Atwood Bee, 9 May 1902, p. 8

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store Newrs We empheaize this werk some Special Lines at Special Prices that must ap- weal strongly to the eurefal buver. sr "Money refunded if quods not as represented" takes away all the aided Every item can be relied on. Our guarantes sk from 980 yc de. White Piqué with black, 'ne and wink polka dots; also havy and cardinal grounds with white dots, meres * worth 18c., for, per yard, bes » 16 ards only. Navy Blue Serge, all wool, suitable for Boys' Suits, or raicty day Skirts, regulac BiNe 50c., for, per yard, 25e. MEN's RAIN COATS All to de-cleared out at Half Price. See our 87.00 line for e 2800 * a a " si000 $12 5u Special line mf xin and fancy Dress Goods, 'assorted. colora,; double fold, regular prices were 45c., 50c., eve, and 6dc., fur, per yard, one iF ---- line plain and fancy Dress ;o0ds, assorted colors, double fold. regular prices 7ac., 90c., $1.09 and $1. 25, for, per yard, ete MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING All to be cleared out at Half Price. Boys' 35.00 Tw eed Suite for Hr § 50 aes i < aint HH oD. wee. BS, rain Street, - gt" Next Door LiIstow sx. to Garroek Bros. Have engaged Mr. Munn to next 60 days. . complete in range asd latest design, exce tofore shown in. the town of Listowel. Mr. Munn will have no weed to do, as prices will do the "blowing." ll and I 'wilt introduce im: He wears one of our $5.00 suits. Special line of men's pure wool Suits at $3.99. Miss Munn will be on deck to show a display of $1,000 worth of ladies' Underwear ahd Hosiery. Ladies' fine natural pure wool at 50c. and 65c. Ladies' fine, pure unbleached wool at 5c. and 8e. Ladies' natural, bleached pare wool at 8c. and 10c. Fine range black, stainless Hose 5, 10 and 12 and 15e. Miss Munn is considered pretty. | fe Te WAT S61 Seasort em is at hand. We pay Ic. above the market price. B. F. Brook. show Clothia T rT ' PERTH COUNTY NOTES. The Globe-W ernicke bonus by-law "vas Ci urried at Stratfor St. Marys gepulation | is dng to the latest assessmet Listowel ratepayers cave carried a by-law to raise $7,000 for sewers, The Prohibvitio.ists of South Perth avillnot putucandidate in the field, Sensible. Jas. Fitzgeorze, a former North East- hope boy, has joined the fourth con tingent to Suuth Africa. 3. W. Cull bas collected $10,000 in scustom duties during the past ten gaonths at Mitchell, which is for in ex- ess of the previous year. Johnstone Harris has disposed of the comtortabie trick residence in the West Ward, Mitcnell, for the past five ¥ears occupied by.ex- Mayor Fred Davis. "Yhe price paid was $1, 70u. Mr. Nichol gon was the purchaser. The assessment ofthe town of Mil- fheli amounts lo $663,820. The popu Jation coulinues to dechue a livtis each year, bejug 1,883, or G0 less than last ear, The cows keep up well, owing lo their free and easy way ; they nowber 176. Sheep only counut 8, hogs 132, Horses 185. W.2R. tnd Fred Davis have made an xchange uf two of their properties on Main street, Mitchell. 'The store oc- cupied by Wm Stoueman passes to W, R., and Fred gets the buiiding ovcupied by the Lemou Bros, as a barber shop, W, It. paylug 81200 differeuce between fhe two places, Milvertou's so aceord- football teamin the in- ftermedinte W A. hasu't won a game fhis senson. Neither has Stratford, gout Milvertou has played two home games, and was at tirst looked upou as ibe strungest team io the district, so that the tact of their playing two tie ® gameshas come wilh an unpleasant ee upon the teelings of the citizens of lat thriving Village. Friday evening Stratford yisited Milverton, and the dest the teams could do was Lu score two goals apiece. Two Mitchell young ladies, Miss Nel- Jie Co, pin aud Miss Phoenix, narrowly eseaped betug drowned ino Mitchell the her day. 'They went fishing and pushed out intu deep water on a faft which was oot large enough to carry the two, and it began to aink, Jobn sommerviile rescued the two young ladies just im time tosave Miss Cuppiu's dife > she was unconscious when taken outot the water, but suon rallied. few more secoucts would bave ftuished dhe water's deadly work. Jubn Roger, ? L.5,, had a lively ride Monday evening. He was coming down the Logan road und his horse. which 18 a spirited oue, was acting very ugly, Assvon as the corner at the Whyte factory, Mitchell, was turned the brute became unmanagaole and That's thé condition of many sufferers from catarrb, especially in the morning. Great difficulty is experienced in clear- ing the head and throat. No wonder catarrh causes headache, impairs the taste, smell ond hearing, polutes the breath, deranges the stom- ach and affects the appetite. To cure catarrh, treatment must be constitutional--alterative and tonic. "T was ill for four months with catarrh in the head and throat, 4 a bad cough and raised blood. I me dis- couraged when my hesband bought a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and persuaded me to try it. I advise all to take it. It has i cured and built me up." Mrs. Hues Ro- poLru, West Liscomb, N. 8, FHood's Sarsaparilla Cures catarrh--it soothes and strength- ens the mucous membrane and builds up the whole system. Grussels. span of iron grey horses Walker, valued at $300, East Huron Liberals will hold their' annual meeting ov Tuesday, 18th inst., in Brussels Town Hall, A new Isthmian Canal bill was in- troduced in the United States Senate, leaving the selection of the route to President Roosevelt, The supplementary estimates,brought down in the Commons, amount to 83,- 789,301, making the total fur. Whe next tiscal vear 359,100,939 W. D. Cousley. who attended the Strathroy Dairy school, stood fourth-in a list of 81 studems at his exawination. He has taken a position as manager of the Stratford cheese factory. We are pleased to state that Fred, Gilpin has completed his course in den- tistry atthe Chieago College and is expected home this week for & vaca int before going permanently into the praetice of his profession, from G. H. The business people of Brussels have ngreed to follow the custom of former years, viz, to close up their reapective stores at 7 p.m. each evening during the suinmer months, except on Satur- day or eveulngs preceding a holiday. Rev. John Ross, 3.A.. the well known pastor of Metville church, Hrussels, will spend a few weeks at Clifton Springs, oY. Sanitarium as an assistant in building up lis strength after last win- ter's shake-up. Ile has been there be- fore and found the treatment very beneficial, liis pulpit will be supplied during his absence. Arthur, the li7-year-old son of Rev S.1. Allin, pastor of the Hamilton Rond Methodist church, Londen, tormerly of Banassels, met witha very painful ac- QUR SHEET STEEL PRESSED BRICK Is an ideal covering, either for new buildings or improving old cnes. IT 18 VERY-EASILY AND QUICKLY APPLIED, CIVES PERFECT WEATHER PROOF PROTECHON, 18 FIRE, LICHTHING AND RUST PROOF AND OOSTS VERY LITTLE. apply than any others, fitting accur- it lino si re most oo laid. T '© been thoroughly tested in all kinds of climates, invariably and Wosth Fire, se Frocks Rust Consider its fine appeara noone aia gh. pa amet aight decide to serve your ows heat on by oing. it, Fullest details of information in our talog. EASTLAKES ro tion if you writs. fyo faction. bender ng R, Leathernale bas purchased a fine! Holted off at terrific speed. Mr, Roger] cident the other evening, The boy was bravely beld to the lines and turned the! pla ying in a game of baseball, and #nimal towards his stuble, but instead) while rnuning after the ball, be tripped wotecoming tu anhalt when reached, thel aod feli heavily.on bis lett arm. A maddened brute cleared the tence, leav- | disloration of both bones at the elbow gu@ the buggy and driver behind. For-) was the result, sunately Mr. Roger eseaped injury, but | tie bugyy and harness did not fare so ! well, Die horse continued on the rua, London, May 7.--The Premier, Lord alish P o reaching aback street, aud then omak-; a ih aes ne pe ing for tie Hurou rord, and upto Mr, Leagae at Albert Hall, this afterucnn 'usey's Oarnyard, Where he was ceptur- spoke to an iinmeuse audience. {le . ; ; cougratolated lhe eague on the The following wills were entered dur |stannei support given to Conservative jase i at t the lucal Surrogate Court :! Governments, one result of whieh was -Courad Fischer, yeoman, lity at Great Biitauf was wow supreme in persoual; Alex, Me- | Buys pl while, with regard to Lreland, oo, pee ies Re 'nile than S20 015 jee "antny peed na longer fear the fy peiaotual, Nei | insane, sieidal projects of Timperial BUN Vety Beaprpee ried by many of the thts weestuesmen" At the same coOunTYY ust not expect the ot _coutiicts" to be eXtin- iateiy, The pre ant war ; r. id t by seme politteraus for y GU, Eine, Mer, SEAG9 persay peahd purpose of injuring their S87 rei yd. WK, Hep p Mort ed a! Hr stwnta, When a ceicvlboring power | Vat tnd tSbh atop potas Jobin Wa -joyaced lis Majesty s domin- Fullerton, farmer, & S43 ie rsona de anatinck whieh was a wu rena p dotgs Atvaeiee. Login, 4: mt autiape, it could S500 rend ; tchting in their own ' "$2,423 @.srus 4 has Cisne, thee we, geptlemaon, of | had ce pised the ¢ reat: James Dougias | heh s auet suvereigaty of our Sove-. ' t. Marys, S107. 316.85 Bee seal, 1 ye! 'go Turning to the peace negotiates | Bd 16y real: Daniel Mathew, strarford,! tiens, Lerd Sadist nery aunoudeed that, huiel Keeper, 21,150 Seiden, STW | "Grear Bric liad not. receded one; real, For admitistration--Esther 'Li-|ineh from her former posit n. As to} Sin widow. Siruifurd, 34,765 ; Mathew | the rivhts we claimed, aud ihe policy! esr Misveriou, faiquel, SLY per [ve istend te Wrsue, We ef) daueted - V. Bere We were, Metallic Roofing So., Limited, METALLIC ROGFING CO., umrren, WHOLESALE MFRS., TORONTO, CANADA. Wholesale Manufacturers, TORONTO, CANADA. LP sey For Sale Bye Roger & Ratcliffe. Remember. The Old Stand. Our boot and shoe sale for the next we -k. We make it interesting to every purchaser from us. only mention a few lines, such as : Men's Lace Boots, just the thing for spring aud summer wear, regular price $1. 25, cut ae Boys' sizes, 1 to 4, regular $1.15, for sis Boys' 11, 12, 2, and 13, regular $1 00, for eee Men's heavy lace boots from 75c. up. In fine up- date wear for men we can save you from T5e. to $1.00 a pair. In women's, misses' and girls' we have a good as- sortment : 20 pairs women's low shoes,regular 1.00 to $1 .15, these we cnet clear out during the next week; to do 'so we mark them 50, 65 and 75e. In women's lace, high cut, heavy extension 'soles, Goodyear welt, the regular $3.00 line, which we sell for 2.25 'These are only a few lines ; all other lines at cost. We must sell out our stock, which means bargains on each and every pair in stock. , Zim"s Old Stand, J. K. BRICKER, Next to Poti Bank, LISTOWEL. "KEK Ka KR K&R KEK. Kom Kee ih BS os sae. Sore 5 pains, ttohiness oft he sin, sores OF blotches on the body eyes ape '2 weaknu age a rosea ions of the seconda: ee potas ot Matin, 1 ng be . a in a ha oy in do: 2 ot ethod y our System with | the yi a tus onl --mercery a" Nees 'gr only ro break one = ks wazautees are bacited by bank ety that th pi edhcrang wilt never te stare Thousands of atients have been xiceady cured by our New Method T over 20 years. No cam sed without written consent. Mr, E. A.C, writes: medies havc done me more good bimel mot t Spring sand al e doct d medicines I bat pre- § Be have al felt La et oes pains or seen any Meeeor 'tot mie sah es for over seven cts oT eoir A of the loat anomie diva _ y © disease bare e entirely grown in fully agai 2 and I "peers ar Ts rok ans TBED OR NO PAY. 26 YEARG IN DETROIT. rs. Kennedy tic Rergan } K PA snag [a] FORMOMB TREATMENT. CU ing for the| he stock is one of the rag and boos ling any here-) 'the 'low| Your vote and influence are respectfully solicited for John Brown, Your tried represertative inthe Legislature, and the candidate of _# respetity and Progress. Tae a De Me ea Polling, Thursday, May 29th, Your Photo Taken.! H. J. Wilson has leased the photograph gallery Over Erskine's Store for the next two weeks, and will be pleased to take photos in carbon, platinum, | platino,velox, all up-to-date 'styles. Prices moderate. Give Him a Call. ter Satisfuction Guarautecd, or money refunded, H. J. WILSON. THE PAGE FENCE Tat i 2 os Stops Kverything Because it is made of the best material, and is pro- nounced by capable judges .{the world over as the Best Wire Fence on the Market. Made all heights, and woven close enough, if desired,to keep out chickens. We are agents this year for this dis- trict forthe ubove fence, and golicit orders. Jno. Cuthbertson, ATWOOD P, O. @ sketch and description of | wane atents , without charge, in 0. n free concerning the in fent upon request. WASHING: Tr opinio LY " Obtain a Patent », tised for salo at our expense. idely circulated journal, consulted wi Address, VICTOR J. EVANS '& COn Any ofe sen . hus receive special notice (Patent Attorneys,) lustrated and i "ow te PRouad, ani & ge mind ar Tan Bats., : n? ja will promptly receive ou for samp'> .opy FREE. Li Of Bars', \ ed ture. > any inve Ou. rev returned if we fail Mearfate'e*s and Investors. 'Petet ta cp out *hroa Evans Bullding, ebintty pecur t

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