Ox's, 87¢. to 39e. Gor your garden "sass" in > MILEER's Grip Powders cure, For gale at the Atwood drog store. Tue Ayricnuitural Society's grounds will be rented Saturday, 10th, at 6 p,m. See adyt, : G. F. THomrson is visjting relatives and ones at Stratford and vie township. How sweet it is to see the grass each night two inehes grow, unless one owns Ralf a block and has the lawn to mow. BETTER results follow from the use ef Miller's Compound Iron Pills than $rom any othera Forsale at the At- wood drag store H.J. Wirison has rented Erskine's photograph studio for two weeks, where he is prepared to take phate: in the latest styles of the art. See advt WE omitted to mention last weak that Messrs, Erskine and Gordon's miustang ponies have turned up safe and sound, after their little escapade in Wallace township, where they were Pocated and brought home, Av a meeting of the loeal L, O. L., of which organization & F. Thompson is @ worthy member of long standing, the following resolution of condolence was assed : "We, the members of : 0. 630, express dbep sy mpathy with the sorrowing busband, gatee brothers and friends of our departed sister, Mrs. G. F. Thompson. gonsolations of Divine grace may be eee in this hour of their bereave- me riGeta MEN Move.--Candidates for |, phe Legislature, in a typewritten circu- War,.are asked by the odds dealers, through the Licensed Victuallers' As. gociation, to confidentially declare what stand they would take, if elected, with respect to the liquor act. Phe five questions are as follows :. 1., Will you yote and use your influence against the liquor act when voted on Decem- ber 4th, 1902 ? you are elected and the liquor act is carried, will -you vote in fayor of a bill to postpone the goming into operation of said act ? 3, Ef you are elected and the liqnor act is sarried,. will you vote in favor of fa bill bo repeal the said act 4. Df you are alected and the liquor B is carried, will you support a measure providing for compensation based on the value of Dnsiness, said values to be settled by a oommission ? If you are elected, will you oppose 'any further reduction in the number of licenses, increase in license fees or lowering hours of clos- ing. Tae Council of Elma met aa the Hall, Atwood, on the 5th May, 2. Members all present. Minutes Ae last jneeting read and signed.. Moved by Mr. Coates, seconded by Mr. Boyle, that orders be issued for the payment of the ahare of 34,000 granted by Governnient tor improvement of the Maitland river}, to all parties assessed for outlet under JYjoyle drain and river improvement. arried, Moved by Mr, Curry, second- ed by Mr. Wherry, that the tender of Wim, Connelly and Thos, Nieholsen be accepted for the construction .of the Greig drain (exelusive of culyerts). for the sum of $1,615, provided they fur- nish satisfactory security. Carried. Moved by Mr. Boyle, seconded by Mr, Wherry, that Jas..Dickson be paid $7, expenses to Toronto in 1y00 in connec- tion with the $4,060 granted by Goy- ernmeut for improvement.of Maitland river. Carried. Moved by Mr. Coates, secunded by Mr. Curry, that orders be issued for payment o* the foilowing accounts; J. Logan $6, tile and tile drain econ. 14; A. Rae $10.40; gravel ; Mrs. J. Roger $4, eight weeks' allow- znce to Mrs. Montgomery ; J. Hamil- ie plowing sideroad 5 and 6, econ.6:C. MeNichol $1, filling wash- outs con, 6 J. Keith $1. 50, concrete culvert T, L. E. & M. ; W. T. Alexan- der $1, repairing approaches to bridge con. 5; J, Cleminshaw 38, tile Age tile drain sideroad 80 and ; , con. 5-2.8. Bur- nett $2.75, tile and-tile drain aa 4;3-C, A. Broughton $2.75, tile drain gravel road ; J. Peebles $1.25, tile drain side- road lots 20 and 21, con, 10; .J, Hamil- ton 50c., work gravel road ; F. Candler $1.40, work on gravel road. Carried. Moved by Mr, Boyle,.seconded by Mr. Wherry, that the Council do now ad- journ to meet on the 26th May next, as x Court of Revision on the asseasment roll, Carried. We pray that the ri Hes, per Ib., 5e. : Coat, $7.00 per. tong -- Wheat, 68¢. to 70c¢, BARLEY, 45c. to 48c, FLovk, per cwt., $1,75 to $2.00. Burrer, per lb., 16c. Eags, per dozen, 12c. PoTATOEs, per bag, 50c. to 60c. LARD, per Ib., 12¢. to 14ce Hoas, live weight, 87.00 per ewt. Breer per quarter, 6c. to 8c. per Ib. Miss ve ot TINDALL ie visiting friends at Ethel. THE People's eee is interesting reading this week * things we are going to PreorLe who know anything worth while bave to eae it by hard work, Scro ured by Miuler's Com- pound fs "ills, For sale at the At- wood drug store. Yor should not feel tired all the time--healthy people don't--you won't it hg take Hood's Sarsaparila for a ile THE grain market is: steady. There has been no change for two weeks,. The meat market is firm with a tendency to se. Hogs particularly are firmer. Butter is gs and eggssteady. Price of eggs has been. the same for about one mouth. Bie OrFreER.--THE BEE and Phaeleary Weekly Star from now till Jan. 1,, 1903, together with premium. pictures ot King Edward and Queen Alexandria, for 85 cents, net. This is-asnap. The portraits alune are worth a dollar.. The Star and Bue require no introduction. This offer will not appear again. Werppep.--On April 2nd,.1902, at 2.80, tony the home of ©. E. Harris, Bran- don, Man,, was the scene of a very pretty wensiue when hissecond dinals. r, Jessie Edith, was united in mar- sine Va William' J. ne A by the Rev. W.H.Emsiey. The bride entered: the drawing room feaning "pon the avm of her father, bigeye by the groom and his assistant, J. P.. Wadge, the whole presenting, a very pretty. and ani- mated scene. The Wedding Maret was played by Miss Ada Speers. The bride was-attired in a pretey travelling suit of dark bine cloth, trimmed with cream silk, chiffon and. applique lace,. and carried a bouquet of cream roses She was attended by her sister, Miss 'Lottie Harris, who wore white organ- die with pink ribbon trimmings, and earried pink roses. After the ceremony and ysual congratulations, the guests ast down to a delightful wedding b ayeme The young couple tote fora oneym trip east, amid show- i of rice Lae oon wishes of their many friends, The bride is a former Atwoodite, a beautiful and accomplish- ed girl, whose host of friends herea- bouts join iu heartiest congratulations, 'SupREME Court I. O. F.--At the triennial conference of the Supreme Court of Independent Order of Forest- ers, in session at Los Angeles; Cal., the election of officers for the next three yenrs took place. But one contest for high offices developed, that for Supreme Vice-Chief Ranger. The EKastern dele- gates supported J, H. Cameron, of Ohio, and he was elected. by a-small majority over the opposition: of* West 7 ern members; who backed II, G. Me- Elfresh, High Chief Ranger of the Cal ifornia jurisdiction. The Supreme officers elected are as follows: Dr, Oronhyatekha, Supremes Chief Ranger : J. M. Cameron; Supreme Vice-Chief Ranger ; Judge W. Wedderburn, Past Supreme Chief Ranger ; John A. Mc-~ Gillivray, Supreme Secretary ; Thomas Millman, Supreme Physician, 'and E. G. Stevenson, Supreme Councillor. The Finance Committee reported th®funds on hand as $987,512; funds in the ae of trustees for the order, $154,320 'Mortgages or real estate aggregate $2,851,169. Atthe closing session an increase of $2,000 in the salary of Dr. 'Oronhyatekha was declined. by that officer, The other Grand officers also declined to accept increases in salaries. 'Boston has been seleeted as: the next: place of meeting. Soap-Making ! Pure, refined CAUSTIC SODA for soap-making without trouble. Simply requires dissolving _ and mixing with melted tallow or grease. 10c. A 6 1b. tin will make 60 pounds: a lb. _f pure soap in twenty minutes. Gillett's Powdered Lye, 10c¢, a ean. J.A. MITCHELL, "202s Too many of us ging on the great}: ney, Princeton, Mo. Tired when you go to tired when you get tired all the time. P Your blood is im- me that's the reason. ou are living on the border line of nerve ex- haustion. Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla and be quickly cured. (Ushi pout dester Aloe ne feed of Ayer's Pn sot en nT ree ald paeey medicine eine. ollow . his J9HN hh election: eard appears in this issu caeah excitement as yet over the Nor elections in this locality. M&sLLER's Worm Powders for rest- lessness and peevishness. For' sale at the Atwood drug sbore. ' Tr is evident Dr. Oronhyatelkha, of the 1 O.F., has hada presentiment that | be will die soon. sed crease of salary the other day. T. G.BALLANTYNE shipped a ear of} tol He refused: an in- cattle to Toronto and a ear of hogs Hamilton-on aps py paying 00 for the latter. The price has now advanced to $7.00 per i WE were favored Wednesday with a call from J.C. Monteith, of Stratford, the Conservative candidate for North Perth-for Legislative honors in the ap- proaching election. Mr, Monteith at- tended ap organization meeting in the Hailin the evening. Mr; Monteith's election card appears: io another col- umn. GENRLEMAN from Listoweb was a caller on the Adyocate Friday and he seid that Mr. Monteith's election in North Perth was a certainty--Mitchell |. Advocate. We have no donbt that an- other gentlemar. could: be found'in Lis. towel who would unhesitatingly say that Mr. Brown's election was a8 cer- tainty. There will be a difference in the morning--after the ball is oyer, after the ballots are counted, after 'the speeches are said. J. A. MITOHEKLL has disposed of the frame store and residence on his pro. perty,.recently occupied by J.J. son, the store to John Stewart and | the house to Dr, Kidd, for $109! each, Mr.}\' Mitchell informs us. Mr. Stewart has had the store moved onto his lot. ad-: joing the Public school: and will haye it made into a house, Kidd has had the house moved ont» his recently acquired lot opposite Robt. Anderson's.. He has-also bought the stone of. Mr. Mitchell for the foundation. J. A, ha let the contract for the.cellar of ie pew building to Chas. Kesso,,who will mence operations as soon as noealiile, The new block will be 85x44 feet,ce-. ment foundation and brick superstruc- ture, Oxit.--The community were pained to:learn of the unexpected death of Mrs. G. F. Thompson on Friday last, after a somewhat prolonged and dis- tressing illness. She had enjoyed toler- ably good health until about a year ago, and afew months ago she and Mr. Thompson took a trip out West to visit her brothers, in the hope that. the---trip woald do her good. But the cold, raw prairie winds seemed to haye made her worse, and she came home natur- ally discouraged, During the past six weeks she sank rapidly, although the eud was not thought so near, Deceased,. whose maiden name was Elizabeth Ann Tindall, daughter of the late Benjamin Tindall, was born near Ethel, Grey township, and was married to F. Thompson, in 1890; residing in Atwood ever since. She wasa bright, cheerful little woman, with a host of friends, as was evidenced by the exceedingly arge funeral on Sunday afternoon. e Wi disposed to look on the bright side of everything, and was withal aconsistent Christian, who lived her religion every day, and was amongst the most ener- etic and: faithful members of the etbodist church, her Christian home since a little girl, Her untimely death, for she was-only 31 years, 9 months and 25 days, leayes a blank in her homeand in the community. Impulsive, gener- apy eee yin true, she rallied arou. d her a host of friends. She leaves. be- hind a young husband, three brothers and a sister,. who have the genuine asm peny of ali in their. irreparable The funeral service took place at che "Methodist church Sunday after- noon, conducted by Rev. Mr, Fear. The interment was made in the Hima Centre CASTORIA fanted--An Idea 2 feta: John i 3 4 i full of nice new goods for the cordingly. » ranks, ""['o the front !" New Dress Goods. New Dress 'Frimmings. Ko New Fancy New Shirtings. ren' 8. hand price. ; tt spring 1908 is at Hand e have we shown such a- os an eae et ra feoodd. bought. at bed rock prices and will be sol 'New Laces, Embroideries and Insertions. New Lace Curtains, from 25c. up. Ginghams. New Prints. in one hundred different patterns. The Old Feliable. pees C. H. Holmes, Atwood. Hurrah { Hurrah ! font a Kimberley Block store, _Never be- e of ae- 902. In this up-to-date age. if we are to bei in the line of Lbattle,, we. must keep: to the front or drop out of the is: our aim.. fend, we tan time to time clear out all. odd: aes ré less of profit, as you will see by our ads. As 3 our stock at all times new and up-to-date. TSUST ARRIVED: To accomplish this. ard- eeps: i New Cottonades. New Boots and Shoes. New Spring Suits, in men's, youths', boys' and:child- Groceries. A fresh and complete stock of Groceries always om All. kinds of Farm Produce taken. in exchange for goods, for which we will allow you the 'highest' market The People's Column Yorkshire Pigs: for Sale. The undersigned ot 'offers for sale a number of young thoroughbred York- shire hogs, either sex, somejgfrom im- ported bog Also Wyandotte eggs, 5Cc, a- setting. A STEVENSON, Lot 6; con. 9, Elma,Atwood P.O. Agricultural Grounds to Rent. HE Elma Agricultural Society's grounds will be rented on Sat- urday, May 10th, 1902, at six o'clock p.m., to the highest bidder, at the ground, "Atwood. A. STEVENSON, . Preside J. MORRISON, t. Secretary. Estray Sow. TRAYRD from the premises of the undersigned on or about the 39th ult.,a white sow, weight 250 ponnds. Any information leading to her recovery Will be gratefully re- ceived, JOHN MORRISON, Newry P.O. Court of Revision. The first sitting of of the Court of Re- vision for the township of Elma on the Assessment Roll will be held in agzci- culgural Hall, Atwood, on the 26th day of May next. Appel lants and all con- cerned will please take notice. The roll can be seen at my office Dated, 6th May, 1901. House and Lots for Sale. Pasture to Rent. HE undersigned offers for sale his honsé and lots, Main street, Atwood, opposite the Elma Agricultural Society's grounds. Will also rent:pasture for 4 or 5 cows, from May 15th-to Nov, ist, 19.2, at $7 per head, paid in advanee, For further particalars apply to the undersigned on the: premises; * > JOON: CRANSTON, Atw 17-4* ood, Ont, Public _Notice:. river improvement under Boyle drain are hereby notified that the Reeve, Clerk and Treasurer will meet with them on the 15th inst. at Hall, At- wood, at ten o'clock a. m., when they 'will be paid their share of '84,000, grant- ed by Government for improvement of vet, bad which 'each is spall THUS. FULLARTON, Clerk, | Mats All persons adsessedfor outlet in the}. Ct yaee Potato, cu Li We-have a large stock of Men's Felt Hats, for Spring: and Summer wear. eI on Dn Our Prints are attractive' in design and price. ee: them befors purchasing. Guaranteed Tested Seed Corn: Bought by the car lot before the rise, and will be sold cheap. Mangold and | Garden: Seeds. Potatoes Wanted. : M, Mi. HILES. HATS! HATS! HATS ! Latest styles just in ; alb English goods. Prices from: T5e: to $3.00. All our new. Tweeds are to hand. -Come in and pick out. your suit as we are sell- ing them at the rate of three suits per day. First In;. First Made. : Viger omethinas immense ! Overalls and Readymade- Suits just arntveds Call and: see them.