Use them now !.. coming and calls for caution. ter be on the safe side. rs . Warm weather is Bet- Disinfect cellar, closet, cesspool and drains a a > oe) thoroughly. Copperas, 10 cents a pound. Chloride of Lime, 5 and 10 cents per package. Crude Carbolic Acid, 25 cents a pint. MOTEL BATIALS. To protect your Furs and other Winter Garments _ from the moths, use our Moth Balls. 20 cents-a pound. J. A. MITCHELL, MEDICAL HALL, ATWOOD. ----_--_--_--_--_---- Town @alk. PEAS, 70c. to'73c. OATS, 87c. to 88e. "HIpEs, per Ib., 5c. CoAL, $7.00 per ton. WueEart, 68c. to 70¢, BARLEY, 45c. to 48c. Four, per ewt., $1.75 to $2.00. BUTTER, per lb., 16c. Eaas, per dozen, 12c. PoraTors, per bag, 50c. to 60c. Larp, per Ib., 12¢. to l4e Hoas, live weight, $5.00 per cwt. BEEF per quarter, 6c. to 8c. per Ib. A root and his money are hard to nd. Ir's an ill wind that dies before it gets up. Winter continues to linger in the lap of spring. Miiter's Grip Powders Cure, sale at the Atwood drug store, Buy your ready-to-wear clothing at Walter Bros., Listowel, adv Writmthe under dog usually has the sympathy of the crowd, the one on top gets the gate receipts. T, P. SmiTn, the noted eve specialist, visits Atwood, at the Elma House, Tuesday, April 29th. One day only. Tne man who is ashamed of his re- ligion hasn't much to be ashamed of, Faiti may moye mountains, bnt it takes coin to move household goods. MILLEnr's Worm Powders, the medi- cine for childien. For sale at the At- wood drug store, THE Boer leaders apparently want to sample the peace Great Britain has on tap before placing their orders. WHeEN 8 girl gets married, the wom- en say itis a good thing for she had been chasing the boys for so long, any- way, TDon'r think less of yonr system than yon do of your house, Give it a_ thor. ough cleansing, too. Take Sarsaparilla, J. H. Moone preached in the Baptist ehureh, Listowel, last week, Rev. M Saunders being absent, attending the funeral of his mother. Tre Stratford papers are protesting vigoronsly against the action of, the County Council in awarding the eonn- ty printing to a job office which renders no public service. "Boots and shoes at manufacturers' prices." is the text of J. K. Bricker's announeement in this week's Ber. Mr. Iricker has bonght the Zinn stock at 30_per cent. discount, which he is run- ning off in his Listowel store from 925 to 40 per cent. discount on @wery pair in his shop.' Rev. Dr. AND Mrs, McLrobd con template taking several months' vaca- tion this summer among Mrs. McLeod's people in Prince Edward Island, It is several years since Mrs. McLeod visit- ®d her old home, and she will naturally look forward to the visit with pleas- urable anticipation. M. G, Dickson, District Passenger Agent of the Grand Trunk railway, of Toronto, passed through Atwood the other day, going west. Mr. Dickson is among the most courteous, obliging, and deservedly popular officials in the Grand Trunk service. He has a host of friends al! along the line} INTERESTED In Us.--One of the members of the delégation of press men who visited the Sonthwestern States this winter met in with some congenial sviritsin Arizona. "Where are yon from, stranger ?"' asked the Arizoner. "From Ca ada," returned the delegate, with pride. yes, Canada, Say, who's keeping hotel there now. ?"--Windsor Record. THE Liberals of North Perth met In convention in Milverton April 10th, President Jas. Dickson in the chair. The session lasted only abont an hour, but was largely attended. Fohn Brown, M.P. P, was nominated as Liberal candidate for North Perth at the ap- proaching provincial elections. No other nomination was made, Browns candidature receiving _ the -- endorsation of the meet. For Hood's 1 Mr. | made speeches expressing their approv- EVERY woman is liable to be in the wrong until she begins to ery--then she's all right. New hfe for a quarter. Miller's Componnd [ron Pills, For sale at the Atwood drug store, THE average man imagines he sées the image of perfection every time he bumps up against a mirror, Miss JENNIE BAKER, of Linwood, lately of 'Toronto, has taken a position with C. M. Stewart, merchant tailor, S. C. WILson, of the Brassels marble works, wasacalilerat The Ben Wed- nesday. Mr. Wilson reports business good. THE Atwood Royal Templars will visit the Listowel lodge om Monday evening next, and will provide part of the evening's program, J, PlIERPONT MORGAN says he Abit | tor au armistice during the neyotia attend the coronation of King Edward. | tions. If he. likes it real well he may hire the} king to do it over two or three times,-- | Chicago Record-Herald. J. A. JoHNSON, who has been assist- | ing his father for the past winter at | the watchmaking, has accepted a good situation at his trade in Florence, 'ne: r; Bothwell, We wish Johnnie continued success, | We direct attention this week to the! woolen milladvertisement on page8 A fine line of clothing. including men's: and boy's wear, offered at wholesale prices, Men's pure wool suits from $399 up to 38.00. Big snaps in sum- mer overcoats and pants Call at the} woolen mill when in Listowel. Tue following effusion by the Mon- treal Herald man is rather ahead cf the season ; The ice cream wagons daily now Upon the corners stand, The toy balloon wan shambles with Things flying from his hand. | The second robin pipes his tay | In notes both clear and sweet, And signs all indicate that Spring Has landed with both feet, RECENT SCENE IN CouR?T.--""DPlease tell the Court what you did between eight and nine o'elock on that morn- ing." "f gave the two chiidren their breakfast, dressed them for school, made up their lunches, washed the dishes, made the beds, sorted the soiled linen and put it in the tubs, swept and dusted the parlor, sewed a button or twoon the children's clothes, inter- viewed the gas man, grocer and butch- | er, put off the landlord, sat dowu to} glance over the morning paper, and then"------ "That will do, madam."-- New York Herald, TRIBUTE TO OUR Boys.--In support of the opinion that the Boer war has done much to dispel the idea that men, to be of use in war, must be withdrawn from the uses of pexce and drilled and trained for battle, we may quote the opinion of the military surgeon-general of the British army, Dr. J. Jamieson, C. 8B, Ue was given a vanquet in London some time ago, and in his speech said ; "Experience in this war tends to prove that a man withont mach military training may bea very good fighting soldier--Lord Strathcona's Horse, for example. In it many men were killed, but no man ever surrendered, and there was po one the Boers had more cause to feir than the rough, untrained, but plucky soldier from Canada, who al- ways fought to a finish.".--~-Toronto tar. . n Tus Winnipeg Free Press of March 29th, contains the following-notice of a former Atwoudite: Walter Richard- son, late night foreman ofthe C. P, R, coach yard in this city, and family, left on this morning's local for Hrandon, where he goes to take the ition of car charge hand, vice C. E. Harris, who is resigning, Prior to his departure, a large numberof the coach yard staff met in the yard and presented Mr. Richardson with a handsume gold lock- et and chain, as aslight token of their appreciation of the very cordial rela- tions existing between the staff and their departing foreman. An approp- riate address was read by W. J. Adams on behalf of the staff. Mr. Richardson, who was completely taken by surprise, replied feelingly and thanked one and all tor their kind will and regard. yard foreman, who were present, also al of Mr. Richardson's past services. and wishing him every sticcess in his, new, sphere of labor, Every man w a driy horse erg everybody ought to know ont it, 2 ' . APRIL weather must be of the fem- inine gender, It sheds tears on such small provocation. j MILLER's Compound Iron Pills, only 25 cents for 50 doses, For sale at the Atwood drug store, THESE cold damp nights and clear days are not fayorable to growth of fall wheat and clever, If a preacher gets gray young it is said to be caus from overstudy. If! dissipation. Gro Corrie has secured a lucrative situation in Bothwell, Ont. George is a thorough mechanic, and a first-rate fellow, fle will be missed in social and musical circles here, where he was a general favorite. Donegal. , Some of the farmersin our vicinit Started seeding last Monday. . Mrs. D, A. McKenzie, of Stratford, i visiting ber mother, Mrs. W.°John- ston, Teasdsle Vipond, of the Listowel pianu factory, spsut\Sunday ander the parental roof. J.T. Anderson, our hustling mer- chant, has again started on the road with his wagon, The services in the Methodist chureh on Sunday were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Thompson, of Monkton, ' We are glad to report that Mrs, W. Little, sr., who had a severe attack of stip, is able to be around again, Loudon, April 16--The Mail under- stands that a serious hitch has arisen in connecrion with the peace negotia- tions, The Boers asked Great Britain to proVide sufficient funds for the re- building and restocking of farms de- stroyed an the cuurse of the war, to grant complete amnesty to all bdurgh- ers and Cape rebels, to withdraw the banishment proclamation, and to take ters, at Raterning yalid until Juno 25th, 1902. Through as Wiae vestibule coaches, b over the liabilities of the two repub- lies. Phey also sent a strong request The Cabinet at its meeting yes- another man gets gray it is caused by f ; i: The Spring of 1902 is at Hand! Hurrah ! Hurrah ! for the Kimberley Block store, full of nice new goods for the Spring of 1902. Never be- ore have we shown such a large and beautiful range of goods, bought at bed rock prices and will be sold ac- cordingly. In this up-to-date age, if we are to be in the line of |battle, we must keep to the front or drop out of the ranks, "To the front !" is our aim. To-accomplish this end, we from time to time clear out all odd lines regard- less of profit, as you will see by our ads. This keeps our stock at all times new and up-to-date. . JUSD ARRIVED: New Dress Goods. ew Dress Trimmings. New Laces, Embroideries and Insertions. New Lace Curtains, from 25c. up. New Fancy Ginghams. New Prints in one hundred different patterns. New Shirtings. New Cottonades. . New Boots and Shoes. ; New Spring Suits, in men's, youths', boys' and child- ren's. Groceries. A fresh and complete stock of Groceries always un and. : All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. for terday refused this demand, and also} g00ds, for which we will allow you the highest market declined to withdraw the banishment prociamation or to place the later Cape rebels on the same footing as regards ainnesty. Half- Sick '*T first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla in the fall of 1848. Since then have taken it every spring as a blood-purifying and nerve- strengthening medicine." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. If you feel run down, are easily tired, if your nerves are weak and your 'blood is thin, then begin to take the good old stand- ard family medicine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder. $1.00 a bottle. All dengylets. Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayer's sapariils. Ho knows all about this grand family medivin Foliow his advice and wiil be sntistied, J.C, AYER Co., Lowell, Mass, Sar old we W. J. Wright, Photographer, Of Listowel, will be In Atwood Every Wednesday, fromlto 5 p.m. Studio} over. W. R. Erskine's' store. |- If you want viewing done, let me know the week ahead, or drop me a__ card. W. J. Wright. GRAND:TRUNK Zoe" $62.00 | TORONTO to Los Angeles, (fF San Francisco, Cal., AND RETURN, For meeting of Independent Order of Fores- Angeles, Cal., May Ist to 8th, 1962. Round trip tickets will be valid going April 19th to 26th, 1902. | hi rains daily with all modera saulpment Pul mn und Cafe lor Cars. For further ulars apply to H. C. DICKSON, D, P. A, TORONTO, J. EH. MooRzH, -. "Agent, ATWOOD. | © "we thank our numerous custon rs. seeds. i Maple Syrup and Sugar "rale staff." price. The Old Feliatble. C. H. Holmes, Atwood. --NEW-- Wall Paners UR New Wali Papers this year are the most beautiful we have ever had, while our stoek is the largest ever carried in Atwood. 'I'hese Wall Papers require no pictures upou the walls." "They are art papers, pic- tures in themselves, The yery latest designs in Wall Papers here; Mixed Paints. We keep a full line of Ready-mixed Paints, mixed from the dry colors by ourselves, and therefore much purer and more durable Paint than the adal- terated preparations usuailv sold. We also keep Oils, Varnishes, Enamels, &c. We do all kinds of : Paper Hanging ~ And Painting. Estimates given. Lowest Prices, teed. W.'J. Marshall, This week will end up our first year's bussiness in Atwood. It has been our endeavor during the past year to supply our customers with good,honest goods at right prices, and the very liberal patronage we have received shows that our efforts have bean appreciated, for which You will still find our stock complete with a full line of goods usually found injan up-to-date grocery and confectionery. Garden Seeds. If you require anything in Garden Seeds we can give youa snap in Al Drop in aud see, We 'vill have another barrel of Maple Syrupinina few days; it's the If you don't believe it step in and sample it, Fruit of all kinds in season, Milverton Flour always on hand at mill prices. Butter and Eggs taken as eash Give Ws a Call. -/ Call and See Us.' Satisfaction guaran.' A Suceessful Year! P You will also fiud our Restaurant supplied ? with the choicest of 'eyerything in our line. . . § Watson. 4 'a ? 'a