Atwood Bee, 30 May 1902, p. 2

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-------- "KELPION" = zlahinotienoorct. ' Supplied to British solctersin in Blows fer ail booing FE and cde" Hiddaey perms Lope ice jens, Disease sos. Ecrems th nay mples, 5 sur deints, go, Sprain Pies c Cuts. 'gore peas P pate Sold by Druggists, 25c. Try t once. La in Florida. Case and Comment says that the foHowing warrant, with the blanks opey filled, was actually issued lorida. not long ago: ' watt of Fiorida. County of ---- --- estios district of ---- county. In the name of the State of Flor- Mia to the sherife are any cunstabl of -- Ray ntey Wha has this day made path before t me that one ---- ---- on the 27th day of January A. D. 1904 in the countey and District afore said did steale and carey a way the foling os to wit, my whfee -_-- ehilkd the valeue 31,000 "Dollars _ oe 5 Dollare 1 tape & hat ted rs $3 Dollars Jan bhe goods & cat of ---- ---- the and thare being "faund antinnse Mid steale taake and cary away thea are tharefore to command you forthwith to arest the said ---- ---- and bring him before pountey jugs to bee Delt with gs prding to law given under my hand an seate 'hte Ube 29 day of January A. 1902. of peace 2th Dist cried rove you that Dr Chases Ointment is acortain absolute cure for each and Pied form of itching, NSON, Bares & €o., Toronte, Dri Chase's Ointment New York Centrai and Hudson River Rallroad. The above name is a house-hold word, and the superior excellence of joo road should be sufficient to at- @act most si ag but now that the rate is the same to New York and inte east as by other lines no fur- er recommendation should be Se ap Everybody will tell you itJ e best. = A Secret. | i Bhe married again when her el fitle boys were aged three and five | respectively, and as the years went by 'the word stepfather became to them synonymous with al! that was jelly and kind and indulgent. The other day the cldest boy--he is ten now--came to his mother with | n serious face, and after teliling her : tliat father had bought a ping-pong ! pet from town, and was going to, teach them to play, pleaded thus: "And me and Ned think you oughtn't bo tell him--to remember (remind) him, I mean--that he is not aqur own father. We think he forgets, ane ate why he likes to play with 1 tlease don't tell him, will you 7 --New York Commercial 'Advertiecr. curious ' master-General Smith. Dear Sirs,--Within the past year I know of three fatty tumors on the head having been removed by the ap- ! plication of MINARD"S LINIMENT without any surgical operation and there is no indication of a return. CAPT, W. A. PITT, Clifton, N.B, G ike a Ferry. HOW'S THIS? is We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for ery s case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by i's Cater Cure. . J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. the aadersiagned, have known F nea financially able to carry out any ureton me = ah thelr firm Tr V holesale Druggists, To- Wholesale ledo, Wein. uN ' MARVIN, old by as Nl druggists. Hall 8 Pomity Pills ata ue be Who Is the Culprit? (Buffalo Courter.) If may be found out if the probe insertod deep enough that the bloody orders to "kill and burn everything" in the Provinee of Sa- mar came from higher up than Gen. Smith. - ie run no tisk. | interest of the government, Bsiars 'The Boy's Honor. When his wife died the fate J. 'Sterling Morton had erected over her grave a tombstone bea ring the in- igh ose "Caroline French, wife of gym nd mother of ST icy, " ald Mr. Morton," "and showéd them' thelr mother's grave. 'Boys,' I sail, 'your mother is bur- _ here. If one of you does anything ishonorable or anything of which oie would be ashamed if she were alive, I. will chisel your name from her tombstone.'" Minard's Liolment Cures Garget in Nature's Mysteries. Little Minnie asked her father where the butterflies go in winter. in eae tofd her that they were dead. "And where are the phic that grew: in our yard in summe said Minnie, "They are gone, father "Well, then," Minnie, "where do we get the butter from ?"'--The Little Chronicle. itoo," said her said Minard"s Linimént Cures Diphtherla A Bit of German Fustlan. An ingenious method of obtaining a reputation for patriotism cheaply has been invented by certain Berlin publicans.. On their shop fronte they hang legends to this effect: "So long as, the war in-South Af- rica lasts I forbid any Englishman toi enter my premises." The use of this placard is, it is said, entirely confined to houses of a class that never entertained an Englishman in the course of their existence. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY T Bromo Quinine Tablete, AIL Page jegohd refund the money if it fails to cure. E . Grove's signature ison each box. 25c. A Phenomenon of Sleep. A physician mentions the case of a) man who could; bo made to dream of any subject by whispering about iti into his ear| while he slept, and it is a familiar fact that persons who talk in their sleep will frequently answer questions if spoken to softly. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Our Militla Canadtan,. (Loudon Canadian Gazette.) Brodrick and his colleagues will be well advised if they «drop all talk in public about army schemes to include' the colonial forces. 'The colonial forces are, and must remain, colonial forces. Mr. 8, centi iron and other poisonous eee ry ane 1 field unc sure to ha erry avi eae r tn the house and you _ Direct! ons on the wrapper. Cat on the Pay Roll. food for the perhaps, the most made by Post- In the post- office in St. Paul, Mimn., is a cat that- has endeared itself to the em- ployees, not alone by its gentle ways, but by its ability to catch the rodents which infest the place. The postoffice in St. Paul is an old affair, and great caution has to be taken with the mails to prevent their being nibbled by the rats uod Ten dollars "for postoffice ent" is, allowance efforts have been made to cat that would appreciate its official position and work in the but all failed, until finally a cat came that evidently meant business. She was, however, enticed to a neigh- boring building, where, though the atmosphere was less arisocratic, the fare wae better. Numerous other specimens of the feline race came, tried the position of government rat killer and left, apparently Sete with the ex- isting pay-ri The mails mid not contaim eatables and a strict diet of rodents was not to their taste. Any self-respect- ing cat demanded an appetizer in incumbent appeared and has given such gen- eral satisfaction that the govern- ment has made ai special requisi- tion in its favor, and itt will be supplied daily with all the delica- cies of the season, This is one of the few instances where a cat has been placed on the pay-roll of Uncle Sam. ' Unable to Stand for Months because of Sprained Ankles. CURED BY ST. MONG the thousands of value of St. of Mrs. G. Thomns, 4. South Wales, who says - "It is with great pleasure that invaluable excellence of yi = my own case. | sprained both eps so severely that I The pain I me until I applied St. Jacobs Oil, ter daily, and in a short time I was quite eured. voluntary endorsements of Jacobs Oil for sprains, Alexandra Road, Gelli, our celebrated St. J my was unable to stand suffered was most severe, and nothing that I used helped when they was able I am now determined to advise JACOBS OIL. . the great stiffness, and soreness, is that Ysbvrod, near Pontypridd, I add my willing testimony to the acobs Oil, as experienced ankles In walking down some for several months. immediately became bet- > gO about, and soon after I ail persons suffering rom pales to use this wonderful remedy, which did so much for me." Mrs.. Thomas does not enlighten us as to what treatment she pursued during the months she was unable to stand, and during which time she 'Common Soaps destroy th the clothes. and render 'the - hands liable. to eczema. GH) REDUCES EXPENSE Ask for the Octagon Bar 'Tuo Terrible. iN. Y. Sun,) "What is your choice of weapons?" asked the duellist. tis aietn cane inging t ins tt the chatioc, ole an easy death, went into the back yard rae shot himeeflf. replied our hero, Lever's Y-Z(Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other.soap powders, as it also acte as a disinfectant. Py Timely Warning. (Ohio State Journal.) "Here, Johnnie," said the proud mother, "you may mag one of the first crullers I ever ed." And be es "sohmate," added the father, "pot let it fall on your toes."' The lumbago spot is small, but big enough to make lots of trouble, until a frien ae covers it with " the D. & L."" Menthol E ter. Away goes the ga and the stiff- cece muscle is supple as ever Observant Tommy. {(Punch,) Mre. Jinks--That's Signor Sorap- ae tage paaees. He plays a ieee e 1h, gels say "Damn!" breaks ? ; dear, do the' an- when a string Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Not in That Division. (Chicago Tribune.) "One-half the world," remarked the good-natured girl, ' ee t know how the ale half liv "That ay be por sald the girl with the tote, sharp nose, "but I don't belong to that half." Stops the Cough and Works Off the Cold. L: ana tive Proms Quinine Tablete cure pee 1 in one day. Nocure, No pay. Price 25 cent Carnations for the Coronation. Lovers of flowers im Great Britain who neglected to plant their beds with carnations last autumn have bost an opportunity of detaytua their loyalty next Jume. For the car- nation should be the flower of fash- ion in the coming season, meaning as it does, "'cornation," this being 'be old name, given to it by Spenser and the poets, on necount of its use by the ancient Greeks and Romans in the making of chaplets. RUPTURE n how I do away. with the cut! belt pressinis S sprii dhola Rupture wi ous Learn how aro gh te, epi creel oa your health by ng and log-strap presson most » aban ste eae is ay Set treat success. Witsete FREE BOM mores orm € oo the whole caren i Raptareanditecene, CHAS, OLUTHE, 29 East 14th St, New Yo - City, I have no agente, % only by sprlying ¢ A LEGEND OF ie ' ST. GEORGE'S DAY. bard Davey in "Cassell's Magazine." ee whose festival is 'oales brated on April 28, was born, ac- cording to the earlier writers of church history (among them the ac- curate Joseph Assemani) of noble Christian paretttage towards the close of the third century, in Cappa- docia. On the death of his father he went with his mother to Pales- tine, her native country, where she possessed considerable estates, which her son George eventually inherited. Being a strong and spirited youth he embraced a military career in the Roman army. His courage and good conduct won for him the favor of Diocletian, and he was rapidly pro- moted by that Emperor to the rank of tribune, but when that tyrant be- gan his persecutions of the Christ- lans, George threw up his commis- sion and boldly upbraided him for hia cruelty. So bold an act naturally led to his being thrown into prison, where he was first tempted by promises to re- nounce his faith, and, on refusing to do so, was tortured but vainly with the utmost refinement. On the following day he was beheaded at Nicodemia. These facts are, ac- cording to the investigations of learned writers, absolutely authentic, but round the history of the Saint many graceful legends, mostly of Slav origin, have been woven, not the least quaint of which are his hand-to-hand encounter with the magician Athanasius and his ad- ventures with the Dragon whilst en- deavoring to rescue a captive maid. The Slav legend concerning St. George is exceedingly ploturesque, and is the one generally chosen by painters and sculptors. It seems that under ocletian. the fair ol are princess, Sophia the Wise, brought in- to this world a beautiful child, whose legs were of maseive silver up to the knees and whose arms were of pure gold from the elbows to the wrists, which did not, however, pre- vent the infant from using his -- freely. When he grew up to n's estate he asked his "mother te "ak low him to go forth and fight for the cause of Christ.-"'Willingly, my son," sald she. "Go thou and slay e Emperor of me, who is the arch-enemy of Our Lord and His Holy Church, but first of all go forth in- to the beautiful land of Russia and | faith the people there to the t The youth set out upon a milk- white steed. In those far-off times Russla was covered by dense forests, whie were full of snakes, dragons, and other loatheome reptiles. George eon and on through these terrible forests, slaying thousands of hor- rible creatures and converting hun- dreds of thousand of so many indeed, that he had to tise them with a kind of syphon, or colossal squirt, at least 60 we hold him engaged in the vividly col- ored icons which are to be found in every Eastern church. At length he fell into the hands of the Emperor Diocletian, who was so exasperated with him that he caused him to be oe into a cauldron of boiling pite As he emerged from this or- cent unscathed, the angry Emperor next cast him in a cave, the en- trance of which was bricked up so that no air could possibly' enter, let alone food or drink. But the an- : gels took care of St. George and fed him with celestial manna for nearly a mooth so that when he was again prought to light he was even fatter and rosier than when he was immured. An angel now said to George, 'Take this ar- row and ghoot at the tyrant, and you will kill him." George obeyed, and Diocletian fell dead, but at the game time Our Lady, who wished that the Gaint should win the glort ous crown of martyrdom, allowed @ pagan soldier tc slay him with a poisoned arrow, and thus it happen- ed that as the Saint ascended to heaven he was privileged to behold the soul of the wicked Diocletian descending into hell. [ISSUE NO. 22, 1902 How.To Gain Flesh Pi pgendbos ip arp a a sige of cores cae SION. It is strange, but it often Somehow the ounce produces the pound; it seems to start the digestive machinery going pro woo that the pa So cheer ect abeots Fis ordinnty food, which he could not do be- fore, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is for health; if you have eee 'Seats matin You will find it just as useful in summer as in winter, and If you are thriving upon tt don't stop because the weather Is warm. goc, and $r.00, all druggists, G@COTT & BOWNE, Toronto, Canada. Mrs Winslow's Soothin oe always be used for Children Cae soothes the child, softens the at colic and is the best remedy for ; Dinerhaee. 7RUIT FARM FOR SALE--ONE OF THE th Peni: ways, mostly peaches. -- into ibe Jote of 36 r Tees athan Carpenter, Ontario FREE SAMPLE OF LIEBIC"S FIT CURE. If you suffer fi sve hide Fits, Falling Sickness, St. Vitus} Dance, 0 or have or relatives that do so, or know a friend fora freo trial bottle with age de T The ae paseutt nearest Office nacones, it thing fo has failed. ng, on a full add: Eis CO" 178 Kine 80 West, TORONTO, Cause When an animal is all run down has a rough coat sad a tight hide, anyone knows that his blood is out of order, To keep an animal econo- mically he must be in good health. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is a necessity where the best results from feeding would be obtained. It tones up the system, rids the stomach of bots, worms and other parasites that suck the life blood Nothing like Dick's powder for a run down horse. 50 cents a package. / Leeming, Miles & Co., Agents, MONTREAL. Write for Book on Cattle and Horses free. NO DIRTY HANDS. Clean your afilver- ware, gold, brasa, " BLEGTRIG POLISHING FIBRE No power ned oliah ust brisk rub- m i. druggists or by mall from ° MONARCH MFG. OO., St. Catharines, Ont. Trial samples free. Trade supplied. HAMILTON- fru if" TORONTO- alm MONTREAL LINE... Steamers leave Hamilton 1 p. m. and Toronto 7.30 Tuesdays and Fridays during May, and on and after June 8rd Tuesdays, Thure- days and Saturdays. Hamilton to Montreal Return '¢12 Toronto toMontreal Return si1.s0 This Paint has stood the test of years, and stood it Just as a paint should stamd that has proyed itself the best of all the paints.)It is RAMSAY'S PAINT and no other, for no other has suck a record for durability, economy, beauty, elasticity, easy to work, beautiful in tone, and at the proper price for the best paint. Drop us a card and ask for BOOKLET NO. 11, FREE, showing & sf some homes are painted. Establi @d 1842. A. RAMSAY & SON MONTREAL, Paint Makers. use FB, EDDY'S **Head Light," goo '*Bagle," 100 & 200 "Victorla."' Little Comet." was suffering s0 much, but we venture to suggest that had she called in any well known medical man he would at once have ed St. Jacobs Oll, for it has conquered pain upwards of fifty Years, and doc- tors know there is nothing so good. The proprietors of. St. Jacobs Oil have been awarded twelve gold medals by different international ex- bibitions as the premier pain killing remedy of the world. The commit- Rees who made the awards were in each ingtance compoged largely. of the most eminent medical men obtainable. Thomas spony did rot now the high opinion in which St. ioshe OW is held by almost every progressive medical man. Meals and/ berths included. The abové cheap rates to Mont- real are"in effect for May only. Only line running rapids. Write for R. & O. Hotel Book o gegen &t. ders, »PARLOR MATCHES.. THE FINSST IN THE WORLD. { | Me sale by all the priscipal grosers. {i 9 2 ree apes fol dui 4 -- Anout 0 Ming Strest Sirest Rast, Toronve, Ont &

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