Atwood Bee, 9 May 1902, p. 2

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That's a good name for Scott's Emulsion, Children are like young plants. Some will grow in ordinary soil. | Others need fertilizers. The nature of some children prevents them from thriving onordinary food Such chil-; dren grow rightif treated right. All they need is a little fer- tilizer--a little extra richness. Scott's Emulsion is the right treatment. Fertilizers make things grow. That's just what Scott's Emul- sion does. It makes children grow in flesh, grow in strength, | s grow rich blood, grow in mind, grew happy. That's what we make it for. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Toronto, goc and $1.00; all druggists. Canada. To be Well Shaken. A young Scotch laddie had just re- @eived a dose of medicine, when his father said with some excitement : "I quite forgot to shake that bottle afore giein' ye it, Robbie, Come here." Robbie ¥ and, much to hia dis- may. wae subjected to a vigorous Slaking from the strong arms of the rent, at the conclusion of which e wae released with the remark: "There, my laddie, that'll dae. It @hould be gey weel mixed UP NOO ; but don't let me forget again." Impossible thing to find < a "The being linttated. the . For side aches, backaches, aetches, nothing equals 1 a by Davis & Lawrence Co., alates is Too Bluntly Put. The subject of a young lady's cs- say, who was graduated from a Dele- ware county high school last sum- "Hawthorne," essay she said: 'At the nge of ¢ Hawthorne married and took his wife to the old manrse."' The day after the commencement two of tho village we nen were talking te the affair, ami one of them remar "Wasn' . it awful that nade should eay a thing in her essay? ane "friend inquired what whe al- Gud "why she said at the age of 89 Hawthorne married and took his wife to the ofd man's." -- Philadelphia Times. : Higher Prices. (Baltimore American.) "How's this?" asked the customer "Last week the and Lamb were now you have marked them up to §°3." "Well, you see," explained the Dooskeller, "since the Meat Trust began cornering supplies"*-- But the customer hurried awa to secure seats for "A Texus Steer" before the orice went up at the theatre, also. Ages of Antmals and Birds. A eheep lives ten years. . A cat lives fifteen years A lion lives twenty years. A camel lives forty years. , A bear lives twenty years. A dog lives fourteen years. A equirrel lives eight years. A canary will live SIx years. A crow will live fifteen yeara An ox lives twenty-five years. A guinea-pig lives seven years. A horee lives twenty-five years. A ewan. will live twenty -five years. A whale lives three hundred years. A tortoise lives one hundred years. An elepbant lives four hundred ears. A parrot lives one hundred, and twenty-five yeara. Keep vour eves open and be sure that when you ask for Perry Davis' Painkiller you get just that and nothing else. Use it promptly to oure cramps, diarrhoea and all other bowel complaints in summer. Kffectual Teaching. Shocked Moiher--O}li, Tommy ! What have you been doing (who has just returned of a preliminary course at the eiltves schoo])--Fighte ing with Billy Brown. Mother--That horrid boy at the farm ? Don' t you, ever quarrel with again ne I ain't Mkely to. Tick me. He can The Cnancing Season. Mre. Hatterso.--What! You've had fourteen cooks in three months. Mre. Cattersonu--Yes. and 1 didn't _ Please any of them.--Life. and her, then oo op Hint went -- Mre. Barker had Mr. Colledge € nd told her tale in court nee yes," answered Mre. Barker, with reluctance, "but he went away and told a dozen men what he had _ That's what made me mad, and I want him to get the limit of the law." looked thoughtfully at jong and himeelf theap- etermined f£ bstractly n effect lanaieatary: n other words, that, with the defen- a eee lo 6 omg and the plaintiff's beauty taken into consideration, what happened was inevitable.-- Ex- change. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtherla A Drive at hae (New York Times. . How would it do to fight the oul pinos wilth the jawbone of an ass? Send. the talking Funston back there. In washing woollens and flannels, Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) will be found ioe satisfactory. --_--- india in No Danger. A' thirteen-year-old lad applied for work the other day ata Border fac- tory where three of hie brothers had been working before they took the Queen's shilling. He was taken on by the principal and told to start next moraing, and was then asked: Ho Jim getting "He's oot fechtin' at the front, sir." "Is Tom ont also ?" "Yes, he's wi' Jim, in the same regiment." "And your eldest brother is out too, I suppose ?"" "Na," said the young- ster, proudly ; "oor Sandy hasna gaen oot yet. He's mindin' India." HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward tor any case oft: gies ag that cannot be eured b Hall's Caters F, CHENEY & CO., a 0. the foil i ed, have kn F. J. Chenty for the last 15 years Vand Delleve -- perfect 7 h n all business tra actions n able to carry out any obligation penne by thelr firm & Treax, Wholesale, Druggista, To- edo Ww ALDING, KINN & Senate, Poiedo, oO. all's ( trh Cure ja taken Internally,act- ing diree tly, apon the. blood and mucous og face of the sastom. Testimonials sent *rice--T5e per bottle. Sold by ou I draggtats. Hall's Family Pills are the bea Marvin, Wholesale Twice-Karned Money. (N. Y. Heralds) First Dentist--Do you have any trouble in ere tee your bills? Second Dentist--Yes, it's like pul- ling teeth to get money out of some people. t Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in cow On tke Banks of the Styx. (Smart Set.) New Arrival--Who was that party who laughed so derisively when I told the prize fish story? Old Shade--Oh, that was Jonah. DR. A. W. CHASE'S ho. diseased CATARRH CURE... is sent direct to the parts free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W, Chase M Ca,, Teromte and THE VERB " TO SHY." How Its Meaning Was Ilius rated in nu Western Court. One of the easiest ways for a law- yer to confuse a witness is to make him explain the meaning of a word. Few people can define a word satis- factorily, fven if they know its meaning. A Western lawyer was cross-eXam 'ning a young woman who had a very baughty temper. Ac- cording to the Los Angeles Heraid, she had /testified that she had seen the defeydant "shy" a book at the plaintiff The lawyer seized on the "'Shy 7 'Shy' a you mean by that? plain to the court what the 'shy' means The girl leaned over the desk be- neath the witness-box, picked up a law book and threw it so accurately and so forcibly at the lawyer that he had hard work to dodge it "T think the court now understands the meaning of eee word 'shy,' " sai the Judge, gravely,. The girl was allowed to finish her testimony. word word ; Sparrow seu an article 'aus the -- , cree mt of Hanif primitive custom of painting more barbarous Vanity was *very- be len from view by a reil oF hair. they removed the offending aa the Red lan to fea bition of a crudely realis ss casa all primitive shaving tools tike re of obsidian, preceded any in- strament which could trim the hair neatly, and thus our pre-historic hun- ter artist, whose beard came to a point, and whose sporting tactics are 80 well known, in his drawing, knew ed the beginning of the barber's t. It may have been those ys tex that made it necessary for ancestors to shave both their fae and heads, for consider how flowing beards and long hair must hav yagi in every bush and bramble ag the unshaven hunter crawled rected the ground after his dange quarry. This thaney is quite in 'te with the historic fact that Alexan-|. der the Great put an end to beards in the Macedonian army. only be- cause they were pulled in hattle. Last of all, the first pre-historic man who join two metal razors together introduced the art of clipattie the beard to a int. Many bronze raz- ors have been exhumed in France, and are at least as old as those Sicilian ones with which Skipio Africanus set the fashion of shaving in Rome; but they were elled, probably, on other such instruments us i times vastly more primitive. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. QUIET FOR TELEGRAPHERS. Such Will be Their Life on a Little Coral Reef in the South Pacific. The little coral reef in the South Pacific Ocean, known as fanning Island, is to be a resting place for the British submarine cable' to stretch its long length from British Columbia to the Australian Common- wealth. Although a mere speck on some maps, and entirely absent from most atlases, it has developed great importance in the telegraph system of the world. It lies 1080 miles south of Hawaii, and to be geographically accurate, is situated in latitude 3 de- grees 51 minutes 23 seconds north, and in longitude 15 degrees 21 min- utes, 60 seconds west. On this island the Pacific Cable Board, by iho name the English Cable Com is called, has determined to esata iis ite midocean station, expending thereon between $100,000 and 6120,000 in San Francisco The plans for the buildings have beeu prepared in this city by Henry H, Meyers, ard provide for quarters for the telegraphic staff, including the operating room, a dwelling for the Superintendcut of. the station, a carpenter ehop, bath houses, a lam room, kitchens and a large reservoir for the catching and preservation of rain water for drinking purposes. The walls of these structures are to be of coral obtained on the island, but all the other materia! will come from San pheergh oa The coral will be cov- ered with cement on the exterior and |* the pulldings will be made as nearly fireproof as possible. They will be for the most part two atories in height, ithe telegraph setts station will be English harbor, the only aitotens watenice an Fanuive Island, although it is nine and a half miles long and four miles wide. A peculiar- ity of the place is that it is not above two or three feet above the level of ocean, excepting on the outer coast, where the rim of the coraf has been thrown up by the action of the sea to the height of ten feet in some places. There are trees on the island, but they are mostly cocoanut, so that fuel, as well a" drinking water, is a scarce artl- cle. The coral isle has been a Brit- ish soesenetad since 1798.--San Fran. cisco Chronicle. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, ete. Trausgressions. Perhaps it is a good thing the way of the transgressor |is hard; other- wise it might. not bear the traffic.-- Puck. Stratford, 4th Aug., 1893. Megers. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Gentiemen,--My neighbor's boy years old, fell Into a tub of beliting water and got scalded fearfully. A few days later his legs swelled to three times their natural size and broke out in running sores. His par- ents could get nothing to help him J recommended MINARD'S LINTI- MENT, which, after using two bot- tles, completely cured him, and I know of several cases around here almost as remarkable, cured by the same Liniment and I can truly say I never handled a medicine which has had as good a sale or given such wni- versal satisfaction. H. HIBERT, General Merchant. New York Centrai and Hudsou River allroad. The above name is a house-hold word, and the s lor excellence of the road should sufficient to at- act most people, but now that the rate is the same to New York and 'east as by pm lines no fur- y t pata aor NERS. eas To widvaas Ask Cor the Octagon Bar BUSINESS CHANCES. (488 a REAL Are OF Suet cash buyers, and Invest- Ss 'Company, PArENTS. A Cav TRADE MARKS Pee Home or fovsign and ex Ct ea Com thian Building. Toronto, saeadilat Two Views. Bostontlan--Boston is all right. New Yorker--Get out; it's a tough en Place; even the streets are crooked. , Horse Health is one of the most important things for every farmer to consider. Dick's Biood Purifier will build up a run down horse: It tones up the system, rids stomach of bots, worms and other parasites which under- mine an animal's health. §0 cts. a package. feetins MILES & Co. AGENTS. - = MONTREAL. ec fer books om Morses and Cattte. IT IS PREE. CONSUMPTION _Prevented and Cured. Do you cough pak P Do your juens a you Is your throat sore and inflamed? Do you -- "o up phlega 2 ache? -- bad? le and thin? Do Jo stamina? ptoms are proof that you]: These sym pore in your body the seeds of the most malady that has ever devas. bargadusnriyle~rduboae Proporations wil balocwansed you | directions for use. 3 'TO BUY A FARM IN engine a city a London, or pee "you 1 W. tor our printed Tints Real Estate minent Se ALSO Mfra., send trial samples NE OF THE 7 > pe a Bort FE FOR in og oh ie a 3s of acres in be sold in one into lotaof 15 to 2 acres isa sont Jonathan Carpenter, P. O. box 409, Ontario AGENTS WAN TED We want at onoe trustworthy and wo- - local or Neaveling: to yin: and keep our sho matter tacked up } incon. out Rape town ahd re : INTERNATIONAL MEDICINE CO,, London, Ont. it would Pay Well to Buy a London Fence Machine to fence a 50 acre farm even ff it costs four times its price. It makes a better fence at one-half the cost of any ready woven fence. To get the best fence you must build it on the ground, and the LON- DON f# the fastest and most improved machine ou the market for building it. Write for prices and catalogue showing cost of 12 styles of fence. LONDON FENCE MACHINE CO., Limited London, Canada. CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Hon. Joux Drypren PRESIDENT The report for 1901 showed remarkable increases over 1900, in the following items: New business ne increased 6 . $ 850,705 Premium income {incre by i 39, 312 Total income increased b 42,5 pad Assets increased Insurance in force increased by i, 393. fee Ganginental Lite Potictes are unexcelied for simp! and liberality. Agents wanted. GEO. B. WOODS, CHAS. H. FULLER, General Manager. Secretary. HAMILTON- TORONTO- MONTREAL LINE... Steamer "Hamilton" leaves Han ilton 1 p. m. and Toronto 7.30 p. m., for Montreal, Tuesday, April She will leave on her Hamilton to Montreal te Toronto toMontreal R22:.°si1s0 Meals and berth included. The above cheap rates to Montreal are im effect for May only. Only line me! rapi For further information apply to agents, or write Ags aa iting ae ---- Nehaenaded hay orl People who are invited to a poker , Party must expect pot luok. PAINT UP Paint up your house, your buildings, your barna, your fences, with pa 'tha in t paints well and looks Cats sa bfight in nh of the hot sun and storm or RAMSAY'S PAINTS are made from the best pigments, pure oil and turpentine, wear bet- ter than white lead, more economl.- cal, easier to work, beautifal colors, handy packages, and at the right price for the oer paint. Drop us a card and ask BOOKLET NO. 11 FREE showing how some homes are painted. '@ablished 1842. A. RAMSAY & SON MONTREAL, Paint Makers. PARLOR use EDDY'S THE FINSST MATCHES IN THE WORLD. For sale by alt he principal grocers. *'Head Light." seo "*Eagle."' 100 and 200 "Victoria." "Little Comet." MATCHES.

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