VOL. 18. ATWOOD, ONT., cheoeee MAR. 8, 1902. NO. 11. alter Bros. ° i: ¥ ER before has our-store been more attractive than. at present. Never N% ive we been so well prepared for the demand in every department. r stock is complete in assortment, and the range ex iugly wide, ivcluding the latest and most fashionable productions. Our Bargains Are Genuine and | Never Ceasing ! It is easy enough to have a big sate on paper, but'only a_ store ath th® confidence of the public could be crowded as this store bas been on Sale Days. ¥ayor us with a call and permit us to show you our goods and prices and we are confident that you will become one of the many regularcastomers of this store, We allow no department to slink ; we would rather sell goods at half price than allow them to get old and out 'of date on our shelyes. Specials for Saturday Ready-to-pat-on Clothing Departmant, |Carpet and Lace Curtain Department: 1 line light color all woot Tweed, All wool, L yard wide Carpet, re- regn!, $3 sizes 40 to 44,Saturd y si. 49,} guler 85c., Saturday os 1 line brown tweed, fancy Vest, ve- hceeain Carpet, i yar wide, woe BSC, gular $10.00, all sizes, Saturday 37.89. 30¢. 1 line bine and gray tweeds, the cor- rect thing for spring, regular 88.59, sate price 25 p: tins Odd Pants, Saturday esta Furnishing Department, All ¥ and -Kuot Ties, ; 99. 35 p: tir Lace Curtain regular $1.25, 'Tegulat $1 Po Saturday 89¢ Grocery Department. 4 Ibs. Currants 2d5c. 5 Ibs, Raisins 25c. 6 Ibs, Figs 25c. 10 lbs, Coffee 31.00 36 inch Flannelette, regular 12/40. Satur Friday being a holiday, this store will be peed We would ial See re- guest our customers to dispense with their buying Friday aud come early Sat- urday mefning, and bring along your Butter and Eggs. YWwalter Bros., ~ Listowel. ur-in- -hand . Sale pr 9e. $1.25 shirts, white and colored, 99e, All 31 00 Shirts, white and colored, Svc. ----ao Lo nderson's slardware --for ycar-- Clover and Timothy Seed Corn, ™~ Seed, etc. Cement, Tools. Try Our Portland Material, Hardware and Tinware, Eave--- troughing, Paints and Oils, Glass, ete., etc. at the Lowest Price. Geo. Anderson. SHR EDPATH'S GRAULATED|ETATS | AB SUGAR. | Price Away Down. The Best Here HATS! | Latest styles just in ; | Eng] bh goods. l--= Send in your order| 'e. to $3.00. | early and save cartage.| Sugar will arrive April 5tt { al] Prices fr om All our new Tweeds are jto hanl. Come in and. pick out your suit as we are sell- "jing thm at the rate of Seed Gor three slits per day. First 1, Pint Made, All kinds of Shirts ; somethng immense ! Guaranteed te sed. $8 Bought by the car lot before yi" tae se, and will be sold} che ap. "Mangold and Garden Seeds. M, M.HILES. NORTHERN GROWK TREES ! Hardy Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, ses, Surabs, cheap. Mammoth Prolitic Dawberry a specialty. Send for free Catalogue, it tells the whole story, Overdls and Readymade Suits juit arrived. Call and see them GEO. CURRIE. sigzatore J. H. WISMER, Nurseryman, Por Elgin, Ont, \ + * | Danbrook 250, Inez Brown 99c, | Coulter 187, Russel Ingiis 98. : a ° 1 t Dairy Supplies, Garden | ham paper of recent date : HATS | lg F Elma. Born in Elma, on the 416th te Mr. and Mrs, James Fallis, a son Thos, J. Tughen has dinp sed his 5¢ acre farm, west halflot 9, con. 3, Elm: ' to Wm. Gilbraith, for. 82,700. 97 Died at Edgecombe, March 27, Agnes, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Balls, aged 3 years and 9 mouths, Report of S.S. No. 5, Elma, for the) month of Mareh: 5th class--Aggie Ballautyne and Jessie Morrison (equal), | 868, Willle Robb 280, Senior 4th chiss | --Eva Danbrook 497, Dot Belle Anderson 433, Herbert 411, Jessie MeMane 35). class--Myrtle Daubrook 444, Gilmer 429, Cecil Brown 3871, Gray 857, Edoa Merrison 297, lautyue, Minnie Cowan 285» Jessie Al- lison 252, Maggie Hanna 206, Mabel McMane 117. Sentor 8rd class-- Bernice Morrison 358, Maggie Ducklow 28}, Mary Gilkinson 273, Woedson Robb 95 Junior 8rd class--Bertha Giikinson 391, Leslie Ballantyne 385, Emma Dan- brook 863, Welland LVeebles 298, Chas. ales 287, Lizzie MeMane 265, Harold Smith 254, Lorne MceMane 247, Layton Smith 208, Florence Ducktow 149, Mib- nie Smith 107, Senior 2nd class--Mel- vyn Robb 443. Lindsay Morrison 297, Max Morrison 277, Elia Curtis 269, ©. 240, d Alf, 2nd class--Rosa Robb 348, Mane 294, Sam. Gilkiuson McMaue 267. 12Tn Line ITews.--Heury punean gave a party last Monday evening in honor of Mr. Thompson, who is the _| cheesemaker at the Hillaud who has been visiting Mr. Duncan for several days. About sixty guests were present and spent the evening in dancing, de- parting for their various homes in the wee, small hours..... Jotvn Little left on Tuesday for Okotoks, N. W. T., where he is tak.mz ae: arload of tbe best thoro- bred stock, horses- and cattle, Which could be procured in Ontario. Le be greatly missed on the 12th, jally among the fair sex, Greig fost bis pocket book lust Moud: Ly nighy, containing about 360, However, atcer it had lain outa hia of days It was found by the ow - Russell Bell hes had a severe attac 'k of appendicitis, but we are glad to hear he is improving. ed. Houze has taken a position vith Dr. hoe for four months....Mr. Lit bas not been so weil letely.... Mr hie " mond has returned after spending month with his daughter, Mrs, Stew art, of Lucan....Qne of the sugar cumps of the neighborhood was visited by thieves the other evening, who the syrup, burnt the wood, and des- troyed the kettle, and left a written re- quest that the affair should be pubtisn- ed, with the compliments of two gen- tlemen whom we are sure were vever Alice Me- 270, _ The foilowing is clipped from a Chat- "Miss Alice Humphrey, the popular young soprano of the Park St. Methodist church, has received word of her appointment as solo soprano of the Grace Methodist Episcopal church, of Wilmington, Del- aware, She will leaye on Monday for Wilmington aud will assume her new duties a week from next Sunday. Miss Humphrey is one of Chatham's most promising singers and her many friends, while sincerely regretting her departure from the city, will be pleased to hear that she is progressing iu her choseu profession and will join in wish- ang herevery success. She has been studying vocal music for the last three years under Miss Elda Idle, and during that time she has made wonderful pro- ess. She has sung in-ffe-Park st. Methodist cheir for the last four years and her presence there will be greatly missed. Thereis no doubt but that she will be well gualified to fill the pos- ition that she has accepted, having been recommended by her former teacher, Miss Idle, who is leader of the choir of Grace church. Miss Humph- rey for the last seven years has had charge of one of the departments in C, Austin's stare." Miss Humphrey isa niece of Mrs. W. R. Humphrey, of Newry, ind Mrs, Wethered, of Atwood. News of the Day. It is estimated that 3,00. settlers from the United States have already entered the west by way of Portal, Map, At the Toronto Civil Assizes Irving Carley, of Barrie, was condemned to pay Miss Jennie Abram $2,900 for breach of promise. Auction Sale Notices. Tuurspay, APRIL 3.--Farm stock, on lot 10,con. 18, Eima,at 1 p,m. Frauk Riach, prop., C. H. Merryfieid, auc- ioneer, CASTORIA Fer Infants and Children. is ¢a every Wraypete 1902, will} espec- » #OR SPRING WEAR ! 'Our 1902 Spring Stock of Dress Goods is Here, | and we invitejour lady friends to see them before passing judgment or buying elsewhere. Never before has the range been so large, or the designs, | so pretty.. We have also a complete stock 6 | Staple Goods, Cottons, Cottonades, Shirtings, Flannelettes, &c., &c. Frints for Children's wT ear 1 The prettiest patterns imaginable for children's wear. Just the thing for school dresses. Boots and Shoes. We keep a full line of The John McPherson Co.'s famous footwear. These goods need no recommendation from us. They are well known everywhere good shoes are worn. Hats, Ca select line of IMen's and Boys' Ready-to-wear Clcthing. ao Meats, Field and Garden Seeds, &e. Farm Produce taken ash. Fad res ps, Ties, Braces, and gents' furnishings generally, including a as Cail and See Us. The People's Store. _W. R. Erskine. n Easter & t Song. be \She sang me a song of triumph, a hymn of the Easter ti ime That swept o'er the chords of feeling with the charm of its words and rhyme. ' i The theme was of love that conquered, that won i war with death, Of hope in a life immortal surviving the fleeting breath. 1 the "| Like a prand a pean, the psalm of a love su- reme, or soul was filled with its rapture--I lived in a'strange, swéet dream. And a calm came over my spirit, a or fear ; I felt on the waves of music upraised to a purer sphere. peace without doubt Bright vistas opened before me, demesnes that the foot ne'er trod ; I longed for a bliss which only the soul finds with God in rest The wonderful anthem ended, its last notes dying away As the south wind breathed its promise of verdure and flowers for May. The jubilant chimes of Easter rang out with a gla rain, I felt that for man, as nature, the springtime would come again, I thought of the risen Saviour, I thought of His empty . omb, And over the graves of ages I saw the amaranth bloom, MACDONALD. --By, Nem Pu Pastestastaste.®, referferfocfectecfeats Oe * eeboleebbelebedeteteh bobbed eeeebobbtebeb betes ADVERTISING PAYS ! E take pleasure this week in submit- tl g below the testimony of Messrs. Carson & McKee, the well kuown general merchauts, of London, formerly of Lis- towel, who were among the largest advertisers in Tne Bee for the past twelve-years, averaging some years over 3100.00, Thesé om gwiemen know 3 whereof they speak ; LISTOWEL, March 25, 1902. teed tebtetdek 5 ee eee ee ee . sfeete ee fed Mr. R, 8. Pelton, Atwood. DEAR Str,-- We have great faith in advertis- ing, and believe our success here was aided very materially by our liberal use of printer's ing, We are satisfied that the money we spent advertising in THE Bree was a good investment, as many of our customers have mentioned Tne Bee regard- ing our bargains, &. Had we been running in Listowel we ce ay would have continuel our adyt.in THe Be *. Pestol oot e ten! > O 2..%.02 testes! ad sie aes OR + . ee ode oe my ours truly, CARSON & MciM@E. Seo bode edebeteebedbe bested teefobe eae ae he aia ihe he he aie he Wad te Mie ht het St Mie Mit Dt Se Mi Nt eins Dt Se Sache F se F. %. 8. tS Oe 8 ef eee es ef ow we es ow ow ow ge 8 eg 8 8 te 8 ow ow Phe People Bead Whe Gee,