Atwood Bee, 14 Mar 1902, p. 1

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VOL. 13. D, ONT., FRIDAY, MAR. 14, 1902, ct 2 BN Sy. s BSG NaN © te one \Z aN aN aN He > CAITC) SD PRN TEN RN VESESESIE Wz x we Saturday, 'March '22na, 1902 Will be the closing day of our Listowel business As Messrs. Thompson Bros. take possession of our store the following week. That means you will only have T Days More to Buy Goods at 50 Cents on the Dollar ! That they will be Memorable Days for our Customers needs no further argument after you read pe = a this PRICH BARGAIN List: "Silks at All our plain Silks to be sold at half price. $1.00 a yd. Silk for 50c. do do 15c. a yd. 50c. Half Price. and fancy colored be sold c. 25c. Clothing at Half Price. All our Men's and Boys' Readymade Suits and Overcoats to clear out at alf Price. Hats'and Caps at Half Price. 7 ee large stock of Felt Hats to now at a? half ge price. $2.00 fine Fe 1.60 Oe. 506. Cloth nil Felt Hats for 25c. t es for Tic. D & AC Corsets at half price. 50c. Jubilee Corsets 25c. orsets 38c. $1.00 D & A Corsets 50c, 1.25 Erect Corsets 63¢. we -- = Furs at Half Price. $25.00 Ladies' Fur Mantles i 50. 10.00 Fur Caperines. .... 5.00. 500 Sable Ruffs ...... | 2.50. Dress Goods at half price. Afi our plain and fancy Dress Goods os 'iy and colored to be sold at half $1.00 "00 Dress Goads, half price 50c. 25c. be so 12kc. Shoes at half price. 1 lot Men's and Women's Shoes all to be sold at Half Price. 6.00 4.00 Ladies' Mantles at Half Prive. ys mall ei $5.00, 2.50. " Weterproot 8.00. . s Remember we close our busivess here on Saturday night, March nd, 1902, and the goods must now be sold at some price. CY ORC O AS This will be your last chance a buy goods at half price. Grasp"I t Quick. CARSON & MCKEE, "HsTowrr "atid LONDON. Elma. Eccles Vallance left for Toronto last week. / Samuel McTaggart has gone on & visit to the West. Ecma Councré.--The Council of Elma met in the Aygosherst Hall, Atwood,the 10th March, Mem- bers all present. Minates o~ last regu- jar and es meetings read and sign- he e laid a letter on the table, a copy of which is here given : Toronto, 7th March, 1902, Jas. Donaldson, Esq, Reeve Elma. DEAR Sir,--The supplementary esti- mates were broaght down last Oe | tea and include $2,910 for outlet drain, El- ta township. Tours, &c, Joun Brown. (This refers to Stewart Drain River Improvement. Pathmasters, pound- keepers and fence viewers were ap- inted as follows: P. Davidson, A. eber, J. Mann, J.D. Sag Mf Stey- enson, H. Leslie. B. trdon, W. Huddow, 0. Alert Eli pened T. Chapman, W, Martin. bk McKeever, J. Hardy, J. Gray, A. Fraser, 8. B, & Stev- enson, T. Maybury, J. "arbary, L. Heath, J. Portertield, W. Thompson, vu. Trayis, J. L. Tu rnbuil, W. Shearer, T. Jickling, G. Cleland, ia Sproul, G. San- derson, R. Walker, J. Vines, A. Porter, W. Jolly, G. Donahue ; W. Inglis, T. speseaty ©. L. McCa auley, G. Keith, A. Stevenson, W. Hamilton, iw Farrell, G, Hume, R, Burke, W. "Taka L. Lucas, M. Stevenson, S. Love, J. 'Nich ol, C. Me- Mane, J. Cowan, W, Hemphill, J Buch- auan, H. --_o W. Bell, - Dewar, S. Hiles, A. Robb, H. Smit h, J. Me- age J. Ritter, va Forrest, jr., J.Riach, G. Hiles, F. Davis, J. Horo, ok. well, Ww Scott, R. Roe, Wieben,; W. J. Holmes, Kroagal, W. Hronghton, Ww. Tueriog: J: Lambert, €. Ritter, R, Don- noyan, J. Se . Flood, ety Murray, HB, W.. Scott Merryfield hy deott J. " ert aeaet Ww. Hoimes, G. Leslie, W. Medd, W. Morar, , Ferguson, ©, A. Broughton and A. H, W yon, Fence-viewers--J, A. Turn- bull, it. Moore, A, renhen, T. Dickson, RS. Ballantyne, 5, at, E. Curry, W. Burnett, J. Sproul, 5 Brough ton, 8, Bennett G. Struthers, J. Gernhelde: W. J. Gilk rs--J GG G cobain, Ikinson, W.-H, Gilmer. Poneata % W. McCorm N. Coghliu, J F Johnsto W, Uempbili, A. H | seremrog of the S. Smith, J. Lambert, J. Cuthbertson and G. Loglis, Moved by Mr. Gurry, seconded by Mr. Boyle, that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to prepare and sell the debentures for the cons in. Moved by Mr. Boyle, seconded by Mr. Coates, that By-law No. 435, being by-law for contributing the 14th con. municipal on gravel road. ~ that theapplications of J Grey drain, as now read athird time be passed. Garried. Moved by Mr. Curry, secouded by Mr. Wherry, that an order be drawn for $200 in favor of Morphy & Carthew to pay deposit on rary of Stewart drain, Carried. Moved by Mr. Coates, genvndedt by Mr. Boyle, that orders be vs figs page' 0 4 the fol- lowing aeccou $2. grayelling T. L. .. '&W.; yt Third gl.- 25, shovelling snow sideroad {0 and il, con, a7 . Sanders $9.50, work with on gravel road; Richard Coghtin $2.50, plowing suow grayel road ; G. Gordon $7.25, work on gravel road ;R. S. Pelton, $10, on general rinting ; J. Hanna 50c., repairing T: [. E. & G.; E. Broughton $6.50, repair- toes A evel road ; C. McKenzie, $8, re- = gr gravel toad ; W. Donahue 81.- 7d) work on roads ; J. Dancan $15, bal- ance of salary as Collector (Mr. Duncan for the first time in the history of Elma collected every cent on roll) 5. 8. Cole $15.12, lumber account ; H. Smith $30, tile 1901; A. Quipp $2.40, breaking gravel road ; J. Krugal 84.50, breaking road and plank forculvert ; G, Brough: ton $4.75, work on gravel road ; M. McCulloch $1.50, work on gravel road ; F. Smith $3.50, cleaning timber Gilkin- '| son drain ; J. B. Hamilton $10, gravel ; N. Parker $5, filling gravel at bee; T. Dickson, plowing gravel road north ; Wendt 81.60, part pay for breaking plow ; R, Carson $1 20, breaking grayel road ;G. Smith 8430, work on gravel road ; J. Dunaldson $12, expenses to Toronto interviewing Government re Stewart drain ; W. Struthers $2, work Carried. Moved by A Mr. Curry, Lb. Ham ton and Thos, and J. Vines to aed their several lots detached from the school sections they are now in and ap- nexed, the former to U.S. S. Elma -- Grey, the latter to S. S. No. 1, be not complied with and no change be made. Moved by Mr. Coates, seconded by Mr. Borie that the Couneil do now next tor | to meet again on the 7th aor next for general business. _ Carri A former well known ih a ted resident of 95 eg pis r. Wherry, seconded Schaerer, daughter of John 28th aod prt Elma, on at Md gor aoa | for the removal of a tumor to r ¢, 28, 1884, who with 2 boys and a ait: are left to mourn a good: wife and mother, She had been a resident of Winnipeg for the past year and a half. She was a consistent Christian and a member of the Methodist church. The family's many Elma friends join iu their sympathy. Henfryn. Mrs, Jane E, Stevenson, relict of the late Wm. E. Stevenson, passed away on the 4th inst., after about twel¥Ve weeks illness of erysipelas, aged 89 years, lit months and 7 days. Her-aged partner died about three weeks ago. Deceased was born in the county Devonshire, | England, in 1812. For fuller particu: lars of her life we refer our readers to the extended notice of her late Rubnecne which appeared in these columns about four weeks ago. Suffice ay she was & good Wife and a consistent Christian. She heartily co-operated with her hus- band in Christian work; She said she would not long survive her husband, which prophecy has been fulfilled. For some time she resided with 80D, Tbomas, of lot 27, con. 19, Grey, where she died. Interment was made' March 6th in the Elma Centre cemetery, Monkton, Miss Edythe Erskine treated her young friends toan At Home Friday evening. ; 8S. E. Goforth has moved from the corner of Madison and Main streets south, to Mvin street north. The new organ has arrived for the Methodist church. It was -- by the D, W: Karn Co.,, of Woods Sunday morning a atrelay a rge con- gregation assembled at the Methodist church here, to hear the funeral ser- mon of the late Mrs. G. H. Thompson. A public meeting is called by the trustees of Union school, Monkton, for Satarday, Mar, 15th, to consider the Peden ig of an addition to the present schoo The handsome new Methodist church ee You me the » hee ES sont be sabe atin 7 | egal of Viens nnless it be licensee. PROHIBITION BILL. The Principal Clauses In the Bill to be Submitted to the People for Approval. --_-- The Act defines as prohibited Bed all fermented, spirituous and mal em uors, and all drinkable liquors whis are intoxicatin ng. Druggists' wholesale and retail licenses may be issued for the sale of these in specified quantities, Under a whulesale license, alcohol to the quantity of ten gallous may be sold toany person for mechanical of scientific purposes, "Liquor" to the amount of five eens to any physician or retail druggist. Under a retail -- a druggist may sell "liquor" to private individuals under bona fide prescriptions, Dentists may purchase one pint for professional use only, aud veterinary surgeons two gallons. Clergymen are permitted to purchase wine to the amouut of two gallons for sacramental purposes, All purchasers of liquor, with the exception of clrgymen, are required to make aflidavi A sick person is pareet to keep liq- uor in his room, if prescribed for him pet gh must not let aug other person rio Records must be kept by licensees of all negwoce sold, failufe to make sut records to be primasfacie evidence o illegal sale. Liquor shall! hot be consumed upon licensed premises or in a distillery 'a brewery. The penalties for violations rangé from $50 to $1,000 in fines, and itfloriss onment from three to twelve months; Inspectors appointed pursuant to thé Act will have the task of 'keeping thé Anyone may lay an information atid prosecute any supposed offender. A A chief ihspectot will reside in . Tot* "Pheve will be a local inspector fof each electoral district, and more if 'ree quired. It shall be the duty of inspectors and also policemen and constables to lay information when they have suspic ions, A clause provides for the compelliti¢ of witnesses to answer in prosecutions; The onus of proving his right to sell Shall be apou any person accused. . PERTH COUNTY NOTES. New life for a "a quarter. Millef'4 Compound [ron Pills, For sale at the Atwood drug store. Benj. Halls, near Milverton, sold his farm of 129 acres for $6,200 and intend& to reside in futurein the town of St. Nothing in the Act shall preyent the} 4 manufacture of liguor for export to another Province or a foreign country, or for sale to a licensee under the Act. subs. and societies are prohibited from haying liquor on their premises. Boarding and lodging houses are de- fined as public houses, where ee tion is prohibited. ' Brewers and distillers holding biti. inion licenses: may Lem in stock liquor manufactured by them. These storehouses, though, must not commuvicate with any bnilding on which it. would~ be unlawful to keep or sell liquor. ae may be held for export trade. rson in the Province may use purchased frem a maple who in a mies t dwell ton | any person B vate en house might. "innocently" use liquor & reba San ame To be Uirong you must have good appetite, guod digestion and good similation. Miller's Compound trots Pills bring all these. For sale at~ the Atwood drug store. D. Wynn has disposed of his fifty act# fatmin Usborne, being part of lot 9) concession Ll, to Frank Brock, for thé sum of $3,500. Mr. Wynu will move to Exeter to reside, The managing board of Burns? church, Milverton,ha3 decided to renov- ateahe building and impfove the gens eral appearance by papering the audit- oriam and painting the wood work. Mr. Brodrick announees that 600 Yeomanry, with large dratts of cavalry and infantry, will immediately embarks for South Africa. 'Dr.Saunders, Director of the Exper- imental Farm at Ottawa, is of the opinion that beet sugar' productios cannot succeéd in Canada,

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