Listowel Standard, 25 Nov 1904, p. 7

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Se menmsinnie Met ] do good ...... 0. 8.2 Siaditngs and' sieved oats are a ee , oye cel on! a hieele" ete any 65 : ------ = oe : 4 co oe % : oe Horrible Catestrophe at Queen Street East ig tot eaten should be Taney- 7|Port Arthur Garrison Attack Be- Railroad ce in Toronto. A thin sow it the fall means a thin siegers With Hand Grenades. AT PORT ARTHUR: Amur, have been parativel cod ene consider- With a crash like hanaee: a peaey ing tha' tact was a very sow in the winter. The fleshy sow --+---- tch to the London Daily "th a Se ry «= mere ' ; Mogul engine attached to No. 96) heavy freight. will, winter on less food, as it does GAS TANKS EXPLODED. Telegraph from Tien-Tsin says the}, trenenert, has been sunk in shale Cattle special on the G.T.R, dashed MOTORMAN MUST EXPLAIN. not take so much to keep her warm eaceah tees ; latest reports from Port 'Arthur | * low t "Th tients till into an cast-bound King street car A Store some roots near a! and Four Killed @nd Seven Injured in state t the Russians are persis- i on tee ch e be en ioe 8 tab on t De Grassi Strect crossing about| Motorman Armstrong is the only /feed the swine this winter Fire at Chicag: tently attacking egers. Small soa forearm re rag: man who can give the cause of the are valuable to keep the swine in 'si : Thr { the twenty-five passengers ccident From what could be} thrifty condition when other A. uated Troms henge 88Y8 '--| numerous sortics night , and throw a pecs JAP BULLETS, died 4rom the injuries they received, learned the gates were down in am-| food is not at hand, Four killed and a score to en San: Franc Nov. 17.-Dr. N. and twelve arc more or less seriously pe time for him to bring his car to| We must look to the winter quar- of others wel > injured by a series of | They storm the "a outworks| Nogasi, of sett wy has personal. feed: . Several oyewitnesses tolters of, the swine. Seg.that the explosions that completely ~| with' the "greatest daring, displaying|}y attended many of the Japaneso The crash was as sudden as it? was thie accident testify to this. Arm-|pens are in shape, the floors good, ed the plant of the Pyle Electric absolute contempt for death rd ae ee Se apaene terrible in its effects. The great en-| trong himself was seen by a num-|the partitions strong and the win- are| Headlight Company, in South Chi-| ordina tality is about! pitals of Japan since the beginnin of.tho heaviest in Ontario, | ber ef people after the occurrence, | dows in. .85 to $5.70. for first} cago, on F: ocks of the parent but beg Jupanesi losses are| of hostilities, is here on tg des in with ite blaring headlight, had left | but he talked a and noth- meas ts, $5.20. to. $5.40 second | explosion were so severe that all the | grea: fleet. is not} to . Ae Shs the Union Station, and was proceed-| ing could be tm wint he said. IMPROVED CEREALS. ne te bey ote vee eee sp Seminliaes ee assisting in the bombardment of tho! gocicty of stirgcons there om, "Bullet ing on its way to Montreal. Later he was "taker to the hospital. 1d. and Gueltie ot - illfeed--! gen at $14.50 to| were badly damaged, windows were| fortress. Admiral Togo has fetes & tr] Wounds and Their "reat to Darin Le" Maura tis cetesing the gatenian but the doctors there refused al- ne yie nd quality o cereals | $15 for bran in bulk, $18 to $18.50| shattered for ocks, and persons/ dered not to lose ig of: his clon; the Lait ean ae i . im. aly "ont can be greatly improved by means.|for shorts, east and . Manito-| walking in the streets were thrown and he therefore keeps them out of eo: Present od the 'gates, Sse: aetlares they wore oreihin exnintietica as to why ; 2 wg _ hog nang expert ba-is d--nt-824--for--short their--foe range-of--the-Russinn--batter surprise at the ead wounds: inicted down about two minutes before the | car did not come to a stop is that men oe 1 ah "of ek i ig and $19 for bran, exports. tanks containing gas is *pelieved to Tho Japanese army has only cap- ' heal, d= th 1 h train reached them. At the same | the brakes did not work properly. . ten Stet iy gel gros per bc rley--Reins steady; ~ to 47c}have caused the accident. tured a few advanced field jerks. Ste ack srt aes siege -- thos deat the. cate wots lowured? The Toronto. Railway officials stated a _ -- by using large -- at low freights for No. 2, 44c , for ; The Chinese wall and enceinte are in- rate bull : My _ se. , ml two automatic blocks, or clamps,!that in Armstrong's state of mind ; from farge | oad pert ets n-| No. 3 extra and 42c for pad 3 malt- SAN JOSE SCALE. tact, and the big permanent forts -- Sa NES ESE MORE: Pe situated about twenty feet frestithey did not wish to interrogate -- as bigs olperg be ob- ing ouside, Toronto frei -- aro not inapai Tho huge inner says the gates, iit, into "the strect rail; hin. It seems clear, from what | tpined thai te one of 300 pounds! amen ee to 70c out-/Still Continues to Flourish in|fortigentions at Bordi and Kikwan ISGUISED CHINAME way tracks, so that the cars CAGNOE could be Sarge 09 the nig ra Sime SOMplete eer. 2 for No. 2. ai eee Several Districts. are untouched. Even the outer fort DISGUISED CHINAMEN, . . <i saw that ao collision was inevita- orn--Canadian nominal a' o 'A* desp r rg tee Lacie tT further pes n the gates ble jompod from the ear. If he S&c west; American yetlow is much espg#tch from 'Toronto say at again has not been taken. Moro} A* despatch from Harbin says 'e (low Although iheio protections to the that ad not jumped it sap be reasonable s body would have ------ ' DESTROYING WEED SEEDS. easier in anticipation of new cro receipts; No. 2 is "--. at 67c, Na. ae a a tew of the Ontario Fruit Growers in the Parliament Buildings ca tho Japanese have badly luni mand ey provided ladders ony thirty feet angi ed use in ~si Orders a been given to the Jap- aneso to shoot anyone resem- ublic safety were all in place, al to. suppose sit blin Guteme observed approachin zane the "sivact pds <. be 'the vow been found 300 feet further along the | Care ~ gS Time Will Les-|4 at 66}c and No. 3 mi t 65c} 07 Sen , the Rage ae b; foot. eioata: hae | o tae Fine, for fear they ay be fd Wore clear. It was going at a good| track, where ay vestibule and motor on oF. on track Toronto. aon rahe 'eneth: _ Spupector 1s atl are eg bling, anil talk of taking sians in disguise. Notices have been rate of speed, jumped the blocks on} ¥ere picked u 'Fas: are many ways in wrist weed Sans wean 8 in ae ge Smith, in the course of a brief ad-| Matters in their own hands. posted offering a reward of $25 for track, crashed into the fate, man DEAD. sects may bo destroyed on tho farm, Sa z whit atic: No 31. 4 on dress ania that "although jdat. wins every Chinese spy tapturec . which snapped like a pipe-stem, and| William J, McKay, conductor" of S15 M. GQ. OW, Clark, Chief of the --y ts and c to ie 'nort 7 very severe one, it CAN HOLD OUT TILL MARCH. oe a oo numerous skir- whilo about half-way across the rail-) motor car, aged 29, residence 65 Seal Division, Ottawa. Quantities a tailed to kill the eat. The] A mishos, in which a number of Chincse = : : "es ori ; . : * despatch fro! St. Petersbur, 7 - ny track was struck fairly in the) Sackville Street. married, fracture atlof weed sevils get-out into the farm- " Rolled Gate Duiet ie cane esl only thing to do was. ae on| says ede tater that the = in bandits have been killed or captured middle by the approaching engine. [the base of the skull, dicd at the yard at threshing time, -There fs ®]¢rack SSosnnin: ate more for 'broker fighting fc and in thie - may be} recel am m Gen, Stocs- by Russians. CRASIT WAS TERRIFIC. hospital at 8.05. a _ general tendency just at that time lots here, and 40c more for broken |€"tirely stamped ou sel, declaring that he will be able JAYS AMBUSCADED é crash was terrific, The air was ee ia tephens, ischanic, to do things with a rush. The} pots outside. to hold Port Arthur until the arriv- Sf SC: 6 filled with pieces t glass and wood; | % esidenco 128} Mofs¢ |thishing machine is apt to be over-| peas--Are up; the demand is good HOTTENTOT RISING. al of tho Baltic fleet in ch, if he} A despatch from St. Petersburg Passengers. were hurled in almost Street, single, "fracture at the hase crowded and many of the weed soeds,|_t 672 to 68c for No. 2 west or be supplied with stores and am-j/says:--Gen. Kouropatkin reports every direction, but none of them| of the skull and severe sealp wounds, | as well as a consideraple quantity of cast. munition. All the main forts ¢|that in an ambuscade on Nov. 15, Many Farmers Brutally 'neaaee in Ger fell beneath the wheels of the train. | died at the hospital at 6.15 grain, carried out with the straw. Buckwheat--In good demand at man Afri intact, and the garrison is sufficient!near Sinchinpu, thirty-two Japaneso The vestibule, the motor and a scc-! Mrs. Minnio Mahaffy. 25 Wardell The: se are likely. to germinate and | 55¢ to 5G6c east ard \ west for the defence of the fortress. It is|dragoons were killed or wounded, tion of the car were carried, by | Street, skull . fractured and scalpiorow with the next crop. A little nt oe -- al own saya stated that the Government has _ in- . actual magica ee aap 360 feet by the| Wounds, died at the hospital aticare in the barn at the time of COUNTRY 'PRODUCE, fey avi sie erg me structed its agents abroad to fur- ¢ Cidinels 'oowecatelrs: 'The body Eton hrenhin oatct 7 range River, says that two women!) i 4 Gon 1 with th a gine's "ca 1 body Oo} threshing und cleaning of -- grain . who have arrived there, give details en toesse th the neces e car was" mina' to kindling} | THE INJURED, especially seod grain, will do much _ Dutter--The market, is generally, ts Hott at . visinn = German | 58°Y. supplies at all costs. vier cord FLASHES FROM THE WIRE mond, while pieces @f the trucks were} Joseph Johnston, machinist, 64,40 le-sen future labor with lioe and | Steady and quotations are unchang- reniteny. sat eli eet ero and a{Yersion of the despatch is that}" _ * e be i direction, the rOOl) Robinson Street, bruises amd lacera- cultiv ator, Cleanings from grain Creamery, prints ...... ..... 20c to 2Ic¢|number of Dutch farmers. were brut- | 7°: Stocssel informed the Cant Ss The Very Latest Items From All as lifted entirely of and carried a . face vent ie 1 weed "is should be he can hold out-for several months, distance ét about 25 tect... Ié-- took sin Sm the face, bruises on the hotled or" vere folly Ground. The ° wesenel9¢ 20c}ally murdered, but twenty-three wo- that he attaches no conditions Parts of the Giqbe. woof a wrocking train. several cbt So BBS ay soods of anany of 'the worst. weeds are Dairy Mr good | to men and chikiren escaped and reach-| 55. polding the fortress rae Hours to Clear. the track of alk. tiie i uk t 1 't AG niatlt MHGL ib<fa not Bate to tenet cho: oo gel SS 16c!ed Reitfontcin in destitute circum- ene DOMINION, dohris. car, 22 years tae, 115 Sac kville in efindine an Prantl po should | 9° a wet ee ee + 18¢ 14c;stances JAPS GUNS INFERIOR. The London fair had a balance on PASSENGERS PICKED UP Street, bruised about the head and |to g EN LO 3 ™m; they do inferior grades ... ...... 10e 12 --_+--_----_ the right side of the ledger of $2,- ENGERS PICKED UL. back. be boiled. It is not wise, either, to Dairy Ib. rolls gous t to TERRIFIC EXPLOSION The Tokio correspendent of the '. . Most of the passengers wore picked; Wilfrid Shaffer, 613 King Street, throw worthless seveenings in toad 1- oice ..... wrnelGo i27¢ . Berlin Tageblatt says that the sloW| Winiam Scott, City Treasurer of up among the wreckage at the north-| east, right knee sprained, rib broken} ways. Many of them will be carriod) do pour 4c 15elpwo Me Instan' tl Killed at | Prosress hat is being made nortl 'innipeg, has "tended his resigna- east corner of 'GQuoes Street and the, "ge aaeP wound, abrasions about/away in mud on the hoofs of horses Ghemmnthrotations for t ia Windsor Mills Sestes of Port Arthur is attributed bY |yion 'to take * dees on: dan. 16 sn crossing i this point about half) the and the wheels of vebicles and - SO/| here are steady at 10$c to ile for 7 those well informed in Tokio to -- The contract for the new Stratford of one. side -of the cur had been) Pm ap Moss, 21 Kew Teach, bruis-|distributed widely. The seeds of | twins and 10f¢ to 103c for large. A despatch from Windsor Mills, | inferiority of the Japanese guns, Armorics has been awarded to thrown The moment the engine; es about the chest and forehead. most weeds of the mustard family Continue firm in tone and | Que., says :--A terrible explosion oc-| compared with the heavy Russian 23 Nacle & Mills of Ingersoll for $17 struck the car the couplimg between | cla Campbell, 56 Wileox Street.|Have auch oa pungent flavor as to} are quoted unchanged at 22c to 23c curred at the Hamilton Powder Com-|and 30-centimetre guns, which, were 74. = ae it and the trailer broke, and the) face and forchead bruised, head lac-|render Wien unpalatable to stock. |for fresh gathered, 20c to 21e for pany's miils hero at 8 o'clock on| evidently landed me the -- -- 'African medals belonging to score of so of passengers on the lat- | erater . 'Ihe admixture with meal of even a! cold storage, and 2Uc for limed. Wednesday morning, instantly kill-]The fire from these some 280 members of the various ter were, fortunately, not agent Agnes McDonald, 25 9 Wardell |ematl quimtity of worm-secd mustard} Potatocs--Prizes are firm in tone, |!" George Hertford, a married njconcentrated by -- 'Stocssel's "or contingents are lying at the Militia injured. The trailer, however, was! Street, ankle cdg hack bruised. |would render it useless for feeding | but quotations are unchanged at 7c with a family of six children, and} tillery comman Gen Nikitin, Department. unclaimed, dragged a few fect off the tracks be- | Thomas Haskin, 56 Caroling St.. |yurpe "leo 75c on track and 85c : 90c out | Joshua Witty, unmarried, a brother} with great skill "upon the Japanese; "A seal is being procured tor Earl fore it became detached! from the neck and head cut by flying ¢itss, The enactment of laws to compel} of store. Gntario stocks, which are | of Superintendent Witty. 'The shock | advanced positions, and has partly Grey, bearing the motto and crest motor and' those in it, were rather! | Andrew Robertson, Mercer | ine entting of weeds before they have}|Somewhat scarce of good quality, | "45 felt fifteen miles away. nullified the advantages the Japan-| of yi. yxcellency. This is customary a a up and very much -- ee g.[ Tip ned seed sliould be dealt with by} are at 55c to 65e on track and 75c -----}----_ ese gained carlicr. for each Governo: q : Mrs ndrew Robertson, same ad-|yy: pede' tet M i i . vce areapun gupees ; : tlie provincial and municipal au- | out of store. WRAPS FOR LITTLE GIRLS. ; : The operation of the Intercolonial Pork See Lees BeUn ee 'i er rison, of: ar thorities, beeause the majority of Dressed Hogs--Car lots of sclected SLEW UP ann for three months ending Sept. t 3s one « we Ve The most astonishing thiry about weights on track hero are quoted at Mother finds that cloaks for the s tho show a loss of $200,986, as compar- the whole sad affair is that every-| 27, Of "he former, left lex crushed | er, on aceo f diversity of | $6.40 bid and $6.50 as little girls cost as much a 9S | Moi Pe rts the deatruction of an-|ed with a profit of $569.50 the same body was not killed outright, Those so badly Lhat amputation was "= elias page onlay or % rm-| Poultry--8c to 9c for chickens, Sc|for their older sisters, and with a Molt Srosian arsenal and magazine | period 'aah sae $ who saw the accident regard that | e884) 5 above pis Knee, t may be said that further | to 6c for hens. Geese and ducks are| good pattern one may make a hand-|a¢ port Arthur. The Japanese dis- ane Minister "ot Mert inc has order- part of it as a miracle. They didn't}, rx. Wm. Coon, 69 De Crasel said of this, wort would not be en-|at 8c to 9c. Turkeys are not too | some cloak at much less expense than | covered, it said, location of; ed the hiring of a tug in Port Ar- expect to see anybody carricd out of | *"ecaP broken, apie gi ned wo now | Plentiful, a. to fac being pard to-| te ready-made one won page rig tho arsenal, and centred their artil-|thur, and another 'a Fort William the wreck alive. The engine simply cars, was thrown to the ground. The Hymas east, knee-tut and , John progressing very fa 1 Queen St rect habe bruised. vorably, to be Bay conord any better than those ve. But ate a ry against shiftlessnesa on the part o} t is .the dues of all day for choi $9. 75 to $6 per ewt. for car lengths of cloth can wraps are madc lery fire upon it. After dropping continue their spirited sorties, using for the purpose of keepin har- plowed into the motor and demol- se mers to make sure that UWiey are Baled Hay--Is about steady at $8 -- pak mend trom Pid dry two hundred shells in the locality,|bors open, and ag wagons = ship- _ished it as if it had been a a (LATER.) hot responsible for the spread of | P& ton. for car lots on track here. | 0 . _ = that sie cine they succeeded in blowing it up. ment of grain to the seab The impact, however, shook the} All the victims of the Queen Street|, ig fron 'Neir farms to others Baled Straw--Receipts aro 'fairly age o ae ; in Sind Toate or apanese are widening their] Mrs. Christina V. R. Kirkland, of whole train, and a brakesman who) railroud crossing accident © afelgo 4 farme should > no balanced with the demand, and a a. e he ba ' an =e gaps, and are using them to move| Hamilton, is suing the G. T. R. for was fortunately inside ove of the; now in hospital are reported public sentiment e market is quoted ee ps 8 bar e 1OWPE their guns forward. The Russians|§10,000 damages tor-tho loss of_ her. husband, Engincer Alexander Kirk- engineer aeted with great. prompti-| Robertson, who had a leg Rees inlenend those whe are disosed to allow their on the track here. ee Urimanied 'to © make ond grenades in their attacks upon} land, killed in the DastWood-station tude, ard succeedvd in bringing his} ed, has rallied nicely, and hopes a al ; the Japs. smash-up on Sept. 27 i i ®' Golds tu Lecomoe overrun with weeds, << mn All indications point to continued train to ai stop within a com- held out for its recovery, ; MONTREAL MARKETS, : ---- --_--_-- so that the danger which now = ¢x- and increasing favor for the comfort- DIRECTED JAP FIRE FOREIGN _ ists, and the greater danger which Montreal, Nov. 22.--Grain--In oats/able Eton jacket, and these jackets is : saath . LOGLLAGRISIO' in a year have belonged to three is in prospect, may be not in such!a few car lots of No, 2 white chang-|are of simple construction, can eas-}| A despatch from Chefoo says :-- Prussia decided to --_ $50,000,4 different. breeds, and, while they had a way that noxious weeds will not }od hands at "a0 to 40}c, and No. 3/ily be made, and many cconomical|The pilot on the Russian torpedo- 900 on 165 miles of ¢ many of the cssential characteristics |hecome too great a binden upon}ut B9c to 39gc per bushel Cea mothers make beautiful wraps for|boat destroyer Rastoropny states| Rebels' defeated Insperial troops cD THE FARM. 8 Eoaswaessorns yet they all longed. Tho butter = of large dairy producers in common, showed strongly the type of the breed to which they bo- largest yearly record production of any a ily from the cultivation of tho soil. a cee PROTECTING FRUIT TREES. those who make their living primar- and one lot of 10,000 bushels of No. 2 white sold at 394c per bushel ex- store. tono of the market for corn was steady and further sales of small lots of No. 8 Chicago mixed bushel their little girls from old material, they are often quite as pretty as the high-priced, ready-made wraps. The best parts of a woolen dress skirt can often be made into a cape or jacket, and sometimes a stylish that the Japanese shells directed against the harbor at Port Arthur are fired with great accuracy, A peo clothed Chinamen, who was traveling, was watched by the is who and captured five towns in Kwangsin southern China. Public mectings in Italy denounces ed Austria for hers treatment o lians in Innsbruck. Twenty-one American scouts were cow in the herd was mado by were -- at on = 8 wee eon te eae rel cca: = nae ghee Oeil. ig pm écctashek and toa Malton' thie. Tae TE S CAPACITY rrade Red Poll; t se "| 5 a store, while new icago No. ix-| wra @ witho any pre ec discharge of eac e e place: MAY INCREASE CAPACITY hy a: ites bited Jerse sn the "rae Field Mice ee of! Gd corn in cargo lots was geome at|sent outlay of money. All kinds of|a handkerchief to his nose and then |Jand of Sam ; In an address before the Wiscon-| hhy a grade Shorth orn. Trees Last int 60c per bushel. There some| fabrics are used for making wraps,|into his left pocket, occasionally Seven were, 'killed and thirty in< sin Dairymen, Prof. W. L, Carlyle, | "+The i of| The Fruit Division, Ottawa, issues demand from local buyers Tor barley}and the styles for making them arc] varying these movements, apparent-|jured in riots against compulsory, said : | these cows was inade possible by athe following warning: Last winter |and sales of 2,500 bushels of heavy]|so varied that a pattern can usually |ly thus signaling the landing places vaccination in Brazil. "After fifteen years of study and! careful study to supply each ong of 'thousands of frult trees were girdled No. 3 were made at 58¢ per bushel} be selected to suit the quality am "4 of the shells. 'The shells fell behind} Tho Times' Russian coreeponinns observation and five years of ca them with the kind of fecd and en- 'and dill by mice, and the same | ex-store. Pens are scarce and firm} quantity of material ae may have|obstructions, which fact prevented | Say perimental -- investigation vironment that was best suited to{thing will doubtless Happen again | at 67¢ per bushel high freights west.|on hand. en's clothes are| the Japanese obtaining a direct view |taken to insure the safety of the dairy capacity of cows reprosenting the particular demands of the indi-| 'ihe coming winter unless -orchardists Flour--Manitoba spring wheat pa-| often utilized in this al when thero | of their effect. The Chinaman was} Czar. on railways. practically all the types of cows: vidual animal for greatest: produc-|take precautions to prevent it. Mice tents, $5.80; strong wee G -- .50;] are no small boys in the family and ged. 'The sum of $15,000, factuilticg $1,< kept on the farm of this state. I at' tion. three cows had been aro not usually very troublesome in| Winter wheat patents, $5.7 o $5.-| with excellent results, One day pe weck a hospital ship|311 from Toronto, was sent from willing to risk my reputation os the piven a similar feed and treatment in | orchards inet clean cultivation is | 8% straight Peep ae $5, 40 te "$5. 50, can be freshened by | moved too near the battleships in| Boston to the Irish Parliamentary, treatment that there is levery Way, there would have been a! ypactised d sulbiak a. Howed | aad in bags, $2.25 t -65. sponging and pressing and can be/the harbor, 'wiexeopos the Japanese | fund. , : healthy, normal calf phase -- wide difference in their atari ee \» ea ie. 4 ng Ae hag . thes *ood--Manitoba bran in bags, $17| used for trimming, and nice buttons} dropped small shells around her,{ Announcement was made in Chica any of the farms of this state, of' and some of them would have 'vield=! sed op agp gers mad yi Leased to $18; shorts, $21 per ton; Ontario | can usually be found on some cast-| with the obvious purpose of warning o of the completion of the fund of any breed, that will not, if Prope rly rth fed much less milk and butter. sary to provitle some sort of pro- bulk, 5.50 to $16.50; off garment. A serviceable and stylish Norfolk ship took the hint, $600, 000 for the erection of a na tional monunrent to the. late Presi+ reared, fed and cared for fro . ; ; ; shorts, $19 to $20, and mouille, $24 zone onward, produce at Jeast 300 pounda DAIRY WISDOM tection, if he wishes to be fairly sure |), ¢og per ton, as to quality. jackct was mado f a partly-worn] of ranges large eae began falling; dent Me of butter in) a year, when at her ' of bringing his young trees safely |" y¢oa1--A weaker feeling has devel-| woolen dress skirt a a light-tan col-|near the battleship Irritated by "cold weather, Critto, best. At the same time, 1 believe], PO | mot let the cows roam the through the winter. oped in the market for rolled oats,|or, but the cloth was first wash : _ the largest alligator in the me IeURE- quite as firmly that there are many frost-bitten pastures. It is an in-| The mice burrow qlong the ground} ang prices have declined be t 7}c|and then colored a rich dark brown} MAY BE TROUBLE AT CHEFOO, | erie in Central Park, New York, dairy cows bred for the specific pur- jury to the cows. They will ilhjunder the snow 'search of fo xr bag, with sales $2.20 per| with diamond dyc for wool. <A fad- am yesterday and killed threo pose of milk oe butter production | UP. but will not be nourished, and/and as soon as thoy come to a young | bag, and in some instances this fig-|cd gray jacket furnished the mater-}, 'A_despatch from London says :--| other saurians aiter a long battle, a) through many generations that will | ss of condition will follow, tree start to gnaw it. Wooden ve-| ure has been shaded. Rolled oats in| ial for another pretty = after the| The Central News correspondent at) jn which he injured several of "his : produce 600 pounds of butter per Vhe temperature of the stable is!noer is probably the most satisfac-jparrels are scarce, therefore prices | pocces were colored a dark red. When | Chefoo represents: the Japanese companions who attenipted to -- res- year under most favorable condi-| YY Unportant. It should be kept|tory protection against them, and it |for them are unchanged at $4,65 to | pressing the picces, the irons need | being incensed at the Chinese auth-| cue his victims. tions as readily as some other cows; %* about 55 deg This can be done |iias the additional merit of being a] g¢4.75 per barrel. 'The market for to be quite hot, and be careful _ to | orities, whom they accuse of conniv- + \ a not having these inherited tenden- easily if the stable is properly con-/good preventive of suns-ald. Tho | corn-meal is steady at a 35 to $1.-|/keep the iron moving, not pressing ing with the Russians to hoodwink [ Foe will produce three hundred | StTucted and properly ventilated. veneer ig wrapped lousely around the |45 per bag. so hard as to muke the cloth shiny or} the Japanese concerning the Russian A GUNNER'S SUICIDE, "id 'White | Alway remember ; warmth |tronk and tied; and an air space is} Hay--No. 1, $9 to $9 95; No, 2,|show marks of the iron, but con- destroyor Raztoropny, which was the breeding aot wish to advocate 22d comfort will double the yield jefe between it and the tres. These] $8 to $8.25; clover m4 $7 to|tinuing to press ovér and over until a as ee Arrested, Broke 4 Away and Jump- _ the same food, as compared quite dry, for careful pressing ite essential to success in qu work of making over garments. the Sea Halifax, N.S., With | yoncers cost from $3.75 to $5.00 per | $7.25, best of dairy cows*4hing but the; thousand. Ordinary building paper, is timate in any way the inippeunderes:|* 7 Port Arthur. The Japanese also ac- cuse the Chinese of allowing the am-| A en from "The hospilal stall must be put in inherited tendencies, yet 1 am = Ri eres costs u mere trifle, is also a{| Beans--Choice primes, $1.40 to : be _ me sured from the results ae our work ic [SERRE cygyanimal be injured pages lfivst-rate protection, but it is not of | $1.45 per bushel, $1.35 to $1.374 GnRaNeT D HINTS aoe T oneeea song ts: $s earenttes anys ; Se ean arsdie, wiee of at ou Mla ete Station, that ,C" Sick sa ' 1 ~immach value as a preventive of sun-| in car lots. ; SE AD HINTS. the R ' 4 runner of the Royal 'Artil- there are thousands of choice dairy | Pe neglected, ~* Phis should not} ud. Tur paper is also effective, wut} Provisions--Heavy Canadian short} |. making Jumblés, add to half the ees Beyeool Capethgte, sishcay eee ee e (ot Sekines oh the cows at are not returning, Doe not neglect a vi as trees have been injured by its use, | cut pork, $16.50 to $17 -50; Ught nat ; i : Fe t 5 | rush se j y 4 16.50 t can sone' half a cup of finely chop the Chinese cruiser Hai-Yank in con-| street, broke from his captors, anc their owners a profit, for the reason; brush and comp _ every "day ee it is better to be on the safe side and | Short cut, $ . r pounded nut meats and you have] sequence of the Japanese Consul's| plunged into the water of tho be that they are not surrounded = with = to heels very ey OR Luge something cle. In any case, the clear fat --- er compound tard, |° wat jumbles. rotest. 'Another ground of com-|harbor, and was drowned. We had } the proper environment, including ; 80!! should be removed and the cout |.0"=- end of the paper should be} St to 7c; Cana = Bic to 9}c, ac-|, Stew prunes with one-fourth their|plaint is that the Chinese authori-| been arrested by the military police , e . 7 ruar suitable feed, shelter and manage- -? -- fad Eom ng. barked t+) earth, so that the mice a a ern hams, 12¢ to 18c | bwk of raisins and serve with whip-| ties are guarding the Russian Con-|and was taken to the main guaril woe th Ae Pina ullk of your butter in ne, senily ent under it to the = ae ee ee 18¢; fresh killed aba- cream, or with plain cream. The|sulate, "Moreover the Hai-Yank has|room at the Queen's Wharf When tai as; sane -parchaacd leh O06 arr a0 RET Ca bates eerie tte Tt oe pa a foot | eet set is both 'palatable and whole | taken a Ported from which she is rte on duty ¥a8 PEOvINE, : . . bh oe 2 c t CHUN TH * -- nig $65 and many of them ~ --_ ft better price. ten turn them, and snow sar ose rege lots, $4.80 By 94.90; --" 'place aa foes or stewed ap- | Rear-Admira} | Folger, of the Ameri- dashed down the hari, "and with a much less, They include cows in- ou wi AVe more time to study | tramped about the tree has prowed | 8¢ "gna oat ae a ita, X06 to ples, try bo them. Wipe the}can Asiatic. squadron, has notificd| wild shrick jumped iyto the water. } heriting _ beef tendencies, and yet! sour business and get a firm hold joiectual. but these are not so trust- - ) :Q fruit, do not cme, but set in a stew-| the Chinese that he will land marines | Every effort was made to rescue the there is not fon the possibilities of it. worthy as the veneers or the buikling zest colored, 104¢ to 10kc; Quebec, pan. Oo cach six apples allow alif there is trouble an, but he disappeared immed- A MATURE COW Pe peri o nee make butter Paper, re ---- des, 19% to|CUP of water und half a cup of su- a iately His name is unknown. Ha in the herd, except a pure bred Jer- Eee "a In will --. pants? The ie t 'Division also points out 203; ordinary finest, 19¢ to 194c; | 88°. Let. boi! in the syrup until the CONVERSE AMICALBY. was about twenty-three years old, sey, or , that has not produced . © goo jomat this piel of mice is largely 192, and} Part in it is tender, then turn an The authoritics will hold an investi- over 400 pounds of butler in ) it will taste and suicll of everything. j|due t common practice of de- m Wor ome d 15c tg 1B 4e- " cook the other side. Boil the srrup|_A despatch from Chefoo says '--| ration, is i year, The trouble with so many 4) if you have no dairy, arrange = jt roying avery owl wk that western airy, 4, 23c t 24. _| umtil thick and turn over the apples. Fighting at Port Arthur has taken OSA Li ke the dairy farmers in our state is! small roont or partition off @ partican possibly be stot or trapped. teat ht the d isi, 20¢ Sil Another good way is to pare and | Place nightly since the Japanese be- s ry that they are accustomed to look o --- aout em it Warm and)is a great mistake to do this. Pi eae Ko ™ ibe to 154c. core the fruit, steam till tender, then |&@0 their general assault on Oc PRAIRIE FIRES 1N WEST. ig uink aul think Gf @ Gow ae D Dae bes ad a" oub a = varieties Ie and hawke ara i No. 2, sprinkle with powdered eager and see -- Revie. ao 3 ange at H * chine, into which if you put a cer-} nothin great mousers, indeed mice constituted) CATTLE MARKET cover with whipped cream fe ot, oO senger Oo Large aress urne ver and all j if : g in it hut milk and butter. ba Russian torpedo-boat destroyer Ras- F eae bps a pita ger ae AP 4 en Some cows set the 'dairy marks' of -- item in stall rsa Fe Toronto, Nov. 22nd. the the apple' p Reseeen ag ag ed see = oropny. ¥ nee nae f product, irrespective of the fact that yaa ent i and give large of uwls are classed as residents of re) Tinware--Acids should oe Japanese trenches, the Captain Aerate rom, an Seontie Ls each and every - i i ie ©. | Canada, and ie . ae og a employed to clean tinware, ' 4 . Ma , | st sith watlcin aesut Cine. oR the good dairy cow should men cer- ntued. ba of these only the Great 4.35 | beacause they attack the meatal and Rihllufg and Keekwan Mountains|in the Wo ountain and Willow, hd I iaritics and tastes| tain features in size, sha owl is a menace to the farm- nd to oth forts the north-| Bunch District. 'I'he fire started E that must be ed and under-| eral make-up. Pe and gen-| ors poultry yard. Of a doven gpecies Bu 3.50 eo remove it from the iron of which it costae foes ne agi somewher Montana, passin ea stood, and tho most, suitable raw -- of -- commonly found in Can- ek , OFS &. > ee We refer to ar-|°" yt sharpshooters of both sides| within sixty rods of the North-West Butekers™ ph ked. 7¥ 4.25 4.50 hich D. P material supplied in the matter of BRISTLES y three are cl chicken | Yo ood ee soul ots. ticles made 'aa n pinte, 'Rub occupying t pits converse with| Mounted Police barracks at Wood ™ feed to mention the numerous . hawks, yy the Sharp-shinned hawk, , ds alk meee 60: 410 sists of iron covered My ns other: and frequently make in- Mountain, sweeping on through the Otis soariitons, hefore the particu-} When catching small pigs, if they | the Goshawk and Cooper's hawk. Th do fair to. go a oe - 8.80 ; dividual truces in order to: borrow |'count t has covered an area of r, individual cow will manufacture] are caught by the cars or hind legs jfour varieties usually known as "'hen ts, me. PNG cigarett er or to relieve 'their cramp- about sixty miles cast aud west, and the finished product to the best ad-| they will 'not squeal, and may bejhawks" scarcely ever visit poultry 6d limi fifty miles north and s Every~ : ibe rica easily handled. yards, and an occasional tion -g| The Tapiealic are displaying great|thing in its path = w. Ae the tty or more cows that| The fall pigs must be pushed for jis far more c by . in the conatiaeetiog of their| Fortunately not many buildings were i Dest ee pve vere "ea tapes tos in the/early gains, or they will not grow | their services as destroyers of mice, T in he path bes the fi Dest: % 5 ows pro-|much during the winter months, rats, squirrels and other encmiecs of rio gucing the greatest amount of but-| Wh are yarded sep-! th the fi * When the litters. 7

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