Atwood Bee, 18 Apr 1902, p. 5

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SEE THAT THE if FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE --OF---- Is ON THE t Remedy for are tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions, Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Sime Signature of Catt fan. th 5 NORTHERN 'GROWN: 'TREES ! Hardy Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Roses, Shrabs, cheap. Mammoth Prolitic Dewberry a specialty. Send for free Catalogue, it tells the whole story, J. H. WISMER, Nurseryman, Port Elgin, Ont. % WALL PAPER BY. MAIL % You will be disappointed if you make a_ selection Our wall paper feuds ia Style, Qual- which To please all. before you see our patterns, ity and Price. The patterns are exquisite works of art, have kept many brains and hands busy to design, A BEAUTIFUL HOME will be the result of decorating your walls with our paper. [tis durably made and will retain its color and brightness for years. If itis not convenient to yisit our store, a rome eard addressed to-us will bring you samples-of wall paper, free by mail, State the rooms you wish to paper, the prices you wish to pay, and mention this paper. BUVUPRITT se DEaACOW, The Wall Paper Kings of Canada, Stratford, Ort. aS Our rew returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invent A will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the spewied abilty of sare, "tow to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request, secured tury go us ads tised for sale at our expense. gored tans BP out 'hroagh us receive special notice, without cherge, in Tor Parm.; Rect 2p, an illustrated and widely ciroulated journal, oansulted hy Manrfaévare~s and Investors. Sead for samp'2 .opy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS "4 CO (Patent Evans Butlding, - WASHRUGTON, & Ge. --So Lo-- - Anderson's Hardware - --for your-- Seed Corn, Clover and Timothy ~ Seed, ete. Try Our Portland Cement, Dairy Supplies, Garden Tools. Builders' Material, Hardware and Tinware, Eave- _troughing, Paints and Oils, lass, etc., etc. The Best Here at the Lowest Price. Geo. Anderson. eatate is vane oe ot vie iB Armoer Ex-Premier arta is visiting friends near London, On The Kensington Creamery at Wood- stock was destroyed by fire. Col. Pellatt's appointment to the coronation contingent is confirmed. The Ontario Government is reported to be about to establish a fish hatchery at London, Ont. The Boer leaders, who have been in conference at Klerksdorp, moved to Pretoria on Saturday. The bill granting a ey of peed a year to Mrs. 'pti bas passed the United States Con James Mitchell, de the Goderich Star, ig the Conservative rope for the | Legislature in West Huro Gen, Bruee Hamilton's auiuliiok in the Eastern Transvaal, just See eee = accounted for 145 Boe G. Cameron, of Goderich was somtnton at the Liberal Conylotion for West Huron last. Monda A new iron and steel company " : capital of 200 million dollars, is-to incorporated in New Jersey this week. A postmasterina reral district in oe was dismi last week be- ause of his remitting postage stamps to another place for sale, The Militia Department has issued a notice stating that married men and widowers will not be accepted for the South African contingent. The Court of Ape bas giveh fudg- ment against the City of Toronto in the serap-iron ciaecaent ease, virtually annulling the legislation of The following ambiguous advertise- ment recently appeared in a paper: "Notice--If----, who 1s sup- ased to be in Chicago, will communi- cate witb his friends at home he will hear of something to . oo His wife is dead."--N. Y. Tyibun By the explosion of a cuntens inch gun on board the British first-class battleship Mars, Gunnery-Lientenant James H.S. Bourne, Lient."Miller and nine i avjackets were instantly killed, It occurred during. gun practice off Berehaven, when the breech of the gun blew out after it had wissed fire twice News of severe fighting in the Trans- vaal at the end of last week has been sent by Lord Kitchener, who reports that about 200 Boers were wounded or captured, There were about 100 British casualties. The Brit- ish also captured three'gfuns and a con- siderable quantity of snpplies. Com mandant Potgieter was among the Boers. The schoo! teachers from Ontario en- gaged on behalf of the British Govern. ment to teach in the schools of South Africa commenced their long journey ov Saturday. The teaebers who com pose the party are: Misses Florence J. Wilkinson, of Torouto; Aguste Hoover, of Toronto Junction : Bertha Bryden, of King ; Catharme MeLen- nan, of 'Toronto : Edua E. O'Brien, of Nobleton ; Maud Maciarlane, of Peter- borongh ; Eleaner Yenuy, of Peter- boronch, and Margaret D. Scott, of Hamilton. The re-arrangement by Presbytery of the erngregations of Milverton, Welles 'ley, Millbank and Crosshill has caased a good deal of dissatisfaction amiong the members of the latter three eon- gregations. A meeting was held at Milibank last week and a petition was drawn up and largely signed by mem- bers of the congregatiun which will be presented to Presbytery at its next meeting by a°delegation of three, pro- testing against the action 0° that body in acting so hastily. The Wellesley congregatiou has closed the doors of the church and the members attend worship at neighboring churches. Though there has been some dissatis- faction in Crosshill, we understand that the members there are willing to submit tothe new arrangement, pro- vided Wellesley acted in concert with them. The whole matter, however, will likely be threshed out finally at the next meeting of Presbytery, when it is hoped some arrangement can be made suitable to all. Sir Michael Hicks Beach's budget speech created a great sensation in the British Commons Monday, where both the extent of the defieienty and the nature of the new taxes were surprises. Experts had estimated the deficit inac- curately at £20,000,000 or £25,000,000 sterling. It was £26,824,000, and was increased to £45,000, 000 by the sea the close of war. The Chancellor of | the Exchequer declined to tax sugar, tobacco or wine, but added a penuy to the income tax, a penny to cheque stamps, and introduced a three pence registration duty on grain and five pence on flourand meal. After pro- viding £5,150,000 sterling by new tax- -- be proposed a fresh Joan of thirty-two millions, covering the bal- ance by Exchequer bilis. The account of the nations! debt was not so satis- factory. It now stood at £747,806,000, the funded devt now showing. an in- crease of £58,000,900. he cost of the war forthree. years was £165,084,000, but in addition to the hope of repay- ment from the weaith of the Transvaal there was their share in the Chinese indemnity, which was a very 'valuable asset, and 'would probably be deyoted toa reduction of the war debt, The budget speech was a clear evidence that Sir. Michael Hicks-Beach had ielded to preeure from Mr, Chamber-| ain.. The retary for the. Colonies tevidently oe outa tmined to have the duties on foodstuffs before the assemb-: ling of the. Imperizl conference, when the colonial hae ers come to the cor-. Onation, so that there conid. be gr basis for the ata dian treatment a Canada and the other. colonies... . } Humber of young thoroughbred York. thus|th Detroit O killed, } Yorkshire Pigs for Sale, The undersigned offers for sale a forea tee. either sex, some;gfrom im- 3 Also Wyandotte eggs, 5Cc,a setting, A. STEVENSON, Lot 6, con. 9, Elma, Atwood P.O. "The Gem Wire Fence Is a Leader ! Messrs.Blair & Hamilton, Atwood, Ont. have the|' agency for this district of the famous Gem_ Coiled Sprin Wire' Fencing, manufactured at Windsor, nt. A fence built from the eoiled spring wire for borizontal wires, and woven together with medium sized eross wires, is really the only kind of a fence that has always been found satisfactory. The coil is the only perfect master of contraction and expansion. 'The coil spring works both night and day, and keeps the tension at all times right. The Gem Coiled Wire has nearly double the tensile strength of the ordin ary galvanized wire,and the tendency to stretch is very much less, Give Them a Trial. Biair & Hamilton, Sole Agents, Atwood, Ont. A. Morrison, IMPLEMENT AGENT, TWOOD. keeps a full line of Deering Binders, Mowers, Cultivators, Disc Harruws and Smoothing Har- rows, Also the f»mous Fleury Flows, Steel Rollers, Grain Crushers, Cutting Boxes, Scufilers, Turnip Seeders, Wheelbar- rows, 'Woodstock Windmills, the Adams Wagous of brentford, in fact everything in the implement line, REPAIRS. We kee 'Implement Repairs of every iud. Call or Write Us, THE PAGE FENCE b transport of soldiers aud gratuities on | ann Stops Everything Because itis made of the best material, and is pro-|* nounced by capable judges the world over as the Best Wire Fence on the Market, Made all heights, and woven close enough, if destred,to keep out chickens. We are agents this year for this dis-|- triet for the above fence, and solicit orders. . Poa no. Cuthbertson, ALW' 90D P.O; P, O. Box 67. ' Telephone 159. Express 7,47 a.m. Mixed 10 Gxudled Selection, cco gi gy: ORNAMENTAL TREES Shrubs, Small Fruits, Roses, - Clematis, &c. t2@ Early Orders for. Spring planting: Solicited. Send Post Card Lise ard for P D. DEMPSEY, Stratford. Gusiness Directory, DENTAL. i al Drs. Bruce & McDowei., DENTISTS. ' Y ghee e over Thompson Bros. store, Ligib BRaNcH OFFtce--Main St., Atwood, o ver Ber rengy o vet vet 'Atwood every W. LEGAL, MORPHY & CARTHEW, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, C B folicitors tor the Bank of Hamilvon. sone store, ig Mong -- H. B, Morpry. J. M. Carrarw-. BLEWETT & BRAY, BARRISTERS pas Seliciions, Listowel Soli itors Scott Banking tig Houses and. Ont. 'Pea ror sont ' 'sociation, Otic °s Ove Bank, Wallace street, Listow i a Ff. R. BLewerr., Gro. Bray, B. Av J. CECIL HAMILTON, B. As BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER. IMoeney to Iocan at <\f per cent. OFFICE--Main-st., Listuwel, nex Dr. Foster, Dentist has BRANoIr OFFICE--Main-at, Atwood over THE BEX office. Will visit At- wood every Wednesday afteruoon. SSS AUCTIONEERS. GH. MERRYFIELD, _ LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THEE County of Perth, MEDICAL. DR. A. S. LANGRILL. ; ia Graduate of Toronto Univers-- it 'Licentiate College of Physicians an@® Surgeons of Ontario Special] attention given to Eye, Ear Nose and Throat, Evenings preferred for such work. Office and residence--Main-st., next Mrs. Roger's store, ATWOOD, ONT. D. A. KIDD, M. D., ATWooD, ONT, ~ Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. A full course of si¥ weeks in 189° and a full course of eight weeks in LOUL in The New York Post-Graduate Schoo) and Hospital, New York. Special attention to ases of the eye, ear, nose, Lhroat, Diseases of Women and = children, and operative surgery, Office Bours ; 9to 10-2, m, 1 to 3 p, m, 6 to 3p, m. BAIT EIB. J, W. SCOTT & SON, Bankers: Giistowrel, Ontario. [Established 1872.] OFFIC = emowels Palmerston and Clif' * ford ; . A. Halstead, Mount Forest-> and dsaitaere. si oe A Gomeral Banking-Business transacted. DiFTS BOUGHT and SOLD:.. a in all parts of the DOMINION, UNIT? - D STATES and GREAT BRITAIN, Notes Discounted. Deposits Received, - Current rate of interest allowed. A large amnoont of Sarate Funds to lend on = good farm urity Four and one-half por-* cent.. with Daly iloxe - repaying princi an nualiy. Marriage Licenses Issued. G.T.R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Atwood Stati on, North-s and South, as follows » ° * GOING SOUTH. GorIna xonm, Mixed 120% ~--* .25-a.00,-| Express. 7

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