Atwood Bee, 28 Mar 1902, p. 2

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AND Does your horse "feel his oats"? Whatadifference be- tween the grain-fed and the grassed horse! The first strong and full of ginger, the second flabby, weak and tired out before he begins. The feeding makes the difference. ' Children are not alike either. |. One is rosy, bright-eyed, full of life and laughter, another is pale, weak and dull. The feed- ing again is responsible. Sickly children need special feeding. They don't "feel their oats". Scott's Emulsion adds just the right richness to their diet. Itis like grain to the horse. The child gets new appetite and strong digestion. Scott's Emulsion is more than food. It is a strong medicine. It rouses up dull children, puts new flesh on thin ones and red blood into pale ones. It makes children grow. Scott's Emulsion makes ordi- food do This picture represents the Trade M: ark of Scott's : the Mer) Wrapper of every bottle. by Send for free sample. S| SCOTT & BOWNE, CANADA soc and $1. all druggists. Philosarcasticully Speaking. Little Elmer (who has an inquir- 'Ing mind)--Papa, where do those pessimists, ure always reading about, Professor sroudhead--On land of egotism. in the sea of woe. midst of DR. A. W. CHASE'S OE CATARRH CURE ... D5... is sent direct to the diseased dy an is- frec, All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto amd Buffalo, with tne pale east of in- tellectuality Great thing: but give me the boy with the wide grin. a darger mouth in pro- size than a man, yet talks about his neigh- The boy The clam has portion to his the clam never bors. The man who 2 'Iwa nays sitys Just what he thinks usuaily has but himself to awe for the black eye he keeps in collection. SETTLERS' LOW RATES WEST Chicago & Northwestern Railway ; every day during March and April. Colonist one- way second-class tick- ets at very low rates from) Chi- cago to points in Colorado, Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, California, Victoria, Vancouver. New Westminster, Nel- gon, Rossland and other points In Kootenay district. Also special round trip Homeseekers' tickets on first and third Tuesdays, March, April and May. Full particulars from nearest ticket agent or B. H. Berffett, Gen- eral Agent, 2 East King street, To- ronto, Ont. It is Healta, Not Wealth, That Makes a Woman Attractive. Dr. Duncan's Perlodic Blood Tablets, prevent pain ana suffering due to weakness of the generative organs. These Tablets are not intended to cure every ailment, but are made solely and wholly to tone up and strengthen the generative organs. Duncan's Tablets are the result | of the experlence of a successful phy- ' completely MIGHT HAVE SAVED TROUBLE Provost Marshal Negtectea to W rite a Pass for Himself. "Many stories hare been told of the literal interpretation which some ate ders place upon he orders, ~~ of the by Gana) 1e8, who has recently returned reoei the Philippines, about an Irish volunteer private, whe was acting as gu over a captured Spanish storehouse, and had received orders to pass no one without a special or- from the provost marshal of Manila. General Hughes was provost marshal at the time, and when -he drew near the storehouse he found his stomach very close to a triangu- r Springfield bayouet and heard in rich <a brogue "Halt! If yez come a step furder Vll jam 'shaw tee er yez." "Why not?" poe the General. "Niver moind," said the private. "I know me orders. is a pass yez must have from the provost mar- shal." on' t care ff yez the President. Devil a foot ye'll ae inside .there till yez show me yer Phe General drew out a blank book and scribbled a pass. he private surveyed it and pass- ed Generat Hughes with, the remark : Why n't yez do that without all this calendd " That's « Pretty Good Friend. Hewitt--I've lost my best friend. Jewett--Why don't you advertise 'or it? Hewitt--What do you mean? Jewett--I thought you said had lost your, pocketbook you Minard's calms for -- every- where, His Appeal. Little Georgie was taken by his aunt to see the newcomer, aged one day. He was duly and profoundly im- essed with the specimen and asked where the little brother came from, "God gent it," answered the aunt revy- age pt answer madé a deep impres- sion on little Georgie, for that after- noon he was seen out in the back yard gazing up into the deep blue sky and spreading his diminutive apror expectantly as he said, "Dear God, please throw me down one too." Monkey Brand Soap will clean a house from cellar to roof, but won't wash clothes. Terribly Wounded Yet Lived. A young mam at York. Pennsyl- vania, is alive, and in a fair wayi to full recovery after a bullet passed through his brain. His | bat not unique. ago a New England crowbar driven full ease is unusual, Many years blaster had a } length through his head and ail a! . Inuseuin. | | ! ' sician and specialist in female trov- | bles. They are alike beneficial to the | girl in teens, to the married woman! and to those of mature years who are +. the period known as "Change of Tablets contains Each x full Peaertic of «Ul female diseases | a with directions in full foe treatment. | Price $1 a box, or 6 boxes for $5. - Sent securely sealed on receipt. of! price, by the Canadian agents, Parke & Parke. Druggists, Hamilton, Can- ada. New York Ceutral and Hudson River Rallroad. The above name is a house-hold word, and the superior excellence of _ the road should be sufficient to at- t people, but _now that the same to w York and east as by other lines no fur- reconimendation should be agbt.. Everybody will tell you it e best. San | the ; his skull ' shall be done with it. hold me ed. The eagerness of the Boston sur- | geons to obtain fis skull for snipe bs museum troubled him so that he went to California (then very re- mote) and became a stage driver. His exile, however, did not profit him. A Boston surgeon traced him and kept informed as to his candi- tion, and when he died his skull was brought East. It may now be seen among the ghastly treasures cf the Jt is to be hoped that Jsoung mun does not have prejudice against havin repose on a shelf after he There is little will con- and In- kept ip York Same the doubt that sider it a teresting sight. some surgeon sufficiently rare specimen to be The North Wind Doth Blowand with it comes the twinge of rheumatism. - Dress warmly, stay indoors as much as you can and rub the swollen, ten- der muscles with Perry Davis' Pain- killer. 25 and 50 cents. The Mean Man! Mre. Scrappington--lIf sonreboady | should threaten to abduet nre and for a ransom, what would wou do: Mr. Scrappingtou--Laugh like thun- der Minard's Liniment relleves ralgia. Willlame's ludifference. Puffington (proudly)--I can my descent from Williem the queror [ Grimshaw and do it, litm the (calmly'--Well. go ahead if you feel inell ned. Wil- Conqueror won't) mind. for the Rush. drifting about seven days, and all when the half- bow leaped up A sail!" sale ?" shricked passenger, as her purss,-- Keady They had been ihe open bout were near unio denth, famished suilur in the und erled, "A saii! '""What, a birgnin half-dead woman she began fumblig for saltimore World. Neu- | Com} i trace | \ t As Fire Spreads in dry grass, so | the throat, Deal fire, use does an inflamimation in grow down into the lungs, promptiy with a cold as wtih a and when json begin to cough Allen's Lung Balsam. The average man takes more inter- est In what' he su expect ts than in what he | ing and finds the old man at home. _ | Stumbled and fell cutting himself fear- in | fully about FROM THE PENS © _ OF GREAT MEN. t 7 ) d Oe u Clear-head- "they are so society, maAan- und economy embellish tri- "I 'like women," said ed man of the world, finished." They finish ners, language. Form ure thelr reaim. They fles.--Emerson. A man can keep another person's secret better 'than - own; a wo- man, on the contrary, keeps her secret though she tells au others. --La Bruyere, pone When women love us they forgive us everything; even our crimes; when they do not love us they give us credit for oh not even for our virtues.--Balz A beautiful Wola with the qual- ities of a noble man is the most perfect thing in nature; we find in her all. the merits of both sexes.-- La, Bruyere. There are 24 hours in a day and not a moment in the 24 in which & women ane not change her mind. --De Fino Te Nothing is so embarrassing as the first tete-a-tete, when there Is everything to say, unless it be the last, when everything has been said.--Roguepla ny. 'The man that lays his hand upon & woman, save in the way of kind- ness, is wretch whom 'twere gross flattery to name a coward. --Tobin, Qn great occasions, it is almost always women who have given the strongest proofs of virtue and de- votion.--Montholer. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Where the Bullet Was. & recent gathering of medical men in Philadelphia, Dr. W. W. Keen, the well-known surgeon, told this story: "After the battle of Gettysburg a corps under the command of a young physician, who had recently been ap- pete. was ordered to collect the ounded. Among the disabled was a man who had been shot through the leg. The young doctor proceeded to use the knife. After cutting for half an hour he was interrupted by the young bigs pou with: ani ow much longer are ? y: you going to cut ' hina I Au the bullet,' replied the docto Why, you fool, if that's ee you want, I've n my pocket "Sure enough, the bullet had lodged in the skin the man's leg after passing through, avd he had kept it as a souvenir. STATE om Prey Crry aot TOLEDO, cas Coun z CHENEY oe oath re he issen- of F. J. CHENKY 88. that can- not be cured by the use wt Hatu's CATARRH CHENE t ro m papeoaees this : eth aay, of December, A.D., acta pee on = bleod and mucous cetinoes "case 0 ~ oa SURE. NE J, NEY. Sworn e aj subscribed in m A. 1588. « WwW. GLEASON, {seat SEAL } Notury Public. Halts Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and of the Send for testimonials, free. os J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, oO. Sold by bruggists, 75c. Hall's Pomur Pills are the best. Helptng a Fellow Out. He (who stutters badly)--I Jul-tul- love you mum-mum--I ful-iove you mum-mum-more than tut-tut-tongue can tut-tut--more than tut-tu- tongue cam tut-tut-- | She (eagerly)--Dov't you kuow the deaf and dumb alphabet ?--Town Topics, Minard's Liniment cures Burns, etc. No Need for Delay. "My arling," he exclaimed, "I would go to the end of the earth for you." There was a slizht pause whi'e the _peehentrn played tremulous rag- tim * Bunposs," she said, " you begin your travels now.'~-- Cleveland Plain : Dealer. Gentlemen,--While driving down a very steep hill last August my horse the head and body. I used MINARD'S LINIMENT freely on him and ina few days he was as well as ever, MR. Ques BLAUCHEMIN. Sherbrooke, Grasshoppers. Tommy --The grasshopper has, ac- | cording to its size, 120 times the | kicking power of an average man. j Johnny (who has had experience) --It must be a warm time for the young grasshopper who goes a-court4 Fe he ngek cySpale vie i to LEVER and--addroess, trial sample of. Sualight Ssap will be send pou frost coat SUNLIGHT SOAP Two washings with Sunlight Soap entail less strain REDUCES on the nerves than one washing with impure soap. EXPENSE and a 7 iISSUE NO. 13, "BUSINESS CHANCES. Ce -- REAL ESTATE OR BUSI- she ue where it is. Send descri: tion and cosh price and our plan i- find. P tExchenge and Invest- ing am buyers, Paten CCeMpany, Tororto, Can A Common Bred Cow When toned up by Dick's Blood Pu fier, will give us much and as rich milk asahighly bredaristocratic Jersey cowgives PATENTS. ATENTS, wig Sige wads TRADE ere etc. Honie or foreign parce ploited. Booklet 'or on aera ree. The Patent Exchange and Loves t Company, Pythian B ng, Toronto, O oat BRIG sn STORE TO RENT, THE BEST retand i n Brussels. - Apply to he ron Struthers, London, "Ont. ra, Hagens ye 8 Soothing M | be used H- Soothes the child, oatecstnen ma, cures win colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhaa. Lens Stee: FOR SALE--ONE OF THE given. DICK'S rf BLOOD PURIFIER will wonderfully increase her yield of milk. It saves feed too, because a smaller amount ot well digested way ea in food satisfies the demands of the . system and every particle of nour- aaa ae ae, Mewes ult par sishment sticks. Jonathan Carpenter, P. O. box 409, Winona 50 cents a package. Oper Leeming, p= & Pe Agents, GAL » . Tate va know th: q : } cleans se erware, Write for mock da on Cattle éad Horses free. all bright cad etal slike is f ton. The Picnarch = » St. a nes, Mfrs., send trial samptes every locality W ANTE D hroughout Canada to introduce our goods, iackine'S show cards I50 Kinds ry 20c. Tt to 8 fact Chat Bal zer' Reliable Men in od, richce Besatul. Ww nts for Hg pene reas THE EMPIRE MEDICINE London, Ont. VERY LOW RATES -- Every day during- the month» of March and April, 1902, the UNION PACIFIC will gell Colonist one-way. tickets at the following rates: Lt FROM, JOHN A. SALZER SEED Co.. e la Crosse, Wis EASTER HOLIDAYS ' MISSOURI RIVER RETURN TICKETS oe $20.00 SINGLEES FARE | g09 9 ss ha refuting ip to aia lecladioe $22.50 B22.50 "zcotecn tae Ry., Spokane to Wenatchee Ino., via Huntington and Spokane. ie } To Polnats on Grea§ $2 5. 00 Nerthern Ry., west of Wonatchee via Huntington and Spokane. 5' ' To OgGen and Salt Lake City. Te Butte, Anaconda and Helena. Between All Stations in Canada. To Spokane. All stations a Geanta to and from Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. Allstations 7 TO but not FROM Buffalo, N.Y., Black Book, N ae Niagara Falls, N.Y., Suepen- sion Bridge, TEADUEEE ane STUDENTS of Schoola and Colleges, on surrender Standard Certificate signed by wrineloal, at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE AND ONE-THIRD Goin Mazch $ to 2th, inclusive, returning * p to aaa Ae ol April 8th, 1982, For farther particulars apply to agenta G. T. System. of TePortiand, facoma and Seattle. $25.00 }$26.00 "Jems conse Points, including Branch Lines on into possession of $11,000--wishes to cor- = rf os south of Portland, vie respond with honest, intelligent man, who ortlan would appreciate a good wife. Box 2.538, P25. 00 To San Francisce, Los Angeles and Toronto, Ont. | other California Polnts. Goud Paying Business For Sale| aise on ypiektion "sorrow tun nighed on application to ae cream my is one of the ere towns: ns in Mxnitotn: aa G. G. HERRING, G.A., $1000, ° deen appy 126 Woodward Avenue, NADA READY PRINT Co. Hamilton, Canads, | Detroit, Mich. . | # COLONIAL HOUSE, MONTREAL DEPARTMENTAL-STORE NEW SPRING CATALOGUE WITH ILLtU M. C. Dickson, Dis. Pass. Agent, Toronio,Ont. OUNG WOMAN--AGED 21--JUST CAME |} ISIRATIONS OF Every Household Requisite FREE TO ANY APDRESS. SAMPLES Of NEW SPRING GOODS sent as and Special Attention givin to Ma® often as desired, "Orders. HENRY MORGAN & CO., MONTREAL MADE OF NO HOOPS, NO JOINTS, NO SEAMS, EDDY'S NO LEAKS. INURATED FIBREWARE are vstly esupertor to the ordinary Woodeware articles for domestic use. TRY THEM. Ver. gale by all fret ose dealers. .

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