- gar = VOL. 13. ' 'ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, ge 14, 1902, eaiel: ESR See I OO ONS BO) WwW? Si Sl ESIESESENES S GS « TH STENT WINDING UP } _ Garson & McKee's' is Winding Up Fast, and Will Soon Stop Ey you realize how near at hand is the close of our Winding Up Sale ? Have you made the best use of your op- portunities in connection with this sale ? Look over your list of home, household, or personal needs and see if there is anes something you'll be wanting before long that could be bought to good advantage at this sale. We are sure it will surprise you to see the great savings you can make by buying now. But Remember, You Must Act Promptly. Have only room for a few winding tp prices : 20 pairs only white and grey cot- ton blankets, full size, regular price $1.00, winding up price per pair pay 64c, 200 yds. plain oink and plain blue Flennelette, fast colors, winding be up sade price per yard 9 Winding Up Sale of Men's Clothing, 165 yds. fancy Delainettes, very stylish goods, riage Up up sal aleya 4. ) price per yard 0 GC, 100 yds. only, heavy bag Towel- Winding Up Sale of Boys' Clothing. 200 yds. best Indigo blue Shirting, heavy and wide, regular price 12hc. and 14c., wiieitg up asin 10 price per yard ' G, 254 yds. fancy Wrapperette = pale blue and pale pink with white spot, regular price 12kc., 7¢ 6 winding up sale price 1 piece only, half bleached Table Linen, 72 inches wide, beantiful design, regular price 50¢., wind- YT ing up sale price per yard ....> t, 89 pairs Cordets, in assorted sizes, strongly made corsets, regular price 50c.,Winding up sale price ) per pair - Tc, 7 only Ladies' Fur Coats at winding up sale prices, All Ladies Fur Capes and Fur- lined Capes, Caperines and Ruffs at about .... Half Price. 1 lot plain, black Roman Satin, beautiful rich satin finish, wide width, regular price 30c., wind- ing up sale price per yard .... 19¢, eee +e eh eee ling, \ eae up sale -- Per y 1-9¢ yard ' 26c.& Shc. Men's Ties all styles, winding up price 16¢. { lot Ladies' Cloth Mantles at 4 the regular price. CARSON & MGKEE, | LISTOWEL sup ORDON 9e.92.9e9 aS es Ned IIR? Bret vict (Mews. Elma. The following is the report of 8S. S No. 5, Elma, for the month of January: Sth class--Jessie Morrison 893, Aggie Hallagty ne $37, Wm. Robb 270. Senior 4th cluss--Inez Ballantyne 297, Eva Danbrook 278, Jessie McMane 259, B Anderson 254, Dottie Frier 213, Herbert Peebles 177, Pressie MceMane 152. Jun- lor 4th class--Myrtle Danbrook 381, Mianie Cowan 275, Maggie Hanna 253, Ernest Gilmer 245, Mabel McMane 232, Edythe Gray 210, Cecil Brown 198, Jes- sie Allison 193, Roy Ballantyne 18%, Senior 8rd class--Bernice Morrison 278, Mary Gilkinson 262, Maggie Ducklow 220, Woodson Robb' 212, Tena Leslie 177. Leshe Ballantyne 297, Bertha Gil- kinson 259, Emma Danbrook 227,Lorne MeMane 187, Florence Ducklow 167, Lizzie MeMane 154, Chas. Hales 154, Minnie Smith 152, Welland Peebles 188, Gayton Smith 123, Harold Smith 115> Senior 2nd class--Melyyn Robb 299, "Inez Brown 290, Max. Morrison 215, Bilx Cartis 208, Edythe Leslie 193,Chas. Danbrook 179, Lindsay Morrison 96, Edgar Taggart 70, Russel 'Taggart 67, Fred Coulter 52, Russel Inglis 32, Jun- ior 2ad class--Rosa Robb 298, Ada Mc- Mane 265, Alice McMane 242, Samnue Gilkiison 225. Winter class--William Faliartou 175, Roy MeMane 175, Joseph Gilkissen 169, John Allison 161, Wm. Coulter 112, Wilbert Strathers (08 {T. Prandvrook 106, Ed, Leslie oi, James turned to the 12th after spending a year with Mr. Lochhead, of the 12th con..... Miss Ovans and Mary Ovans have returned home after spending a couple of monthsin Lambton county, . We wish Mr. Hamilton a safe voy- age. Measrs, Scott and Leslie shipped; 40 two year old cattle fed by Henry Smith. They were sold to 8S. Gould, of Boston, aud were exported to England, The total weight of the shipment was 62,250 ponnds, and the netted Mr. Smith the neat sum of $2,612. Mr. Smith is one lace and does in addition adarge busi- ness at his brick and tile yards and op- erates a flax mill. Included 1n the ship- ment was a prime bull, fed by 'Thomas Preston, of Elma. TheCouncil of Elma met in the Hall, Atwood, on Monday, February 10th, 1902, Members all present. Min- utes of last meeting were read and signed. A communication was read from Angus Smith, C.E., asking forthe office of Engineer for the township ; no action ; and acommunication from R. S. Pelton offering his hall to rent for Council meetings ~no action. ~ Moved by Mr. Curry, seconded by Mr. Coates, that a grant of 31500 be given in aid of the Atwood Public Library. Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Curry, seconded by Mr. Wherrythat the Clerk be author- ~ Young 91, Max. Sinith 54. attendance tor montlf 63, ized co notifythe trustees of 8.8. No. 1 Average | ana Us.S8. Ne4 that application has % been made todetach lot 6, con, 6, from Sriv ER CORNERS [TEMS.-Mr. Little's | Ss. No. 1 ang@enuex sume to U.S. No: sale, Wiiaeh was to have been last Tues: | 4, and to atteid next meeting of Coun- vay, Was postponed until Wednesday, 22th inst, dn decourt of thé sturm; Mrs. Greig has been laid np with la} grip ., Although the sturm contin, pies, hie "Lost Heir parties vever miss their appointment., ,We hear that Ars. Houze has been ihwith ta Brippe. aVe wish her a speedy reeoyery Jew of the young folks from the cern were juvited to Mr,Lawrence's to spend the evening last Friday and although thes orm was blinding most uf the in yited guests arrived. 'Two, however, who yentured a little off the etraight road home were lost iu the storm and found themselves toward mornuiug in wu Uninhbubited barn, It is to be hoped ihat they bave found their way, home ys friends, no doubt, would be anxious. .. Miss Mary Little has beev visiting jn anudcabout Stratford for about a week....Miss Osborne has returned to her home at Moncrieff after speuding a month with friends on the 12th....We ure giud to see that Welles Bell has te- sas | Vhed. cil aud statepujections; if auy. | Care Moyed by Mr. Coates, seconded ) by Mr. Doylg that the Auditors' report |as now rmadbve adopted | copies of th) ebstraet report be printed, pepeig| Myed by Mr, Carry, second- led by Mr, Vherry, that By- law No. 425 $s now rea¢ be limatly passed. Carried. Moved by Mr, Wherry, seconded by Mr, Boyle, bat orders ve issued ov the Treasurer be payment of the following accounts, ¥Z.: D. if. Marshall tile for culerts ; J. L, Torrbull himself ad meu breaking road ; "83. lu, Vor: poration ¢ Listowel 34, tor suowplows ing Mitehll grayel road, 191; HAY Mitchell 2.00, stationery ; Hawthorn Bros, 310M), tile T. LE. & Mi; tar & Riddel S65 73, assessment rolis, asses= sors gui¢aud express ; Dr.D. A. Kidd 2 50, Vis . R. C. Forrest, who) was killed in :S. Bassett $3 38, tile; J. Sanders 0: 'to pay himself and men breakingroad; A. M. Sweeton 86.10,ex- press 0} debentures, discount on i ; of che most successful farmers in Wal-|j and that 800; , | stroke referred to, cheques, postage and stationery, and trip to oe to pa tain .money ; J. Roger 38.27, hardware, 326.60, and $25.00, funeral expenses of Montgomery ; J. Morrisou, 'Treasurer Agricultural Society, rent of hall, 325 ; J. Greig $8.00, grayel to pay himself and men breaking road; A. Quipp $5.80, to pay himself aud men breaking. roa ad ; u. Broughton $3.00, breaking road and fixing pitch holes ; I, Langford $1.80, balance on gravel ; Ed. Fisher $14.55, gravel; J. Barton 87.80, lumber ; 'LT. G. Ratcliffe and T, Fy Hammond $12.00 each, salary as Aud- tors ; N. Coghlin, poundkeeper, $9.25, costs re Mann v. Coghlin; G. Gordon $2.50, team breaking road; J. Donald- son $6.50, amount paid by him to men breaking road ; Wm. Sweeton $2.00, to pay men shovelling snow. Carried. Moved by Mr. Coates, seeonded by Mr. Curry, that the Council do now adjourn to meet on March 16th next to appoint patho asters, poundkeepers and fence- viewers, Carried. Henfryn. Drep.--There died at the residence of his son, Thos, ©, Stevenson, lot 27, con. 10, Grey, on Thursday, Feb. 18th, Wm, 18 C. Stevenson, aged 80 years, 4 mont und 8 days, "About three years ago he took a paralytic stroke on his left side, which was followed two weeks ago by another 'stroke; from the effects of which he never rallied, not even to con- scluusness, His aged partner is very feeble with her 90 years and infirmities. eceased was boro in Toronto in' 1821, where he subsequently learned the eab- inet making. He was married in 1843 to Miss Jane Worth, of England, and as aresuit of this union three daugh- ters and two sous were born, viz., Mrs, Burrows, of Detroit ; Mrs. Campbell, of Manitoba ; Mrs. Collis, of Grey town- ship ; Thu , of Grey, and George, of California. Ail were present at the death bed with the exception of George who could not get here. Dece:sed was a life-long und consistent Christian, a member of the Methodist church and a teacher in the Sabbath school, Ue af< tended church regularly until about three years ago, when he took the lie was a. Method: ist of the old School, earnest, fervent, xecompanied with open banded gener- osity. The travelling preachers of the early days were always sure of a wel- come at his fireside, and Tuvariably availed themselves of it. It is but nat- ural that he should be a kind, indulg- ent husband and father, and was bigh! esteemed by the whole seiguborhood: The funeftal service be condue next Satarday Paget a atl p.m, by Rev. Mr. Fear, of Atwood. Interment will be made in Elma Centre eemetery. 3d. Johnston 37,) om WALTER BROS.' Stock-laking Sa Stocktaking is now over and we find many odds and ends which must be cleared out within the next few weeks at some price. It willnot be acase of cost or profit, it is simply to clear them out ; consequently we will place them before you at prices that will take them by storm. 25c. to 50c. Dress Goods at 15c. 4 dozen Bed Spreads, price $1.00, sale price 50c. Table Linens. Linen Towels. Cotton 'l'owels. Carpets. Rugs. Lace Curtains, etc. 2 fur-lined Men's Coats,sizes 39and 42. Men's Overcoats. ants. Underwear. Ladies' Jackets. And among ail the bargains, we are offering a.carload of fhe very best Redpath's Granulated Sugar, so if you intend buying sugar by the barrel this will be yonr chance. Walter Bros., hw ie Sign of The Kiephant, LISTOWEL. * ord Dafferin is dead. Geo. Cadbury paid £135,000 to obtain control of the London Daily News, NEWS OF THE DAY. Justice Lister died of heart failure Sunday morning: Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier will spend three months in Europe next summer, The Viceroy of India telegraphs that the famine ontlook is very serious, No rain has fallen, and the plague of rats in Gujerat, Rajpootna and central In- diais assisting. In the destruction of the crops, London, Feb. 7.--The War Secretary Mr. Hrodrick, said that the number of mp purchased during the war totall- ed 416,088,0f which 77,101 came from the United States, and' 11,364 trom Canada. In addition, xbent 89,705 horses had been i in South Airing ; Alex, Bain, a Hamilton bartender was fined $50 for selling cigarettes to juveniles. During the past year 3i7 persons were killed on the Canasien railways, Of this number 16. were passengers and 118 employeés. More wreckage of the slnop of-war Condor hasbeen fotind, and it 1s now off Vancouver Island, The Winnipeg City Council decided by a majority of one to accept Mr. Caré negie's $75,000 library-oifer A motion in favor of. Sunday street cars: was de feated by a similar nrajority regarded as certain that sim foundered