Atwood Bee, 9 May 1902, p. 5

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Dastoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is 2 harmless substitate for Castor Oi, Paregoric, Drops and Svothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substenee. It ig Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Oastoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Onastoria assimiiates the Food, regulates fhe Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Cilildren's Panaces--The Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. @Castoria is au excellent medicine for| '*Castorie is 69 well adapted to ehlicren aaa Mothers have repioatedly told me | that I recommend' jt as superior to any pro ite good aay Perv: their children." known to'me." . & Onceon, Lowell, Mass. ; THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. 'aa F, --_ \LAREETALTS-- FLOOR ENAMEL ! J have prepared a floor enamel, all tha. whick for hardness, durability and appearance far surpasses paint, and for the next 30 days as for ordinary floor paint, to get-it introduced. FOR 80 DAYS ONLY, REMEMBER ! market, and we invite you to éall and see it. trsed, Always Used. W. J. MARSHALL. Once dd at Westport. Better than Paint, It Drys Hard in 8 Hours. ] will make the price the same This is the best and only Gnish of its kind in the ot smallpox ate jéport €ecil Rhodes left a fortuce estimated et $25,000,000, wt rice te Fifteen cases | Nominations for the Northwest Leg- pipes i s place on Saturday next. theona has sent a check for 3500 in aid of Grant Convocation Hall, he eatinatat expenditures for the Pa year of the city of London is $21,785,000. The camps for cavalry and artiliery will be held as usual this summer, but it does not seem likely that there will be any infantry camps. The Government is not indisposed to' makea grant to Captain Bernier to- wards his north pole expedition, but nothing wil be done this session. The Canadian Pacific annotinces re- ductions fn freight rates between Lake Superior'and Manitoba points, ranging from 40 to 44 cents per 100 pounds. A Pretoria despatch says that the reduction in the Boers' forces from Jan, I fo April 21 amonnted to 65,883, phi Killed, 457 ; wounded. 186 ; cap- ' £202 ; surrendered, 1,088, fives May 5.--A_ complete roe of Orange River Colony stamps, varying in vaine from a half penny to five shitings.has been ordered The FRelection of the design rests with the Colonial Office. London, May 5.--The Daily Mail isays : Despite the prospects of neace a camp for the reception of 10.000 pri- isoners is being prepared at Dorniinica, 'and sites are being got readv at Jam- 'nica and Prince Edward Island, off Nova Scotia, should further camps required. There igs aclansein the Dnteh eon- stifntion which is particnlarly interest- ing just now. It provides that if the 'Queen fias a son, her. Majesty shall ab- dieate fn his favor when he reaches his feighteenth birthday, Tf,on the other hand, no child is born within five vears, the Dntch Parliament bas power to dis- solve the marriage. | Great Britain is weary of the war, and the announcement of peace will he very welcome wien it comes. During Avril the Rritish enasnalities were 29 d 29% men killed or be accidentally killed, one officer and 17. men taken prisoners, 93 officers and 2.681 men sent home as invalids. Al- together the war haa heen resnonsible for the-loss of 27,782 British soldiers, The Hacue, Mav 5.--It was annonne- ed from Castle Loo at midnignt tnst night that Queen Wilhelmina had been prematurely confined at 6 o'clatk Snn- av evening. Prof. Rosenstein, Dr. Rossenigeh and the other dortara' were in attendance, The Queen snffered in- tense agony, 1 o'clock Sitnday evening the condition of Her Majesty was described as critical and small Hope for her recovery was entertained. Pretoria, May 6&--The peace sitna- 'tion is developing euconragingly. cording to reliable information which has reached here several of the nearer commandoes have received the bureher delegates in an amicable spirit. It is understood that Commandant Bevers has announced his willingness to abide By the decision reached tv the Trans- vaal Government. Considerable of- position to the peace movement, how- ever, is growing np abont the irrecon- cilables of Gen. Delarey's force, Toronto, May 1.--Dr. Harbottle, who was convicted at Burford some four months ago for,shooting with intent to Ad bt YAY: 'STEM: GRAND: TRUNK $62.00 TORONTO to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Cal., AND RETURN. Ontario Elections - PEEP EE Order of Fores-- Ist to&th, 1902. For meeting of I of Independent valid going at Cal, M. Round trip fines will be so April 19th to 26th, 1902. . Exsctorsor Nortx Pertu:: 25th, 1992. Throug modern equipment. Puliman ply to H.C, DICKSON, D. 'hb TORONTO. J. H. MOORE, Agent, ATWOOD. e respectfully solicited fo JOHN C. MONTEITH, to represent. the People' Interest and Honest (rov ernment as against Clas Begislation, Jersey Bull for Service. THe me serge keeps-for service Jersey bem "Pani Kruger," at Ce Sarde Atw ermse, $1.00, at time of service ;- or Your vote and support are Favouritism;. Corrupt Election Practices;}o Unfulfilled Pledges, .etc., f not 8o © paid. Parties disposing of thelr etc., for which the Ross famtine very ttle oo ka. However. ws Seapouaibie whether cows are with {calf Government i is responsible. | eousclous Rhee itis felt tint the end or net, 2 s drawing hear, and that ci J. A. KLUMP, It Is Time Por a. Change, oa not live'to see th the 2th anoiversry *> Atwood P.Qas Sh? eal ete Mes bap 0 ae his coming to Queen's, . kill,, was released? from the Central Prison to-day, as the raenit of a peti- tion to the Government. Harbottle saysthat the "violent perversion of judgment and justice" caused him to shoot, He wanted to bring the "rot- tenness" of the jndicial system, before the Dominion Government. 'The vil- with rowdies, who do ali in their power to make the lives of respectable people -- O--=--D hg large portion of wooded land and it was with difficulty. that 300 cords cf wood cut and piled:on ig edge of the bush wasaaved. The next spread to Tohn Mitchell's farm alinininn that of his brother and then de: w earth in the vicinity of the fire being very similar to peat it proved admir- able material for feeding the flames and the task of extinguishmg it is a tedious one. Kingston, May 6;--Principal Grant became worse this morning,. being at- taked-by severe:chiils, accompanied by almost total suppression of the action of the kidneys.. Drs. McPhedran and Cameron,-who attended him while he was in Toronto lately, were summoned in consuitation, and agreed with bis at- tending Aik Keome' that an operation must be performed to prolong his life overafew hours. This caged the pggton was: successfully: performed by Drs. Neblett and Anglin-of this. city: The Principal: stood povidien operation well} r i) fe Soon cBucheckeuBeckeckes¥ecBeckeske: Ace} 4 lage of Burford, he says, is overron | Geuk ie and oar Ae Wire Fence fs a Leader } Atwood, Ont. have the agency for this district of the famous Gem Coile Sprin ire Fencing, manu d at Windsor, nt. 7 As fence built from the coiled spring wire for horizontal wires, and woven f together with medium sized cross wires, ig really the only kind of a fence that has always been found satisfactory. The coil is the only perfect master of contraction and expansion. The coil spring works both night and day, and keeps the tension at all times right. i The Gem Coiled Wire has. nearly |. double the tensile strength of theordin- |, ary galvanized wire,and the tendency to stretch is very muc Give Them a Trial. Blair & Hamilton, i 5 Retass ij 2.2. 2. 2.8. 0 ie Mit ie ie ihe ie ie it ee ie ie Des Wal We can. save you money. All we ask is = See what we have be- * aa eh ee ee ee ee ee oe ia Ni Mit Be ae re ee oe eD ee ae ae ie > cee ihe Wie ie he tt ee Burritt & Deacon, Stratford, Ont. ot 8 2 © ots sw 5 SO Pe ee ee es IMPLEMENT AGENT, YT WOOD, keeps a full line of & Mowers, Bisc Harrows "and Smoothing Har- rows. Also the famous Fleury Plows,. Steel Rollers, Grain Crushers, Catting Boxes, Scufflers, Turnip Seeders, Wheelbar- rows, Woodstock Windmills, the Adams Wagons of .Srantford, in fact everything-in the implement line. REPAIRS. We -- Implement Repairs of every ind. Call or Write Us. G:f.R. TIME TABLE; Trains leave oes Station, North a poe! as fo GOING NORTH. .B The Gem: Be Ef Messrs.Blair & Harsiléon, ' Sole Agents, Atwood, Ont. | 4 : Nose and be ae fore making a _~ pur- 2 chase. é + Write for Sample + + Books. ™ | good farm sec ont -- privibce a caoueiae is an*. ner ae aren t. Atwoods gee , from war Visit Atwood _ LEGAL. Wonsire & CARTHEW, _ ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Conv oy a piatctioes Ocke He cen of Ham J.-M. Canvatew. _ store, Tico On pee Leen pH. B. B. Morrity. _ BLEwett & Bray, RRISTERS and Soli ay pe 0 heii sa: ae Pat Ont. pd Bai on © Scott's " Gro. Bra', BLA. aie: CECIL HAMILTON, B. Ay BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER. ifomey to ee, at 4p per OFFIcE--Main- * ae next tom ; Dr. Foster, Dentis BRANCH ona -st., A over 'THe Bex ofice. cht a ood? Will 'visit At= "bane every Wednesday afternoon. dares AUCTIONEERS. C. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED Sa pr FOR THE+- County of Perth, nkton, Ont- Rates moderate. For gee ene ap ply at this office. MEDICAL. DR. A. S. LANGRILE- ue Graduate of Toronto Univers» aatints College of Physi 'Surgeons of Otita tio ea * Special atontlina given to Eye, Ear' vi enip red for such work Re Fee Office and residence--Maiti-s Mrs. Rogers store, +e ATWOOD, ONT. D. A. KIDD, M. D., ATwoep, Ont, Physician, Surgeon, Aceoucheur, A full course of six weeks in 1895° and a full course of eight weeks in 190% in The New York Post-Graduate School« 'and. Hospital, New York, Special attention to iseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat. teeases of Wonten children,. and' operative surgery, Office Hours : 9:to 10 a.m, 1 to 8 p.m. 6:to 8 p,m. sod BAIN EIST So. J W. SCOM & SON, Bankers: Ziastowrel, Omtaric. [Established 1872] OFFICES : -- Listowel, Palmerston and" Clif 4 ford ; also with J. A, Halstead, Mount Forest and Shelburne. A General Banking Business tranazacted. ,f | DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD... payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNIT: ED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN.. : Notes Discounted. Deposits Received. - Current rate of interest allowed. A large amountof Private oe to lend on urity Four and one-half per" Marriage-Licenses Issued, -- Ps f QURE Ze FRAGRANT. DELICIOUS. loasoon : ; " Momeoon," the perfect Ta. exe PE pig Rape Di as inferior tea. ni Te ld Lata , re Isa ce | Bear, : roe oe

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