Atwood Bee, 21 Feb 1902, p. 8

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_geverely she could -_povld scarcely get up or down stairs; W. HI. Shepard, Sandy Hook, Conn., was ar '@p with: ft, was cold even im Jaly, and __-eomla clndncawnd himself. testimonials voluntarily permanentiy relieved, 2s e _ Hood's Sarsaparilla aqhich corrects the acidity of the bicod jon wh oar wales pecmatiesn depends and builds the whole system. = Price 33 cents For Sale. mamber .of thorobred Yorkshire; -- for sale cheap, HUGH Ee HMOND 'on. 11. Elma. Newry 0° $s. M. SMITH, Artistic Photographer, has epened a studio over Erskine's store, In Atwood, "Where he cordially invites you to call. Special attention given to Family Group Photos,Farm Views, and Life Size Cray- OnS. All Work Guaranteed. | Prices Moderate.... "Will visit Atwood every Tuesday. Also being a practical W atchmaker and Optician, be will bring his optical ease with full dine of Spectacles and 'Eyeginsses every Tnesday. Eyes test- 'ed and fitted, Particutar attention giyen to shortsigtedness. Watch Repairing attended to in all 3. S, M. Smith, 'Progress of the Campaign: in Ontario... a vote in excess of half the vote that is certain to be cast at the coming gecer- al elegtions, never yet been doue, Phe total vote polled in Ontario atthe Dominion sae elections in November, 1900, was 426,087 ; half of tliat vote would be 213,042, But at the Dominion plebiscite 'the temperance people in Ontario polled only 154,499 votes, less than half by 58,548. a" Winnipeg, Feb. 19--- Atiorney Gen- eral Campbell announced in the Local Legislature this afternoon that the re- ferendum vote in Manitoba will be taken on Mareh 27th next, and the pro hibition act wil come into; force on Fane istif any of the three following " conditions are fulfibed : First, i } per cent. of those on the list vote in favor of the act, or, second, if 60 per cent. on the voters' list vote and 60 per cent, of those who vote are in fayor, or, third, if the yote falls below 60 per cent. then a percentuge between 60 per cent. and 66 2-3 per cent. will be taken. No reference is made in the till to compensation for the liquor men, The bill consists of twenty-five ue and two schedules, but apart from the provisions outlined above there is little or nothing whieh affects the issue. 'The majority of the clauses are merely formalin their nature, and provide for machinery and se forth. * Ata well-attended committee meet- ing of the Ontario Alliance in the Con- federation Life Building, Toronto, on Saturday afternooon, two or three de- finite conclusions were arrived at by way of protest against what was unau- imously deciared to be the unfair con- ditions of the referendum attuched to the Government's Prohibition Bill, These objections will be immediately laid before the Premier and members of the Legislature, and @ reply will be requested from the former, which 1t is hoped will be received before the alli ance convention this week. The first conclusion arrived at was that the vot- ing conditions are very uufair, and that the alliance must protest against the injustice of being, required to puil at the referendum avy more than a ma- jority of the voles cast on that oceas ion, The secoud objection was a strong protest dgainst the fixing of the date for voting upon the referendum uta very bad time of the year, It wus considered that the right and proper Lime to take the yote would be on the day of the municipal election in 19v3, Finally the'committee passed a resolu- Lion stating Uiat it would be the duty of probibitionists at the approaching provincial ¢lections to oppose any member of the. Legis!ature: who sup- portsthe present nutalr conditions of the pruposed ---- Stratford snecaie : "Strange as it May appear, the liquor lulerest are supposed to support Mr. Ross' goyern- meut at the next elections, and they will rush to the polls for the double purpose of sustaining the Russ govern- ment, and of inereasing the total ma- jority with the view of increasing the difiiculties ef the temperance people in polling over hialf of Uhat vote in favor uf prohibition ou Une Mth October. Mr. Ross will like that, of course, be- cause if Successtul, it will give him a lease of power for another four years, Bui here ts where the dilemmas of the temperance people and the Conservat ive party comes in, Lf the temperance people rush to the polls and vote 1 lorce either for or #gainst the Ross government candidates they increase the total vote, and inerease their own ditlicnities in Octuber to get over halt the voters lo come out again and vote for prohtbition, If the Conservatives come out and vote to defeat Mr, Ross' candidates avd elect their own, they will increase the total vote polied i the province and Increase at the same time the difficulties of the temperance people in the autumn, The liquor in- terests need not trouble thethselyes to come ont to yote onfthe I4th Oct, ex- cept to induce as many Votes 4s they Cu tostay away from the polls--they wil! get the pace at the general elections for the temperance people to overcome Ou tie L4uh Oct, if they can. ' Citizens generally are not aware of the dreadful hold which weasles have taken on the children of Stratford. Avon ward is being afflicted now, tle minjuriiy of the younger children in the other wards having hada taste of the unwelcome disease. Some of these are now recovering. In many cases the attack hus been severe. Auction Sale Notices. Fripay, Fes. 2t.--Farm stock and sible nts, ou jot 80, con. 8, Bima, at 1 T. E. Way, auctioneer ; T. G. Rateliife, proprietor, WEDNESDAY, MARCH Stock aud implements on lot 29, con. 14, Logan, at lL p.m. ©. H. Merryfield, auctioneer ; Peter Tarr, proprietor, 12TH.--Farm Wood Wanted. Tenders will be received by the" un- dersigned uy to 2 p.m. March ist, for the defivery at the Methodist church, Atwood, of ten cords ot nm beech aud maple body wood, 22 inches sicily nsos Lowest or any tender not neces- accepted. - GEQ, C, ADAMS, Sec'y, It will keep the Fronipiticuists hustl-/ ing to reeord in October a prohibition | 1902, 000 PEOPLE Wi At Holmes' Gigantic Clearing Sale, commencing Satur- day, Feb. ist. We have just got through taking stock and find a lot of odd lines, which we are going to clear out regard- less of cost. It is an old and true saying thut fgures tell no lies, and below we quote you in plain figures "what you can buy here. If you miss the chance vf getting $1.25 in return for your $1.00, you only are to blame. 200 rds. Prints, regular price 12i¢c. and ae » your choice for a 100 y oy yds. Flannelette, " és 150 yds, 100 yds, 9 5 pieces Riderdow os 2 pieces 2 Do 2 aN = Astrs ichan Cloth, black, re gular price $1.50 yd, going Lg Sa 2 pirc red aud grey, S75 yd, $1 Bu. 1 only 'Tank size all woul Sine regular price 3: 75 4, guing for $2 45, 2 all " vool Shawls, regular price $1.00, gving: fur 74¢e, 4 Shawls, Bi 2h, Suc Brevksast Shawls, tegular price z on goin, for TAc. 1 pair outy, large all wool 2 iAURels, ys $3 00. 8 Flannelette Blankets vs Bi: - Oe. A nimber of ladies' beautiful Fascinat ors, Pe slue $1.50 and 75c.; going for jde, and 16¢, 15 pair Ladies Corsets, sizes 18 to 28, regular price 50c., 7oe., Stu and B12 aOR. for 40c , B0e., 6oe:, SA, A Durgnin, lonly € aperine, regalar price $12 Ne guing for £9.00, 1 B37 Te. apne for ae bec. . 4! 9 " " " " " 1 $4.0) 82.5 A namber of black ob regular 'price oF; Aeeanad gt, 1A, going for St and 7c 1 only gentleman's Fur 25 OU, now for a snap, { only Rog, finest ate 847 We have a number of ladies' Mantles left, wil styles and sizes, and are offer- ing them at prices which are within reach of everyone WRAPPEREPETES.--In-these we are offering all we have lett et prices: res gardiess of cost ; they must all be cleared out at some price, hn the Boot and Shoe line, we have a number of pairs of men's heavy Buckle Boots, regular price $2.50, now for F200 4 pair of men's vest quatity Overshoes,regniar St do and St 75. going for $1.20 A few pairs of men's Buckle Ruboers, regaiar price $2.60 and St.7o, going now for 82,00 and $115 d pair men's heavy dufles, regular 75e., now for 50¢, We have jastunpacked a few of the many Prints, Gingnams, atustins, Cre tonnes. &c., whieh we have on 6rder for spring, and to order to make room. for these new goods coming in, all the above-metitioned must be gon! during this sale. Our Prints are the prettiest and the best values that have ever bee offered here. " Srnik felt In the Grocery line, our stock is always complete, JIlere area few of the many good values we are offering 6 bags of Lanndry Soap a 2c. 4 ios. Japan Tea for Sf. Terms of the above are foe C ash only. price for farm produce, Don't Fail to Attend bi Sale, Commencing Saturday, Feb- ary Ist, 1902. C. H. Hal tes, Atwood. 4 cakes Taitfet Soap 4 10 los, Green Coffee We always pay the idebesk possible Weak, Narva Diseased Men. AY Thousands of 7oungand Middle e Agee Men are annually swept toa premature m through -- indiscretions arid later excesses. Self abuseand bp tah cacmeeres Diseases have ruined and Sereed ie pstmt of many a promisin a 1S 1] build you aay bapa ware antec o Pa ay. ARS IN DETROIT. gamer eacudiTy. EaNo Seton Used Without W: GS0n' A BBRVOUS RECK.--A cing et LIFB. 7. P. Exnrson has a Narra K "Tliveonafarm. At school I learned an earty serra bert weakened - ves sically, sexually and mentally. ng into "decline" (Compe stpties). it rs. weg! T took the J Won Method Treatment and wa: °o asumption. I havesent them many 4,4 Their New Method Treatment supplies vigor, Vita! re . Consultstion Freo, Seeks Free. Writo for Questica Bleak for Home Treatment, @ Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, "tstci,'ais. Detroit, "Yorkshira Pigs for Sale, . The undersigned i offers for sale a number of young thoroughbred York- shire sows bred or (it for breeding. Al- so a number of fiogs two months old, either sex, sume from imported hog. Apply to A STEVENSON, Lot 6, con, 9, Elma,Atwood P.O: a, -- . ~ --_ 500, 000 spasms Administratrix's Notice, aye sont eda corogui favorably know Bho pr "s Tiver Cure has @ receipt boom in gold. evei y bottle which is ais ite OTICE is hereby given that all ereditors of the estate of Moses Harvey, late of the 'Township of Elma, yeoman, deceased, are request- ed on or before the 15th day of March, 1902, to send prepaid to Mary Ilarvey, Newry P.),, administratrix of said es- tate, particulars ef their said accounts and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. And take notice that after the said 15th day of March, 1902; the said ad- ministratrix will proceed to distribnte suid estate, having regard only to the claims of which ste then has notice, and will not be responsible to said es- tate for claims of which she' has no notice at the time of-distribution wert this 8rd day of Keb- ruary, A,D. 1 _ age HARVEY, Administratrix. melons! in derangerme. ahd of rs C) Kid the eter pain in lower ren pieties constant desire +o jedimneats, pred yains sin 'passage, Bright's diseas. ee all y ary troables, etc., . Try «Kidney Liver Pills, the » ony Lp Ymado abting Ghee on the Kidneys, doing ae ibe er Oure in simpiy = s a ddpey Liver pits Se ek S ogg Bo Tee 5 4 sll aeug anton Idea Zee-Sa YE: Inst to step this blasted | Hot-drops. eecaana 8 a be ; # Quick. ! or {shall be insane, -_ ii Stap that 'tarnal baby sqnalli r Mies dont ay tooth hing | Darn that cat [I'd like to kif it} Always under some one's feet. Jove !T'd like to ceatind with someone, -- Just to get my jaw stove in ; Fire ! murder Uahares: Gunther tr Oh ! its aching now like sin ! Howling, aml? Well, I know o guess that you'd howl, Iry yon had a blasted toothache-- Same as this one--troubling you ! Conrse I know it don't relieve me ; But I'm crazy with the pain ! Ain't there auything to ease it ? Let me try the hops again. There, now, gently-- --pince them easy ! Phew ! Bet re hot! Just ito c00 Well, pat Adal on Your bound to There, Ft vA aees it! Darn a fool f TOWN TALE, sone is buta freckle on the fae of Miss BeDForD, of Mt. Forest, is vis- iting 'Mrs, J. W. Ferguson, We would be pleased if the teachers of Eima would send in-their monthly schoo) reports for publication, 'Tne I O. O. F. did some degree work in their Hall on Wednesday eve. Two ae dates received degrees. This so- ciety seems to be enjoying quite a streak of prosperity of lat te : ay A football mateh_was pla ed Newry on Thursday cig school and Jubilee sehool, 12 Mi, resulting in a yietory for the former 'ey i--0 . Lawrenee refereed the game ina satisfactory manner, A young lady at Hepworth recently erked back her head to keep from _ be- ing kissed and dislocated ri "neck bone. Of course she esea being kissed, Dut it is nevertheless < terrible warning to the girls to save their neek, Wer direct the attention of our read- ers to Geo, Anderson's spring advertise- ment in another column, He has just received a tine lot of seed corn, grass : eed, etc. A fine line of dairy supplies, building materials and Portland ce- ment, Rev. P. A..McLrop, M, A., B.D. preached & very able sermon on Home Missions in the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning, It is to be hoped that the sermon will cause increased liberality among the members of this very prosperous covgregatién, Tue Y. P.S.C. E. of the Presbyter- ian church have decided to raise $SICO towards the support of a missionary in the Northwest. In view of the urgeit need of funds for E[lome mission work the young people are to be commended for the effort to extend Christian work © to the utmost of their nbriity. Two local teams of lady hockeyists played a close and exciting game on Kress' rivk on Thursday afteroon, Some of the fadies are graceful skaters and fairly expert stick handlers, Oth- ers ust the huckey stick as they would a broom, but seem to lake more pleas¢ ure out of the former. The rink is « favorite resort for our young people, and we know of rio more healthy or in- vigorating sport than gliding over the giussy surface of an open air rink in the compuny ol a congenial escort. Oxpit.--The Yorkton (Assa.) Enter- prise of Jan, 24th makes the following reference to # grand daughter of Mra. E. Leslig-of Atwood: "Ou Thursday iightof last week the angel of death again Visited vur town aud claimed for his own Lucy Tetlock, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Tetlock, of White Sand. In October last deceased came to out town for medical treatment, and was advised by the doctor to go 'to Winni- ped where she was operated on for tumors When sufficiently recovered she returned to Yorkton aud stayed at Jeo, Bett's and recéived treatment, but during that time she gradually wusted away. The family moved into town for the winter ana touk up résidence ou Bett's avenue. About a week be- fore her death deceased was taken home, where she died ov Thursday, 16th iust., at the age of 19 years. The fun- pal pak vibe was held in the Methodist church on Sunday afternoon and was largely attended. 'The remains were then pet and mig if the Yorkton cemete 'siie contributes the foli ging shes to the memory of deceal = inet in ae prime and boot of life é has beeu call way, F a as a world of ait aud strife. To realms of endless day, Her life was asked but was denied, or why we cannot tell ; The aid of man in vain wis tried Her sickness to repel, But when Spee comes with chasten: ing rod None can Wwithold his hand ; None but the great eterpul God, Before whom we must stand. asics still cold fingers never more hall clasp our bands agaiv, Until we meet-on Cauuan's shore And there a crown COB:

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