ttle, horses, Are your ca } fany kind ? lice or vermin 0 ter to use than English Sheep and Cattle sheep or hogs troubled with If so, there i: nothing bet- ash. It Is a Sure Insect Killer. It destroys all insect life and cures skin diseases of animals, and will save its price many times over. Trice S0c. a Can. MEDICAL WALL, ATWOOD. Gown Talk. e-------- eee Try THE Dee for @ year. Most men, instead of being born leaders, are born followers--of women 23 PATTON, of Marnoch, was the oust of ber sister, Mrs. D. Gordon,tbis a f T ater, was'in . Fow er, of Teeswater, Oe onday. attending the faneral of the late Mre Inglis. MEN don't mind looking old if they @on't feel it ; women don't mind feel- ing it if they don't loo< it, Ir there's any brand of weather that you want, but don't see,just wait a few Iivutes and it will tarn up. -oRONTO Exhibition this Jast two full weeks. It will apth and close on Sept, 18, TG. BALLANTYNE po a car of hogs to Hamilton on Wednesday, pay- ing therefor $5.65 per cwt A MAN can loye &@ woman without marrying her, and marry her without Poving her, Butitis the combination that is the thing. Den'r forget to hear Harry Rich, the jinn, at the Farmers' Institute entertainment, next Thursday night, Feb. 6th, in the Town Hall. Ix connection with the Farmers' In, stitute meeting here next Thursday, ® meeting in behalf of the held in the Foresters' Hall, at 2 p.m, to be addressed by Miss McAllister, of the Institute staff. She is a very enter- taining speaker, and it will be in the interest of every lady to be present. WARDEN MERRYEIED will accept eur thanks for the invitation to the Warden's supperin Stratford this week. But the fact is our wife is so fond o us that she cannot tolerate us out of her sight. Still, the vision of oysters, angel cake, and other g things enters, and hobnobbing with quality is very distracting to one of our tempera- ment. We would like to be there. Quite TRUE.--The Seaforth Exposi- tor (Reform) expresses the opinion that Hon. Mr. Mulock is making the profits of the Postoffice Department "too much out of the earnings of the poorer paid officials of the service. Only a few days ago the Globe protested against the manner in which the letter carriers in Toronto are being treated, It is said they are amongst the most poorly paid in the service, and if they are more poorly paid than some of the country tmasters and letter carriers elp them. Itis this grinding down of the poor aud the lower paid in the ser- vice that we protest against and that we shall continue to protest against until the abominable pete eee." Tue BAKER MILLIONS--THe Hamil- ton Herald :--"The story of the Baker millions which are said to bein Phila- delphia waitiag to be claimed by sever- al hundred heirs in the United States and Canada, bas broken out ina fresh place. Wright Baker, of South War- year will open Aug. 4 saw, New York State, asserts that he Cogh has a valid claim to a large share in the Baker estate, whieh 1s said to amount to $380,000,000, and he is trying to es-|° tablish his relationship with the late Golonel Hevry Baker, who. left 812 acres where the heart of the city Philadelphia now is. It is claimed that the colonel leased the property to the authorities of the State of Pennsylvan-| a ia for ninety-nine years, and that the lease expired last November. land is estimated to be worth ,000,- vod. Among the numerous heirs of the Jate Colonel Buker are J. I. Flatt, ex- NM. L.A. this citys Mr, Flatt's grace futher was a brother of the colonel, auu Flatt interested himself tp the matter two or three yea o to the extent of going to Philadelphia and spending several days there investigating. He tound sufficient evidence to satisfy him ry may tion in fact, but doubts the af the mystery being. sol ham Baker, of Eime ; R.S. TuE Bex, and Mrs. D.: heirs of the Baker estate, the latter through ul.eir moi ber,who was &@ duagh- _ tey.0f. Nelson Baker, of.Owen Sound, . ". ladies will be); G. Andarson:ate PTaylor We doff our hat to Warden Merry- field. . 'Miss MAGGIE Mrtcnect left last week fox Marlette, Mich., on a visit to her sister: . ° N.C. WHITE and wife, of Bottineau, North Dakota, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. 'fT. G. Ballantyne, ForTIFY the system against disease by purifying and enriching the blood-- other words, take [lood's Sarsapar Illa, . SUPPLEMENTARY meetings of the North Perth Farmers' Institute will be held if Rostock on Feb. 4th, Monkton Feb. 6th, Atwood Feb. 6th, Mi'lbank Feb: 7th, Gowanstown Feb. 8th. Meet- ings opeo at 1.30 and 7.30 p.m. . Special progrimin the evening. Everybody welcome. | UNSEATED.--Judge Barron on Wed- nesiay morning handed out judgment in thé.case brought by ex-Mayor Davis of Mitchell, to anseat Mayor Campbell and. helllora Stuart, Blowes and Hord, éf that town, Theelection was x hotly contested one, in which Mr. Davis was defea by votes. He brought.action to unseat-his opponent and the three others mentioned, on the ground that they were parties to an action pending in the courts against the town. His honor gave judgment ni8e Mayor Campbell and Coun- cillors, Blowes and Stuart. There wilt n consequence be another election in Mitchel! shortly, WARDEN MERRYFIELD.--The elec- tion of our old friend, ©. A, Merryfield, to the foremost post of honor in the ift of the county of Perth is as desery- ogas it is gratifying. Charlie has given good service at the County Coun- cil board as Couneillor, and will doubt- less wear the higher honors with eredit. Accept THB Bee's warmest congratu- lations, C. H. May your shadow never grow less. ©. H. Merryfield, of Monk- ton, the new Warden-elect, was born in Fullarton in the year 1857, being a son his son, and who is i. his 7ist year. Mr. Merrytield has lived in Monkton for 31 years, having one of the finest residenc- es in an. Heisa stauneh Conser- vative, and a man highly respected by all who know him. ia monicipal re- cord is one of continued success. tore aspizing to County Council honors he a number of years in the neil. to the County Couneil under the new County Councils Act, defeating Thos J. Knox, an ex. Reeve of Elma, by 176 yotes, In 1898 he defeated C. Queren gesser, of Logan, by 40 votes. In 1900 he was elected by acclamation. He has won honors in spheres other than municipal, being Chief Renee of the High Court of Ontario, Hocxer Notss.--The toecal Oddfel- lows and Canadian Foresters tried con- clusions on Kress' rink Friday after- noon, resulting in the easy defeat of the former by 7 goalsto2 The teams €. 0. F.--John J. of} A distance tt roughout the game, Ti mace an oceasionsal minute pr are .on of the ice to asoertain ite safety, while seyeral others sat on the well.<er--no. matter !....0n Wednes- day afternoon a team from the Listo- wel piano factory-measured sticks with the Atwood team, resulting in the de- feat of the Listowelites by a score of 6 to2,. Atwood ean put on the lee a ould keep the --" ° foregoing are among Listo playsets. of John D. Merryfield, who resides with | ® the | ize with Hugh in bis =| CASTORIA seme Mrs L. E. CAVANAGH, the guest ef Mr, and Mra, ©, i. this week. Holmes or paid. Apyly at groee! .. He. advt. for prices. Biggest bargains ever. offered ne ag up-to-date store, Don't miss it--Feb, Int, Tue bachelors of Atwood will give an assembly in the 'own Hall, at- wood, on edhesday eve, Feb. 5th) 1962, at 8 p.m. A similar event will be held by the bachelors of Monkson, in Terry's Hall, on the evening of Feb. 7th. The Listowel Orchestra will sup- ply the music at the Atwood hop. THe annual entertainment in con- nection with the Baptist ehnrch Sun day school was held on Thursday night of ast week. The children were given anatex, recita tions and" spee rendered. The chureh was well filled and all present had an enjoyable time. Tue Welland Tribune gives. particu. lars of an event of interest to muny Atwoodites. Rev. J. H. McBain, B.A, ion of J. W. McBain. Atwood, is pas- tor of the Methodist chnrch at Ridge- way, and in that capacity has won the .j esteem of his congregation. That es m was express: t an entertain- ment held in the church a few even- ings ago when the congregation pre- sented their pastor and Mrs. Mclain with two valuable gifts. Mr. McBuin was presented with a Standard diction- ary-and a Columbian self adjusting vronze holder, and Mrs, McBain with a handsome eusy chair, An appreciative uddress was read. Mr. McBain was taken completely by surprise but made asuitable reply on behaif of himself and Mrs. MeBain. The rev. gentleman is now in his fourth year at Ridgeway and is more popular than ever. THe Time To MARKET Hoes.--T. G. Ballantyne, the well known }ocal ship per of live stock, proffers the following sensible advice to the farming com- munity through THe Bee columns : "For some time past I have thought it advisable to say afew words through Tue BEE with regard to the marketing of bogs. Too many farmers in this lo- cality are in the habit of keeping their hogs until they get too fat und hence unfit for the British market, under the mistaken idea that by keeping them they will get a bigger price. About one half of the hogs the past fall and the preseut winter have come jn too fat, which is the principal reasou for the low price at present, The right time to market hogs' i#erhen they reach about 200 pounds. If kept after that weight has been reached they beeome unsuitable for the English market, aud hence must ve heavily ducked im price, resulting in a logs to both the farmers' farmers to keep a few more hogs and market them when they are suitable for the English ma:ket. In doing this they will build up a market in Eugland which cannot be overstocked with the right kind of bacon, and at the sume time enable the packers at all times to give our farmers w gocu price for their hogs." An UNFORTUNATB ACCIDENT.-- While a number of young men Were sequences. It appears th Stewart was ip the act of shooting the puck when Porter darted in fem behing to check Stewart, when the let- an ugly nome, 26 far t the run eut, however, the blood streamed frum his face, He was taken by his eomrades te Dr, Kidd's surgery, where the Dr. dressed bis wounds, assisted by Dr. Roe, Later in the evening the yonng man's father, A. Perter, had bimtaken home The affair was purely secidental, one ef those un misfortunes alwazs le in a dangeroue game euch a6 nge of hie young The whole community deeply sympath- ident, and that the worst fears may not be Auction Bale Notices. Tegepay, Furs. 11,--Farm stock and nen ee lot 23, con. 14, Grey, at « M tield, auctioneer ; 4 ae . ni erry Jd, Kally, proprietor. CRADLE. Huma--In Listowel, 6a Jan, 19th, 1902 = er aoe Mrs. J. A. Hume a Yoo Infante ond Children. --A t TRALEE? satel ta ght ee . this office. * and the packers, 1*Weuld advise all |- $B sketch end opinion free ~ Any one we never ssid it woald. It won't cure dyspepsia ; we never claimed it. But it will cure and colds of. ali kinds. We first said this sixty years ago; we've been seying it ever since. for eg ordinary boars 6 PATENTS GUARANTEED | i BIBLES, TESTAMENTS AND CHURCH BOOKS. BE make aspecialty-of Dibles in all stvles, from the smallest P 16 Une targe Family stvie) We hindle only the beat--best in V J ngand the bestio printing We have them at 25c. com plete Mays ;ulhers with leather covers, gill edges, inaps, etc., 5Uc, Feeference Bibles binge With Helps. aps, Psalms, ete. extra Leather Covers Gilt Biges, 74e , an extra special one with Eighty Thousand References, Helps, ete, for One Dollar. Fu line of 'Peachers' Bibes' and large type editions, We put any name on I GOLD FREE, WHILE YOU WALT. Weinvite you to come aud see stuck: toa Prayer Books, Fiymn Books, Etc. Burritt & Deacon, Stratford, Cm POP Be ee 9 Gunther's Annual Holiday Clearing SALES oF - Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Silverware, Chains, Bracelets, Rings, Rogers' Al Knives and Forks, Carving Sets, Table ad 'ea Spoons,Ladies' Chatelaines, Purses, Bible and Hymn Books, walking Sticks, Brooches, Kar- rings, Scarf Pins, Cuff Buttons and Links, Lockets. 'Thousands of other novelties that you can only find in Gunther's. < : 24 ladies' 14k. gold watches, Walt- ham or Elgin, warranted for 25 years, . worth $21, for $15 net cash. 24 ladies' 14k. gold watches. special choice of movement, warraatea fcr years, worth $25, now for $28 net cash. 24 gents' 18 sizo,opsn face, solid,ysil- ver case, stem wind and set, screw case, with 15 jewelled. vweltham, as long 6s they last for €i9 net cash.. presence worth $15 and:$16. A fcal svap. nat _ .2t gents 18 size, open face, stem wind ind set, screw: back and bezzil, waltham or Elgin, for © net cash. 24 ladies' open fase cilver watches, ccm wind, worth: $8, for $5 net cash. 24 eight-day solid po.thed oak ciocks, the very, best: | works, half hour strike, worth $4 and $5, for $3 net cash Special New York arrivals of Watches to sell at $1 to $10,Ebony Brushes gold-finished Clocks from $1.25 to $50, This will be my last chanceto talk to you before Christmas, and I ask you to come and see this store before you make your purchases for the holidays which will be on in a few days. I can save yoa money on everything we keep in stock. It's everybody's delight to see this : store. Goods marked down in plain visible figures, so you can see at a glauce what suits your purse, I wish you alt a Merry Christmas and a Happy New: ear. Gunther' Goldsmith's & Diamond Hal, Main St., LISTOWEL. Opposite the Arligtonn Hotel.