Atwood Bee, 14 Feb 1902, p. 5

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Sastoria is for Infents aad Children. Castoria is a hermices substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drope &@nd@ Svothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotié substance. It is Pleasant. guarantcé {sb thirty years' tise by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and silays Feverish- hess, OCasteria ctitée Diarrhoca and Wind Colic. Castoria telieves Teething Treubles, eures Constipation aud Fiatwiency. Castorin assifiiliates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and matural sleep. Casterin is the Children's The Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Chatoria le 20 mea: te ebiidren that I recommend it superior te any' pre ripen Faown to me iL A. Anema, M.D. Dreohipn, H. F Castorza. "Casteria is au excelicnt medicine for @dildren, Mothers have repeatedly told me of ite good effect upon their children."' Da. @. C. , Lowell, tases. THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF C APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THe Canvacn COMPAR, VY MURRAY OTRSET, Dew TERR OFT. You Can Make No Mistake In| Buying Your Croceries - and - Candies -AT-- &. WETS Fe bee eh T'resh Brea.' and Cakes. Oysters in buik or by tie pint. We Gan Please You. ; i oe Atwood Roller Millis) Special Announcement. ; The Atwood Roller Mills have been overhauled and some additional machinery put in, and is therefore in better shape than eer to do good 'work. MR. RAE, a practical miller, of the Wingham Mills, ines deen engaged by Mr. Corrie to take charge. > The public are invited te give the Atwood Mills a trial, especially those who have been doing their ocint= ing at outside mills. Mr. Cérrie is satisfied that he can please them. Flour, Bran, Shorts and Chop: al- ways on hand at Lower Prices , _ than elsewhere. & has declared its usual |The c. P. RB. dividend of 2 per cent. on the preferred and 2 cent. on aa common stock for Bagg half year. gis has bought '| George Cadbury, The Londen Daily News, will make so- cial reform a feature of bis journal, and }; exclude betting and turf news, Faris, Feb. 9--The Hindn twins, Radica and Dordica, which were anited ina manner similar to the Siamese twins, who were exhibited throughont the world, were separated to-day by Dr. Deyon. The operation lasted 20 minetes and was entirely successful, but owing to the weak condition of the atients, due to iliness of one of the wins, the final ieee of the operation is still doubtfat London, Feb: fo. --Déwet has had an- other very narrow escape, He has'suf- fered, severely at the hands of the twenty-three columns pursuing him, but he bas managed as usual to break alba be just as the cordon was _ closing around him. The official despatch which is published this morning would almost make one believe Lord Kitchen. er's wily fue beurs a charmed life. The not to give up the chase, aithough he may be compelled tocry halt for the New York, Feb, 7--Andrew Carnegie thade two speeches last evening, let the penite krrow the epitaph to be. put. an fs own tombstone, and fneideutally gave away 8 965,000 building. And_ it was not a very bisy even'ng for him, eifher. It was in the course of his sec- ond speech to the students of Steven's Ingtitute of Technology, in Hob ken that he introduced Nes epitaph. "I thfak," he said, "I will have put upon my tombstone this inse ription: "Here lies' a man who knew how to. get around Him much cleverer men than- himself." Washington; Feb. 10,--Senator Hoar, from the Committee on Judiciary, to- "| day favorably reported a bill for the pros tection - the President of the United Sta e Vice-President and others A new Fou in connection with the roposed law is that the Secretary War authorized and directed to select #& detail from the regular army to guard and protect the person of the President "without unnecessary display," and the Secrevary of War is also authorized and directed-to make special. rules and_ res Sate h apg as to dress. arms and equip- of such guard, and to publish only sucit of the rules and regulations he mey deem proper. Honololu, Feb, 7.~Beneficial resuits have been obtained in the treatmen€ of leprosy from ashred which was sent hera two years ago by Secretary of Agrion}tare Wilson. This shrub comes from Venezuela, where it is dalled Tua- Tusa, Some experfhents were made here by Dr. Camp, but the subjects were remoyed to Molokai before the Ofer had time to work. Miss Tenira Henry, & Public. school teacher, then sentsome of the shruba to Tahiti,where the remedy was tried on a T[eprons youth, She prepsred a decoction from the leaves, twigs, and seeds, and it was taken interi nally, d g violent con- vulsions fully Swollen, and his finger nails had fallen off, but this treatment cheeked the swelling of fingers and nose, and removec the stiffness which had taken from him the use ofhis hands. Slips of the plant have been sent to Molokai, and it is hoped thatit may cure this dreaded disease, which from earliest historical times has age incurab!e, ew York, Feb. 7.--Dr. James FE, Russell, seaitttia in Paes > a ---- ful physician of standing a.d of mo than twenty years practice, made r tormal offe: of himself yesterday as a eubiect for yivisection. He says that he will submit his own body for an in- determinate number of surgical opera- tions at the hands of reliable surgeons, the experiments to be continued until iplete physical collapse or death es, ile will place himself in the 3 of a body of physicians or med- institution for one year, and if he ve at the end of that time he re- -- the right to withdraw as a sub- ' Dr, Russel says, however, that ie experiment will probably have a fatal termivation,and the one condition he insists upon is that adequate fnan- cial provision be guaranteed his wife and chiidren for their support in the event of his death, If he survives the experiment neither he nor his family is to be remunerated in any way, Following is the text of resclation adopted by the Toronto Board of Trade Monday night: Whereas, the evil re- sults of the excessi7e use of intaxicet- ing liq@ors are admitted by all; and, whereas, the best methods to secure a permanent growth in temperance sent- iment and the lessening of these evil results are the methods which should ado ; and. whereas, there is a cGemand for legislation tending to re- ce such ay of liquors to a juimum. therefore, be it re- ancient. that this Tieeting: havirg regard to all circumstances, is of opinion that the best interests of 'temperance would be advanced by the introduction of a measure providing for greater restric- tions upon the liquor traffic, end by taking steps to ensure that existing and succeeding temperance Pi ae sees shall be strictly enforced. Further re- solved, that this meeting pauition the | Government of the Provirce of Ontario that if it should decide to introduce a A api ed bill, sueh bill should con- tain provision for the jast payment by ercenta the Government for nee value of A sin rty wh ieee es fre arta app on 0 c t cn he be be assured of an ng Seg pablie shtipaont in fayor of the mea ure, so that its i Give Your Home us Mill a Tri Wh COR British commander is certain, however, | ;.. present in order to Test his jaded b i The patient' 3 nose wus fear-| j * and South, as foil ; cul BUCKINGHAM'S OVE Witt BGusiness Directory. DENUAL. Drs. Bruce & MCDoweELt, LEN TISTS. i) Sb over Thompson Broa. siorey Lixio- wel Chak - erat Bs aly ee over Tak be tie Wl vielt Atwood every Wed- sie tye teu Wske ita int. REGAL. MorRPHY & CARTHEW, ; ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. ey ivors for the Buyk of rial ig Money io Law Ultices above Car & McKee's Rie, Ldatowel, Ont. H. By Moxvey, BLeEweTT & BRAY, ARIUST ERS and ag r Maytag a Moncy to Loan, Solici for > anking ce ue Ont. fom Building. 'x awn Association. 'Offices over Scott's Bank, Wallace 'pirodt, Listewel. F. R. BLewerr. J. M. CARYHEW. xo. Bray, B. A. J. CECIL HAMILTON, B. A., BARRISTER, CONVYSYANCER, iMoney to Tucam at <k{ per cent. OrFice--Main-st., Listuwel, next to 'Dr, Foster, Dentist. Branou Orrice--Main-st., Atwood, over 'luge Bre office. Will "visit At- wood every Wednesday afternoon. AUCTIONEERS. GC. H. MERRYFIELD, ~a ef ADEXIONESE. FOR THE Co Monkton, Ont. heen " copenntee" 'or parsicoiars ap ply' at this cites - MEDICAL. CR.A. ©. LANGRILL- cay Graduate of Toronto Un!vers- "Dlosntiate oe of Physicians ond surgeons of Onta merece seat to Eye, Ear Nose and Throat, Evenings preferred for such work, Office and residence--Main-st,, next Mrs. Roger's stcre, Atwoop, Ont. D. A. KIDD, M. D., ATwoop, ONT, Physician, Surgeo Rceeieheur. A full course of 'six weeks in 1899 and a full course of eight weeks in 1901 iu The New York Post-Graduate School aud Hospital, New York, me seed bail 25 to of the eye, car, nose, throat. seases of Womer " nd chiidren, and operative surgery, Office Hours ;9 to 10 a.m, 1to3 p,m 6toS8 p.m. BAITBOIITS. J, W. SCOTT & SON, Bankers}, Listowel, Ontatic.: [Establiched 187°2.] Lastawel, Palmerston und Clif Halstead, Mount Forest OFFICES ford : also w and ditipurn A General Banking. Ar:siness trans: ofed, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNIT- ED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN, Notes Discounted. Deposits Received. Current rate of interest allowed. lurge amount of Private Funds to lené oq A ood farm peste at Four and one-half 3 cont. with privilege of repeying principal an Marriage Licenses Issued. G.T.R. TIME TABLE. -proper cultivation, or Fbeen plowed, and part band would ped fair! Wn, Adair,of 'Wroxeter, a st ave with his parents, -- oprietor of the skating nt ig it this week -for hockey, we Will be organized at. once. will ¢ Let the present mavens * Farmers' I North Pertiy Farmers' Institate meet. ings he'd here on Wednesday Pa and evening of last week were attended President D: AD Dem ovcupred the chair, the case ttmit where a farmer had ** efop tail, be complained of the wenth - er. it Was wrong in some wea se The Disioe was very seldom attach impassabte condition of the teas tee to the ..4 farmiug principles which had been fole- owed. Ov the other hand when this satae farmer was fortunate in 7) cone a- good yieid, he was aod dt Teady to cast farmer evum contro! many conditions" " of the weather, as fer as his crop was* concerned, if he only prepared himself properly. Good che saved a clover cr wind-break would "Bian much +6 an orchard, There were failures and ~ successes in the same sectioi 'even in the same' field, and ia 'cases it was very often the farmer's ® own neglect He had vot selected his' seed us he might, he had not fgiyen the" r draining had been negted The" speaker bad seen a feta where part had * bad been only 'cultivated on the surface, and the lat«- Fer part produced the better erop,. Mr,- Hutt is entirely in favor of shallow cultivatton of avabiee land, rather than" preserved the fertility near ~ the top of the soil, where it should .be~ in order to most benefit the plants, Ths ~ was nature's way of vali 3 the fertil-- ity to the soil, and it w: fol- low nature as far as Sdestble. It was a' poor policy to summerfallow or leave a - field exposed, in order to enrich it. Light cultivation, and surface fertiliza~- tive on clay soil, If* was not well to allow the manure to ferment in the pile, It was best, the * speaker believed, to draw bes the man ~ ure in the winter --_ ut sprent itas it ig drawn. If no beavily the ~ early even then, This was particula y good for rootg : which were not usvatly sown very ently. Thegood cout of manure prevented the land from drying hard and' stiff, before' seeding time came. hen the nyanure ~ was thus spread it would dry out, but *' ria drying. 'sgt moisture was taken up, ~ e and all the fertility remained in the dried manure, and was easily reaehed- by the roots of the plant when grow- dog. 'The shwifew cuitiyation was also" best for weed killing. The seeds, when™ Fonly lightly covered, grew quickly, and" when the next operation followed, were ~ easily destroyed. Mr. Hutt's rotation was as follows Oats clover, corn. This was a five year ro- tation and thus the same field was not called upon to produce the same crop more than onee in five years. In reply tothe question, Mr. Hutt said that corn could be well grown in the driest of our seasonsif the shallow cultiva- tion was followed and regular after eae till the corn was a few. feet 8 were seldom killed by digh. heating the manure, as their shell pro- © tected them too well. They could be" better killed by shallow cultivation, problem eutertainingly. Theevening' entertainment was poorly attended Harry Rich, the well known humorist, was among the entertainers. O. H, Merry'Seld, the new Warden, was chos- en as chairman, and erformed the duties of the osition in his usual gen- ial manner. In the absence of Miss * Wa prego was engaged to accompany Mr. Rich Mr. Cottrell discussed the poultry ~ s Miss Addie roar of Monk- - 'ton, was asked to fill the vacancy. Miss Stuart had no time to fit herself forthe ** task which is by no means an easy one, - but did her part very acceptably, for the iew selections. In addition to the " two speakers of the delegation, Rosey Rey. Messrs. Thompson and and Mr. Smith, .of Monkton, were ed upon and gave shiort talks, PERTH COUNTY NOTES, Contracts for the er erection of the new" Lebanon schoul house have been iet, oa eerers pis ing a seins quite a- b has been permed, ar games wi "other towns - re sought fo sat ttil. of Stratford; has can- Dean < celied a debt of $2,000 owed 'him by. the poids pie School Board, and offered a of $600,in addition to aid in * paye the debt on the property, rte : Globe on Thursday the suit, Dowling against the town of - Mishel out oe court and an order" fs ted for pa "Ths of costs to Dowl- ug's coiieltocs: This Ply clear Messrs, -- Cumpbell, Stewart other run, if Hci it * 4 soeetiet and an election a to be h Ww. J. Le Mitchell clared rseats vacant, G. G. Me- Pherson, K.C., ees me continu- -- ing sieeniers of the Toronto, Feb. aN. ag this city, a nts the gh Raw Trains leave A twesd Station, X North} 4nd revie a come seUTH. 'ome WORTH. J 0- ais or Campbell, Sta '| Express , 1.20'p.m. food eiltors, announced "| ablie School Board, and ae oe J owes for at--> , ote

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