VOL. 13. ~ Walter Bros. ~ OUR GREAT AIM % Is to establish a permanent, ' successful business' This can only be attained by hard work, honesty and in- tegrity. Our business is fast increasing. March and April show alremarkable increase over last yea. Our sales have almost doubled. This is the best evidence we can give that the people are aware by this time. that this is the correct place to do their buying, and that we carry out what we say to the last detail. We endeavor to make it as comfortable as_possible for our customers to do their purchasing, and show you without exception the best selected and most elaborate assortment in every department to choose from. Our whole store abounds with new and up-to-date goods. Positively no goods allowed to get old and out of date. Everything goes. We uever let up or get weary. Notice Our Specials for Saturday and Monday : 30 piecs of brand new 12%¢ and 14c. Prints, sale price sae 25 pieces of 86 iuches wide 123g¢ Flannelette, sale price 35 pieces of 7, 8, 10 and 12c, Prints, sale price eaee 24 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for ea oan Highest Price Paid for All F Walter Bres., arm Produce. Sign of The Elphant, LISTOWEL. v > NWotctice : R. R. THOMPSON, having dissolved partnership with Messrs. William and John Thompson, and having opened up a General Store in the buila- ing lately vacated by Messrs. Carson & McKee, invites the public to call and inspect his Complete Stock of General Merchandise which cons of Dress Guods, in black and all shades, Silks, and, yatins, with Trimmivgs to match, Gents Furnishings, Readymade Clothing? for men. and boys, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Lace Curtains, Chen Curtains, Tapestry Curtains. We are also showing the best display of Carpets of all Kinas, Rugs, Linoleums, Oilcloths and Art Squares, west of Torouto. ° Our Grocery Department 4s complete witb fresh groceries of all kinds, and we will handle all kinds of Farm Broduce in exchange and-pay the highest prices. Thanking the many customers and friends for their past patfongage with the Jute firm of 'Thompson Bros,, and again extending you, oue and all, an in- vitation- to call on iné in my new premises, I remain Yours truly, R THOMPS ON Sign of the Golden Lien, ° 9 MainStreet, - LISTOWEL. N. B.--My staff consists of Messrs. Frederick Wright, ©, McCallum, John Weich, Jas. Cosens, and W. Winuiger, and Miss M. Wright, who will louk after the Ladies' Department. A Successful Year! This week will end up our first year's bussiness in Atwood. It has been our endeavor during the-past year to supply our customers with good,honest goods at right prices, and the very liberal patronage we have received shows that our efforts have been appreciated, for which we thank our numerous customers. You will still find our steck complete with a full line of goods usually found injan up-to-date grocery and confectionery. Garden Seeds. Tf you require anything in Garden Seeds we can give youa snap in Al seeds, "Drop iu and see. . Dfaple Syrup and Sugar. We -vill have another barrel of Maple Syrupinina few days; it's the "rale stuff." If you don't believe it step in and sample it, Fruit of all kinds in senson, . You will also find our Restaurant supplied with the choicest of eyerything in our line. Milverton Flour always on hand at mill prices. Butter and Eggs taken as cash Give Ws a Call. S. Watson. NORTHERN GROWN TREES! Hardy Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Roses, Shrubs, cheap. Mammoth Prolific Dewberry a specialty. Send for free Catalogne, it tells the whole story. ee POE mE, te cae J.\H, WISMER, Nurseryman, Port Blgix * hs "ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1902. Trowbrid Fall wheat and cluver looks well. James Metrea is tearing down and duilding his mill. The farmers are well on with their spring seeding, Mr. Whitfield lost a yaluable steer last Friday, worth at least $50. The Trowbridge cheese factory has commenced the season's operations. W.H_ B. Medd has built a nice. pick- et fence.in front of his home on Main street, Rober: L: Abiner, cheesemaker, left here this week for Gas Line, where he has engaged to run a cheese factory, Wm. Burnes, of Grey township, un- derwent an operation last Saturday morning for a very bad case of appen- dicitis, and is still very low. Listowel, LisTOWEL SPRING Snow.--Listowel, April 16.--The spring show was held here to-day. There was the best show of horses, both in respect to number and quality, that has been seen here for some years, 'The prize list is as fol- lows :--Lmported heavy draft, four en- tries--1, Strathcona, Wilkinson Bros. & Fife, Palmerston ; 2, Holdenby Thump- er, Bender & Filsinger, Wallace; 8, Peter's Best, Bender & Berlet, Wallace, Agricultural horse, any age, two entries Listowel, entries--1l, Quiver Wilkes, by Brown Wilkes, Kidd Bros., Listowel; 2, Young Wilkes, Geo, Campbell, Wallace, Thor- oughbred borses, four entries--1, ; Rotherval, Kidd Bros.; 2, imp. Bally- more, Kidd Bros, Oarringe horses, tiye entries--1, Loid Roberts, by Wilder Dan Williams, "Wallace, horses, three entries--1, Wilkie Collins, by Oliver Wilkes, J. Moore, Gowans- town ;2, Harry Clay, Charles Rung, Listowel, Sweeptakes, for heavy horses--Strathcoua, Sweepstakes, for light horses--Imp. Rotherval, Monkton. Chas. McKenzie left Thursday for Cutler, Algona district, W. J. Holmes moved to his new farm on the 8rd con. Logan. Geo. Thompson, of Arthur, spent last week at the parsonage. Misses Nettie and Lillian Terry. and Master Frauk returo from Moles- worth Thursday, Alex. Chalmers put up a fine wood and bent iro. fence last week in front of his property, which makes a very decided improvement to his bandsome welling, Donald Smith, of the 15th con. Ellice, left on Tuesday in company with Mr, Campbell, of Elma, with several car- joads.o: young cattie for Calgary. They will dispose of their cattle out west. Chas, Rock is getting his new 20 h. p. engine in positivn and also moving the sash and door and planing machinery to the second story and putting the sawmill machinery duwn un the first flat. ; Warden C. H. Merryfield was in Strattord Thursday on county. busi- ness, meeting Mrs. Merryfield in the city on her return from a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Gowan, af Cremore. Wm. Luddington, con. 16, Elma, suf- fered a paralytic stroke Monday, 14th inst., which completely paralyzed his right sidé and effected his speech. He isin bis 72nd year. At present he is some better as his voice is returning. Monkton population; is increasing. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pascheiburg, of Brodhagen, have moyed in and will be- come permanent residents. The Messrs, Kenner, of Mitchell, were in Monkton last week looking for an opeuing to start a general store, Elma, Mrs. John Love, jr, who bas been seriously ill of typhoid fever, is con- valescing slowly, we are pleased to re- port. Tue Late JOHN VALLANCE.--It is our duty to announce the demise of an- Other of Elma's old settlers on the 7th inst., in the person of Jobn Vallance, sf., 12th con.,atter a somewhat prolong- ed illness. Deceased was born in Rox- burghsbire, Scotland, on March 6th, 1826, and came to Canadain the sum- mer of 1851, unted in marriage to Isabella J, Arm- strong, of Dundas, Ont, They moved to lot 18, con. 11, Kima, in 1863. Six children were born to them, all of whom survive, yiz.: Jobn R., of con. 10, Elma ; Isabel and Charles, at home; Mrs, Thos, Inglis, Monerieff; Mrs. Duncan, McIntyre, of Okotoks, N.W.T., aud Eccles, of Regina, N. W. 'I., who with their mother mourn a kind hus- band and father. Deceased was a ltie- loug Presbyterian, and in poli- tics was a Liberal. He was very high- ly respected, which respect is. equally shared by his estimabie wife ard fam- a large-concourse of sorrowing 're- tives and fnends, Rev, Dr, McLe pducted the serve Se sy -| The People's Store. Ou Feb, 4th, 1863, he was | Our 1902 Spring Sto" of so pretty. We ha. Staple lsoode _ Flannelettes, &e. Wear. Boots and Shoes. We keep a full line of The Joh These goods n select line o as Cash. Call and gz no recommendation from us. every where good shoes are worn Hats, Caps, Ties, Braces, and gents' furnishings generally, including a Dress Goods is Here, and we invite ® . idy friends to see them before assing judgme:t ©r buying elsewhere. fore has the réuy: ae so large, or the designs ~ v a oo Cottonades, Shirtings, Never so a complete stock of Prints for Children's wear! The prettiest patterns imaginable for children's Just the thing for school dresses. n McPherson Co,'s famous footwear, They are well known Men'seand Boys' Ready-to-wear Clothing. Groceries, Meats, Field and-Garder Seeds, &c. Farm Produce taken See Us. W. R. Erskine. Brussels. The D. A. Lowry honse and 24g acres of land were purchased by Alired Baeker, last week, at $700. He says he's buying it for renting purposes, aud probably that's so. This week the frame residence on the Leckie property was across William street and placed on the lot Mr. Leckie purchased from Mrs.Forbes, A stone foundation is being pat under it and other improvements made, SuGAR Beers --Quite an interest is being manifested in the proposed sugar beet experiment in this locality dunuog the coming season. Among those who will take Ly acre plots are the follow- ing :--Jus. Speirs, John Robb, Ailan Adams, Johu Lawson, Jas. Shurrie,Jas. Russell, Allan Speir aud Robt. Nichol in Morris, and L. Hollinger, Wm. Arm strong, Chas, Rozell, Jas. Burgess. 3. McLaueblin, il. McTaggaty W ever kobertson, [lugh W. McKay,Jas, Lynn, Jas. Strachan, J. M., Kuight,' R. M. Douglas, H. M. Dobson and Conpad Michelin Grey municipality. W. H. Kerr, of the Agricultural Society, has authority from Prof. Har- court, who will have charge of this ex- perimental station, to accept 15 or 20 more namesif hauded in before the close of this week, An instructor will visit this locality and call upon each of those taking part and will state the mode to be followed and léaye the seed, If it can scientifically proven that the right kind of sugar tcan be grown in this section it may mean consider- ableto the farming community and the people generally. Each farmer experimenting gets the seed free and keeps the crop outside of 10 or 20 beets sent to the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege for analysis to ascertain the amount of sugar, Ellice. On Monday word was received that Wm, McCaffrey, who liyes 10 Ellice, lot 5, con, 4, about three miles srom Strat- ford, had attempted suicide by hang- ing. There are now the best prospects for activity in the developnient of the peat industry in Elilce,as the result of a new company taking hold of the enter- prise, with capital sufficient to push it, which was lacking in the first attempt A company is now in process of incor- poration to be known as the Stratford Peat Co., Limited, with authorized capital of $40,000, under proyincial aharter. Among the men interested are Dr. D. A. McKenzie and Messrs. F. H.and H. E. Hurlburt, Toronto, the latter having been on the spot for the last month and being intended for the manager of, the company's business. The pew company has acquired Mr.) Ardagh's plantand 150 acres of bug) and will no doubtin time greatly in- crease the beg hoidings. The old plant had a capacity of seven or eight tons a day--insutticient to create aud supply a market. by pattingin new machinery, especially a new dryer and a new press, it is intended to reach quickly a daily capacity of 25 tous, while before fall it is expected 50 tons dally output will be reached, Mr. Ardagh was troubled by the fickle weather in drying his peat, fot which he employed the suo, and rains impeded the manufacture serious- | . Thevuew company by means of| their drying machinery will be able in about twenty-four hours to turn the! raw bog preduct into peat reacy for | comuustion. The new machinery is} expected to arrive in a couple of weeks} and meanwhile other work is being ad- | vanced yigorously, inctuding the erec-} tion of a new boarding house for the} men, of whom quite a number will necessarily be employed and if itis ex- pected that in about a moith a. good start will have been. made at Ly codes ager yg actual | ut a | Bs, NEWS OF THE WEEK. One hundred miles-of iron fencing material to reinforecethe barbed wire fences has been shipped to South Af rica by the War Office. _The steamer Deutschland, after los- ing her rndder, averaged 18 knots an hour, steering with her twin screws, She reached Plymouth and proceeded without repairs, John Hays Hammond, an American engineer, advises. Englishmen not 'to pay too much attention to the "extray- agant expressions of friendship of a certain well-meaning but discredited class,cailed in America Anglomaniacs." The Hague, April 23.--The following builetin was issued this morving from Castle Loo:--"Queen Wilhelmina had a quiet night. The fallin the morning terhperature continues, and the feeling of 1lIness has lessened. 'The patient is taking safficient nourishment." 0- day her Majesty showed a considerable revival of spirits, and interest in her surroundings, Washington, April 23.--Secretary of State Hay, for the United States, and Minister Concha, for Columbia, to-day signed a treaty providing for the trans- fer of the rights incident to the cone struction of the proposed Panama Canal. This treaty is similar to the protocol recently signed, the terms of which have been published. Victoria, B. ©. April 23.---R. W. Little, editor of the North China Daily 'News, in an interview given here, says that war between Japan ande Russia is considered inevitable-not only by the apanese, but also by the Russians, and all residents oh the Siberian coast © or thereabouts. Enurmous preparations are being made .at Port Arthur and elsewhere in Siberia, fortifications are progressing and troops massed, and Japan is algo ready, Vancouver, B, C., April 23.---The Ollala Mining and Smelting Company. of New York, has answered the invita- tion extended to capitalists to build a road in opposition to the C. P. R. from British Columbia coast to the Inter. national boundary to connect-with the United States transcontinental system. This company offers to build the road for a subsidy of $4,000 from the pro- vince and $6,000 from the Dominion per mile withoutgland grant Is the country bungering for transport facilities there are vast coal areas deposits, platinum diggings, anc mines. The news is received her: great satisfaction, Itis though: Goyernmeuts will accept. Tire KING SKIPPED.--A_ few ago His Majesty paid a visit danghter the Duchess of f Brighton, and, wufortuvately, | chitdren were unusually pees tiresome | fact, Lhey seemed oblivious o1 the fact that the grandfather had come to pa: visit. : "The little ones are rathe please to-day, are they not. ?" His Majesty somewhat good for he is very fond of his children. "Indeed they are [" replied ess, Withasigh, "I don't has come over thefa." "Now," said the King, "*y do to amuse them before | Her Royul Uighness grasped the situation, "Oh," she said, "how geod They love skipping, and 1! not-wmind skipping with tien an hearin the garden they 50 delighted !" flis Majesty afterwards , story tu the Brince of Wake atwinkle in his eye, tet certainiy s"ipped, butner . den,"--Lontdou Ausweis. -