Atwood Bee, 28 Mar 1902, p. 4

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A Spring Medicine ! i With the coming of spring you want something to' ;, Enock out that tired feeling. Our Good Red Blood Sarsaparilla Will do it in short order ;it is a spring medicine that will make you well. Is your appetite gone ? Do you have rheumatism) Are you bilious ? in a mild way ? Our Sarsaparilla is expressly compounded for cor- recting such difficulties 'and straightening out the system |! made sluggish by bad blood. WAT arrart If you think it does \A7 eS ft to: do all we say. not help you,' agome and get your money back. Price, $1.00 a bottle J. A. MITCHELL, © - six bottle s for $5.00. MEDICAL HALL, ATWOOD. Gown T Walls. Prag, 70c. to 73c.. @MATS, 37¢. to 38e. Tirnes, per ib., de; Goa, $7 00 per ton. WiEAtT, 68c. to 70c;. BARLEY, 45c. to 48e: Fioen, per ewt., SL. 75 to SLM BuTrer, per Ib., 16c. Eeas, per dozen, 12: PoTATOES, per bag,, 560: to 60c.. Garp, per Ib., 120. tor fae Toas, live weight, $9.75 per ewt. BeEeF per quarter, 6c: to 8c. per 1b. A MAN seldom gives his health a twought until after he loses it. A woMAN can sharpen a man's wits awen if she can't sharpen a lead pencil. The selfish man doesn't care what rs so long as it doesn't happen to him THE average woman isn "t half so much afraid of gossip as she is of a mouse, NEw Compound Iron Pills. Atwood drug store. MANY amancwho is considered a gpod story teller fails utterly when he gets home to his wife. MeN who accomplish most never seem ina hurry, no matter bow much they may bave to Tur Ber closed a substantial yearly advertising contract with Messrs. Wal- ter Bros, the hustling dry goods mer- ehants of Listowel, last Friday, gentiemen have been using Tin BEE adve rtising columns experimentally since last December, und have come to the conclusion that it pays--and pays well, Tue regular monthly meeting of the local conrt Independent Foresters next Monday night will be of special interest to the members from the fact that the eonrt will be yisited by C. H. Merry- deld, High Vice Chief Ranger, and John Struthers, District Deputy. The members will please take nole and en- deayor to be present. THERE's nothing more purein heaven, There's nothing on earth more mild, More full of the light that's all divine, than the smile of a little child, The sinless lips are parted With breath as sweet as the air ; Aud the epee most gladly stems to life for a quarter. Miller's at the In the wae 'of the sunny hair." 'Tne Port Elgin nurseries invite your erder for their bardy northern-grown fruit and ornamental trees. No better stock in the country. It is here that the famous Wismer Dessert apple was orig sinated, conceded by nurserymen to jnest flavored apple in the It has the delicious melting (vor of the Bartlett pear, and keeps till mid-winter. Every tree is sent ont with Mr. Wismer's seal to insure gen- einkhend, When writing mention THE BEE, Notice.-- All books belonging to the Atwood Public Library must be return- ed to the Library on or before the 2nd Saturday in April and not to be again issued until the 2nd Saturday in May. Any books not so returned will have to be paid for by the member retaining them, The members are requested to read carefully the rules of the Library in the front of each book, as in future they will be strictly enforced and the regular fines imposed aecerdingly. Tie Magnetawan correspondent of Burk's Falls Arrow makes the follow- ing complimentary reference to a form- ar pastor of the Atwood Presbyterian | © church: 'Tte third lecture of the ser- its giyen in convection with Christian Endeavor work here was given on Thursday night last, 13th iy in the Presbyterian chure h' 'by . Hen- derson, Who was well equal "ts the oc- easion. The subject was "Symbolism in Christian Art," and was well defined, illustrated and fully explained in var- jous ways. We hope it may be given opain some time when a large pumber may be present to hear it. It would be worth while giving in different places, ag it caused some research and: careful study. Rev.J. Wilson; who was dent of the meeting, spoke very- highly | Se of if-end a eeery vote of thanks was -by all present, on motion of..D. B. Guinton."." These |, of had Tire man who doesn't owe some his success to some woman hasn't any. Ir is pretty generally understood that the Provincial elections will take place on June 3 Mrs. D. G. ANDERSON is visiting her sisier, Mrs. C. H- Effinger, of Loudon, who is ill MR. AND Mrs. J. W. Wanp, of Mild- 1 thet may, - spending the Kaster holidays | in to THE -- of March is Lent, but it would be a good thing if we could lose it altogether from the calendar, THE pessimist isa man who cannot enjoy the fine March weather for wor- rying about what the weather of April may be, MILLER's Worm Powders are a won- derfui medicive for ailments of cnild- ren, or sxle at the Atwood drug store. MILLINERY openings make the jadies open their eyes and husbands open their hearts, Speaking, of course, of the ideal husband. From Greenland's icy ima To India's coral stran The preacher and the esti' Now travel band in hand. "WHATEVER my daughter decides upon, sir, I will abide by." "Good ! She has decided that she will marry me ie you will supply the means." THE sulphur and molasses period of the yearis close at hand, when the youngsters have health thrust down their necks with a spoon. Mrs. GIvEN--Don't you do anything fora-living. Tattered Thomas--I'm a captain of industry, mum; dese here clothes are me fatigue uniform. € "HAvrE you a 'ashionable practice 2" asked the caller. "Oh, yes," responded the young dentist, "you ought to gre the howling swells leaving my office." LADIES and gentlemen who take Miller's Compound Iran Pilis always grow younger ip appearance and spir- its. For sale at the Atwood drug store. JonNn CUTHBERTSON invites the at- tention of the farmers to his advertise- ment of the famous Page wire fence, of which he is sole agent for this district. No better farm fence than the Page. WE direct attention to the spring advertisement of W. R. Erskine on the front page. W.R's stock this season is very select, both in staples and fancy lines. A specially attractive line of children's summer wear, INSPECTOR IRwIN visited the Atwood Publie school the other day. He found everthing O. K. e spoke eulogistical- ly of the junior department, especially the excellent discipline inaugurated by Miss Meredith, the new teacher. SPECIAL rates "= announced by the railways for Ea teturn' tickets may be a He at single fare from March 27 to 31, both dates inclusive, good to return till April Ist. no fareanda third rates except for students. Do you wear good shoes ? Shoes that filevery minute of the day, and worth afl you paid for them ? [f not, then try Berlet's shoes. He carries some excellent footwear this spring, which he is prepared to guarantee. See his stock, and mention Tnr Ber. MILLINERY OPENING.-- Mies A. Gov- enlock held a very successful miliinery opening Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, which was attended'as usual by a throng of admiring ladies. Her ladies' and children's hats are excep- tionally pretty and dainty this year. All shades of fawn will be greatly worn. She also has a beautiful stock | of ribbons, silks, laces, flowers, chiffons, etc. We bespeak for her a large sea- son's trade, THE following is the March report of the jumor department of the Atwood Public school. 'The names are in the orcer of merit. Senior" II elass--Marion Mitchell and Florence Dark, JeneS Bolton, Ethel Iolmes, Minnie Campbell, Alma Simpson. Jun- ior Ii--Meivyn Henry, Agnes Iéallan- tyne, Leonard Coghlin, Clara Gallop, Harold Hudson. Senior Part IT--Fios sie Watson, Maggie Pelton, Herbert Mitchell, lrneot McLeod, 'Randolph Erskine. Junior Part II-- Blanctie Mc- fs a Po dt. nior I--Netti wart,. tman Whithela, Lizzie whitteld, J noe I~ | Thornton ie caked Nichol, Harold ® There are | . A. MITCHELL week apgeicnmtee Mure: A. BE week, setonaing thi the. golden: ny ess of i her uncle and arnt, To DAY is Good: Friday, | 'to-morrow Easter Saturday, next day, is Easter Sunday, and Monday is wi sth Gay. MANITOBA probibitionists -in con- vention decided to cease all organized effort to influrnce the yote on the refer- endum on April 2 PimpLes, bleteches and all other spring troubles are cored by Hood's Narsaparilla--the most effective of all Spring: mnedicines, Many young ladies who posed to be going into heen restored to health and vigor by the of Miller's Compound Tron me. For sale at the Atwood drag tore, INsPreTOR Watson, of the Bank of Hamuton. and J, Ho Stnart, of the Lis- | Lowel branch, were in town this week, oul the land, with a view to es- ing a braneh "% the Hamilton 1 Atwood . Watson #ppear- 'faverabty impressed with the 1 A bank bere would be of the tesf convenience to the people. Proeress--J A Mitehell, drug: hus purchased the drag store g eid jolts adjomming-enm the-core with a view to erecting u handsome hew block on the latter this next sum- miner, Fle pre pe oses to erret a bank on the corner, a store next it, and a 'Town Hail over both The latter will be about 44x80 feet, with Li feet ceiling, and altogether admirably equipped for the purpose Phe new block will be a fine, modern structure in every respect, \i™ Mitehetl assures us, and a credit to Own, be e -- J. A. on mMbmendable enterpr Atwood in mueh need of both a -- and i eis modtous Pown Pail . . Kine has purchased a@ building tent ry Ziemann, uerth of and adjacent Robt \nderson's residence, for Which he paid $150. [tus un excellent residential site, fronting the street leading from Main street, and eom- nahding a tine view of the latter. "THE BEE is pleased to note thesé eyidences of progress among our young business men, Atwood is making substantial progress of late, and this summer promises to witness someting of boom in the building line. Let it Joho Switzer and Wm. Brown are getting material on the ground for brick yeneering their respective resi- deuees, were. sup- se to Monkton, W. Cowan, of the 10th con., Logan, moved last Thursday to a farm near Listowel, tev, Mr, Abrey, having disposed of | his former driver, bus replaced it with a handsome dark bay driver, Chas,. Rock expects to finish cutting his stock of logs this week, and as soou |, as dope wil commence buildiug. opera- Lions. A school meeting was held in the school house Saturday mornpg, for the purpose of building an additional room to the present toosmall, Quitea meek of the rate- payers were present, Wilson was appoiuted chairman, wea J EK. Goforth secretary. Warden ©. H, Merryfield stated why the meeting had been cal- {Ie also read a communication had received from Public School In- spector Irwin. 'There are at present a uumber of children at home who would go to school if there was room,and there were too many for one teacher, there belug an average attendance of some 80 pupils. After a short discussion on the cost of the building, etc., a vote was taken, which stovud as follows': For building, {8 ; against building the ad- dition, 18. The Trustees now have the power to go on and build an addition us soon as they like, and as plans and specifications haye been obtained, they will take steps towards having the en- largement done as soon as possible. On Saturday afternoon a case of sault wes tried before ©. H. Merrytield, J.V.,in his office on Madison street, The' plainviff was Valentine Schade, con. 16, Eima, and Michael ge of the same concession, was the ant. The trouble arose over the. pes tiff goiog to the defendant's place for some slabs which he claimed the de-: fendaat had given him in exchange for wood. When he went into Phelke's yard be was ordered off. Schade was nuecom panied by his son, whom he told to startto load up. The defendaut having 8 hoe jo his hand, which he had been using, he claimed, cleaning up a shed, ia alleged to have got on top of the slabs, and when the boy offered to take up a slab, is said to have made at him strike to him with the hoe. The plaintiff claimed that later the hoe was used on him, and he and his son suc- ceeded in wrestingthe hoe from Phelke, Defendant was convicted and a light fine imposed, Qn Tuesday forenoon of last week Wm. Gill, one of Monkton's oldest in-- habitants, passed to his reward at the age of 68 years, 8 months; and 8 days: A year ago he was confined to the house with grippe,from which be never eid reeovered. Cancer of the stomach began to develop during the sammer, and all winter he bas suffered untold agony. For months he could not take any solid food, and the last few weeks he could not take anything. Rey. Mr. Howard, of Milverton, officiated at the funeral, assisted by Rev. Mr. Abey. The remains were conveyed to Elma Centre cemetery on Thursday after- noon. The family, whe have the sym- pathy of the community, consists of hia widow, one daughter, Mrs.E. Clark, of Mitchell; and four sons, John, at home; James, in Monkton ;' J. Z., on the boundary, and William, of 'Wiarton, He leaves three brothers :° omas, in ad John and Tamnen, in the Un- ted Sta tes ; and three sisters :°. Mra. J. Tbompese. "Sault St. Marie; Mra. A. cen con. 16, Elma, and one in }Rort. Horom. b .eY isin Preston this}, decline have} school, whieh has become / ee "*] hada most stubborn coveh for many' yates It deprived mie of sleep and I grew very thin. I then 'ree Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and wes quickly cured.' R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn. Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , will do. t We know it's the great- ° est cough remedy ever } made. And you will say ; so, too, after you try it. There's curcineverydrop. ; 5. . lt e bag sizes: 25 " 3 40s, « Sitak R vers, hard cule " B tor charcale caves wre apr hand 4 J. 0. well, Murs 3 Sl.'o to ke YER 0., a best material, and nounced by capable judges the world over as: the Best Wire Fence Stops Everything ! Because it is made of the is pro- on the Market. Made all heights, and woven close enongh, if desired,to keep out chickens, We are agents this year for this dis- rict for the above fence, aud solicit orders, Jno. Cuthbertson, ATWOOD P.O The Spring.of 1902 Webbie Aurraty ! Hurrah ! for the full of nice new goods for the fore have we shown such a la goods, bought at bed rock pri 'jcordingly. In this up-to-date age, j Sofededorl e Kimberley Block store, Spring of 1902. Never be- rge and beautiful range of ces and will be sold. ac- f we are to be in the line of si ty we must keep to the front or drop out of the rank end, we from time to time cle less of profit, as'you will see by eur ads: "To the front ! is our aim. To accomplish this. ar out all odd lines regard- This keeps: our stock at all times new and up-to- date. TUST ARRIVED: New Dress Goods. New Dress Trimmings. New Laces Embroideries s and Insertions. -New Lace Curtains, from 25c. up. New Fancy Ginghams. New Prints in one -- Shirtings. New Cottonad hundred different patterns:. es. ~ New Boots and Shoes. New Spring Suits, in men's, youths', boys' and child- ren's. Grrocezies. A fresh and complete stock of Groceries always on: hand. All kinds of Farm Produ ee taken in exchange for goods, for which we will allow you the highest market' price. The Old Weliable. C. HH. Flolmes, Atwood. ---NEW-- Wall Papers. UR New Wall Papers this year are the most beautiful we have' ever had, while our stock is the largest ever carried in Atwood, These Wall Papers require no pictures upon the walls. They are art papers,- pic- tures in themselves, The yery latest designs in Wall Papers bere, Mixed Paints. We keep a fall line of Ready-mixed> Paints, mixed from the dry colors by ourselves, and therefore much purer and more durable Paint than the adul- terated preparations usually sold. We also keep Oils, Varuishes, Enamels, &c. We do all kinds of Paper Hanging And Painting, Estimates given, Call and See Us, Lowest Prices. Sutisfaction guaran-

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