Listowel Standard, 25 Nov 1904, p. 6

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= or Black Tea Drinkers can get the sear bees pouaas cs tea in the world by LADA" CEYLON TEA BLACK OR UNCOLORED G GREEN. mgt >. sold per ge in sealed lead packets. TH. By all Grocers. Never in bulk. 25c an MAIL-CARRYING MOTOR CARS. Both in England anc to ed aributing the mails. The postmaster-generr) has just arrange for the carrying of the mail between YOU MAY LIVE. LONG. teen feet from stern rvel- A Few Hints on on How to Attain) ious to relute, he;succeeded to aging a Good Old Age. {tog more than two-thirds of the Cultivate placidly, serenity, -- Way acros He was hailed nine + poise--mental -and- physical. Do not Micndieod miles west of the Lizard by | Yea allow anyhting to throw you "oft a sailing ship, but was then in a your balance. <A centred life is a} -- state, His hands were raw, long life his whole body covered with | Keep = wl is a seas (lotta blisters. He could just speak, SOME FOOLHARDY FEATS|S STARVING TO 0 DEATH TOSWIN 72s : nye to "'Outvie Blondin Has|.,, used the Loss 'of Many Lives. When, in 1878, "Captain" William Anirews sailed little half-decked cutter from America to Engl ens of toulhasas folk tried to outvie i _by using smaller and last a certain Gardiner started from Nova Scotia for Falmouth in a little open row-boat, measuring 7! it) i a sta Mrs. Jas.. Hughes, of this place, is of more than = was a aera puflecter for oat says MM i ela es by five doctors and ao alist from the U. S. I tried vary every kind of medicine I could poll Dut none seemed to do me yeas taller. Mg Ree ae. tand what your baby's "It's a queor language, "Yes, sort of what's a 'convincing Pa--"'A convincing knows his Ney Experiment--There's no time for experimenting when you've discover- <- oS so earl * victim of ney 4d ay hold of thet trea nt that thou- i rine t th ha inued the motor ing been attracted by the great suc- cess of vehicles as feeders for the railroad in sparsely settled districts. In Bawaria the plan is to employ railroad motor- cars for mail and parce} post = ser- wice, both for main and branch roads. On the main roads the cars are to be lange cnough to accommodate pas- senger traffic also, Street motor- cars for mail distribution are also comtemplated, and in souatry dis- tricts having no railro connection such cars are to asitver and collect the mails. _ eee cor BLOTCHY SKINS. A Trouble Due to Impure' Blood Easily Remedied. Bad blood is the one great cause of bad complexion and blotchy skins. Rend GI ape, Hur fig Or yout Regular chipiagunent med mental oc- ni ei are marvellous youth ualr _exercise in the 1 ake' r open out of doors as discord, hurry, or anything else that exhausts vitality | or over-stimulates; whatever rets, | worries, or robs f peace or sleep will make you prematurely old. Refuse to allow the mind to stiffen the muscles by the suggestion of age noi ae is mental sta hro i ou are only as old as you Form a habit of throwing off, bi fore going to bed at night, all the cares and anxieties of the day-- everything which can possibly cause 1 i why you must attack the | menta --_ and tear, or deprive trouble through th lood with Dr. | you of res Will * Pink Pills. All blotches, Age is ceceinks, Keep your boils, ulcers, pimples and palenecss ; mind open t o truth, and receptive to the direct, unmistakable result 'of weak blood loaded with impuri- ties. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills con- quer the poison; they drive out all the impurities; they actually make blood; they strike right at the root of all complexion troubles; they are a positive and -- rmanent cure for -all-virulent. skin And What They Mean. disease like zema, scrofula, pim- 7 . es and erysipelas. hey give you --_-- Old Mother ae ee you a clear, clean skin. free from all ble- ais tale reimemt er leant mish a ull of rosy heaith. Mr, |T290R Sa try P ane Matthew Cook, Lamerton, N.W.T., |Yo" then sect about finding what tells how . Dr, | Williams' Pink Pills |YOu have Doe to demand the rebjace, cured him of erysipelas after ther [and try and get into line, for medicines had failed. Ie suys: ""My that's the "kapey place after all. skin was inflamed; my Sent tender | Curious how umany highly organized | and sore; ny headtached; my tongue jpeaple fail a jate and -- was coated; I had chills and thought |the first little, gentle "whacks" was taking fever. I tried several the good oki Dame, but go right medicines, but nothing helped along with the habit whatever i until I began using Dr. Williams' |may be, that causes her disapproval. Tink ills and drove the trouble | Whiskey, Tobacco, Coffer, Tea from my system, and I am now' injother unnatural treatment of -- the the best of heath. I think these pills }body, until serious ilywess sets in. or the best metticine in the world blood troubles.' is an every day record of cures this Wil- inedicines fail, but you el get genuine wit the iH me "Dr. Williaans' Pink Pills for Pale People 2 = gists, or bY mail at 50 cents a box boxes for $2.50, by writing Williams' Medicine Brockville, Ont. GERMANY HELPS RUSSIA. 'The steady removal of troops from the Russian western frontier, evident- ly made possible by an understand- ing between the czar and the Ger- man em is one of the- most. disquicting features of the European situatio is look- ed upon as a a source of acute pone he e of the world. s 2 aisclared in Ger- many that this ssnidnrathardiane over the frontier does t go to ie point. of actual assistance. i however, an attitude of the areatiet military advantage for Russia, as it allows the czar to leave his chain of per- finest regiments to the relief of Kuropat- kin. To say that this is not help- ing Russia is to quibble with words, although it may he that this sort of negative rupt existing olflicial relations. HEALTH FOR BAY, Babies that are well, sleep well, eat well, amd play well, A child that is not lively, rosy-cheeked and playful, needs iminediate attention, r the results may be serious Give an unwell child L. s Own T ots L Table and you will be astonished how a he will be bright and playful Fc diarrhoea, constipation, simple nde, indigestion, colic, and teething irri- tation, these tablets have absolutely no equal. They do not stupefy tho the child as poisonots 'soothing' inedicines do-- go to the seat of for |s assistance does not dis-|o9 latl that is broadening and ennobling | by reading and thinking, and your, Isympathies alive and generous' by, taking a warin -- the lives and welfare of other: "WHACKS." people seem 'to get on. ver. well with those things for awhile, rd Mother Nature apparently cares but little what they do . Perhans she has particular plans for them and thinks it little use to waste time in their trai : There ore people, however, who seein to be selected by Nature to "do things."' The old Mother ex- pects them to carry out some depart- ment of her great wor i of these selected onea oft and seck to stinrulate the tool (the body) bv some ono o more of the drugs--Whiskey, Tobac- co, Coffee, Tea, Morphine, ete. You know all of these throw down the sume class of alkaloids in Chemi- cal analysis. They stimulate and 'then depress. They take from man or Woman the power to do his or her best work. 2 a time, they get a hi mild "whach" to remind them 'that they have wor' te 's. 4 mission to per-, form, and should be about the busi- ness, Lut are loafing along the way- side and become unfitted for tho | fame antl fortume that waits for them if they lwt stick to the course awl heep the body clear of obstruc- tions so it can carry out the behests of the mim, is l to "come up 'These i ad Hinte come in vari- It nay be stomach or bowels, heart, eyes, kid- yr general nervous ------ may depend upon it a "whack" comes it's a eetucling to quit some abuse and do the right and fair thing with the body. Perhaps it is coffee drinking that offends. That is one of the greatest human disorder among Now then if Mother Nature is gen- with you and only gives lig'nt, "whocks' at first to attrac attention, don't abuse her considera- tion, or sh Will soon hit you harder, sure. ml you may also be sure she will four valuable hves by mental convic.| mm' lost After these people Have drugged for | ; bul Was Unable to stand T ent. yet ihe de. lined to yive up his se'f-imposei _ and seok safety on board the rer vessel. "I'l either reach Png or go to the borrom," | te was the latter alterontive, in the jend, that he SUMED for notding | mor was ever seen card of the, adventurous vo} Dag On July 14th, 1865, Mr. Fdward Whymper led a party to the summit of the Matterhorn, a journey which had hitherto bom deemed. impossible, but at a sacrifice of no fewer ONE-PIFTI OF A SECOND, 7 was in bed for nearly thiree re. I had up my spinal column, » over my eyes, jatrone and able va do a good veri 8 work Dodd's Kidney Pills. o a IN ANCIENT BABYLON. King Hammurabi Established The _ physician surgeon charges little or mithing for his wal when he treats a roor man a That a man should deliberately when he treats a rich one has excel- drown himseif, in order to break by /lent agp shai for his practice. The one-fifth of a ond the record for newly discovered vs of ancient remaining under water, sounds in- Babylon mate it not only proper, but credible. Yet this, or g very The first king of "Great- H'e it, was recently reported from | er Babylon,"' as it would be caHed r Butte City, Montana. A local long- distanee diver ascertained, so he said, that the longest period during which any mon had remoined under water alive was 4 minutes 45 2.5 seconds. Determine! to beat this, he caused 'himself to be lowerel, he -avily welght- jol, into a cme tank; and threatened shoot his trainer, Bat Kennedy, > raised him into the air before had inns immersed 4 minutes 45 3-! 5 sro Althou oh, aa by the bystanders to disregard this order, Kennedy re- fused. The rechless ee to-day, was Hammurabi, in the fourteenth chapter of Genesis as Amraplicl. He was noted for the solgs of the laws he established in his kingdom. Two years ago, on broken monwment in the 7 of Susa, nearly the whole code of Ham- murabi was fou A eeatadon of it Has just been made by a eel in the University of Chica matt a physician operate re a gentle- an for a severe wound, with a lan- oot reads one section of these re- vised statues of Babylon, "and save the man's life, or if he open an ab- starved beneath the surface the stipu- lated period. Ansl, although he was alisxe when hauled out, he never re! covered consciousness, and died soon | | 'afterwards. | "ft was in the summer of 1880 that Dr Tanner startled the world S proving that it was possible for a man to go forty days without ecat- ing, ond within less than twelwe months thereafter no fewer than nine ambitious 'fasting men' paid forfeit with their Jives in attempting to » break THE DOCTOR'S RECORD. is staterl that considerabl a pe persons lost hee ives in attempting to make or bre lrecoris in connection with the gara Folls alone, since able day in 1859 when cross«] them on his tight-rope. | IXven more risky is the swim thiough the rapids below the Falls, in attempting which Captain Webb 24th, 1883, He relied on his oWn unaided skill, amd a \ man have t least, Kendall, a burly Boston }policeman, has come through alive; but he wore a hfebelt. Several peo- ple, too, Have permitted themselves to be carried through by the current while dressed in rubber boxed up in barrels. But even, a fairly large proportion have lost their lives. In 1888-89, Yhere spread abroad a crave for sensational parachi Scents, and other aerial antics like character with the result Ie fewer than fifty-three were killed outright, and about jtundred injured in the space of twelve months | WENT TOO BIGH. | So early 1875, again, La, Villette, near Daris, two adventurers! committed so suicide bey an | effort to get a few rds igher above the eartifes ods --_ any-| 'There were three men in the balloon--which was | inflated {. Tissan- ane with the avowed inten-| tion of breaking all previous records, as regards allitude attained. 26,160 fert. Croce- ge ee out ballast, and the baltoon upwards with inconceivable All three men were soon terribly i by issandic v that aeronauts a | threw tually recovered. two compan- ions were dead long ate the big silk ball had sunk once more to eart ter halloons, airships. M. San- tos-Dumont, in 1901, showed who was possible this direction by iscess in a gentleman's eye and save ithe eye, he shall receive ten shekels of silver. If he operate on a free- man he shall riggs five shekels.' nan's slave he op- reads "the next section, * of the slave shall give two shekels to the physician." Similarily graded were the physici- an"s penalties--for in those days doctoring was a give-and-take = allair in which the unsuccessful practitioner for his failure. a physician operate on a gen- tleman and cause his death," said the la destroy his eye, er shall eut off ie physician's finger: he "if 'ate on the ave of freeman death he shall resto 1 valt If he dest shali pay in silver e. a broken bore for a gen- tleman or cure his discase the gentle man shall pay five shckels, "If he be a freeman he shall three shekels of silver "$f be a slave the owner of the wo pay slave shall give the physician shekels."' As there was no aseptic surgery in those days, the courage of a pliysici- sion as quickly as poss a the swindling contractor, for the law read: "If a builder build a house for a man and make its construc- . and the house collapse and cause the death owner, the builder shall be put to death, kill the son of the own they shail put the son of the builder to death, "If it kills a slave of the owner the builder shall restore to him a slave of equal value. "Tf it destroy property he roe re- istore what it destroyed, CAUSE he chd not make the hous» which he built firm and it collapsed, he vhall rebuild it at his own expense. Such laws as thes, engraved lasting stone and set up on frequent- ed street corners, might do some- thing to ciscquiees modern -- jerry- building. Curing Consumption * China bolds the world's Small Harry--"Mamma what is the meaning of hereditary?" Mamma --'It is something you get from your Papa or me." §& _ "Qh, you mean a spankin'!" Mingrd's Chaimen! cares Carpe! mi Com. fathe re your father wou = if I asked him for pone hand?"' A ad bella--"No, ha H nents basin ho kind of icogueais before his 'am Algernon--"'Heve 3 ou an: ho | 22zting. what 4 A Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfec- ant Soap. Powder dus stig softens the water and disin- 'Papa, is it true that the pen is mightier than the sword?" people say 80, my son bl why don't the "Russians fight fountain-peus?" Winard's Linkment Cures Distemper. "Some en with in are , ex- record the way of executions ere at least twelve thousand legal ecutions yearly. Or. Agnew's Ointmert Cures Piles.--Itching, Bleeding and Blind Piles. Comfort in one application. It cures in three to six nights. t cures all skin diseases in young old, A remedy beyond ar ial and it never fails. 35 cents.--6% "She said, if any without wore. she her father.' What did you "I warned her." (Mizard's Llniment Cures Golds, ete, Waiter ie rece oiniog customer )-- te, I've nly ster waitin' here a ays, si 'omer--"Well, you're lucky; ' vo Pos waiting here nearly a week!" man kissed her 'd scream for do?' A Casket of a --Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets would prove a great ce to the dis- heartened dyspeptic if he would but test their potency. They're verita- in preventing the seating of stomach disorders, by aiding and stimulating digestion--60 of these *'"pearis" in a box, and they Recomniended by most eminent physicians.--64 There are 3O1 railway passenger stations within twelve miles radiu: of St. Paul's, London. who lived in Vawaii tells there refuse to say A young bride an Etat girl---was much shocked at | marric friend called | A lady ort gery -- "Mr y"' by a servant, ed her husband not to call by her Christian name except when they were alone. One day she had vi drawing-roam door and said :--"'My love, what vegetable you want to- day?" I Believe MINARD'S LINIMENT will cure every case of Di ja Riverdale. MRS. RE UBEN BAKER. Believe MINARD'S ------ will produce apichiee of ha eae ANDERSON, Stanley, I I Relieve WINARD'S LINIMENT is the best houschold remeiy on earth > MATTHIAS FOLEY. Oil City, Ont. POULTRY We can handle your poultry either alive or dressed to best advantage. and Ti "porky" was wide awake by this time, for I could hear his teeth clacking as he advanced to the at- | tack. | "Great Scott! He's coming straight at me!"" The porcupine certainly was anit. I oa the p ie rise in the air with a rannioe eek, but it seemed to have little lect. e porky's coat of quills and hair was so thick that o blow on the i the n mating then and there, but the canoe too narrow and its sides too high for a crosswise 8 Also your butter, eggs, honey other produce. THE DAWSON COMMISSION co. oy Limited borne Sts, TORONT: my friend's face was a delight to roke. My friend couldn't even kick, psize. the porcupine i helpless friend like Birnarn Wood on its way tc Dunsinane, his ruffle of quills erect, fire in his little black eyes and a thirst for vengeance in his whole aspect. My friend mad one or two final and ineflectunl jabs t him and then gave it up. "It's no use!' he called. 'I've got to tip over," and the next instant the canoe was upside down and both Dbeligerents were in the water. The porcupine floated hich, and quickly inade his way ne the beach and disappeared in the woods. My friend righted his canoe ie we re sumed our journey. women who bec very few cutout Of the many public entertainers, as ventriloquists. Like Tearing the Heart Strings aan J whe, within the ty t my heart, and a time nate Le e welcomed deat Or Agne ow' "s or the Heart has work- ed a veritable miiracie.""--Thos. Hicks, Perth, Ont.--59 Rosic--"'I wonder if it is true that one is likely to catch something from 'being kissed?" Maud--"'Of course not. You've been kissed enough, but you haven't taught any- thing yet, have you?" r Over Sixty Yea Ma-. Witsiowstectatno Brevr bes been ati millionsof mothrrs for ory epneeti h bile tassbiny i soot hieethe child, naftens tbe ablaze gate the #toms sod bow joecass yfor Diarrbos. Twenty-five dares py hotule Bold Led: ts throughout the world. Be sere a) akefor' Ma. Winslow sSooTuinusymor." 22 "I have been troubled with insom- nia for nearly a eek,'" said he weary- looking mrman, "Oh, well, it isn't img tens - replied the absent- minded ering "There's no occa- sion for '6 lose any sleep over a little detec like that. Most pees Mink too seme va 2 Take 'Shiloh's 'Consumption Cure ft ane Lene --s the fir tiga of of a cough or needs Prompt attention. | i co) ill cure you easily and quickly then--later it will be hi re, » 25c., 50c., and $1.00. 311 A SECOND OFFENSE. rarely displays any humor, but contemporary mentions one whose mi = waggishness enlivened his own Alter ag Lig a, ne the man id "I seem uver, . musingly, to know sane ce. "Yes,"' the tramp agreed. pleas- antly, ""we Were boys together.' ¥ Nonsense!" said the forige, frown- ng. "But we were,' the tramp = said, = one insistence, "'We're about me Age. We must 'a' been bey: s together."" Cordovan Used in H.B.K. Mitts, Gloves and Moccasins--tough as whale- bone, flexible, soft, pliable, scorch- proof, wind-proof, boil - proof, crack-proof, tear-proof, rip-proof, cold-proof, almost wear-proof-- certainly the greatest leather ever used in mitts and gloves. Like buckskin it is tanned without oil, unlike buckskin it is not porous, it is wind-proof--wil Outwear three buckskins. "Pinto" Mitts and Gloves The tramp) arrested for vagrancy|', a never crack or harden, never get sodden, are always warm, pliable, soft and comfortable. Soldatall dealers but never with- out this brand :-- HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. Mostreal Winnipeg Dawson 3 "I don t see ho n camer the birthdays 'of all the chi . Binks--"'It's very casy. The first was born on August 17th. I remember it because on that day you ve me a pearl necklace with my name on the clasp. The second was born July 20th, On that day you gave mé a 50c book, with that day yo t cross a 'aieune bil which had jus sent in, and it fsn't dient 2 casa both Oe yet."" DR. A. W. .W. CHISES ee walch contains a tiny hard rubber phonograph plate, A new Swiss which -- Pig: the hours loud enou e heard twenty feet awa. the the trouble and cure him. Mrs. F, [hit Baers very, nage hard if you insist gar te rs aioe a fr@m When SCOTT' S8EMULSION . Hancrolt, wood, says :---|0n following the way you have been/ St. Cloud to the Fifle ower and e . . UPSETTING a2 PORCUPINE. "Tr have used Baby" s oun ' Meblets ares hard * back again. age am the pecans makes a consumptive gain for stomach and bowel troubles, for os hard work to give wp alfoceasion the Deutsch price of | one ar : H insu A aad 8 Adventure ae One simple feyers and teething an I jhabit, We try all sorts of plang | hundred thousand francs ($20,000). flesh it is curing his co mp- cse Anima rid oy eh a these "Tal tote co chance Wan rm eat ae = --_-- tion. One hot 'aument afternoon two men Cvany drug store, Gr by mail at 25| Cofieo drinkers when ill will attri-| , 2numnediately one Ot THOR: The weight is the measure || were paddling along | the edge of a ee i a Mae peer ee rt! many of them quite unqualified for as lake, cach in a small dugout canoc. Strength and Vitality is the Food eents a box b eo. the Dr. Wil-;bute the trouble to tad foc, oi ive' y . i the task, attempted to lower of the consumptive's condition. } | tr. Ww. D. Hulbert, one of the travel- ; Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. jlaria, overwork and what not. Dumont's time for the trip (29) min- . . lers, tells of an adventure which be- System. Wise mothers always keep the Tab-jthey keep on being sick and erie. utes), with resulls that might easily Every pound of weight gained fell his companion. 'They had no- lets in the house to guard against |ly getting worse until they are fnal-| have been foreseen is a matter for congratulation ticed p porcupine asleep in the sun- DR CHASE'S NERVE FooD a sudden illness of little ones. ly forced to quit entirety, even the} 'There was almost a daily crop of . shine on the near-by horizontal trunk s + "'only_one_cup a day."' Then they | pccidents recorded in the and $50. -- tho oft which had A-Young-Financier--Gerald + Mam-|pogin to get better, and unloss they | many of them fatal. Among the lat- vena snr nT the waves till Ensurés Per: 6ct zg and ma, can you change fifteen cents for have gone long enough to set up|ter were two which resulted alto- 9 t leaned far owt over the lake, hard- me? Mother--How do you wish it/<some fixed organic disease, they gen-| gether in the deaths of four persons. § "i --" ' 4 ing 4 oil . changed, dear? Gerald--Into @lorally get entirely well. On May 2nd, 1902, M. Severo, a My, tri od, bs the way, Writes Mr. It matters lithe how much eats While revitalizing and re-cnergizing quarter. It is easy to quit coffee at once | com atriot of M. Dumont, was kill- m a the ptiv i alge Se , you cat long as the digestive | the principle organ of digestion--the ' and peit all, by havin well made] ed, P rether with his engineer, kes consum| € Sain | | tulbert, ts the foreman of a ts system is not in condition to con-! stomach--Dr. ase's Nerve Food Whare Destere de sgree t--Physiiere insta, with" ite ric deep, seal enaiotieh the explosion of the petro- flesh. camp, He fas served in the Srithsh | Vere jt into blood and nerve force. | also sharpens the appetite, si ed no longer consider It catering to '*quac- . . . - 4 7 . ory of his airshi A . army, has hugted whales off the coast When the nervous energy is con-| the action of the liver and bas ery" in recommending in practice so |brown color hich comes to the|Jeum reservoir of his airship. And , : ' &) meritorious a remedy tor Indigestion, |penutiful golden brown when good|on October 13th of the same year Scott's Emulsion does some- = Sreasbend, a trial oa -- in sumed by disease or by excessive! gentle laxative effect on the bowels. Dyspepsia and Nervousness. as South <i = M. de Bradsky and his assistant rar apids, and run a streetcar mental or physical exertion the --) tas ~ ; As orien Nervin a Thoy re in that et good, a ee Bago Ril Magers ee hurled to the ground from a thing to the. lungs, too, that }/;,, Chicago. He is --_ a a of | nerves and auuoles which zontrol se de ee ee Rar H . id decidedly well set-up | digestio are 1 j , Shy . aciente ands sure and nent cure | poc : i vast height, and dashed almost lit- redu ine | |2 ™an, tall an y gestion le to eir aie te" indigestion "and for discases Fach. it wil ;Postum has been boiled long enoygh erally to pieces, owing to their ship ces the cough and the it would -ake a pretty << work and the food 'tf allowed to fer- ilivon eic oak a atecte. as well of the stom ach. gure you.--6O Swedish restaurant keepers of the okl-fashioned sort "es less ~*~ en woman's meal than n"s on paper 4 that she is " pixyuinaly unable eat so much. 5 Mioard's Liniment eat Cores iilphtherla, Abe--Jo Jimpson, dat's Jeanin' er- ginst de post obah dere, ain't acted 'right" sence he lost his wife. Mose --No; it's preyin' on his mind. But I'll tel yo', dat post ain't 'gwino ter suppo't him like she did, to bring it out. It pays to be well and pappy for good old Mother Nature then send us her blessings of many ond various kinds and helps us to gain fame and fortune. Strip off the handicaps, leave out tho deadening habits, or en Nature's hints, quit being a and become a Winner. She will help i sure if you cut 'out the things keep sah back, "There's a reason' and a profound ne. ~ Look in each package for a copy of 'the famous 5 litte book, "The Road ellyille, collapsing in mid-air. fter ally no single attéthpt une, huge thundered along the unguarded roads -- with dead and dying specta- chauffeurs, and competitors. Tachmatoty the contest' was stopped by the French Government. pet the sport of motor racing r v from which it is -- set- likely to recover for s some years 7 flammation. More weight and less. cough always mean that consumption is losing its influence over the system. For all stages of the disease Scott's Emulsion is a reliable help. > Send for Free Sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. Ont. 'lehio porcupine dropped, but. not \developments. prizefighter to whip him, but learned that day that a porcupine at close quarters is worse than (ruined that) porky!"" he called ° "I'm going to ram the ca- noe into the tree and knock him off into the water. Just you watch, and you'li see some fun." T laid my paddle down and hagas Bang! went the of the dugout against the tree, the water. He landed in the bow of the canoe, and the horrified look on | ISSUE NO. 48--04 ment and become a burden instead of a benefit to the system, DR. CHASE'> FOOD IS HE MOST RATIONAL TREAT- CONCEIVED By forming new blood and creat-| Ing new nerve force it strengthens and invigorates the nerves and mus- cles which control the flow of gastric juices and the contracting motion of the stomach which is' necessary to digestion. would be impossible for any 'ematiomne Ba yo more directly to tHe cause of trouble. | aS nervousness, and nt times spells ef dizziness. After having thor- oughly tested Dr, Chase's- Nerve Food I can say that it has cured my, stomach troubles, and, as a0 result, the other symptoms have also. dis- appear consider Dr. Chase's Nerve Food the best treatment -- for indigestion, as we q as being a splen- did general tonic. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 oe = box, at a ealers, oO Bates & Co., serene The pattiele and siguat ure of ' . ase, the famous receipt book cronies are vn every bo

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