gtd Feaaty eee tell | Philip A. Lott said his brother had | Ctttere oave and -sotd-for- $236. 4 heard about the boxes from one Vance, | 0 nearly 5, 000 farms throughout On- il. of Toronto. He said that the Ontario | 'taric. The results of the carefully on a ? naseled and stunned Government had bonght the patent of conducted work will summarized Said Good-Bye By the scalding puin, the boxes for $50,000. Philip A- Lott | 0d presented atthe annual meeting, . f Ghe aiowent it swouned, then, to the court, explained how the | to which all interested are invited. His Family. - And again th boxes were worked, giving an illuetra- = a -- to " Drew ie an. with its charms prese' a i at the mee ; : > oe "Bailly, oe Kine ing this year are as follows: "Selec- Dying of Weakness - Given Up ne ary -- ston agent for the boxes, said the elt Fed ltl es ic Doctors as an incurable Feud Ly Ba here wer re wi and thet onl e help as x 0B- Gal Almighty could beat the Ontarie | sible", "The Shipping of Fruit in Oold and Hopeless Wreck. shriveled sha -- Government at the next elections, | Storage", "The Girl and the Home", Iv. With these boxes you could separate | Farm Forestry for Ontario", "Actual FERROZONE CAs 1 sit amd muse ' the sheep from the goate every time. | Observations of Economical Methods ; iy Ou its tery fate, Philip A. Lott related how the boxes | °! Increasings the Yield per Acre of Saved His Life ? Mu i themes abetruse were sent to West Hastings, and told} 0or Farm Crop", eto, r the pangs that thrilled Throug gh that martyred frame © As ite velus were flee Wh the scorvhing tame, A riddle cnuclose That, living or dead. In rbyme or lu prose, ' Xo # has d. 'Butou moth," you «ry, 'Is a thing so ee yeas: Ah, yes: but wv Should it aude at all? Why « atts suld a Fort ah Oue puaeat Throw oh the tates heart? Why tu sae wna le ° ain hh soul Pee! Ties otoat curse? Lo the angled wings v. " if only I In my rats song Could tell you the of here e singed moth." ---Grant From "A Treasury of Canadian Verse," SOME BIG FIGURES. Increase ef Employees on the Big Cana- adian Eailways. e in Montreal many grow last ten years, that is from 1894 te 1904, there had beon remarkable de velopment in the manufacture of all kinds to wear, of cts show that there has been a correspond- ingly eracttvtng increase in a ¥ group, inclu ell w mM chinos, spool silk, wire % four = Ps cent. are show cerns, including "the two anat rail way systems, the number of employ- es increased by an average of 800 Although --, the last ~~ there has been a large general crease . weave, the increase 'a the number of employes on the two great roads should be an indication of actual growth in trade. As near as can be given the average cote of employes on the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1894 was about 25,000, as -- 85,000 at present. time. at Montreal em- ployed 2.000 hands ten years ago, and now they employ 5, On number of employes in 1894 was about 19,000. At the present time it is about 26,000. Ten years ago the shops at Point St. Charles gave employment to 1,395 hands, now they omploy 2,227.--Montreal Correspondence. The Return Invitation, ase, Mrs. Smith, mamma says she'll be glad ii you'll come to tea on Mond "With pleasure, mother -- : really ind' "Mam: amma , ware she'll be glad en it' '8 over.' = Tell your A Messenger Boy's Explanatien. Bargain Day _ GRAY, BERNIE & CO. ~ LISTOWEL. Men's and Boys' Clothing, ALSO IN Ladies' Mantles. 25 only Boys' three- pn Suits, all new goods, Ade Of Up-t6-daté tw checks, best values in town at Bs, for our Bargain Day only. $3.98. 15 only Boys' two- piece Suits, Norfolk Pattern, new up to the minute only $1.78 tweeds, Bargain Day 23 Boys' Overcoats, square pockets, new belt back, sizes 22 to 28, best value : the land at $5, special for Bargain Day only $3.9 50 pairs -Men's heavy etoff "sane nowhere else can you buy this line for $1 40,for our Bargain Day only per pair 98c. 5 only Boys' tweed overcheck Overcuats, sizes 31 and 32, the new belt back, regular $8.50, for our Bargain Day only $5.98. 100 dozen Men's fleece-lined Underclothing, best 50c. line in town, Bargain Day, only 39c. 10 dozen Lithographed Cushion Tops, best 25¢. value in the land, on Saturday 19c All Ladies' Mantles Redueed on Bargain Day. 100 Ibs,Grancd Mogal Tea 25c, lb. on Saturday to introduce this line will sell at 19c. Be with us on Saturday, you won't be sorry--Our cash inne clips profits close. GRAY, BERNIE & OO. The French Archives. The archives so magnificently housed in the Hotel de Rohan form one of the most interesting sights of Paris. Here, bound in white calf, thousands of folios contain the history of France, dating from the Capet and Valois kings, all heads--administrative, historic, lative and judiciary. Among minor ob- jects of interest not shown to visitors without special permission is the table on which Robespierre, wounded, was placed in the Hotel de Ville on the eve of 'Thermidor and the inventory of Ma- rie Antoinette's wardrobe, with pat- terns of her dresses, and also of Mme. Elizabeth's. Insignificant indeed would the collection appear beside that of a fashionable lady of today. In these historic premises, busy as bees, inde- fatigable searchers are continually at work.--Westminster Gazette. Quite Exgaging. "She is a very sweet girl." "Why, the heartless flirt had prom- ised to marry four different men," "Well, that's what I mean; her man- ners are most engaging." a Knew the Worst. Keeper of the (intes-- Aren't you afraid of what the recording 2 book may show? Spirit--No; on ecrG i had a candid friend. Aare We know what all good doc- tors think of Ayer's Cherry * Pectoral. Ask yourown doc- tor and find out. He will tell Cherry Pectoral you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. Phe: r's Cherry Pectoral is well known cx-tamity. We think it isthe best sealing "Te -~ a> sere ots Pe ew Mr. Russel MoCartney and ay lady from the 10th io aangien xe tended the hot supper at Moorefield, hanksegiving evening. The tarther to go the longer to atay, Russel. Mies Lottie and Anna Kelle spent oe with Miss Nellie Tor- rs "Mrs. J. Kincade, goede ---- her niece, Misa Eisie Will Mr. Will Campbell wears the smile. It is a girl. We are very sorry to learn that Mr. Will Smith is 7 i bua speedy recovery is louked fo! Only One Cure For Catarrh And it's neither a dopy mixture, a troublesome atomizer or an irri snoff--it in fragrant healing Ostarth- wh is recommended by at least twenty thousand eae meg in United States and Canada. samic vapor of Oa once to the souree of germs, heals. sore spots; it prevents dropping in the throat, we cote the nos- trils clear and cures foul breatii Oure Newfoundland, like Lreland, is inno- cent of snakes or reptiles. Its hills, all in the interior, are infested with » Mountain lions, wolves, foxes and gophers. Song birds are few, the robin Poy onunehae in numbers, al- though there is gq specivs of unmusic al jay that ay outnumber red- breasted beauty familiar to more southerly und inland latitudes. This summer more than "--~a | 000 worth of forest timber burn No suslained efiort was inade to -- the spreading fires, because most of the scourged land is the property of no man. At the brink of a river near the Bay of Islands in August were scores of caribou wolves, foxes, beers and wild. creatures of other wilderness toward civilization. 'A tea Oi ip ales. Lady Customer--Do you think that a photograph of a woman in order to be goud should iy be de- ce Ving rhotographer--f it is a true ke pess--y es. _* ~ 6 the colds. were seen. "Does it take you four hours to in eka Se Bee reralenen: Cal, a a mile?' said the Bl 3.0, AYER co.. " 2 + ler meer £! men lied .¢he_.moms ri riot ists. Lowell, Mass. Care head---cie Oy 'epred--tne--ne office boy; "I got th tes--it's the coming back that takes the time.'"--Melbourne Weekly The y. Patience.--Does she ever speak of her family | tree? *atrice.--No, I think it was one of the shady sort of ---- Town and Country | Journ Itimore, Ireland Baltimore, in Maryland. gets Its name from a small and unostentatious fish- ing village in Ireland. The word Balti- more signifies the "village that grew up about the big house," and the der- ivation is plain when one sees the ivy covered ruins of the very remarkable big house that was once the stronghold of the O'Driscolls. It is situated upon | an imposing height, a sentine! over the nunierous jittle dwellings that have sprung up and increased in the; vicinity of its wrecked and deserted Hfe. From the village of Baltimore enormous catches of mackerel are sent to Amer ica.--Exchange. Seld_in Listowel by J. A. Hacking and J. Livingstone. FARM FOR SALE, 00 acre farm, being Lor No. 12, 6th con. cession of Elma, being the farm af. ie tare obert Stewart " acres cleared and in good state of cultivation ; good bank bare and frame house ; small orchard. About two nnlea from Atwood and four miles from Listowel. For further partivn- ee apply to T, E. Mayburry, Listowel MRS. SARAH STEWART, Executrix. 38. T. E, MAY BURRY, Executor _™ pee FOR SALE: oud 100 acre farm, half lots 1s Ist concession of Elma, 8u aud under good cultivation, wood bush ; well watered and good farm house ; : bank with straw shed; good orchard ; mile and & quar. ter from cheese factory, less than three miles from Listowel ; convenient to School, For particnlara apply on pi einises or to OBT. SHAKPEN, OXeler, 11 'and acres clesred SCOTT & DICKSON, LICENSED AUCTIONKERS Perth and Wellington Conoti Sales promptly attendedtoin any art these counties, and ratisfection guaran- eed. ys. W.ScOTT. GEV. H. DICKSON, MOUREFIELD, ONT, Arrangements for sales can be made at Standard Office. LOUIS GABEL, LICE Hard Coughs 3 LEE a be of "ot Ayer" s Pills at bedtime w"i aston very. Cently laxative sewers Cider Mill. The Trowbridge Cider Mill will be run- wi on Tuesdays, Thuredays and Saturdays i -- week -- the apple seas n. apples shave the ng along yo ered home FF ie you. Grain chopping on Tuesdays and Fridays. 33 a JAS, McCRAE. STRAY SHEEP. WALLACE P, 0, Sales conducted in ax in any part of Perth or Wellington Counties at moderate charges, Satisfaction guaranteed Sales be arranged for at Standard 36--c. --_e NEN and TEAMS. For work 'on the Guelph and Godegif- Railway. ' Wages $1.50 to $1.75 perday + for Men, and Strayed from Lot 4, 2nd concession of ' pp a aah faced. sod black | $8.60 forTeams. -- Li . . faced i et Fe pone ere vr sce giving information anny at the office of the undersigned at. 'een ied kee retoveey wil be omit.) Ma e ton. 5 W. H. ARMSTRONG, J. B, McQUIGGE, Tralee P. 'a| 323 é Contractor.