eae: 160000 odd Probibitionists in ee eee to 'bring either of the political parties to; Bat ~~ sitereas, once they are resolved to stand :fogecher, and cast off the shackles of m, Then, and then only, will WProhibitionists secure what they are peeking for--the total suppression of ethe liquor traffic. And perbaps the »gooner Prohibition is made a party +{esue the better, Pd Rerexkrine to the Ross referendum tthe Christian Guardian a##ys: "We -@ill do all we can to get a large vote, "but we expect that the. result will be in the plainest and most. positive con- ,Aemation of the perversity of the Lib- eral party.. 'The task put upon us is ainreasonable ; we have heard of hard vtask«masters, and of rebellion from stheir rule, Humanly speaking, probi- wition isdead. That cartoon was true which pictured the Eagle, Prohibition, yfallen to the earth slain by afrows feathered from his own wings." ae Tue date of the Protbition referen- dum bas been fixed for Thursday, Dec. '4th. Mr. Marter moved in succession ;£wo amendments to the clause fixing ithe date for the referendum, the first of which exlled for the vote to be taken \at the municipal election in 1903, and sthe second at the next general elections for Ontario. Both amendments were woted down, In constituencies where sthe candidates are elected by acclama- rtion, the 1898 returas will be taken asa yeasis of calculation in determining the a simed of the referendum vote, #8 The Elma Council have appealed the }Stewart drain case pending a decision sof the petitioners as to the wisdom of staking the case to the higher courts. jin the meantime Mr, Aylesworth, the ynoted Toronto lawyer, has boen written (fo for advice, which will be forthcoms og in afew days. A special meeting ,of the Council will be held this month to.cunsult the petitioners in the drain wod ascertain their opinions, which with Mr. Aylesworth's advice will de- wermine the Council's future action in ythe matter. The situation is very em- ibatragsing to the Council, not so much grom the fact of having lost the case wefore the Referee, but in the awkward repedent jt sets affecting future simi- dar drainage schemes which call for the otincil's solution. The decision inthe Stewart drain as it now stands practi- wally makes it impossible to tax outside ' gnunicipalities not directly benefitted by dny drainage work proposed. At), ¢he recent interview which Reeve Don- aldson and Mr. Morphy had with the Wntario Government, the latter would mot take any steps towards amending thé Drainage Act which would help Elma, but in the' supplementary wzstimates an award of 82,910 toward the river improvement of the Stewart drain was made, which is very accept- mble. If the case goes to appeal, it is dikely the Council wilk associate with Mr, Morphy, the township solicitor, Mr. Aylesworth or some other legal heavy- weight, with a view to ultimate suc- ess. In the meantime, we await tbe . Fesult of the meeting of the petitioners. a ae W2 fail to A virtue in what the London Free Press is pleased to desig- mate "Mr. Whitney's manly stand @gainst Prohibition." There will be a jot of other Prohibitionists who will fake our view of it too. However g@hort Premier Ross may nave come up to the expectations of the temperance people, Mr, Whitney has failed even gore miserably, Prohibitionists van dope for at least something from the @oyernment--nothing from the Oppos- tion, Whituey talks of more ridid ens forcement of the present license sys+ fem, reducing the number of iicenses, of uppvinting non-partisan license ins é@pectors, of his personal devotion to the temperance cause, aud a lot of oth« er shilly-shallying twaddie, which is both irritating and nauseating to pro- gressive Prohibitionists. The fact is the temperance people have no serious fault to find with the Ontario license system or its enforcement, so far as the System goes, but it dots nut go far #oough, hence the demand for prohibi- tury legislation. Our license law is well enforced, and fewer licenses are jssued every year ; the inspectors on the whole are faithful officers of the law, , bod therefore it is immaterial Whether they be Grits or Tories ; we presume they would coutinue to be of ove stripe or the other even though Mr. Whitney Appointed them. Mr. Whitney very much underestimates the temperament pf the Prohibitionists by assuming that Peron they are dissatisfied with the } JRoas referendum they will endorse his tinkering, retrogressive temperance - policy devlared with such gusto aud Wasp of trumpets. ane _\tana, Utah, and RAILWAY S¥STEM CPAND.TRUN - ROOM FOR ALL - In the Wide West And on the Colonist Trains, which it is intended shall be run Ryery Toesday during Mareh and April To enable colonists to travel with their effects and make fast time. Very Low Colonist Fares to British Columbia, Mon- ad. West. * Book 'from Atwood and save time and trouble. M. C. DICKSON, D. P. A, TORONTO. J. HE. MOOR, Agent, ATWOOD, Listowel, Nathan Glick was arrested in Listo- wel on a charge of wing without a license and fined $25 and $5.10 costs. This wag a Violation of t the County of h ©, 379 passed last Jan- féft his grip in possession of le he Gommunicated poli friéods in Hamilton, and suid tainly should' 'sppeal against the. courts decision. ' Burglars forced an. 'entrance to the residence of j4...Prige, Listowel, and carried off considerable booty, inelfid- ing two gold watches,a gold bracelet, and two puraés, each contdining a con- aicerenre sum of money, the property f Mrs, Pricé and her -sister, who: has a8 visiting' her for a short time, The theft was' ¢ommitted durin he ab. sence 'uf thé' family,before nine o'clock. i" ws Grey. Died, in Grey, on March 2od, Susan Woods, beloved wife of Johu Smalidon, aged 66 years and 1! months, The dredge will resume work on the Hall drain in the course of a. week or so 'f the weather keeps favorable. Frank Woods, 16th con., has been il! with pneumonia but we hope he will soon be restored to good heaith. HYMENEAL.--A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday evening xt 7 o'vlock, atthe home of B. and Mrs. Laing, when their youngest daughter, Miss Melissa, was united in marriage to Wm..J. Hoy in the presence of the near relatives of the bride and groom The ceremony was performed by v. H.E. Currie, of Ethel. The bride was beautifully attired in pearl gray cash- mere, trimmed with silver silk, and was unattended. After congratulations were over the company satdown to a well filled table to which all did ample justice. The evening was spent in music and social chat after which the company separated, wishing Mr, Hoy und bride many happy, prosperous years, The happy couple left on Thurs- day morning for 4 visit with friends in Collingwood, Thornbury and _ other points, The bride's travelling suit was dark blue satiu cloth, with bibe hat, After their trip they will settleon the farm recently leased from J. Clark, 5th co From BLOEMFONTFIN.--A. R. Me- Donald, 8rd con., received a letter from H. McLeod, who is soldiering in South Africa and has spent nearly a year there. Hewent from the Northwest, although his home is in Wroxeter, Ont,, and fera year or more he made his dwelling place with Mr. MeDonald. After expressing his thanks for news- -- and letters received, he goes on osay: "We are @perajiug in the ues north of the Modder and west of Bloemtontein, There are still plenty of Boers here and we have eaptured quite a number lately. Christmas day the tfoops had about 80. prisoners to guard ou the track. Onr Christmas divuer wus not Very samptoonus as mine consisted of half a hard tack and a drink of coffee. When we go on tres wecarry nothing but a few biscuits and a little coffee and sugar in onr sad- die wallets, If we sleep, which is uot often, we have our blanket to keep} us warm, When I get back to Canada I will be able to Jive: very economically us | can do my own cooking and live on nothing with noethtng to éat it with. The pewspapers report the Boers short of food tut don't ellave it as they have food to burn and we "burn sad of it" Mh letter Sit art ea . Bard, New spring black and colored Dress Beads, a mag nificent showing of excellence in style and quality, well as in broadest variety. All the newest nove ties, and there are many charming ones this season in fancy colored fabrics, while all the ever popular plain colors are here in great profusion. Keep in touch with our Dress Goods Departwioit nowhere can you experience greater satisfaction in buy- ing Dress Goods than at this store. Our trade has doubled itself in the past year and is increasing now more rapidly than ever, which is sufficient evidence to prove that étie people who once Visit this store are aware and satisfied that our goods and prices are just what we aay: We sell as we advertise, and what we sell adver- tises this store. Hence the vast increase i in our business Se eh ee Special for Saturday, - 15th, One lot of Ginghams at 44c. per yd. One lot of 124c. Prints to clear at The. yd. Another lot of double width Dress Goods, regular 25c to 50c., Saturday at 15c. 10 pieces heavy weight Spring Dress Goods, i in all shades, regular 75c., Saturday 49c. 25 men's black and blue Rubber Coats at $1 .89 each. A discount of 25 per cent. given on all Men's and Boys' Read ~to-wear Srothing. $2.50 Men's Christy and Fedora Hats at $1.99. $1.25 white Spreads Saturday at 98e. 5 Ibs. excellent Raisins for 25c. Highest Price Paid for Butter and gee WALTER BROS., 'LISTOWEL. Siegen of The Elephant. --GO To - Anderson's Hatdware - --for your-- -~ Seed Corn, Clover and Timothy Seed, etc. " Try Our Portland Cement, Dairy Supplies, Garden Tools. Builders' Material, Hardware and Tinware, Eave- troughing, Paints and-Oils, Glass, etc., etc. The Best Here at the Lowest Price. Geo. Anderson. K&eK K& KH KK K&R K Xl Ke swept to ve abuec: Constitutional Mitational Stood ve any ofthe faized as Ko. Bo Auicios; Memory Pimples o: n the Face; Biotcbea; Bore' 'ains in the yes Lifeless; Distrus nd Lack of Energy and New Mahed srestment will build you oP --, and sexually. Cures Guarantecd o o Pay. aA aevOe WRECK.A HAPPY BIFB. K s At choel aie ally Da wales Uy, © The i 4 vitality. I took the noe Mtoe cured of Consu soumee ptiow. I have sent them froneat Their New M Treatment supplies vigor, Conssltetion Free, Books Free. Write for Question Drs. Kennedy & Ker KEK K& A KAK Ke K Kish KEK NORTHERN GROWN TREES! Hardy Frait aod Ornamental? Trees, Small Frints, Roses, Shrubs, ebeap. Mammoth Prolific Dewberry a specialty. ° - Send for free Catalogue, it tells the whole story, "" i. 7 , ycateee 4 Port + Bien, « Ont Administeatrin's Notice, 8] NY aha ett nore yen dias at wah: Be ate of th aye bear of Elina, yeoman yh vcd ed on or before the lends ae of areh, 1902, to send prepaid to Mary Harvey, Newry P.O., adininistratrix of said es« tate, particulars of their said. accounts and the nature of the security (if any} held by them. And take notice that after the said 15th day of March, 1902, the said ad- ministratrix will proceed te distribute said estate, having regard only to the claims of which she theti has notiee, and will not be responsible to said eg« tate for claims of which she has no notice at the time of distribution. Dated at nome this 3rd day of Feb- ruary, A:D.1 weak HARVEY, Administratrix, Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership "heretofore existing between William Cromie and Henry Johnston, well drillers, Atwood, Ont, has n dissolved by mutual consent, and the business hereafter will be cou- aged by Henry Johnston, of Atwoou, ut The public are. cordially invited to give him their patronage. for which ie will give the best of satisfaction. Mr. dohnst6n has vaioheeed a new well drilling outfit. WM. CROMIB, H. JOHNSTON, Dated, Atwood, Feb, 13th, 1902. Dissolution of M Partnership. Notice is hereby giv given that the pa#t- agg heretofore existing between Thos. Fullarton +nd Henry hardware and tinware merehants in the village of Monkton, in the town- ship of a has this day ae solved by muttai consent. due by the inte firm will be paid by the said Thos. Fullarton, and to all accoubts due same shail be paid THOS. FOLLARTON, HENRY ZIEMANN. Witness : W.T. Thompson. Dated, lith. March, 1802, ; k is hard work malhouit Pd Gold Dust Washing Powder ous