Atwood Bee, 31 Jan 1902, p. 5

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eens and - Candies | Feb. ee the following week-until closed outs r choice. The goods* we 'are' putting erroclan yt new and up to date, 50 don't miss the op- The at at the following ot ay are a etetety portunity. 20 pleces figured, plain and plaids, double width, regular 25c., St, 40c,, 50c. ead Soa tiecenaay and the following- week while they last, 15c. per y 12 pieces black figured, 40c, and 50c,, clearing price 25c, 16 pieces light shade, figured, regular 75c. to $1, at 49c. 2 gp biack and white, and green and black, regalar price 50c., clearing 5c, per yard. One line of heavy suitinga, 50c, 'Sex, elenting price 40c. For Saturday. only, 800 yards Fiannelette, 26 inches wide, 35¢c. per yard. Fiannelette Blankets, 10-4, clearing. price Go, _ All Men's Underwear at coat. a TU CLEAR--$2,000 worth of men's and boys' at a discount of 25 Gar inn Department is always abreast with anything in the trade. Make This Your Shopping Place and You Will 'Save Dollars! Walter Bros., Atwood Roller Mills' Special Announcement. The Atwood Roller Mills have been overhauled and gome additional-machinery put in, and is therefore in teetter shape than ever to do good work. Siguv of The Elephant, LISTOWEL. MR. RAE, a practical miller, of the Wingham Mills, bes deen engaged by Mr. Corrie to take charge. The public are invited to give the Atwood Mills 2 ial, especially those who have been doing, their grist ing at outside mills. Mr. Corrie is satisfied that he can please them. -Flour, Bran, Shorts and Chop. al- ways on hand at Lower Prices than elsewhere. M. CORRIE & Co, Give Your Home Mill a Trial. 200,000 WEAK MEN CURED! % STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMG. BSS CURES QUARANTEED OR HO PAY! ARE YOU? rte Sul testeved scatabis end Boenoe: srort jooklon. Sei aaa Sen oe ' aquaria mh ty FF ares 0 Peres Speman Bene ecacdinec? RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRG. KM. & K. dOHN A. ------ OAs, POWERS, -- See, eae eee 200,000 CURED NO 98. icone pd gy pny im your Bio en | noe on SERRE T ae Das' KENNEDY & KERGAN, boast \Wile Gan Piease You. "Buying Your «A T=: TSON's. spo eb tesbeadete db beejeebeete Ge ne Fresh | Oysters in bulk or by the pint. Bread and Cakes. If you ever contracted pena bene sepenenes Gore th: Fadicated icom the yetes tem. gs may a toeieg wares Sectiaesicie eyes rod on indications of the A pains, itchiness ot Secktocsectnen K 'h, sexual weakness--i stomac' an. Cestoria is for Infants aud Children. Castoria is a - armless substitute for Castor Ofl, Paregoric, Drops " gm@ Soothing Syrups. It contains relther Opium, @erphine nor cther Nareetic substance. It is Pleasant. Ite guarantee ia thirty years' uso by Millions of Casteria destroys Worms and ¢elisys Feverish- hess. Castoria cures Diarrhees and Wind Colic. Castorin relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatuiency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels ef Infante and Children, giving healthy and materal sleep. Castoria ie tho -- Pamacea--The Mother's Friend. Castorta. Castoria. "Cagtecia to an excellent medicine fer * Cesteria bb vo well adapted te children ehiidren. Methere have repeatedly told mo | thet I recommend it es ouperios te aay pro known te me." B. A Apemnn, M.D. Broobipn, H, ¥ THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF @ APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. COUNTY COUNCIL. H. Merryfield the New" Warden. t e-t Tne January sessions of the Perth Connty Council was held id the Gourt House, Stratford, on T Jam. 25th, 1908. ee C. H. Merryfleld was elected Warden: for 1902. The-vote stood 6 to 6 be. tween Messrs. Armstrong and - Merry-- fieid The casting vote was left to the senior members of the Council, accord- tng to law, which fell to the lot of Jag.. Dickson and Mr. Merryfield, who in: 'ura drew lots for the deciding vote. Charlie drew the long string,and natar-- ally voted for himself, remarking as he iid so, that he "had been iu the race- from the first tor Chartie," aud guessed ve would uot go back on him now. It was moved by Councillor Kemp, seconded by Councillor Armstrong,- hat the Council take no action in re- 4ard to the Government good roads grant, but leave the matter to the sev-- eral towuship Counells to act as they seu fit. Warden Merrytield said that the- township of Logan aid not feel tha® their Hnances would justify them tue lealing with the matter. Councillor Faik said that his town-- ship Council did not wish to haye uuy- thing te do with the matter, Councillor Schaefér was notin favor of the motion. 'Township Coungils didi not Wish to pay fur roads which wouktk not benetit them, SCouucillorgRyan had been ahsent at ihe December session when the mat-- ter was brought up, and had thought che Council in favor of a .county by-- iaw, Elibbert Council would rather undertake the matter thumselyes, Le 'eckoned their portion as $2,000, Councillor Monntain said that thise amount would be spread over ten yeurs, and would therefore meau $200" per year for Ilibbert. The. township' therefore wonld haye to spend $400 per yeur,two dollars for every oue of graut. He thought that there was bardly a township but coald utilize this money,. and favored the motion. Councillor Dickson thought the mo-- tion perfectly right. 'There had been: some misunderstanding as to the- grant,some thinking that the money would have to be paid back to the- Goverument, This, of course, was nus the case. Councillor Torrance was not clear As* to whether more than one-tenth of the- ten years grant could be spent in anyy one year. The motion finally carried. Conncillor White and Ryan moved™ that two valuatore be appointed to yaluate the county for equalizing pur-- poses, . Councillor White reminded the Conn_. cil that it was 15 years since this had been done, and the gentlemen who had. then valuated had said that it should be done again in ten years. He knew' that the matter was not-let go so long- in other counties; Some of the Councillors approved:thd- proposition on the ground that there- was ® previous underatanding that the- Couaeil should not deal with:the mat-- Ler, Conncillor Kemp would be willing to: sup =? t a similar resolation next year, . if then ip the Gouncil., Councillor Mountain supported the> motion, as her felt that the: present: valuation was unfair. ; Councillors White, Ryan, Faik,. schaefer and Mountain supported the notion, which was therefore lost by 6

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