ae) a ©. H. F gaye theannual Warden pa aitrocsied eat cot The disease afflicted Mrs. K. . Spyder, . @Jnion St, Troy, Ohio, when she was _Hood's Sarsaparilla recta te serotaloas diopeation and, red rade pally and iS permanently cares the disses. For Sale. 4 number of thorobred Yorkshire tes for sale cheap. UGH RICHMOND Con. 11, Elma, Newry P.O Ss. M. SMITH, Artistic Photograj her, has opened a studio over Erskine's store, In Atwood, Where he cordially invites you to call. Special attention given to Wamily Group Photos,Farm Views, and Life SizéCray- ons. All Work Guaranteed. Prices Moderate, ... "Will visit Atwood every Tuesday. Also being a practical Watchmaker -And Opticiau, he will bring his optical nse with full line of Spectacles and cyeglasses every 'Tuesday, Eyes test d.and fitted, © Particular attentinn Siyen to shortsigteduess. Watch Repairing attended to in all jis branches. 8, M. Smith, Ngo <a * Dust Wash * ~ ' Gold Thaday evening of last week. About seryed by Mine Host Hogarty in a di ing Hall decorated with flags, and a bauner of welcome. "The banquet via asaccess, The toast list was a long one, andearly hours of the. morning had been reached before the guthering broke a The gentlemen seated about the table included all the members of the County Council, and gpd the others present were Messrs F, Mac eR a M, P., Nelson Monteith, M.P.P. Mon- teith, Major Moscrip, x 'Sjdey 'Smith, K. G,, J. Makins, Coughlin, Police Magistrate Biioake, Principal mo ca I. W.., Steinhoff, A. Caven, Phos. Hesigerson Ald. Pauli, Ald, Bradshaw, Ald. Haestiton; Dr. Rankip, Dr. Monteith, Dr. J. R. Hamilton, Dr, Dunsmore, W. H, Roberts, Andrew MacBeth, A. Allen, of Stratford ; Geo. Goetz, D. A. Dempsey, Jas. Armstrong, Wm. Smith, of Ellice ; Dr. Egbert, Ed- itor Macbeth, J.P. Griffin, David Smith, Milverton ; das, Stewart, Seb- ringville ; Wm. Sykes, Jobn Holmes, ibbert ; Councillor Pat, Bohan, of Logan ; "Messra) James Dougherty, feels Downey, Stephen Nicholson, 'Ex- Mayor Davis, Dunbar, Robt Davidson, Wm. Bbarec Jos.. Jackson, of Mitebell. Chairman Wm, Davidson opened the rogram by reading regrets from Judge 3arron, Judge Woods, and Messrs, Broderick, Mitebell, and Kastner, of sebringyille, and from Dr, Orouhyatek ba, chief of the I. O. F. The usual toasts were responded to by the guests present. Major Mosecrip thonght that the toast on which le was speaking, the Army and Navy, was one of the most important on the list. Where would t mercantile prowess of Great Britain be without her pavy ? From the earliest times Lritohs bad been tanghebo adiwire the position of Abe Empire, an Empire able tu compel eace by sovereiguty in war, au Empire that could stand alone and challenge the world to comie on, The great An- glo-Saxon nation was all powerful in the world to-day and ils representatives were standing well together. Even in the Boer war Britain liad had the mor- al support.of fellow Anglo Saxons in the United States. It was oftea asked if the preseot days could produce such feats of arms as the days of old. Our ewn Canadiaps had answered in the affirmative in their grand charge at Paardeberg. Capt. Torrance had known the Ward- en for 25 years, and spoke very highly of his récord, Mr, 'Torrance thought that a nation's greatness should be meusured by its good works towards humanity. liussia, jucged on this basis, et nota greatnation, Lritain stood firs 'Mr. MacLaren, after congratulating Mr. Mertyfield; went on to give some reminiscences of Mr. Merryfield's fath- er. He hoped Mr. Merrylield would become d Senator some day, Le kuew he had $10,000 ready, Canada Wanted more peuple. Ontario had increased : littie over 68,000 in ten years. Llere was somethiuig that the Government could help. North Perth had also in- creased but littl. 'The Goverument should also tackle the transportation problem. Canadians were paying 20 per ceut. more Lhan Americans to get products on the English market, 'The St. Lawrence route should be tixed up. A steamboat line from Torontu to the seaboard would tap the west bygway of a railway to Owen Seund, aud should be a paying scheme. 7 Nelson Monteith added woid to those already spoken of the Warden, aud wished him a pleasant year. He considered that the 23,000,000 acres of cuitivated land and the 140,000,- oud of uneultiyated land in Ontario were a wighty trast- to Canadians. 'There was cause for regretin the slow peopling jof Ontario. The province had immense possibilities in its water power, Which would become more yal- uable us the use of electricity develop- ed. J.C, Monteith objected to atlempting to fill Mr. Brown's place until after the elections, When he expected to do so. Many years ago he had been a member ofthe County Council, and the faces around the bourd recalled to him his municipal pase Hewas glad to pay bis tribute to Warden Merryfield and wish him success, Major Dr. J. R, Hamilton, for many years the Warden's family physician, spoke of his boundless hospitality. In Moukton, he said, Mr. Merrylield was a Virtual king. T'wenty-eight years ago the speaker had attended a banquet given by Mr, Davidson, and was glad to see some of the men of that day still around the bourd. "Our Agricultural Interests" was re- sponded to by Councillor Dickson, who spoke on the difficulties which pioneers of this district had overcome and the pre-eminence of Perth in agriculture and dairying. Hereferred to Warden Merryfield's energetic and faithful work in the County. Council. "The Host" was the 'toast lLonored most enthusiastically of all, The chair- man had known Warden Merryfield from boyhood and could say nothing but good of him. 'The Warden expressed his intention of doing his very best, and thatked bis hearers for their presence, and extend- ed to them his hospitality in Monkton Councillor Bohan, of Logan, spoke a few words in fayor of the Warden. -- Warden Merryfield told the audience that the Just speaker was the choice of his good Logan for te County Counej} next } : : rs 'supper | | at the Commercial Hotel, 'Stratiord, from alt over the county | sat down to the really excellent re At Holmes' Gigantic Clearing Sale, commencing Satur- day, Feb. Ist. We have just got through taking stock and find a lot of odd lines, which we are going to clear out regard- less of cost. It is an old and true saying that figures tell no lies, and below we quote you in plain figures what you can buy here. If you miss the chance of getting $1.25 in return for your $1.00, you only are to blame. en yds. Prints, regular price saa. and 15c., your chice for orc. yd <8 s. a0 toes Flannelette, * i: 150 yds. 1 ar & a 8e. " oe se 00 yds, soe pieces Eiderdown * = 2 pirce d 124¢c. To. ruin for 46, Be. 426C. bee. + yd. * Soe, 2 peti Astrachan Cloth, binek, regula pure at #0 ya, going ee d gre 1 only large size all wool Shawl, sear price pad "3; tae for $2 45, 2 all wool tases regular price St. ~ ae going for 7 oe, " Sha © Breekeiet Shawls, ena price $1. a0. going for Tae. Hap i 2 1 pair only, large all wool Blankets, 8 'iannelette Blankets sac, an ", A number of ladies' beautifa! Pubsindtors, regular $1.50 an Tbe, going for nd 40c. 15 pair Ladies Corsets, sizes 18 of 2. regalar price 50c., 7dc., 81.00 and §1 25, oi now for 40¢. .56c,, A Burg 1 only Caperine, regular price $12 ow going for bey 00, 1 . - " #8 75, . 26 -- = $2 50, 1 $4.00, A number of black Ruffs, regular price $1.50 and $1.15, going for $1 and 70c 1 only gentleman's Fur Coat, 1 only Rug, finest quality uu $25 00, now tor i al a 347 We haveja number of ladies' Mantles le ty, ail sivas and Sizes, and are offer- ing them at priees which are within reach of everyone WR ourdtines of cost ; APPERETTES.--In these we are offering all we anye left et prices re- they must all be cleared out at some pric In the Boot and Shoe line, we have a number of pairs of menu 's heavy felt Buckle Boots, regalar price $2.50, now for $2.00, 9 pair of men's best quality Overshoes,reguiar $1 50 ard 81 73,going for.$1.20. few pairs of ee 's Buckle Ruboers, regular price $2.50 and $175, going now, for #2! 00 and $11 o pair men's hangs. doffies, regular 75e., now for 50¢. We have just unpacked a few of the many Prints, Gingnams, Muslins, Cre tonnes, &., which we haye on order for spring, and:in orderto make room for these new goods coming in, all the above-mentioned must be sold during this sale, offered bere, in the Grocery line, our stock is always complete. mauy good values we are offering bars of Laundry ar oo 25c. 4 Ibs. Japan Tea for Terms of the above are "sy Cash only. price for farm produce, Our Priuts are the prettiest and the best values that have ever been Here area few of the ' cakes Toilet Soap fs 5e. 0 lbs. Green Coffee for 81, We 'always pay the higboat pussible Don't Fail to Attend This Sale, Commencing Saturday, Feb- ruary Ist, 1902. C. H. Holmes, Atwood. Business Directory. DENTAL. 'Drs. BRUCE & MCDOWELL, DEW TIsSTs. (pe. over Thompson Bros, store, Listo- BRANC s Orrice--Main St., Atwood, over THE Bi :oflice. Will visit AUwood every Wed- esc diy, from 9.30 a.m, LEGAL. MorpPHy & CARTHEW, YARRISTERS, Solicitors, 'Hamilton a &e. B' Solicito ae ane oe ton Money to Loan. Omen Careo McKce's store, Listowel, H. B. comer BLEWETT & BRAY, gp rte ERS and Sage Listowel, On. to Loan. icitors for Scott J, M. Canturw. 'or Banking House end ty Perm. Building & woan Association. Offices over Scott's Bank, Wallace Street, Listowel, F. R. BLEWETT. J. CECIL HAMILTON, B. A., BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER. to Tucan at &!g per cent. iMoney to Fa fae ae Ph Listuwel, next to r. Fuster, Deutist. ebenon OFFic--e--Main-st,, Atwood, over Pur Ber olfce. Wiil 'visit At- wood every Wednesday afternoon. AUCTIONEERS. C. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE County 'of erth, Monkton, Ont. Rates moderate. For particulars ap ply at this office, Se G.T.R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Atwood Station, North and Seuth, as fellows: --. Gdrne SOUTH. GOING NORTH. Express TAT am.{ Mixed. | 1.20 p.m. Mixed 10,23 am. oe 7,65 p.m, ee Gero. Dray, B. he, » MEDICAL, DR.A. S. LANGRILL ; Ilonor Graduate of Toronto Univers- Licentiate pcege of Physicians and Surgeons of Outar Special attention xiven to Eye, Ear Nose und 'hroat,. Evenings preferred for such work Office and residence--Main- st., Mrs. Roger's sture, ATWOOD, ONT. next D. A. KIDD, M D., ATWoop, ONT, Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur, A full course of six weeks in 1899 and a full course of eight weeks in 1901 in 'The New York Post- Sener School and Hospital, New Yor Special attention to Diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat. Diseases of Women and children, and Operative surgery, Office Hours : 9 to 10 a. m, 1to3 p,m. 6 to 8 p,m. BAW EIN GS. J, W. SCOTT & SON, Bankers" DLuistovrel, Ontario. [Zstablished 1872.) Listowel, Palmerston and ed . A. Halstead, Mount Fi OFFIC BS: ford ; also wi and dtettarne A General Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all parte of the DOMINION, UNIT- ED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN. Notes Discounted. Deposits Received. Current rate of interest allowed. A large amount Bee nuy ate Funds to lend on farm security Four and one-half per poset with privilege of repaying principal en 2 Marriage Licenses Issued. es tof of Tue A Ast bave been residing in for 4 year and a few days, it will, tio doubt, be interesting to your readers if. I send a report of the past yeat ty er paper, I left the East on Jan. 15, 1901; ae reached here on the 19th, degrees below zero, and remuined 80 during the week, It then tntned fine fora few diss, after which it was | stormy for @ week with the mercury 10 degrees below zero. March came in | fine and clear, and it was bright right up to the 15th of April. On that date we had a fall of snow about 6 inches deep, which stayed for a few days. After the snow went away, we had the best of weather for seeding, 'The weather remained fine anti! the 6th of June, wher we had another 6 inches of snow. The trees were all leafed out very heavily, and the weight. of the snow cansed many of them to break. This snowstorm was altogether out of the common, even old settlers neyer having seen the like. The snow only lasted aboutaday. The weather during the rest of Juue was very rainy, July-and August were hot aud dry, September was dry util about. the 2Uth, when we had a storm of snow and rains The weather remained broken for some days, making it very bad for farmers whose wheat was in stouk- However, it cleared up and the weather was excellent during the rest of the fall. We had a few days at Christmas when the weather reached 38 degrees below. zero. The new year came in like October and the weather has been autumnal up to the Jast few days,-which are some- what colder but still calm and snpny- 'There Has been but little snow and the roads are hard and smooth, Bicycles, buggies and wagons can be used with the greatest possible ease up to present date, The wheat crop this year turned out Well. The yield ran from 20to 40 bush: els per acre, The railway has been on- able to take the wheat out of the coun- try fast enongh, with the resnit that elevators are full and there is a block- ade. Before the blockade set in, abont 25,000 bushels were marketed daily here in Neepawa. The sample is ex- cellent. Hoping this will find all old friends well and prosperous, I remain Yours truly, 8S. J. MCLENNAN, PERTH COUNTY NOTES, Two important real estate changes are reported from the vicinity. of Mil- vertun. James Trim has sold his splendid 800 acre farm near the village, which includes his: suberb residence, one of the finest in the countryside, for 3.500, to Geo. Kerr, of Toppin Thomas Gibson, also near Milverton, has aiso sold his farm for $6,500 to Mia of Harriston, formeriy ° At the annual meeting of the "Morris Piano Co, Listowel, this week, the fol- sagt officers were elected for the en- sruce, D. bell, ; Hamilton, Dr. Nichol, Ri W. Scott and J. Seborger, Cc. Tabberner was re-appointed auditor. The board re elected .J.- W. Scott, over dent ; Mr, Campbell, Viee-Pres, ; F. McDowell, Sec-Treas, 'The number a pianos sol. in 1901 was 626, nn increase 184 over 1900, Since the first of Jan- uary last the output hus been 15 pianos per week, and orders are in hand for orer a month's work. This places the ompany among the largest makers of pianos in Canada. The board acknow- edged the efficient services of the man- ager, W.R, Dunn, by a very substantial increase of salary. for another year, PROHIBITION CONVENTION --Strat- ford, Feb. 3.--A prohibition convention was held here to-day. Ou account of the heavy snowstorm which prevailed yesterday and to-day the roads through the country are almost impassable; and the attendance was cunsequently small, John A. Nicholls, Provincial organizer of the Dominion 'Alliance, was present, and explained the reason of the meet- ing. The question of prohibition was ut present a live one, and ih order to bring itabouta union of temperance foroes 'or definite work was necessary. Sfter he had outlined the work already complished throughout the Province in the way of organization it was de- cided to form & branch of the Domin- ion Alliance for North Perth, and com- mittees to nomivute officers, ete; were appointed, It is said tha: a full investigation of the army remount scandal will reveal the fact that Great Britain has beeu swindled out of 0,000, Thomas McGiverin, of Galt, was tried at Berlin ona charge of stealing $1,000 from the Methodist charch and acquitted on &@ lechrical:ty. Sofia, Bulgaria, Feb. 6.---M. Kamt- "It was 35 \ choff, the Miuister of Public Instrus = tions, Was assassina to-day in his study bya Matedatiiaa who pretended he wantea to presenta petition. The assassin subsequently- committed gui- cide by shveoting, :