harmices substitute for Castor Oll, Paregoric, Drops end Soothing Syrups. It contains either, Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. It guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoriea cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorin relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipstion and Fletuiency. -- Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Powels of Infants and Children, giving, healthy and natural sicep. Casteria fy the Children's Panaecea--The Mether's Friend. Castorza. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for} "Castoria le so well adapted te ¢hiidren ~ Mothers have repeatedly teid me | hat I recommend it as etperivog to any pre & its good effect Parse their children." known to te." Da. G. C. Oscoon, Lovoatt. tas. M.D, Breohiyn, N. ¥ THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF -- | ad o APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. 'THE CENTAUR COMPANY. Ty HURRAY OTRGET, Hew YORK SYrY, MONEY WELL SPENT! Is the result of a purchase made here. "Look over our wall pape® and you will be delighted wit® the patterns and beautiful culors? The figures shown on our papers are beautif Sw ask forthem a small; both are pleasing. See them, Ifitisnot. venient .o yisit our store, a postal card addressed ° to us will bring you samples of wall paper, free, by mail. State the rooms you wish to paper, the prices you wish } pay, and mention this paper. {SU RRITT és DE.ASOR, Che Walk Paper Rings of Canada, akcenaremntchs: s eeuben = See Fiere You Can Make No Mistake In Buying Your Groceries - and - Candies --AT-- Ss. WATSON'S. Te ei ee a Fresh Bread and Cakes. Oysters in bulk or by the pint. We Gan Please You. ATENTS GUARANTEED : peenting their attitude peunily with the {Ministerialiets. Lord Rosebery alluded sible to entrust such men with the con- s-Beach . yee ie saat fa the onfy: power refusin } - : of the foreign 'restora- Ottawa, March. 16--The Imperial Office has to date expended Departntent of Agriculture {n fond and peas for South Africa over $7,000,000, Anxions to eboae of the bonkeee the French Chamber of Depnties took. the unnsual course of sitting on Sunday and adonted ahs badges for 1902 by a vote of $98 tn An i aan shipment of bntter from the Kingston Dairy Selrool sold for 274% cents in New York, but as the fees and duty amounted to six cents a pound it did not pay, A story is current in London that a wounded comrades were tried by conrt ae and some of them sentenced to 8 Revorte come front Fort: George, | northern British Colmmbia, that the} Indfans have broken ont and tried to take possession of the fort. The Pro- vincfal Government has sent a force of officers to quell the rising. The Democratic Sheriff of arian County, N.Y. deties the Snprem Court's: order, has barricaded his fail. and threatens to shoot anyone of the Repnblican Sheriff's a who at-} tempts te dispossess h London, March reo Brussels eor respondént of the Daily Telegrapiy says, in a despatch, that Mr. Kruger has re- ceived long f filities and outlining the proposed mid- summer campaign Gen. Lord Methuen's force of 1,200 men met with disaster near Lichten- burg. Lord Methuen, who is a prison- ser, Was wounded in the thigh, and the British lost 41 killed, 77 wounded and 200 mrizsing. In a despatch, dated Swn- day, March % Lord Kitchener says -- "Paris has come in at Kraaipan witb the remainder of the men. ~He reports that the column was moving in two parties, One with the ox-wagong left Tweebosch at 3 a.m.,,the other, with the 'mule wagons, started an hoor, later, Just before dawn the Boers attacked, Before reinforcements coutd reach 'them the rear guard broke. In the} meantime a Jarge number of Boers gal- loped up ow both flanks, These at tirst} were checked by the flank prties, but { the peniec and stampede of the mules had began, and all the mule wagons, witha terrible miztare of mounted men, rushed past the ox-wagons. All efforts to check them were sanvesinn Major Paris collected 40 me po pe ® position @ mile in f front of the agons, which were then halted. After a gallant but useless defence the enemy rushed into the ox-wagons and Methuen was wounded in the thigh. igre being surrounded, surrendered t10a.m. Methuen fsstill in the Boer camp" Then follows the number ef the Yee mle The killed include Lieuten 'ants G. R. Venning and T.P.W.Sesham kof the Royal Artillery, who were both killed while serving their guns with pease. shot. Res Lord Kitchener. an- nounced that Major Paris had surrend- ered and also telegraphed that he had reached Kradipan with the remainder of the men it would seem that the Boers subsequently reledsed the Major aud the 200 men at one time mentioned as missing. An incident at home has aroused even greater indignation than 'the disaster itself. This is the manner in which the pews was _recei¥ed by a section of the Irish members of the House of Commons. When Secretary }of War Brodrick read _ the despatches in the House, Messrs: Redmond, Dillon, O'Connor, and other prominent Irish- men displayed no concern in them, but Mr. MacNeill and other minor extrem- ists burst into triuga phant guffaws on hearing of Gen. Methuen's capture and the flight of the troops, aggressively ponetaa'ne their re pea with ex- me ofthe Ministerial- ists replied} with <oed of"Shame!" and some of the front bench Liberals cried Subeeq mapa, of the ~ Irish 'shouted "Hear, hear," to Mr, Brodrick's: tribute to Gen. Methuen. The incident, however, has ike a S bers feeling toward the offend y. Liberals re- 'to the incident in his speech at Gixs- gow. 6 used it tociinch his renewéd contention that it was utterly 'trol of an independent Parliament in Dublin, and even At Mr. Gladstone P. 0. Box 67, 'Pelephone 159, Yorkshire. Ps fa Sale. ' The wilhidlatee offers for sale a number of young thoronghbred York- prabie sows bred or ft fof breeding. Al- 80 & number of hogs two months old, vie ing Some from imported hog. Apply to A STEVENSON, r Lot 6, con. 9, Elma,Atwood P.O. Jersey Bull for Service, The undersigned, kee keeps for service a thorobred pedigreéd Jeteey bell, "Paul Kruger," at ah stable, Atwood. Terms, $1.00, at time of service ; or $1.25 if not so paid. J, A, KLUMP, Atwood P. 0. *8 | Business Dietms 'DENTAL. Drs. Bruce & McDowEti, - DENTISTS. FFICE over ' ~ 0 wel, od Thompson Bros, store, Lister FFICE--Main St., Atwood, ¢yor Braxcn Orr BEE office. Will visit At ~ y, trom 2.3) wood' pl oF ik LEGAL. MorPHY & CARTHEW, ARRISTERS, Solicito B pentose for the Ban nk of Haons A Money & McKee share: iaiosel Ont." H. B. Morpuy. J. M, Cantamw. W. J. Wright, «_ Photographer, |? OF ListTow wir, --WILL BE-- In Atwood Every Wednesday} Exch week during the year. A falif line of Photographs of al? sizes, and at Reasonable Prices. Call and see my work and bé convinced that it is Up-fo-date im every sespect. W. J. Wrigzht.| The King has _abandoned his inten- tion! to visit Ire! The blue silk raga b on the scaffold was week for 200 guineas," The Goverhment will not interfere with the sentenee of Dr, Harbottie, of} \ Burford, for shooting Mr. Stewart. Charles I. Ex-Treasurer C. Di = ahi ped of the} ratresied. at Po Maccabees has been: ied , chargéd with the ates of Mrs. Arthur Bonéhéra and her nine -children were burned to deattin a fire that destroyed their dwelling at Ma-|! 'tane, Que, Registrar D. D. Hay, in winding up a letter favoring the acceptanée py Strat- ford of the Carnegie itt, bid close with the remark that the Carnenio discussion has done good, and I think I am justified in saying' that we may, if we think we need it, accept his gen- erons gift with less reluetance than when tbe discussion opened, without any reluctance indeed, and that kt central figure in the diseussion eomes out of it not by any means a perfect | man, for none are perfeet, but a man we may al respect, not. so much as a citizen of the United States, though in that relation we say nanght against bim, but as acitizen of the world, a bi -hearted and liberal-minded cosmo- politaa," Toronto, March 12.--Mrs; Ross, wife of Hon. G. W.Ross, premier of Ontario, died thie mourning at 4,30°0'clock. Mrs. 'Ross' death was quite unexpected__Stie |. took ih about midnight on Monday and died at 4.30 this wornin uremia.._The-news of Mrs-Koss'-death was announced in the House this morn- ing in a voice broken with emotion by the Attorney General, who moved that the House adjourn tik 3 0 'clock. Mr. Whitney, who was also deeply moved, paid tribute to the werth of Mrs, Ross, and expressed his deepest sympathy with the Premier in his sore affliction. The House then adjourned. Mrs. Ross leaves four children, Geo. W. Ross, j ant gz Misses Kate,. Florence and oss, The funeral will take bee ie Friday to Mount Pleasant, pice G, W. Ross married Miss Boston, whose demise falls upon him it such. & sad and sudden blow, in 1875, she being his second wife. She was a 'pative of Lobo township, county of Middlesex, 'and was a ae of Robert Boston, for- merly . of South Middlesex and now | as 'of Micdlesex county, em aga woman of marked indivi uality and many splendid qualities. Her presence donald and ap eotaiome <r has- bee rovinee will share t. Ross is suddenly ondon this |, of acute! Cy recalls that of Lady Mac-'|- BLEWETT & BRAY, 9) BARSSTERS and Soli to Loan. oe t. Perm. Building & Bank, - Offices over Scot Listowel, . ing House and On Lown Assoc iat! ie ae BLEWErh. Gro. Brat, B.A, ~ J. CECIL HAMfLTON, B. A Py BARRISTER, CONVEYANOER. bfloney"' to ---- at 4 per Opera Listuwel, next to™ Dr, Foster, Dentis RANCH Pie uibeaiah: eh ee " over THE BEE office. -Will yisit At- wood every Wednesday afternoon. AUCTIONEERS, | C. H. MERRYFIELD, eee eee FOR THe" County Perth, Monkton, Ont. amy dl moderate. For particulars ap ~ ply at this office, " MEDICAL. DR. A. S. LANGRILE- earner Graduate of Toronto Univers--- Leebuttets ue ot Physicians and. Surgeons of O ; Special attention givea to Eye, Ear © Nose and Throat, Evenings: preferred for such work, ree and residence--Main-st,, nexst'% Mrs. Roger's store, ATWooD, ONT. D. A. KIDD, M. D..,. ATWOOD, ONT. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur, A full course of six. weeks in. 18994 and 4 full course of eight Weeks in-1904 in The New York Pos ee Schoob. and Hospital, New Yor Special attention to igeases of the eye, ear, nose, throat, iseases of Women and children, and" operative surgery, " Office Hours :9 to 10a, m, 1 to3 p.m. 6 to S p, m: BSBAWIEIIT OS. J. W. SCOTT & SON, Bankers. Listowel, Ontario. {Established 1572.] ; istowel, Palmerston and WFICES: Li Cig ~ ford ; als hd mn J. A.'Halstead, Mount Forest > and Shelb: A General Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD... payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNITE. - ED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN, Notes Discounted. . Deposits Received... Cutrens rate.of interest allowed: . j A dy qe = a eae Funda to- me halt Be 'out and one-half or wi with Scieiiews of repaying principal nunily, . Marriage Licenses Issued. F GT-R. TIME TABLE,. ' Trains leave Atwood Station,. eran 'and south, as follows-: GOING NORM" 20