Nov. 26 IF YOU WA FIRST-CLASS MEATS RIGHT -~ PRICES. STEVENSON THE CITY BUTCHER FRESH GROCERIES of all kinds always on band §, J. STEVENSON, Wallace St. Morphy & Carthew, BARRISTERS, pea cooly &. forthe Bank of Hamlto Worerics Public and vecamipsloustss, H. B. Mouray, J. M. Cariazw, Monsy A FRANK CONFESSION, "Canada Beats Us to « Standstill," Said = They "Want That Wheat.' European be able to do it, because can't get the wheat. As one y iatlier Says: "The confounded farmers won't raise the wheat for us." The miller's con- orm his natural function, it. piers es the miller excessively fa that for three years the Sinasapotia miller haan't been ab nd fitable to raise garden eastables for the great city which the millers have j built there. fhen Northwest consisted chiefly of bonanza farms, { wheat was the only ¢rop raised; be- jest crop to raise on @ | But as the farms have 4 small holdings, as in = Us of "Phe +--- a nenrneef Boston writes: If sees Minneapolis millers wish to recaptur: ' the Ket, they will not ' MASTERS eid ' "The Berliner winter of last year. and happy. I would not Tt will sing your favorite hymns or thing. Trom a Ca M Blewett & Bray BARK RISTERS | meee Sadia a Gotaries 1H bUR SA febscitore for Scott' ney to Vann, Houses and Ont, rm. Bldg & Loan Assec money. 'TO LOAN AT iB ra TER. CENT. } R Rrewert. . Bray. B. A, J. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barriste-, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN art 4} PER CENT St., next to Dr. Foster, Dentist. ee: aout iu Atwood every Wednesday atures [Mabee & Makins, BARHISTERS, SOLICITORS, &C. peettorefor 'phen Lee peed Hank. w Loan. STRATFORD, ONT, Cc. J.P. Manes, K. C. J. Maxins. OR. W. om; BRUCE, TIST. Snare D. De. Trinity Uni- ee s, Haske! Dchvol 8; Rh. , fo 'orunto; ast G aie Spears' Store. Hutrance. b: woe Saurway as Dr. Butherford, Muin St., Listowe: JAMES MOORE, M. D., C. M.; F.T. M C. Member of College of Physici- ans and Surgevns, Ontario, Assistant How se Surgeon in 1900 tothe Torunto Gen- the Pai enhurst Sani- CARTHAGE, ONT. DR. BROWN, L. R.-C, P., London, England. Graduate of London, ig A Bg a DISEASES a EYE, d THROAT. Will be at the GRAND DCENTRAL HOTEL, LISTO 2nd Tuesday in Each Month. Hours 104. m. to 6 p. m. Thos, Fullarton, ATWOOD UNT., pssu ER of Marriage Licenses, Comim.ssioner in pois KL Deeds, Mortgages, Leases aud all Couve)- ong done ou pal Be terme 9 Money to lend. * R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY, UNT. AGENT terthe Loudon and Lancashire Eire lnsurance Company. Also Money any same trom $200 an nd o aprnrds ala low rate ot nleres en ai 'terms, ~ G. T. R, TIME CARD rains leave Listowel station daiiy aa follow A , UWen sUUND AND role "ane . £15 on TAD pe os Gavug north, 07 p. tu. A a Int aE ts For e ) Sta. rag mle Phoweuger 34 ae Aiwoaruine : Mixed 7-2 w } passenger 12.20 p Executors' Notice to Credi- tors Matter of the Estate of SALOMA a Spe. late ofths Luwuship of Wallace, in tho County of Perth, Widuw, Deceaseo, is hereb: von pursuant to RS. O. 189%, gry Caper 129, a aire all pecans hay ing claims or demands against tbe st oma Gabel, deceased, bee bs 2th day of May, A. D. 1904, are uir ed to send-by post propaid or to deliver to Blewett & Bray Low Ontal t' Solicitors tor the Executors of tue said or bef he Lo! ay of Nov, 1904, their 66 anu res with full particulars in writing of the statement of their their clauns, th accounts aud the nature of the security, tir any.] beid Py. them, duly ¥ y Jaratic eckek ie part & person hose claime notice shall net eg been re se wey at the time of such distribution as afore- Dated at Listowe A. D. 1901. GEORGE GABEL, HAR BOE orig, } Executors By BLEWETT & BRAY, thelr Solicitors A NEW LOT OF Amateur Photographic Supplies at - - CO. A. LEE'S PHOTO STUDIO. Artist Proofs, A NEW PHOTO. Call and see it. i the East, diversified farming is farm population with thousands of n every year to the farming territory, there has been a steadily decreasing wheat crop. The millers look to ir- rigation for some relief reclaim an enormous land. But that will merely be the old story over again--wheat raising for the first few years, and then diversified farming. Minneapolis can never again rely on American farms to furnish her mills with grist No, is the Minneapolis mills are to expand, if they are to recapture their eXport trade, they must look else- where for their wheat. And they do look elsewhere. They look across the Canadian line into Manitoba, into aoe ad for & ive years Tt cheered us and made us giad what it cost if I could mot get another." We have thousands of similar letters telling of the pleasure and 1 entertainment derived from the Berliner Gram-o-phone. va es a 2 fi pre ap yan ss gives a ihoumed times nay ee pleasure. Ss ie "--eo can you in five minutes. pikes of Gramophone ete with 3 Records | ~~ BAMFORD BROS. 'Builders and Contractor are prepared vo contract for the erection of ail ciesscs of buildings. and specifi- arn ae estimates furnished on Gram-o-phone T bought of you was a Godsend during the long cold SASH, DOOR FRAMES, ee BLINDS, pha saan PE #bOG VO>LTI pore: ne to order. Everything inthe oui pt attention and og line will be as Sock & Flame RST OLaSt WouKAANSEAP 3UAR- $15 to $45 Charges Moderate. IS HAVING. <o 'Very Special Sale During -- November. Big Reductions in Ladies' Scie. ings and Dress Goods MEN'S A Special line for $2 a pair, PANTS, Ladies' Costume Skirts, No cheaper in Listowel. ALL TRIMMED HATS For Ladies or Misses clearing at big reductions. Sold for wanltcelace: Catalogue for four. Agent will exchange your EEE when gout hip tons nid Rove few anck : for instance, you return twe Records : MANUPACTURED BY THE BERUNER GRAM-O-PHONE CO. of CANADA, LYD, MONTREAL, P.@ FOR SALE BY J. H. GUNTHER, Listowel. te if desired. Write and list of Records. Bamfcra Bros. Gram-o-phons Records pedis nc py 204 J. Gabel, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Listowel. Very Often. Teacher--Now, then, what do we meun by composition? Little Girl (ea- | ger!y)--Tlease, miss, composition is the | Saskatchewan, into the great stretches of fertile prairie that make up the Canadian. Northwest. Aes covetous cyes with which millers look across the border aioe | a most interesting situation "We Want That Wheat." | At home in Massachusetts most of us hear g€ about reciprocity. But in this city recipro- city is no academic question. 'I tell y miller, with trem- earnestness, "we Want that Up there"--he made a swing- ing gesture toward the north--"there is the finest wheat area in the world. e's no question about that. It + isn't merely the @aim of a railway boomer any more. It's true. As a | wheat-raising country, Canada's got us beat-to a stand-still. It's three times the area of the Louisiana Pur- chase est wheat land in Want that wheat. lf we had the 60,- 000,000 bushels that Canada's rais- ed this year, think how our mills would hum. are wheat. to Canadian boundary line on .a map--"that line is a wall 500 miles long and five feet high, and it's made of silver quarters, each quarter the American tariff on a bushel of Cana- dian wheat. That wall is a greater misfortune to us than Joseph Cham- berlain's import tax on flour ever threatened to be "That wall stands between Minne- apolis.and the greatest boom any city in America has ever known. It stands between Minneapolis and million population; it stands between us and such a prosperity as we never dreamed of."' "Queen ef the Wheat World.'* Of course, that's but one side of the reciprocity question. The American farmer is selling his wheat to-day for 1.20, while his neighbor across the Canadian line is selling his for but ninety-four cents--the farmer takes a diferent view of reciprocity. But the Minneapolis millers do want that wheat d want it ter- ribly. They have already resvrted to Various devices to get it: They im- ported some of it in bond, made it and shipped the flour abroad, thereby avoiding the duty, which the Governinent does not im- pose on govds which are imported only to be exported again. But that has been cumbersome and full of red tape ious disadvantage. was imported, in order to escape the duty, not only the flour made from that wheat, but also all the bypro- ducts, the bran and the siftings, must be exported. And there is no m et for the byproducts abroad. millers suggest--and Congressman Massachusetts, has al- such a bill into whenever a certain bulk of wheat is imported the duty on the wheat shall be refunded. But what solution of the question will ultimately be minde remains to be seen. Perhaps the millers will do as the farm-impleinent manufacturers have done within the past two years, build branch factories in Canada to supply the Canadian trade. And thereupon the millers: will become, as these fa have becoine, the most active oppon- uda's wheat goes east by Canadian railways to Cana- dian ports. Meanwhile the biggest grain elevators in the world are being built at Port Arthur and Fort William, Canadian Inke ports Phe no one t has ever heard of but which will loom within a few years, ada is preparing for the autono- mous, domestic handling of-her own wheat crop, and looks forward to on Awerica's throne as queen of the wheat tte the Minneapolis mnills "languish. Not Up to the Mark. Bragg--No man can call me @ liar with impunity. I'd fight him ff he was seven fect high You're not seven fect Se eur. Sixty Years. Teor for. thetr behiidren Serie and etyias su or Teeth send at once and a homed giver and to the whole Tee! Winslow's Soothing Syrup" tor childres teething is pleasant to the ia the pre art of bringing simple idens into com- plication, i o Opinions. Parson--Do you take this woman for ; ° better or for worse? Groom--Well, her , folks thinks It's for better, but mine ; thinks it's for worse. | Too Much Ta wne--To what Poy you attribu*e the 'Ceoeins of the worll? Towne--ia the mobility of the lower jaw. hernia Se 'He who is ani of principles # governed by w whim More Lf ety'te"Gée fae Nocash--W ender where I can bor- row some money? Hardupp-- What do you want it for? "Oh, I've got a sure thing in the fifth face tomorrow." "You don't want money; to borrow trouble." you want Masical Taste. "Say, pa!" ° "Well, what?" "Why does that man in the band run the trombone down his throat?" "I suppose it is because be has a taste for music." Interpreted, "She told me," said the young man who had consulted a fortune teller, "that I was born to command." "Well, well," exclaimed Henpeck, "she means, then, that you will never be married." Reys!l Inquiry. Wh he late Mr. te ae ---- took 'The Gondoliers" Windsor Castle for the cnisemranet st Queen Victoria Her Majesty noticed that certain additions were -- the text by some of the artistes, and Mr. Carte Was asked to explain the me arin of these ints 'rpolath ons ose, Y ou r Ma}: ats . anid Mr carte, 'are ic veocall 'gags.' "Gags, return ' 'oe Qwueen, "I thought gags were things that were by cuthorits into people's mouths?" "Tht Your Maiesty,"" an- swered the manager, bowing low. 'are things people put into the ir own mouths without authority r Queen. smiled be nignly, periectly with ly. Kerard of Zeal, and seemed satistied the ready re} A drama had been having a suc- cessful run When one morning a "super" presented himself to the manager With the following com- plaint 'Sir," he said. "I have been play- ing my part now for a hundred con- secutive nights with the utmost zeal and care. Can't you manage to give me a rise?' "What part do you play?" asked the man ager. "Iam in the third act, sir. I have to _ £20 in the gambling scene."' ur claim is very fair," re' me auaavl ager. "Prom to-morrow you shall stake £40." The Juniors. Passing the Garrick Theatre, London, some few years ago, old actors stopped to look at bills announcing the revival of Rob- in two j jun.,"' the 'other actor inte nie Tir chuckle over his own wit, and sa "Well, old boy, I fan this play ought to be rechristened 'The Infant School.' "' It was certainly curious that cight of the names in the cast should be "*hereditary." Lost te Drapery. When Barry Sulliv: an was a young assist- ant in an Iri oreo establish- ment. He was the ledding spirit in all amateur dramatic performances, One day i the manager of the warehouse as ab- sent, and , finding et he had a willing audience in his fellow as- sistants, took down a lady' 5 shawl, and spreading it over his shoulde to represent the "inky cloak," com- menced the soliloquy of the Prince of Denmark. H d not oll " the gruff age of man- topped him wit "Sullivan! It's 'the stage you should be young man, turning roun and meeting the frown of his superi- or, divested himself mantle, and replied, borg "*T think y Spiny right, _ air. ge I should be, Payment left tee ectihlohnent aad his fortunate career on the a Train up a Child And, when up, send him or her ;0 the A Good Time Piece is a Faithfol Servant. £45. UE, MlUdtbitsd CHLGEO' TERM BEGINS SEPT. 6TH, 1904. Courses-- Ccommercia) and Short hand. Send for College Journal, A. L, MCINTYRE, Manager, a watch ors clock we guaraste ft te go accuratcly, and guarantes --==s ~~ | ft te keep a-going accurately. Largest and Best in ------ Ontario. Widin STRATFORD, ONT. This school enjoys the reputation of do Pure Drugs ing the best work in (one Educativn in : the Dominion, The large schools in Can- and Chemicals. ada and t Jnited ag employ our graduates as teachers. We giv the same -- instructions to all and that the "Hest, A) Students may ¢ ny time. Write R. A. HUNTER having for free catalegue, . a e ' J. EL A, McLACH. acquired the sole interest, will LAN, Principals. BS in future attend to the- want ot his Customers pérsonally. Family recipes a specialty. R. / Hunter. BUGGIES FOR SALE Top Buggies, z CH i G. e Open Buggies, Road Carts and Wagons. EVERYBODY UGME and take ad 'sntage of the Wall Paper Bargains In order to make room for new If you want anything | in the vehicle line, now is the time to buy,"as 1 have a large stock on hand and will ell at closest prices stock, we are making great reduc-| Acallat my carriage shop will convince. tions. J. F. WILSON, 5c. Paper at 3cts. Mill Street Listowel. 10c. Paper at 6cts. 15c. Paper at | Octs, Chiidren Cry fe. CA STO FE IA. 2Oc. Paper at 18cts. Window Elinds 4 :0r $1 _J.GABEL! ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF ' | | 80 Boots and Shoes---Family Groceries Complete. No Trouble to Show Our Goods. Highest market prices paid a Main Street. for Farm Products, etc. GEE. Listowel. GREAT BARGAIN S AT THE Up-to-Date Grocery. I will give all kinds of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Berry Sets, Toilet Sets, for one month at cost price, | of broken Sets, I also carry a 'a margin. Any quantity a full line of Groceries, which will be sold at Canned Goods and Fruits, New in Stock. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. JAS. ARMSTRONG 'THE TURKO, VAPOR BAiR TABINET A Cincinnati man has proved b:- yond a question ad doubt that ihe Romans and Gree had No Physicians ye 600 Xears But Terma! and Vapor satus, and that they owed their sp.eodid neaity, fine phy: 4, Streugin aod vovauty to vaporized air or "sweat baths," and so be set (o work to invent a method vy, wuich toe American and Canadian peupit couid secure all the warvelious venefits of these baths "ilbuUL Expensive apparatus, bath- rooms, and at er expense. ibe now ""fsmou barrel Cabinet was the resoit - bis etfer Astoaishing ia the linprovemen: in your gepeed feslitige Gea comple- xion. ~ it is the most remarkable 1n- vention of or twentieth Mgr age for it makes the sick well, the weak strong, and it has done that w hick physicians and medicines have [failed ta do. Every one knows that disease is due to the presence in the blood or Vital organs ef poisonous watter. Below are the complaints tbat the asage of the Bath Cabinet does cure > The Turko Bath eradicates that poi-- mn, and it is imposmbie for these poisups to remain in the system of a t removes all ebstructions thus allowing mature to do its best work. througs the human giving the Sour sehitren a treatment of this methud old men and women grow young and vigor- ous; weak men and women gain their normal strength, emaciatec individ- uals recover their lost flesh, aches pains and scongestions disappear and a new buman being develops from, in many cases, total wrecks. Rheumatism Lumbago, Sciatica, Asthma, Stomach Troubies, Bilious- ness, Fever, La Grippe, Headache, Dropsy, Piles, Kidney and Nervous Troubles, Liver Complaint, Sleepless ness, Gout, Malaria, Colds, Catarrb Eczema, Erysipelas, Neuralgia, Pleu- risy; it isa moncenket specifia in all Female Complain man, uses the Cabinet. WM. STEPHAN, t woman or shild who properly -. -LDMONIALS, 3 years 1 was afflicted with cold feet and legs, and t ' bumb and stiff all the time, After ~--Kheumatism--I was not abie to put iny owm clothing on, nor 'er 1 slept in bed for over two wee. W bat lit- tle sleep I got was by sitting in a chair. After the fourth ath isiept in bed all night, and pu clothing on in' the moni: you bave Kheumatism don't tai! to try the Vapor Bath.--Mrs. KR. Wilkinson, leterborough. one week's use of the Le my trou- ble was all gone.--W m an, Brock Street, Peterborough. stomach was very bad, had a bad cough, and bad iost ip weight from 180 down to 125 ibs. After & weeks use-of the bath 1 gained 10 ibs. and now feel Jike a new wan. Lf you are alfiiotea in any was try the Bath Cabinet--W. F. Elhotte, Park 8t., Peterborough, My shoulder, hand and foot were very badly swelled with rheumatism and was laid off from work, but aft- er one week's use of the Bath Cab- inet went to wack 1 tried lots of remedies but none of any use. --Sidney Gibbs, ashboraham, Ont.. This is to certify that 1 find your Vapor Cabinet a cure for the many ills of suffering humanity. i have & complication of afflictions aad find that when | take a bath | ém Greatly relieved, io fact 1 feel dike & pew person the next morning. | highly recommend it ¢ isa remedy ~ that every family ould bave in their possession ap 1 would not part with mime fo: woney could | co mot get another. If the pores of the skin are not healtby they eannot as- sist natu ore. Internal medicine will ity.--Mrs. J. O. Krid. Listowel. Special Bargains in Curtain 0 Painting and Papering promptly attended to Satisfaction 'guaranteed. L. H. PRETSCH, Painter and Paper Hanger, MAIN STREET EAST. If you want a market. Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! good RANGE or HEATER call and inspect our fines, the best on the nig Furnaces, Stoves, Write for our interest 7 bouk * ant pe Elbows, Drums, Pots, Pans, Kettles, Granite- ware, -- tee our opinin patentabl . Re! Leen successfully conduct fully equit sari 'Washin ington: | ly ispatch | work sped offices ae, Pas vdabieuy ania Rs neous ve special Gotice without dover Ene a newspapers distributed aoPatent: business of Manrfac- Engince +e through Marion & Lacs CASTORIA Galv. Iron "sWork, Metallic Ceiling, Main St. Roofing, Plumbing, Gas Fitting Fittings, Iron Pipe, Etc. Far Infants and Children, © "inte te a ee PHONE 40 AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL AND MACHINE Oil. LEADING STOVE DEPARTMENT. ZILLIAX & SARVIS. os