r ways, ark of, a o\went to dine} * 'J ace lighted up with & ge thought. a think," he I might stan @ up, I could hold :one' otked alice.) ---- i -- A little boy once an away from the farmer who had kimdly taken him from' the workhouse The Magis- trate said to the boy, "Why did you a the boy, rnin and ~ worked. When the ota sow died we cut her up and ate her. Then a sheep dled, a the sheep was salted, and we6 ate the sheep. At last the farm- or grandmother died and--I hooked A pretty little child being asked by her governess here cotton grew, replied--"In g erandpays 8 ears." In a Brooklyn Sunday school a small "was asked the question, "Wh was*the first 'man ?'" to which the child. promptly replied, "General Washin gton.' The teacher' smiled, and said, | "Did = ever hear of Adam? "Why, yes, I've heard of Adam ; but I didn't know you were counting foreigners.' To the question, "What are the fast teeth that come to man?" the unexpected answer was given In a school one day, "False teeth." A teacher wishing to explain to a little girl the manner in which a lobster casts his shell when he has outgrown it, said, "What do you do when you have outgrown your clothes ; you throw them aside, don't you ?' "Oh, no," replied the little "we let out the tucks, Dear Sirs.--I was for seven years a sufferer from Bronchial trouble, and would be so hoarse at times that I cowld scarcety speak above a whis- per. got no relief from anything | till I tried sour MINARD'S HONEY BALSAM. Two bottles gave reNe and six bottles made a complete eure. I would heartily recommend it to any one suffering from throat or lung trouble. J. F. VANBUSKIRK. Fredericton. Huntlog for the Layout. Down In the basement of the Cap- itol at Washington inere is a row of committee rvoms, over the doors of which are painted the names of : the various chairmen. Senator Gam- ble, of North Dakota, while waiting for the Senate painter to prepare him a sign, printed the word "Gam ble" on a-large sheet of paper and pasted it on the door of his ro Accarding to the New York Work | this attracted the attention of three _ New Mexicans who visited the Cap- " jtol the other day. and they prompt- ly marched In. 'Where is it?" they asked a stenographer whom found at work thin. "Where's what ?" inyuired the astonished young man. 'Why, the layout or the wheel? Whit's the game, and how much is a stack ?" It was some time before the stenographer could con- vince the disappointed New Mexicans that no game of chance was in pro- gress In the room marked "Gamble." se. Stops the Cough ana Works Off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tableta cure a cold in oneday. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. Frozen 'Soap Bubbles. Many interesting experimente can te made with suap bubbles blown from mixture of warm waiter, castile goap and glue. It is not generally koown, however, that bubbles can be frozen, though this is very easily dome. Blow « bubble of moderate size t of an open window o Gay. The bubble wili. freeze instant- we retaining its shape, but formiog oui crystals. If you try : ent on a clear »vhen There is little wind, be delighted erica. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. day you will with the result.-- Young Almost. Mies J¥nes--How do you like Miss Folly, Mr. Seymour ? Don't you think she ia awfully plain ?" ea Seymoar--Yes, yes, I do. She is wilully nice, but without exception the plainest girl pith ever met, pres- ex-ex--L ockmpins, af coupe. saline very plain. the 10s London King. | Stricken and Helpless vvith Werk to be Done--Deprived of the . Power to Work. Plorks ee ged of Lac Weeden, was ind nun Unfortanate Plight-- His Thanks: for a toration to Health Lac .Weedon, Que., Jan. °20.--( cial)--Pierre Lussier ia a farmer who like every other husbandman has much work which must be donb in its season. Ma of a farmer's duties will not admit of a postpone- have to be attended children to help him on the farm, and ag vigorous and trained arms are necessary, he was feellag very downcast on account of his tnabil- ity and weakness. He had one of the worst forms of Kidney Disease, and this reduced his stre to that of a mere child. 'lhe pain he had to bear was very great, and always seeme o come on him worse just at the time that he had some important work to do. had suffered in this way for over twenty years, sometimes bet- ter, sometimes worse, but always sick and suffering, and constantly growing worse, till for the last twa years h was unable to do any- ] = ee ans He y-a.treatment, Dodd's oTaeey now he is well and strong. For syears he could not walk a quarter, of a mile without assist- ance, 'Put recently he wa mgr ce miles. without resting. He "I owe it all to Dodd's one idney 'which have done wouderful This cure of such a case of over twenty Sanath standing is regarded y our peopla here who koow the facts as trol short of a miracie. The Perils of the Kodak. A our town owns a kodak one delights in taking pictures. Her ather was_sitting on the front porch the other day, and, having the kodak primed, she took a snap shot. Pre- senotly her father went into the house' and the hired girl came out, sat down in the same chair, and the daughter took her picture alsv. When the picture wag developed it showed the aged fatter sitting in the chair with the hired girl sitting in his lap. The @irl kKodakist had forgotten to remove the film, and both pictures were therefore taken on the same plate. When the old lady, after seeing the picture, crap- piel with h aged companion, it Jooked for a while as if things wera going her way, but he finally shook off her grip and escaped by way of the path leading to the alley.-- Ex. HOW'S THIS ? rOne Hundred Dollars' Reward for case ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by nny Hall's pas bs Cure. CHENEY & CO., io 0. oF F years and teliecs him perfectly honorable in allt | | We off | | Ve, the endereigned, have kn aid for the last 15 | and financially able to carry 'out uny eblina. | tions made ce their firm. | Wrest-& Troax, Wholesale Druggists, To- cdo, O. Wactpine, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale | Druggists, 'Leled. 0. | Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act- ji the bi i. da y T it ff ce--T5c per bottle. Soli uc druggists. Hall's Family Pills are th Every Man to His Trade. ' The Green Bay tells of a lawyer who was about to furnish a bill of costa. "I hope," said his client, who was a baker, "that you will make It as light*as possible." "Ah." sald the lawyer, perhaps say that to the foreman of your establishment, but that is not the way I make my bread." No Reasonable Man expects to cure a@ neglected-cold in a day. But time and Allen's Lung Balsam will over- come the cold and stave off con- sumption. Cough will cease and lungs be sound as a new dollar. Various Usea of Sawdust. A lomg list could be given of ex- } plosives and varieties of gunpowder that have been made from sawdust. In some the sawdust ia used as an absorbent, as with nitroglycerine, in others as a filler, while 'in still others it is converted into forms of pyroxiline. By eating sawdust with caustic alkali and sulphur, a browa dye is obtained which is cheap and fast, resisting both acids and alkalis; and Gyiag a without.a mordant By 'sawdust ' with caustic nikal | formed. A large amount of the ox- this process. Siete tigi hues wortunsegedtas ees impure soap. EXP | Two ounces of Rar. mrp Pe ee PS ees ae ot as (reser eannct supply, write te suidX\> 'er vil om fed | work, but he kept on using the Pills till: "you might! alic acid on the market is made by, *"gon; is a diséage' that f a a a a "Musical artiste--are- sotorioustein: ifférent to details,,and fr, Cam~, panari, the baritone; is scarcely an exception as this? little experience of hig would seem to show, He was' engaged to sing -at Madison. "But you are not to stop at the hotel, but at a private house," he: was told. Two other qusicilans were engaged for the same evening. "What private house?' asked Mr. a oe a ay oe ee ee Mackay Tiwomb- ley's," was the answer. But no ex- planation was added that Mr. bley was a Vanderbilt. "Will they send a carriage for me from the house where I am to sing ?? inquired 'the baritone, ashe looked through the score of "La Bo- heme," occupied with thoughts ofa rehearsal about to begin. "Of course," said the manager. Later, Campanari, thinking that he was to stop at one house and sing at another, und that din- ner for his colleagues and himself was a hot unimportant tr ea his notebook from his pocke telegraphed in the address of 'the "private hou Mr. H. Mack. -- Have two chickens ag two bot- tles of wine ready for me to-mor- row at 4 o'clock. G. Campanari. The duty done, he felt better, and pits, anes ai the, __.dm- ifiad Garringe | nd 2 o "and footman oy Wa ed, departed in another cine tions e alone was to. stop at the™"'private honse." "As he *bowl along' the conntry.road a dim pre- sentingent grew in Mr. Campanari's: mind, a preséntiment that grew to & well-defined horror during a din- ner: of many courses. All the time he hoped that the telegram' had mis- | After the coffee a waiter bottles of wine. For the rest_of the evening Mr. Trwombley, eT: ag pe the mistake, introduced panari to all the pretty- ls or. gent at the musicale, expiaining, "This is the man who was afraid 'he would. oot get enough eat." Ihe singer's telegram, for . two roast chickens and two bottles of wine. he has had framed ag a sou- venir.--Leslie's Weekly. sMinard's Liniment Cures Sohlaean: Amlable Advice. He--It was hard work from kissing you last night. She--Well, you must be careful not to over-exert yourself, Jack.--No- vember Smart Set to «kcep Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtherta. r ¥ MRS. ROOSEVELT'S DINNER JACKET. L__DINNER Jack Mrs. Roosevelt and the wives of the Cabinet officers, who meet every Tuesday, have a plan to revolutions ize the dinner costume now In vogue. Heretofore Washington ladies have appeared at dinners in decollete cain Mrs. Roosevelt and her asso- lates propose that while the gown itself shall not be tampered with, a jacket or dinner coat shall become a proper and fashionable mode "of keep- ing tho shoulders warm. Ambassadors, envoys, and army and naval officers who attend for- mal functions in full plain of the heated atmosphere of the rooms. A ° Euro willl come into a drawing room as the gneut of honor. He is wrapped in a uniform coat nearly an inch thick, with Its paading and heavy gold em- broidery. A stiff collar, would with gold, closely embraces his neck and na he tenerally is given to high liv- ing, his face quickly purples and steams. Noticing this his hostess has the room cooled in order to save his vajuable life, but what Is able for the men is death for women, whcse shoulders*and arms are expos The coat that the ladies wish to introduce Is close fitting Imthe back, with loose angel sleeves and of a gen- eral doilman shape. The tafinenes of Mrs. Roosevelt and the Cabinet ee will be thrown in its favor. It will ultra fashionable for hostesses te throw across the back ofeach lady's chair at @@aner a dainty'but warm scarf or silken drapery, which may be awh over the shoulders when ~~ the most decided of the the dinner need but , hostessee are firm for coat. Bay girls who have seen their mam- 2s grow old in bare and brilliant ' seontiirs are not enthused .with the ' iden. One of them says, "How can anybody tell a plump girl from a thin one-?" A Treacherous Wind hits you in the back and the next morning you me lumbago. Rub well and often with Perry Davis' Paln-eller, fina"out ao "you will. be astonished to tas all sorenéss oa ae we Tonimy--Pop, what "a ceoribbler's ide, ! oop forte 's ribbler's es a ~ tite 'eopat for ee uniform com-}: pean represeptative |', Does your. horse; 'teel., bie "oats"? What adifference be- tween the' grairfed and 'the' grassfed horse! The © first' strong and full of ginger, the second flabby, weak-and tired out before he begins, The feeding makes, the . difference. Children are not alike either. One. is rosy, bright-eyed, full of life and laughter, another is | pale, weak and dull. The feed- ing again'is responsible, Sickly children need special feeding. They don't "feel their oats". Scott's Emulsion adds just the right richness to their diet. 'Itis like grain to the horse. The child gets new appetite and strong digestion. Scott's Emulsion is more than food. It is.a strong medicine. It rouses up dull children, puts new flesh on'thin ones and red blood into pale ones. It makes children grow. Scott's Emulsion makes ordi-| 1 jnary food do its duty. This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion and is on the wrapper of sina d bottle. SCOTT & BOWNE, wa TORONTO CANADA goc and $1. all druggists. Courteous to Cripples. \ Irate Passenger (scrambling into a Hammersmith omnibus that did not stop)--Suppose I'd slipped and lost a jeg. what then? Conductor--You wouldn't have had to do any more jumping then, alr. We always stop for gents with crutches.--Tid-Bits. Minard's Lintment Cures Colds, etc. the production of 0 our F choles seeds, Tn i . to inde ee you to try them ro Tania ¢ following unpreo: 'y 150 kinds positive) of pr eh lots Exchange and favestmen Building, Toronto, Ont. =) MIRGINIA HOMES, You Isarn all-about Virginia lands, water, clime yesources, produ Berries, mode of rior eg Pieter aoe Mota ate tore of 18 ty Snore te por. Yonachen Carpeat = Cogded. berens Address on 0. box 100, Winona NEW LAID EGGS, DRIED: APPLES,° POULTRY; DAIRY "AND CREAMERY. "BUTTER, HONEY, ETC., WANTED. Will buy outright pa on commission. Co: rreeponden invited. VJIOHN J. KEE, 62 ovens Strest Kast, 'oronto, On t 190-acres in Assessment System. SOME: INTERESTING INFOR- MATION REGARDING THE Canadian Order of Chosen Frigads, is becomin, larly owing to the dian end manage: oy cee ae pelcgin. WHAT IT COSTS TO JOIN. A candidate 'for initiation into an existi council and taking $2,000 of {insurance wouk Le! ufred to pay Haat more than the following Medical Examiner's fees, usunily i Initiation fee, usually 3, Life I tlficate foe Total cost of admission } THE COST AFTER YOU ARE A MEMBER. one age of 18, for one year, on $2,000 of insur« is ; monthly nesersments at $1.1 é woartens dus at 750 per starlet Total cost for one year A fow samples of rates: --- of Monthly Monthly in Dues Assm't $0.25 25 nm marvelous. GRAND easton $ << APPROVED APPLICATIONS. Year 1900 Year 1901 . 3, An a over the previous year of 545, and this y the qocteny expects to make the number 4. 4,008 at least. . The society is in first-class Spaciaiel oon- dition, having 0 a@ very economical manner, _ ev: ceovent wat the fact that the cost o has been er in Man 0. Grand i oe Wee Camptell rand Organizer. Ont., where the head office is located. CANT BREAK THEM 'UB BE THE CANADIAN RUBBER Co. MADE OF AILS EDDY'S. INDURATED FIBREWARE vastly superior Woodenware articles 'for fick ty an abet sap gers NO HOOPS, NO JOINTS, NO SEAMS, NO LEAKS, to the ordinary, ase. bem strc: