HEC "A Grout eiponsibutey Beata on Al Mothers--Baby should Always be Bright and Cheerfal. _ bies that are well, rell, eat y; and { remedy to_ to their little ones as a few doses a Going splendidly, with just oa Tablet Baby's Own Tablets, and I have tried all the old remedies I think mothers onght "always to keep them in the in case of emergency." These tablets cure al! the minor all- mente of children, such as constipa- tion. pour stomach, colic, diarrhoea, indigestion, and simple fever. They break up colds, prevent croup, and allay the irritation accompanying the cutting of teeth. Théy are for chikiren of all ages, and dissolved in | willingly and amiably. Drifting Drollery. He--Yes, I won paw last night at ker, but you know the saying, : ky at cards, unlucky at love." She--Oh, b--but, surely, you aren't om are you? -- Brooklyn He--Do you think your mother will be surprised ? She--Yes, indeed. She was saying enly this afternoon that she didn't believe you'd ever get up the cour- age to propose.--Judge. Poet--I was pleased to see my poem in your paper. Is there any money---- Editor--Oh, no; we shan't charge you anything this time. It is your first offense, you know. If. however, ft is repeated, we cannot let you off again so easily.--Boston Trans- cript. Go, despite all your efforts, your client didn't escape the. death pen- ality, eh? No}; he had to go at fellow. Did he die game? Literally so; the papers said that sight of the gallows made him quail.--Richmond Dispatch. last, poor Do the Right Thing when sore chest and tickling throat warn you that an all-winter cold threaten. Use the gtaunch old remedy, Perry Dnavis' Painkiller, and get rid of the pest in twenty-four hours. 25 and 50 cents. Kubelik WiN Ourgrow it. Jan Kwbelik, who is in search of a soul, acknowledges that there is only one way to find it. He pines for a woman to love. "By her Jove the tenoderest passions of my soul will be transmitted to the world through my music." That depends, Jan. Only unsuccessful love pours itself out in @ never-ending strain of music. The soul isn't really born until a man has had a crushing disappointment. San is very: young. "What is your fdeal ?" he was asked. "A girl. who would die for me," replied the soul- less youth. "She must love me sin- cerely, devotedly, intensely, above qverything else on earth." Ah! Jan, fan, you are very, very young. While she is dying for yow what will you be doing ?--St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Kensons. A rounder is so called because he has a rolling gait. An"admiral is so called because Ire adds his impressiveness to -the strength of a navy. winter is so called be- cause sometimes it is open and @ometimes it keeps the people busy Opening the paths, because it seldom has anything to do with an axe. A esman isso called because he frequently can be heard stating lis claims to cflice. ' A city hall employee is so cailed because it is often unadvisable to age plainer terms. 4 John Smith in 'Buffalo Express. | few lacquer tes. - On hia meee @& man remains as A man can obtain divorce for tho following reaguis: Disobeuience, Jealousy, imcurable illness? talkative- a ne) =6wretc wi divorced, must return to her pareiuts and leave her children with her hus- ; band. | On entering the husband's home the Japanese bride-does nut becoms mis tress of the howsehold.. She becomes the servant of her husband's parents, and her husband cannot--does not-- Shield her from the naggling tongue & mother-in-law. When the pur ents are dead, the wife directs the household, but slie is still only her husbana's principal servant. In pub'ic she hardly ever appears in his com- pany ; at ehe does not even sit at the same table wilh him. He taken meals alone, wh'lo she waits. His wi:hes are commands which she obeyx Bhe helps him to dress, she washes and mends his clothes ; she fs even proud to do that for him which would otherwise be left to servants. The Empress her- self is not exempt from such service, but waits in various ways on her Emperor-hu r Minard's Liniment Gures Colds, etc. 2,000-Year Sentence. To be sentencod to imprisonment for the term of one's natural life ig hart enough, but 1o be consigned to a dungeon cell for a couple of thou- saud years is indeed harrowing... Yet foreign judges- not infreyucntly im- pose sentences of several centuries without it being considered auything remarkable. d ung man was arrested in Vienna a couple of yeure ago who, upon his own ehowiug, should have been sentenced to two thousand five bundred years' imprisoument. A total of four hundred chirgee was brought against him, and he was convicted ond sentenced on all of them. the judge wae a merci" one thousand years in consideration of the man's You ty 4 **A Grave Yard Cough"? js the crv of tortured lungs for mercy. Give them weroy in the form of Allen's Lung Balsam, which is used with good ef- fect pven in consumption's early Stages. Never neglect a cough Had Found His Strong Point. A member of the bar not richly endowed with intellect after years of brieflessness, married a rich wi- She died. Again he sought a bride with a large dower and again became a widower. Then he thought he would return to his long negiect- ed profession. He approached an old friend, who had meanwhile be- come a judge of the supreme court, and asked what in his opinion would be the wisest course for him to pursue, "Stick to the probate and matrimonial," said the judge. Deafness Cannot Be Cured local applications as they cannot reac he bee portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, and that in by tio rem Yeatn li 8 en this tube { 'ou have a rumoling sound or im: ng, and when it is entirely ol the result, and unless the inflammat taken ont the tul to orma condition, hearing willbe destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh' which is nothing but an inflamed condit on of © MuUcone surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Dew ness (caused by catarrh) that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, f: J. CHENEY & CO., Tol 3 Sold by druggiss, 750. tail Hali's Family Pills are the best. On the Farm. " Pather, Iam fired with ambition since I came home from college. I want @ broad field for action, where can accomplish something." " Weil, y buy, there is the forty acre lot, which is a rather broad field ;"you might try a little action in that with a plough and a pair of horses, and you stick to it you cat! accomplish something." Minard's Liniment Cores Distemper. Wise Conclusiqns. "De man: dat is suspicious of ev'y- body may be wise,"' said Uncle Eben, "but you can't help thinkin' dat he must of kep' mighty po' compuny at some time or another.""--Wash- ington -Star. : Soap & One ounce of Sunlight Soap is worth more tian REDUCES Two ounces of impure soap, Ask for the Octagon Bar. If your g-ocer Minard's LinIment Cures Garget ia | Cows. YEARS.| eir.| Am Arnprior Man is THankful that Now He is Able to Work. Often found Himself unable to Lie down wituvut the Greatest Pain-- Cured by boda's Kiduey Pills. prior, Ont., Feb. 10.--(Special.) very remarkable cure of Buck- Kiduey Trouble has just t* to netice at Basin Depot, near here. Mr. J. . Martin, suffered for over | " elghteen years with Lame Back so that he actuully couldn't walk or He dowrm wWiuhout elduring the most dreadful pain. He tried many medi- cines without getting rclicf, and was very much ciscouraged. Dodd's Kidney Pilis were reoom- mended to him, and he cummenced a treatment, aud improved very fust from the st. As the treatment couiliued the improvem-nt Increased until was able to go about his work ag well as ever. F The theory so often advanced that the Kidneya ardike most important organs of the t and that a large percentage of the sick.ess a p.ilo Which humanity suffera is due to im- perfeot Kidney action seems to bo amply or He hag wriiten a letter giving the facts of hile cave, and his annoance- umntism or other Ktiney Trouide that Dodd's Kiduey Pills Will not cure, S There Were Others. mn an owful fix. is it, dear? adge--Jack insists that I shall reiurn his er gag:ment ring, and for the life of me Ican't tell which one {t ixs--Tit-Bites. 'Madge--I'm { oe eee Monkey Brand Soap will clean a*house from cellar to roof, but won't wash clothes, Kilmarnock Stories. An old gentieman, a stranger to K'Imarnock, was Icoking for a eer tain street, and asked a boy if he could tell him where to find it. ' ay,' says he. " Ye ken says he, ** do y now how we now get the in- fide out of an egg without breaking the ehll? It's this way, you know. We first perforate an aperture in the apex of the egg, then we per- forate a corresponding aperture in the base of the egg, and then by a violent inhalition of our breath we drain the ogg of its contents." "Lo'd, that bates n'," sald grannie; "when I was young we fust bored a hole at balth ends and sookit it »" Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. TALES ABOUT HEREDITY. Doctors disagree as to the In- fluence of heredity, ways the New York Sun. Some hold that a great deal hinges upug it; otherg believe the ontrury. re was @ loan collection of old portraits exhibited in London lately u a young girl was among t visitors. She wus an orphan and wealthy, but witbout near relatives. Ags passed th b the gallery ome particular portrait attracted her attention, and she went back to it more thum onoe. "It is such a kind face,' sald the girl, rather wistfully, "I imagine my futker might have looked like that had he lived." As most of the pictures were tick- eted the visitors had purchased' no catalogue, but, before going away, Migs B, ne o and made a last visit to the por- | trait for which 'she had felt so strong an attraction. To ber astonishment r own bBame opposite to its number and learned on inquiry tlaat the original was one ef her direct ancestors, se Another odcult coincidence of psy- chological phenomenon happened a few years ago to a Southern states- man and financier, wlaose family had always been of rank in his native State. This gentleman was over- hauling old documents and letters whioh had beeu stored in a musty Chest for years and intended ta publish any of value. To his surprise he unfolded a let- ter, yellow and time-stained, whick was written in his own band-writing, or seemed been written by him, although Gate was two generations before his birth. The signature of the surname, which was the same as his own, wae sO mar characteristic that he could scarcely believe his own hand did not pen the letters. Why They're in Politica. Phii Brick--What's the difference eiheng ao houcet and di. & sest poll- Phil Ossifer--One is tn tice for zens, Pegs Fellow el for any cmount-he ean do his fellow. oltizenz.--Ohio State Jomroal. ' xe acne esd Tho British expedition to Aro, back of the Guinea coast, reports that it haw discovered the "long juju." The "dong juju" ie a fetich® or object of worship of which little is known be- youd the fuct that it le the fetich Mowl aread by the Weat African He cae The terrorism which the Aros uve ir ship Major Mockier Ferry- mun, in uiv work on "British West Africa," states that the Supreme Juju Court wue by sume to tury for the person sent, the hold thug established is tolerably com- plete. "Still, cases occur of slaves whose misaeéds have been repeutedly pun- court of the chiefe and the offender. juju,' and he then proceeds on urney, under the care of a juju man, who, the natives affirm, con- ducte him, blindfolded and by a cir- cuitougs route, oh as comes transfixed to the spot, and water gradually rises around him un- til he is submerged. Another version ip that the place is situated on an island, and that the victim, on being handed over by his conductor, goes through some form of mock trial, al- waye resulting in conviction, where- on he Is cist alive into a huge tank of boiling human~bdiood. stand around armed with tw swords, with which they hack body to pieces and stir up the con- tents of the tank."--St. James Ga- zetta, Messrs. C. C. RICHARDS & Co., Yarmouth, N. S. r m, crushing him f found, pla v n, and with the use of three bottles he wax completely cured and able to turn to his work. SAUVER DUVAL, Elgin Road, L'Ialet Co., Que., Muy 2#th, 1593. It must be tho aristocratic shoe- maker who cousiders himself too good to last. Mra. Winslow's Soothing ee should always bo used for Children Teething. It soothes the child. softens thegum., cures wind eeiic and is the be«t remedy for Diarrhma. 150 Kinds for 20c. Tt is a fact that and seeds are of fun". That- is the regwiar a report from the monkey cage of Barnum's Circus ever since the keepers began dosing tte monkeys with Scott's Emuf- sion. Consumption was carry- ing off two thirds of them every year and the circus had to buy new ones. One day a keeper accident- | ally broke a bottle of Soott's Emulsion near. the monkey | cage and the monkeys eagerly lapped it up from the floor. | This suggested the idea that ished, and whom tieir muster wishes | to get rid of; the muster assembies a | iy sentenced to be deported to 'long | then the monkeys have received , regular doses and the keepers might do them good. Sinee report very few deaths from consumption. Of course it's cheaper to buy Scott's Emul- sion than new monkeys--and that suits the circus men. Consumption in monkeys and in man is-the same disease. If you have it or are threaten- ed with it can you take the hint? ad ve SCOTT & BOWNE, TORONTO CANADA soc and $1. all druggists. ~~ BUSINESS CHANCES. SH FUR REAL ESTATE OR BUSI- nes', DO matter where it is. Send tion aod cash price and get our plan for - ing cash buyers, Patent Exchange and Invest- ment Company, Tororto, Canada. g PATENTS. PATENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE re etc. Home or foreign peeewres and et- pete. Booklet on patents ree. The Pa xchange and Investment Company, Building, Toronto, Ont. DR. WHITE'S ELECTRIC COMB Sure Cure tor Headache and all scalp ailments, prevents Baldness. The ideal used always wu 7 \ e3 6c. 0c. Se prepaid on recei:@ f£ price from Dr. White' Agency, 13 St. John St., Montreal. HAs YOU SEEN IT!?- WHATIIL Priceles« Recip 000 & it re. sy | Methodist Book Room, Toronto, Ont. NEW LAID EGGS WANTED Dried Apples Fvaltey, Dairy and Butier, Honey, cto ill buy outright er cell om commission. Gorrasponitaoe tisied JOHN J, FEE, Front street east, Toronto, Ont. The Frost 10 Wire is the strongest and heav.»< wire fence made--good openings for good agents; write us at once for terms. THE FROST WIRE FENCE Co., and 6 Stay Fence Ask for catalog. WELLAND, ONT. 2 MADE OF PAILS EDDY'S INDURATED FIBREWARE TUBS ae eet NO HOOPS, NO JOINTS, NO SEAMS, NO LEAKS. superior to the ordinary , domestic use. | 19 ' ane, 3 x i S