voter Ap te Do s' $4.00 tweed Suits for $2.00 ay $5 00 GOS |. hae see $2.50 " 86.00 Ga." | - eeneee $3 00 * S700: 20. --- 'wivees 33 wery closest prices. Wext Door to Garrock Bros. ANS ME 2 Having purchased the C Kee's atc . very low ae ont the dollar, we are clearing it out at STARTLING PRICES! Pilai Goods, worth 45, 50, 60 and 65c., for, per ard OO or 75c , 90c.. $1.00, 81.25," a $1.35, 61.50 and $1.75, - Men's and Boys' Clothing at Half Price : arson & McKee's stock at a id Men's $6.50 tweed Suits for .... " #800 do sesees 9400 « g1000 do sesee 9500 " $1500 do = .sseee $7.50 We have also added to the stock a large assortment -of new Spring Dress Goods, | 'Cottonades, Shirtings, Groceries, etc., all marked at the Muslins, Prints, Linens, Highest market prices given for Butter and Eggs. GROVER & CO., Main Street, Listowel. "PROBATIONERS' EXAMS, Students- of the ethodist Church Writing in London. The annual examinations of proba- ane ttioners, tor the London Conference of oe 'the Methodist church, is being held this week in the Colborne street cbhurchy London. The examination began on "Thesday, At the close of the examina- tion, a platform meeting was held in ~*~ pee a a a pea} ered by Rey, G. W. Mendersun, of St. writing: J. A. Agnew, Edy's Mills ; H. Kepnedy, Oakville ;_ A. ; dd Florence ; Chas. Down, Exeter; A. J, Elson, Hyde Park ; Alex. Bryans, Pelee Island ; N. McDonald, Copleston ; Mor ey D. Madden, Thorndale; Geo. H is "Tuckey, Ferguson; C. Moorehouse, <3 Dorchester ; Anson Moorehouse, Ful- flarton ; W. R. Osborne, Cottam, The board of managers consists of Rev. Jas. alehar gue Birks, B. A., London ; Rev, W.G. Me Allister, M. A., Aylmer ; Rev, J. Wil- gon; M. A, Ridgetown; Rev. G. Y Henderson, St. Marys ; Rev. C. T. Scott, B, A,, London ; Rev. B. N. Baker, B.D.,, "Stratford, and Bev, A. L. Russell, B.D., Highgate. mF i aeisid ot Brussels. The stone foundation for the Central flotel stables is being pushed along by . J. Lowry. Somebody is going to be brought up with a jerk for selliug liquor to minors dn this part of the country. Last week William Oakley, who has teen at Molesworth, opened a shce- maker's shop in the Smale block, Brus- els, The football boys will use Victoria Park on Monday, Tuesday and Thurs- day evenings, and the basebalilists the other evenings untilthe season opens in full bloom. License Inspecter Miller laidinforma tion against C. Zilliax, Central hotel. , cbarging him with violation of the law on a recent Sabbath. He pleaded guilty find was fined 820,00 and custs, George Robb has leased his house and , m ore ee Sa ae; = ee 238 acres, Brussels north, to Kranter. The present tenant, John McDermott, will remove to Wroxeter, followed by the good wishes of the peo ple of this community. Miss Edith McLauchlin, of Brussels, has taken a position as bookkeeper and atenographer in the store of James E. Walker, at Sehrieber, a C, P. R. village of 600 or 700 population. The _ post- Office is atso located in the same store, It will be 51 years next Monday since Rev. R.Paul, well known in and around Brussels, entered the Methodist minis- 75 years of Age on May 14th, and is re- markabiy hearty for a maa of his years and able to do a good day's work every aay. Brissels District Sabbath School Convention will be held in Melville church on Friday, Mdy 30. This ° will bethe llth year of its operation, 'The schools in Brnssels, Grey and Mor- tis are included, as well as Biuevale and Walton Methodist school in Mc- Killop townsbip. A meeting was held for the purpose of re-organizing the Brussels baseball team for the season of 1902, Dr. Field {ih the chair. Officers were elected as 'ollows :--President, J.T. Secretary, Dr. Field ; Treasnrer, Robt. Kerr, The Se 5.00 as the initial contribution to oe funds of the team and others will no >. doubt lend their assistance alung the _ pare line, ~ : 'the church, when addresses were deliv- y 44 # Marys, and Rev. E. N. Baker, of Strat- re ford. During the evening the certi-| f <a ficates of successful students were pre- ae noted. Bij The following is a list of the students "| nual meeting of the Liberal tion of the East Riding of Huron (Pro try. The reverend gentleman will be|d cretary douated |, Get the Most Out of Your Food You don't and can't if your stomach is weak, A weak stomach does not di- gest all that is ordinarily taken into it. It gets tired easily, and what it fails to digest is wasted. Among the signs of a"weak stomach are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner- yous headache, and disagreeable belch- g. "T have been troubled with dyspepsia for I heard of, al spring and fall and would not be without it." W. A, Nougerr, Belleville, Ont. Hood's Sarsaparilla Strengthens and tones the stomach and the whole digestive system. A Conservative convention for East Huron was held at Brussels on April 18. Four candidates were nominated, but three retired in favor of Anson Spotton, barrister, of Harriston, whose nomination féf the Legislature was made unanimbts, Mr. Spotton accept- ed the nomination and will enter the campaign. East HURON LIBERALS.---The an- Associa- vincial and Dominion) will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday. May 13th, commencing at 1.30 o'clock. After the election of office bearers and the transaction of other business, ad- dresses will be delivered by Arch. His- lop, the Liberal candidate; Dr. Mac- Donald, M. P. for East Huron, and Deputy Speaker of the Commons; Hon. R. Harcourt, Minister of Education, and others, A large attendance from all sections of the constituency is ex- pected. G . Miss Maggie Rozell left last week for Paw Paw, Mich., where she will spend a few mouths, James Denmian wasin Bluevale last Sunday, attending the funeral of the late Mrs, J. J. Denman. The cellar is dug out for Robert Barr's new residence and the stone masons will soon be busy with the wall Doss Cole, of Ethel, was in Atwood last week aud took the job of moving 4 houses and 2 barns. He'sa hustler at this class of work. The property purchased by Wesley Somers, south of the Maitland, is being improved by an addition to the house. He will move in shortly. Wednesday of last. week Charles Ro- zell, 10th con., was struck in the face by the doorof the driving house, by the action of the gale blowing at the time. He got a hard elip. There passed away from our midst ou Friday morning, April lith, one of our most bighly respected and promis- ing young men, Wm. G. Brewer, at {the early age of 18 years, 10 mouths and 22 ays. Andrew McKee purposes- taking down the preseut barn, stable aud shed op the farm he recently purchased from Tohn Cober and will build a modern bank barn with the latest and best im- provements. Old residevts of this locality are back here to stay in the persons of Wm. Pollard and wife, who have been s0- journing for some time at Granton, It is expected that they will go back to the farm a8 soon as Kobt. Blair's ten- ancy is out. ' London, April 25.--Speaking at Lon- doh to-night, Mr. Brodrick, the Secre- tary for War, said :--"We are perhaps in sight of peace, but in thé interval we are sending out men and -material clusion of peace, proach the arrangembats for the con- z ; Have engaged Mr. Munn to show Clothing for the next 60 days. The stock is one of the largest and most complete in ratige and latest design, excelling any here- tofore shown in the town of Listowel. --s--_. ne Mr. Munn will have no talking to do, as the low ricés will do the "blowing." Call and I will' introduce . He wears one of our $5.00 suits. Special line of men's pure wool Suits at $3.99. Miss Munn will be on deck to show a display of $1,000 worth of ladies' Underwear and Hosiery. Ladies' fine natural pure wool 'at 50c. and 65c. Ladies' fine, pure unbleached wool at 5c. and 8c. Ladies' natural, bleached pure wool at 8c. and 10c. Fine range black,stainless ose 5, 10'and 12 and 15¢. Miss Munn is considered pretty. fee Tne Wool Seasorm mm. is at hand. We pay lc. above the market price. B. F. Brook. OUR SHEET STEEL PRESSED BRICK covering, either for new old ones. Steel Shingles either Galvanized or Painted Is_an ideal n buildings or improving 17 18 VERY EASILY AND QUICKLY APPLIED, CIVES PERFEST WEATHER PROOF 18 FIRE, LIGHTNING AND RUST PROOF best interests by using it. Fullest details of information in our catalog. 4] METALLIC ROOFING GO., umrtp, TORONTO, CANADA, Metallic Roofing Go., Limited, ares., TORONTO, # w= For Sale Byes The OldStand. Roger @ Ratcliffe. T. ; April 9, 1902. iadsaniensc ls ae. -- PATENTS LIFE i | ermees: { STtaxtio BOWDING., WASHINCTON, B.C. wn pony | Executors' Notice to Creditors Of Hugh Wilson the elder, late of the® Township of Eima, in the County of Perth, farmer, deceased; OTICE Is hereby given pursu« aut to the Statutes in that behalf, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said deceased, who died at Elma, in the county of Perth, on or about the 18th day of February, 1902, are requir- ed op or before the Sixth day of May next, 1902, to deliverto Moiphy & Cars thew, at Listowel P.O., the Solicitors for the undersigned, the executors of the suid deceased, a statement in writ- ing of their names, addresses and d+- scriptions with full particulars of their Claims and of the security (if any) held | by them, and that after the said last 'mentioned date the said executors may proceed to distribute the estate uf the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which they may have notice and that they wiil not be liable for the proceeds of the estate so dis- tributed to any person of whose claim they had not notice at the time of such distribution. Dated at Listowel this 3rd day of April, A.D. 1902. ANN WILSON, Executrix, WM. DANBROOK, Execator By MORPHY & CARTHEW, Solicitors, THE PAGE FENCE Remember. Our boot and shoe sale for the next week. We will make it interesting toevery purchaser from us.. We only mention a few lines, such as : Men's Lace Boots, just the thing for spring and summer wear, regular price $1.25, cut price. 80c. Boys' sizes, 1 to 4, regular $1.15, for ..-- 100. Boys' 11, 12, and 13, regular $1.00, for ..-. 60e. Men's heavy lace boots from 75c. up. In fine up- to-date wear formen we can save you from 75c. to $1.00 a pair. [In women's, misses' and girls' we have a good as- sortment : 20 pairs women's low shoes,regular $1.00 to $1.75, these we must clear out during the next week; to do so we mark them 50, 65 and T5c. In women's lace, high cut, heavy extension soles, Goodyear welt, the regular $3.00 line, which we sell for .. _--- aes Pe 25 These are only a few lines ; all other lines at cost. We must sell out our stock, which means bargains on each and every pair in stock. Zim's Old Stand, J. K. BRICKER,nextto Scott's Bank, LISTOWEL. jt 4 OUSANDS of men are prisoners of disease ac seeurel, 4 as though they were confined behind the bars. 'Many i have forged oe own chains Bee vices of carly to con ak or the iy depressec ? ha Liat & ms Owr NEW _MBTHOD 'T ie guaran < Crre or No Pay. 2 teed to BA Detroit. Banik Brpcurity. Beware of quacke--Consa bliskec, % 3 reliable © hart €ecnsuitatios Free. Books Frtéc. te for Question Black for Houte Treatment. & 'Kemedy & Korgam, FH HAILING. PATH WER LATE RARE GRIER ae RE EO aaa ne we AN et She ai rogers | os oY Te i de i ap 3 Because it is made of the st material, and is pro- nounced by capable judges the world over as the Best Wire Fence on the Market. Made all heights, and woven close enough, if desiredjto keep out chiekens. We are agents this year for this dis- trict for the above fence, and solieit orders, ; Jno. Cuthbertson, ATWOOD P. O. tion of , withons charge, in widoly circulated joumel, cansulted notice se PRT pinion free concerning the map 'atents low to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request, : g g zi | eo ae = eeigs H ECR bee mins bs hes FQ oe Bo oe Boome e ee nt aw r OF gan for sa "yes retarned if wo fail. Any one sending sketch and desorip a Ou in Paty wecured tur . "Pateut Tar Pa WASHES TON), fh Ge . is Bullding, phan | «i <2 aman