Atwood Bee, 31 Jan 1902, p. 8

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; cai that - A vumbéer-of thorobred Yorkshire wigs for sale cheap, HUGH RICHMOND Con. 11. Elma. Newry P.O $. M. SMITH, Artistic Photographer, has opened a studio over Erskine's store, In Atwood, Where he cordially invites you to call. pecial attention given to Family Group Photos,Farm Views, and Life Size Cray-|, ons. All Work Guaranteed. Prices Moderate. wae Will visit Atwood every Tuesday. Also being a practical Watchmaker and Optician, he will bring his optical ease with full line of Spectacles and Eyeglasses every Tnesday. Eves test- ed and fitted, Particular attention giyen to shortsigtedness, Watch Bepairlig attended to in all "OME Smith, eas & INQ a . kK is: hard work. witht a fprsee -- "4 bs 3 House 4 of mented man, his. Majesty was. walking in the park at Phaleron, pepanncemg on "binggti bear- Stone and them $72,- Roumelia, mountains Secsapenien by a one Madame Tallke, baring oe reached Dem fear, Jan. 21,and on horgebac: escort. don, Jan, 24.--In the Honse of A.J. Balfour made a rad Kitchener sak General Botha no proposals, haying in view the termination av the war io South Africa, had received from pong iio professing to bare the authority f the leaders to make _ proposals, o discussions looking to peace were now proceeding. Berlin, Jan. 28.--The report 'is pub- lished here that Miss Stone, the ae ican missionary, has been released her brigand captors, who have ie the oy of 15.000 Tarkish ponnds ea .) Miss Stone was abducted by rigands on September 8 last, while travelling between DBansho and Di- foe, iu the!mountainous country ly- ing between Turkey and . Bulgaria, There; were eighteen in her arty, but the brigands etained only Miss Stone and Mme, Tsilka, the wife of a preach- er. Washington,Jan. 24.-- Representative Clark (Dem., Mo.) yesterday introduced a joint resolution expressing sympathy for the two ut friean republics and regret op account of the suffering caused by the war, The resolution ex- pie the hope that this- declaration by Congress willinfluence Great Britain to consider favorably a settlement . the troubies. rovision is m Government and to Messrs, Krager and ae Pe Webster Davis arrived yester- duy with seven truuks filled with peti- tions which will be presented to Con- gress, asking. sympathy for the poers, These petitions contain about 2,000,000 names. Donegal. Mrs, Hugh Anderson friends at Mt. Forest. Warden Dickson attended the meet- ing of the County Council on Tuesday. Mrs. Jas. Nixon has not been well for some time and is now under the doctor's care. Following are the officers of Court Donegm, C. 0. F., for the ensuing six nths: Past Chief Ranger, W. S. Rashapis j Chief Ranger, C. Balls ; Vice Chiet 'Ranger, G. Woodcock ; Ke- cording Secretary, 8. McAllister ; Fin- ancial Secretary, A. M. Little ; Treas., W. Hemphill ; Chaplain, Jas. Dickson Woodwards, 8. McCourt and et Burk Beadles, M. Little and F., Shore. 1m brethren. purpose holding 'an At Home jo a couple of weeks. . Dickson Scott, a young son of Wm. D. Scott, met with a serious accideut on Sunday, He was climbing the lad der in the barn and when in theact of stepping into the mow he fell to the floor, receiving such injufies as cansed unconsciousness for sume time, Dr, Egbert, of Milverton, was summoned aud found on examination there were no boves broken, but that other injur- ies made the oe gem enough, A slight improvem sipce been noticed in the child's eonditien. is visiting Grey: Last week L. McDonald sold 11 two year olds to Messrs, Ferguson & Dames that averaged 1,310 pounds aud the seller received the tidy sum of $720.5u for the bunch, Wesley Pollard, who has run & suc- cessful busivess iu Ethei for the past 7 yeurs, hus decided to enlarge his bor- ders aud has purchased the Cvber wagou shop, 50x100 feet, and about ap acre of land, 'I'he price paid was Mr, Pollard striking a snap. The annual report of the Ethel Pres- byteriau church shows the total re- ceipts from all sources to be $597 89. Out of this sum $132 wentto the Cen- tury Fund ; 852 to church schemes ; BsU0 to miuister's stipend ; $71 for manse repuirs, ©, Bernath is the Sec.- 'Treas. 'The pastoris Rev. D. c- Rae, Evhei and Craubrook being one charge. Itis with no small regret that we chronicle the death of Eliza eg vo secoud daughter of aud Mgs, Donald, ot Cranbrook, which soak place at 10 a.m. ou Monday. Shé was at schuol ou Friday, 10th iust., and that evening complainued of a pain iu her back which grew worse, resulting in paralysis from which she passed away. ceased was in her Sth year, Considerable barn improving is on the program in this township for the comiug season, Among the number Neil Duncauson, lot 12, oe. 14, will build a bank barn 50X66 eet, Thos. Newsome doing the yee and Bak- er Bros. the stoue-work, Jus. Sinelair will raise bis barn on Jot 14; same con- cession, aud byild stone stabling under it. 'he barn.of Thos. Eunis, lot 16, con. 18, will be raised, enlarged and the modern im provements added, An old and highly esteemed resident _|of Grey, in the person of Adam Shold- ice, departed this iife on Fridsy, Jan 17, in the 72nd year of bis at family residence, lot us are 16. Hehad suffered seve for t five years forwarding the resolution to the British q {000 PBOPLE, WANTED: Sale, commencing Satur- day, Feb. Ist. We have just. got through taking stock and find . a lot of odd lines, which we are going to clear out regard- less of cost. It is an old and true- saying that figures tell no lies, and below we quote you in plain figures what you can buy here. If you miss the chance of getting $1.25 in return for your $1.00, you oniy are to blame. 7 = Prints, regular price i240. . S08 tee " het aaa for aoe da, di a0 yds, Flannelette, " = 150 yds. 100 yda, 5 pleees Eiderdown " " 2p Tic.yd." 5c, 2 pieces Astrachan Cloth, Beep a price eee vail. going for 90c, 2 and g $1. d.. $1.80, te, néchen for 4X. 6e. " 4%6c. Be. 6c, Bbeyd. * -- She, be wo " 1 as 7 baie size all wool Shaw! ph ir AB Driee 93. + going for $2.45, 2 all wool Shawls, regular price $1.00, going for 75e. = Shaw's, 25, e. : "« Breaksast Shawls, regular price [ rs going! for 75c. 1 pair only, large all wool Blankets, oe 00 8 Fiannelette Blankets " oi , A oy ged of ladies' benuitul Fascinators, se 81.50 and? 75¢., going for 5c, and 40c 15 pair Ladies Corsets, sizes 18 bat i regular price 50c., 76c., 91,00 and $1.25, now for 40c , 50c., 65c., 9c, A Bar : ouly Caperine, regutar von going for =" . $2. " " es 1 $4.0u, $2.50. A number of black Roffs, regular price $1.50 aud. $i. 15, going for $1 and 70c. Lonly gentleman's Fur Coat a i $25.00, now for $18.00.--a snap. Lonly Rug, finest quality ne have.a number of ladies' Mantles left, all aad and sizes, and are offer- ing them at prices which are within reach of everyone. Wi RAP PERETTES.--In these we are offering all-we have left at prices re- gardless of cost ; they must all be cleared out at some price. In the Boot and Shoe line, we have a number of pairs of men's heavy felt Buckle Boots, regular price $2.50, now for $2.00. 9 rae of men's best quality Overshoes segniarSt.50 abd 81.75,going for 81.20. A few pairs of a "s Buckle Ruboers, regular price $2.50 and $1.75, going now for "32. 00 aud $1.1 6 pair men's teeny duffies, regular Toc., now for 50c, We have just unpacked a few of the many Prints, Gingnams, Muslins, Cre- tonnes, &c., which we haye on order for spring, and in orderto make room for a new goods coming in, all the above-mentioned must be sold during this ale. In the Grocery line, our stock is always complete.: Here area few of the many good values we are olferin 6 bars of Laundry Sop f for Se. A ae. Tabet Soap for 5o. 4 Ibs, Japan Tea for $1.00 reen Coffce Terms of the above are for Cash only. price for farm produce. Don't Fail to Attend ts Sale, Cougerenoing. Saturday, Feb- uary ist, 1902. C. H. Holmes, Atwood. MEDICAL. Business Hiirectoryp. DR. A. S. LANGRILL Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- ty. DENTAL. Drs. Bruce & MCDOWELL, DENTISTS. (Poss over Thompsen Bros. store, Listo- Licentiate College of Physi Surgeons of Ont. ate, a repre attention Nose and iia for such Bi Office and residence-- - next Mrs. Roger's store, ici ATWOOoD/Onrt. given to Eye, Ear cvenings preferred Brancu Orrice--Main 8t., Atwood, over THE BE x olfice. Will visit visit Kivees every Wed- LEGAL. D. A. KIDD, M D., ATwoop, Onv, Physician, Surgeon, ann Accouchenr, all course of. six weeks in 1 pray . -- bag hy eight weeks in 1560) @ New York Poat-Graduate and Hospital, New York, -- Special attention to Diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat, Geo, Bray, B. A. Diseases of Women and children, and Operative surgery, Office Hours : 9 to 10 a. m, lt o 3p, m. btoB Re m. MorpPHy & CARTHEW, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Conv Solicitors for the Bank ---- ton, a oney to Loan. aca abore store, Listowel, Ont. H. B. Morpry. BLEweTT & BRAY, ree and Solicitors, Listowe! to Loan. J. M. Canrurw. Ont. Solicitors for it's Banking = Toone and Ont. Perm. Bu ssociation. Offices over Wallace dtreet, Listowel. ¥. R. BLEWertr. J. CECIL HAMILTON, B. A., BaRRISTER, CONYBYANCER. Dfoney to ican at &@ per cent. Orrice--Main-ét., Listuwel, next to Dr. Foster, Dentist. BRANCH nie eee Atwood, over Tue BEE office. ill "visit At- wood every Wednesday aise. BAW EIST GS. iuistowel, Ontario. [Established 1872,] ag Po pe td wees Palmerston nad Clift Hott bots Shelb ae ee A General Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, Payable in all parts of the ee UNIT- ED STATES and GREAT BRITAI Notes Discounted. Deposits Received. pee rate of interest allowed. AUCTIONEERS. Cc. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of Perth, Monkton, Ont. Rates moderate. For particulars ap- ply at this office G.T.R. TIME TABLE. Lone ball pac le 1s am | Bi oraggety= me 3h Our Prints are the prettiest und the best values that have ever been |: i e; offered here. ey 40 Ibs for $1. AV We 'always pay the bighest possible vie J. W. SCOTT & SON, Bankers) Forest Eeas, per dozen, 18¢, Poratoers, per bag, 50c, Larp, per lb, Ite. to 18¢ Hoas, live weight, $4.50 per ewt.. BEEF per quarter, 6c, t0.8c, per Ib, soe ee:) Andy Terry apent days tast week with his friends ia orhel. About 100 took sacrament at the morning seryiee st Knox ehareh on Sunday, Mr. and Mre. A. W, Fe asporatone of Listowel, were guests of Mr. aad A. Huggins on Sunday. "The young people of the yill and surrounding niry are en eg themselves on Mr. White's skating rin these nights. Chas, Broughten, sr, pers ee making preparations or building * as red brick dwelling next 'sam- ag en Bannermaa, of Blanshard, ac- Alex. Bannerman; fran, 14¢ Saterday until Tuesday. . Ballantyne, of Atwood. held a | successful auction sale Satarday after- funiture, ete, C, the hammer, everything eee asl ats x peiot, side' mall crow The monthly Ronse falr will be feia in Brussels on Feb. Hon. treo. Ross er "Mrs. Ross will attend the eoronation of King Edward in June next. Inspector Miller laid information be- . Miller, J. cling and costs. BE AMAR a men cha t bs 1 (es osof stron ae od foim, be et " Imzy have robust : health and strong nerves and clea "ee minds. Our tres 4 ment makes such | 'f; men. The methods | are Our Own izcivaivaly, ond wherr wnything is left to build pon, ths VIGOR OF MEK ise gic ly, permanently restored, Weakness, Nervemszecs, Debility, and all tho train of ov.ts from earky errers or later exocases, 'he reeult of over-work, ' s2imess, vorry, eto., forever oured. Fb itrength development, and tie gir _ en to every organ and pertio2 of the body. Simple, netural metheds. Im nediate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 9,000 references, Boog sxplarstions and proofs cmaileé (scaled) free. Address, : ER'G MEDICAL CO., : BUFFA' 0, N86 liquor after hours. lofringement and paid $20 val BE_A MAN t VIGOR en? STRENGTH! For LOST or FAILING DEBILITY, General and NERVOUS DEBIL! Weakness D ERIE MEDICAL Co., EUFFALO, N.%

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