Atwood Bee, 21 Feb 1902, p. 5

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ae reparation As ete theFood ufa- se tac en Bowa of -- FacSimile Signature of THAT THE > FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE --OF-- You Can Make No Mistake In Buying Your Groceries - and Candies eee etched Fresh Bread and Cakes. Oysters in bulk or "by the pint. Wie Gan Please You. | _-- EIST The Beat family Liniment Known. Griffiths' Menthol Liniment ts the great- . Use it for Scalds, Burns, Bra Bore Throat, Cold on the Chest and aN forms of ewelling aud inflammation. Ali Groggista, 25 conta ion oO. Pee atent: crip , Without charge, ir. ree concerning the ane x . is - 7: Uk ke x a g sketch at des f WASHINGTON, BO. C. in special notice ustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted Address, Any one send VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., ptly receive our opinion low to Obtain a Patent" sdnt upon request. mu a.d\\ tised for sale at our expense. 'Patent taker out 'bro: h us receive (Patent Attorneys, ) ag m Parser; Keota0, an il! NL prorn PATENTS GUAR 'Our re returned if wo fail. wi ry BE JA MAW \ VIGOR ) STRENGTH! ! For LOST or FAILING HANHOGD General and NERVOUS BEBILITY Weakness ef BODY AND ays oupg. ust, HeoD ay ftestcred. Hew to en stre WEAK UN- COPED GEKGANS aud PARTS Gountiion 'iiie tater ion and _preofs|'® 'Lord Burton, the well "The Northwest Territorial rise wilt meet for business on Jat- arch W. H. K. Redmond collected soot t the other evening in New York for the Irish caunse, There are 80 inmates in the Huron H say ne of Refuge. Three abscond during the past year. Jas John Seiler for $5,700. There are 4,000 volumes in Galt"s Public Library. Seventy-six per cent. f the books read are fiction. "Lente. Feb. 18.--On Saturday next King Edward wil visit Burton-on- Trent, where he will the guest of known brewer, His Majesty will visit the brewery and will turn the mash for five lots of Bass' No. | strong ale, which will be stored and used on great occasions twenty ir parked years hence, he Inspector of Euhatic Asylums reposts that in 18%0there were in the Province of Ontario 3,318 patients io the insdne inatitslions. Last year there were 4, In forty population increased from 1 2,182,942, or 56 per cent. while mie in- sane jucreased from 1,681 to 5,889, or 260 per cent, What is the cause ? After considerable correspondence, it is now announced by the Directors of the Public Library that a definite offer has been received from Andrew Car negie to give $6,000 for the building of a public library in Palmerston, under the usual conditions, that is, that the town provide a suitable site and gaar antee an ineome of $600 a yeur (one- tenth of the donation ) Durban, Feb. 16--Mrs, DeWet, in an interview held at the Maritzbarg eon ceptration camp, said that two of he: sous were still fighting with their fath- er. She regretted that the Government had not permitted her to comminicate with her husband, and said she was certain he woud never surrender, Mrs, DeWet declared she wonld rather see her busiaifid die than submit. Londun, Feb, 16.--Peenhar interest attaches to the portrait which Story is painting of Captain Frederick Roberts, the gallant sou. of "Bobs," who was killed while vefending the Buller guns at Colenso. 'Phere was diflieulty in getting the correct expression of the] oi from photographs, sa Lortl Rob" rts sat fur the eyes of his son's por- trait, the eyes of buth being almost ex-7 actly alike. Paris; Feb. 18.--The Temps this even ing publishes a dispatch froin Constan- tinople which xanuonnces that Miss stone has been released by the brigands who have held her captive since Sep- tember 3 last, and bas been handed over in good health to the dragoman of the American legition, The disputeh adds that "Reverend 'Tsilka" has beeu arrested.on the charge of complicity in the kiduapping of Miss Stout, My Hair "<1 had a very severe sickness that took off all my hair. ur- chased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor and it brought all my hair back again." wD D- Quinn, Marseilles, Ili. One thing is certain,-- Ayer's Hair Vigor makes 'the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grows, that's all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al-~ ways festores color to ist cannot supply you . C, AYER CO., Lowell, Prinee Henry of. Germany has sailed from Dremerhaven for New/ York on the Kron Prinz Wilhelm. As the ves- sel drew outinto the stream, with her band playing "The St: ir-spangied Ban- ner," the Prince stood on tte vessel's bridge, dressed in an Admifal's-- uoi- form, and lifted hiscapin response to the cheers of the assembled crowds The party had-€5 trunks and cases, many of them containing presents for Americans. Paris, Feb. 16.--At a meeting of the Academy of Medicine on Thaivedas laSt, Dr. Hatchard created a stir by combatting the popular notion that people who have heart trouble cannot safely take chloroform. He produced statistics in supportof his statements Prof, Berger also spoke e same occasion, and agreed with Dr. Huchurd, He said. that chloroform, prudentiy jused, was still the safest anaesthetic, E Paris, Feb. 16.--Dreyfus still finds it impossible to rent apartments in Paris, when his identity was disclosed, he Gn- ally found a landlord who was willing wo sere him as a tenant at a stiff rent bat the othertenants. ser a notice = 2 ane lord nit meg! would mov Henee 3 . Salter has sold fis 10G acre farni on the town line west of Palmerston, to TF. Rs BLEWET?. After being rebuffed in many places |. aaa Business Divectorp.|' DENTAL. Drs. BRucE & MCDowELL, DENTISTS. HO faba et Ae over Thompson Bros. store, Listo scar Ye bn Obvion --Main 8t., Atwood, Over TH: ottice. Will vidit Atwood' évery Wed pen from 9.30 an LEGAL. MorRPHY & CARTHEW, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Conv ayauee Sontag SO or the Han dese Boeing a stone) ies, Listowel, Ont." H. B, Morpuy. J.M. CARTHEW. BLEWETT & BRAY, ARTISTES and aie Pang ah on ney to Loan. 20) anking House ane 'Ont. Pee" ann Association. Oftices Wallace street, 'Listowel or * Building. ' over Scott's Bank, Gro. Bray, B. A. J. CECIL HAMILTON, B. A., BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER. Money to Tucan, at 4 per ' cent. Mg rere ee.) st., Listuwel, next to . Fuster, Dentist Brancu OFFICE--Main-st., Atwood, over 'lik Bex office. Will yisit At wood every Wednesday afternoon, AUCTIONEERS: C: H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE County o erth, Monkton, Ont Rates modernte: Fo. particulars ap ply at this office, MEDICAL. DR. A. S. LANGRILL-. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- ity. "Licentiate ee of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar . Special ceretion | given to Eye, Ea Nese aud Throat,. Evenings preferred for such work, Office and residence--Main-st,, Mrs. Roger's store, - Atwoop, ONT. , next D: A. KIDD, M D., ATWoopD, ONT. : Physician, 'Accoucheur.- A full course of six weeks in 1899 and a full course of eight weeks in L9Ul in The New York Vost- Sa Schooi and Hospital, New York,- Special attention to Diseuses ol the eye, ear, nose, throat. isenses of Women children, and operative surgery, aud Office Hours : 2 » 10 a.m. 3 p.m. bats m., BAW IW GC. J. W. SCOTT & SON, Bankers Luistowrel, Ontaric. [Established 1872.] Teaewel. Palmerston and_ Clif . Halstead Eeswunt Forest OFFIC ford ; nies he ae and Shelbur A Goneral Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payabiein all parts of the DOMINION, UNIT- ED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN. Notes Discounted. Deposits Receivea. Current rate of interest allowed. A large emgnnt of Privemy Funds to lend on arm security © and one-half per cents .. wilh priv iiece of Re iyiog principal ong Marriage Licenses Issued. -G.T.R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Atwood ah North and South, as follows: ~ accept oe che Trepene, x affair, up his socal ip-of- the ret. 4 corre Se ' nffitient would not be injured : Hiong asa liying thin} pe 8 | ligegtion which wou ' tomach,--Montreal Star. The Deerittg Harvesting oes bys chi cago, is seeking @ location iu London are after, but ie might as L well be located ia Stra tford. Plans for i gigantic plant have bee 'ng dimensions Be two 70x260 feet, one 20x185. an 'addition there will be a: large ie on ; house, The company specifies a site of . 26 acres so located that an addition of « number of acres more may be obtain- *ynirements may make soch an ae ectenkrs: The factory must be | ia such a situation as'to make ailway connections for the handling Pooth of raw materials and their manu-~ 'actures. It is proposed co begin opera- 'tions with a staff of one channel men, which it is thought will be increased to" "wo thousand in a short time, e PERTH COUNTY NOTES.- The adjourned museting ofthe Perth™ 'Law Association was held the other day. The old officers were re-elected. The space iormerly occupied' by I, Hord & Go,in the Advocate Has been Stratford, for which we recei¥ on, Monday last-a dlieque for $10), being payment in advance for & year.--Mit-- 'chell Advocate, * Rev.James Livingstone,pastor of the" Windsor Avenne Methodist chureh; - formerly of Listewel, has decided to" decline the offer of the pastorate of the" Methodist church in Dawson City, to- gether with the $3,000 per annum. and free transportation attached. He will' igo Lo Petrolea after July ist. * It is computed that the Herald's libel snit and the Jow costs in tion with the other suitsin which many of our citizens aud the town were en-~ waged during the past 'six months, to say nothing of the one pending against F.C. Hord, will run up.te $2,500 | T° Whiting must feel proud of his work, --MMitchell Advocate. The S+ntinel-Review, Woddstock jad the following special" from Toronto, dated Feb, 17.--Apple packing in New Hamburg, Stratford and other Western Onturio poiuts waa discussed in eourt this morning in the arge™ aguinst Eben James, Toronto, eho was - lined 25c.0n exch of 18 barrels of ap-" ples fourd in his possession, large ap- ples being on top and very small ones inthe bottom. James was simply in- termediary for farmers in districts wax packedL for the year to be as follows : ' Balance on hand trom 1990, $2,342 70 ;-hotel CPUSES, $37 0.82 ; received expenses for engineers' fees re drains, St2 10; Govern- ment school grant, $826 ; township ot* E+lce. share of culvert, 31 60 ; from Elma townshipy-re 14th con drain, 8101.09 ; sale of old bridge, $1; taxes, grant, $365 ; interests on deposits in bank, 82055 ; grant from Pfeffer Bros., 25 ; proceeds of Gernhelder drain de- bentures, $1,078.85 ;- total, $22,939.04. The expe nditures are: For pablie im- provements, $4,904 13 ; ; Salary allow- ances, etc. 8728; drainage account, S1,- B1690; taxes refunded, $91.40; advertising, ete., $182.21 ; school séc- tions, $7,232 59 ; miscellaneous, $6,887.- 44 ; cush on hand, $2,128.29; Write for our interesting b wks " Invent; "and "How you ero swindled. you free our opin nines an ' tentablo. We make a specialty - ted in older hands, furnish pei ington of tho Poigtscm Mechani aieee Se ag ane in Patent Liaw "Assocation Am Assoelasone New England Water W Sarveyors ation, Assoc. of Civil Baginerrs ormees NEW YORK LIFE D'MO'D., MENITREAL MARL f ATLANTIO BUILDING... WSO, BO MRE Sy pend rion Batons of ia Aare. Mewbr Can, Hoadachos Relieved in One Minate. Griffiths' Menthol Lintment relieves head» the round tha bo aie NO wi vatedble in t Late All dra, connec- ~ olice -- bamed where it was claimed the fruit The auditors' report for Mornington"' for the year I90L shows the receipts' * li- > $18,295.43 ; county treasurer, town line " fora big factory, which Berlin oe a n repa 2 joroviding for a2. Pinte of the follows" i d at any time that their business reo * saken by the Barnsdale Trading Co, : rebate" law . costs and legal advice. $18.08 : printing, : forehead = Pris th bigs inhale freely h io aches the minute applied. Apply it to the

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