Atwood Bee, 30 May 1902, p. 8

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The Government Sas ain PEEPEEEPEEEE ES ' j Liberals Have Won 51 Seats, Con- servatives 46---Majority for Liberals, 5 ;only Mani- toulin to hear from. @ Premier Ross and All the Members of Cab- inet Elected. } PEEEEEEEEEEEESE The Cities All go Conservative Except Kingston. FEEDS EP EESCE PED Total Number of Seats ease a oveene ona 98 "Liberals elected dexe oone rou' " 51 Conservatives elected ere er ais sine eee 48 Not heard from (Manitoulin) jai ' eas wave 2 Liberal Majority------...... 7020S r . 5 Liberal Majority at Dissolution --_........ ' sea 0 Sea . 21 Se ae i SA a Se Se Ste Me ae The election returns, which are in- i N. W.H. oe ste, gi ta ttawa enbis Murphy, complete, giye the Ross pote es eae Ottawa | OB Powell majority of 5, with Manitoulin to | «Oxford. S. D. Sutherland. from. -- Mr. Whitney and his following put up a great fight, neyertheless, but must again swollow the bitter pill of defeat. The election was one of the quietest ever held in Ontario. In the following returos on'y the constituencies reported in some definite kind of a way are given and some of these may require ratification in next issue, but the majority is likely to grow rather than decrease, - An asterisk (*) before, the namesof the constituency indicates a gain for the respective party. LIBERALS ELECTED. Algoma D. M. Brodie Brant, N. W. D. Burt. Brant, 8. T. H. Preston, Brockville }. P. Graham, ruce, N. C. M.Bowman. Bruce, 8. R. E. Truax. *Durham, W, N, Rickard, rr John A. Auld Essex, 5. Fort Williaia and Lake of the Woods D. C. Cameron. *Grey, N. A. G. McKay, Haldimand J. W. Holmes. Halton J. R. Barber, astings, E. S. Russell. Huron, E A. Hislop. Kent, E. John Lee. Kent, W 'lL. L. Pardoe. Kingston 5. J. b. Pense Lambton, E H. J. Pettypiece, Lanark, N W. C. Caldwe 4enpoe M.S. Madole. Dr. Routledge. Hon, G. W. Ross. e * Middlesex, E. Middlesex, W. on. R. Dr. Bridgland. Nipissing, E. Dr. M. James, Nipissing, W. Joseph Michaud, Norfolk, 8. W. A. Chariton, Notthum"!'d, WS. Clarke. Ontario, S. lion. J. Dryden. Oxford, N. Andrew Pattullo, Parry Sound N. Carr. Jobn Smith, * Perth, S. V. Stock. Péterbvorough, E. Peterborough, ; Port Arthur an \ Rainy River J. Conmee. -rescott F. E. Evaoturel. *Prince Edward Dr. Currie : c W. Auderson. Hon. J. R. Stratton. Renfrew, Ss. Hon. Latchford. Renfrew, N J. W. Munro. Russell O, Guibord, *Simcoe, E. James B, Tudhope. *Simcoe, C, D. Davidson. *Stormont WwW. J. McCart. ellan . F. Gross, Wellington, E, Hon. J. M, Gibson, *Wentworth, N. R, A. Thompson. Wentworth, 5, Jobnu Dickenson. ork, E. John Richardson, York, N. Hon. E. J. Davis, 'CONSERVATIVES ELECTED. Addington James *Bruce, C. Hugh Clark. Cardwell E. A. Little Carleton Geo, N. Kidd. Dufferin John Barr, Dundas J. P. Whitney, K.C. Durham, E. J.J. Preston. ~ Eisin, E C. A, Brower. igin, W. F. G. McDiarmid. * x, N, Dr. J. O. Reaume, Frontenac J.S. Gallugher, Glengarry W.D. McLeod. Grenville Kh. L. Joynt. rey, C, 1. B. Lue: 3S. . Jamieson, amilton,W. Mayor Hendrie, amilton, E. eury Ca Hastings, W. . M, B. Morrison. Hastings, N. J. W.P , Huron, & H. Eilber, *Huron, W. J. Mitchell, *Lambtoo, W.. W. J. Hanna. ark, Lt.-Col, Matheson. ' Py freee . Jessup, *London Adam Beck. *Norfolk, N. | Dr. F.8. Snider, *®Northum"d, KE. Dr. Willoughby, *Pertb, N. J.C, Monteith. Sault Ste. Marie > 4 aes i S. Simcoe, W. a off. Toronto, W. Thos. Crawford. Toronto, E. Tr. R. A, Pyne. Toronto, N. Dr. Beattie Nesbitt. Toronto, 8. J.J. Foy, Victoria, W. 8. J. Fox, Victoria, E. J. H. Carnegie, Waterloo, 8S. W. A. Kribbs, *Waterloo, N._ r. Lackner. *Wellington, S. Jos. Duwnie, Wellington,W. J. Tucker, *York, W. J. W. St, John. EAST HURON ELECTS HISLOP. SUMMARY, Hislop. Spotton. Brussels, majority 38° 7 Grey, * 5) 257 Morris, a 83 Hullett, " 188 McKillop, " 79 Turnberry, " 46 Wroxeter, " 21 Howick, " 112 632 «~ 112 Majority for Hislop, 520. ELECTION NOTES, Mr. Whitney's majority in Dundas was doubled, 7 * xs Hazlegrove, the London Socialist, scored 95 votes. Daly, the Prohibition candidate, had 793. * In Brussels Mr. Hislop had a major- ity of 58, No.1 gave him 6 majority ; No. 2 17 and No. 3, 36. «*% All the Cabinet Ministers are report- ed re-elected and the leaders in the Op- position ranks also, ; ax. THE BEE extends its heartiest con- gratulations to Hugh Clark, the witty editor of the Kincardine Review, upon his splendid victory in Centre Bruce. = Roughly speaking, the aggregate Liberal majority is 10,000. The aggre- Rt Conseryative majority is 14,000. ut the Liverals haye the most seats, o*s Premier Ross received the returns of the election in his office in the Parlia- ment buildings. He expressed himself thus to the Globe : turn bya majority more than three times as great as the largest majority I ever hed from the constituency I have now contested for the tenth time, and held for thirty years, may be accep as & gratifying evidence of confidence from those who know be best. Al- though the majority is not very large, still, after thirty years' tenure of Office, it is uhprecedented in the history of governments, under our constitution, that a Government would havea maj- | Pains in the Back ibe | 20.8 that] want peoots 'mailed (sealed) tree, in-| artis MEDIO. ea ie Are symptoms of a we2k, torpid ore] stagnant condition of the kidneys or yer, and are a warring it is extremely ous to neglect, so important is @ healthy action of these organs They are commonly attended by loss of energy; lack of courage, and some- times by gloomy foreboding and de-~ spondency. ~ "T was taken {il with kidney trouble, and me I took medicine decided t continued its use, and #ix bottles made me anew woman. When my little girl wns a baby, she could not keep anything on her stomach, and we gave her Hood's Sarsaps- rilla which cured her." Mars, Tuomas Lr- mis, Wallaceburg, Ont. ; d Hood's Sarsaparitia Cures 'kidney and liver troubles, re- lieves the back, end builds up the bole system 4 News of the Day. London, May 28.--The Daily Mail this morning says the Cabinet council to be held to-day will decide upon points of detail, mostly of a financial nature, which heve been raised by the Boers in the peace negotiations, Great Britarn's decision in the matter will then be communicated to the Vereen- inging confereuce by delegates at Pre- toria, says the paper, and being the best obtainable terms, they will almost certainly be accepted. 'The results should be announced officially on Fri- day of this week--the day upon which King Edward's birth 1s celebrated. Peace is quite certain, says the Daily Mail, and the delegates at Pretoria are only engaged in endeavoring to gild the pill for the Vereeinging conference toswallow. The Daily Mail says fur- ther: Our despatches from Pretoria asserts that numerous communications are passing between Lords Kitchener and Milner, in South Africa and Lon- on. LordgKitchener, although he is still full of energy, is much aged in ap- pearance as a result of the severe and codtipuous strain which he has under- one. The consensus of opinion is that the late negotiations haye proved Lord Kitchener to be a great diplomatist as well as a great soldier. It is difficult to appreciate the magnitude of the difficulties Lord Kitchener has had to contend with. The Koers are all deep- ly impressed with his personality, and trust him implicitly. It is understood that Lord Milner (the British High Commissioner in South Africa) has gracefully admitted that the ultimate er forthe accomplishment of the task is due to Lord Kitchener. Business Directory, Dr. W. A. McoDowelt. DEIMTIST. FFICE over Them peor . # i 0 ipeon Bros. tore, Listo- BRANCH Orrice ~dinin St, wood, over THE ; st. At . visit Atwood -every Wed- nesday, from 9.30 4 Mh. Lewes. MORPHY & CARTHEW, JARRISTERS, s tLora, Conv cvancers, & LIS t8, t » Ce ; ors, &c, ) Solicitors for the tuk of dar 'ion. Money ve Carson & McKee"s Hi, B. Morruy d.., CARTHEW. BLEWwert & BRAY, BARRISTERS ani Solicitors, Listowel, Ont. dtoney 0 Loan, Solicitors for Scott's Pankiog Botte and Ont. Perm. Building & odfation. Office r 4 Wallace Street, Linowel- over Sootts Hank, F. R. BLewertr. J. CESIL HAMILTON, B. A, Barnistr: Gero. Bray, B, A. / ONVEYANCFR, iMoney to Tuscan at <4 per cexnt. OFFICE-- Main sft, Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, Dentist, BRANCH OFFicE--Main-st., Atwood over THE Disk offen Will yisit, At- wood every Wea 'ay afternoon, AUCTIONEERS. C. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of Perth, Monkton, Ont Rates moderate. For particulars ap ply at this office, MEDICAL, DR. A. S. LANGRILL _ Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- ity. _ Licentiate College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Special attention givea to Eye, Ear Nose and Throat, Eveniugs preferred for such work. , Office and residence--Main-st,, next Mrs. Roger's store, ATWoop, ON', -----~500,000 SOLD -- Dr. Case is too well and favorably known tion, . Dn. Crase's Liver Cure has a receipt book wWrepped around every bottle which is worth ite weight in gold, Dn. Crise's Liver Oure is guaranteed to care all disoases arisiug from a torpid or inactive liver such as H, 'om plaint, Ry Sudigestion, Biliousuces, Jaundice, Head. ache, Liver Spots- Snilow Complexion. or all such as pain ip ion of the abdomen, -- ees Lag mae red and white 3 meats, ehootin; ns in sege, Brigh diseas. and all aries) troubles ene" Try Ch dney-Liver Pills, the only pllt mado acting directly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. Price 25cents. Da. Cua Liver Cure is no otre all, it is simply a Kidney-Liver nlator. Tryit. Me. a and Reseipt Book $1. Sold by all drug <. EDMANSON & CO., Bradf Bole Agents. ord, Om SE _A NAN i in i fects of dis W eto. Rouse yourself. Take feast of bepeagain cad na A Max | We have thonsands, who allow us to refer to them. WECAN ority atall. I-am not able to : solr whet dies ae eet weg ee ane SURE You by use of our exclusive with the electors in casting their votes,|™Méthods and appliances. Simple, Tean simply thank m fnpporters, all|anfailing treatment at heme for . ovince, an @ candidates anhood elected, as well as those defeated, for estos Deb a pend Cunetal cg the splendid fight they put up against Body and Mind 4 Err misrepresentation by the Conservative y aud Bind, ot Errors or party and by their organ. In this re-|&xcesses in Old er Young. Robuet, specs the campaign was unique, and | Nobla stored. . , or a me considered. Where local prejudices Ieapsovement seen the first day. Sow to enlarge and strongthen, Wear, Unvevsroren Organs Axn wants ov Bopy. Men testify from and gn Countries. végite them. Book, explanation AL 'CO., BUFFALO, Ney . me me D. A. KIDD, M D., Atwobp, Onr, Physician, Surg ~ Accoucheur. A full course of six weeks in 1899 and a foll course of eight weeks in (gv in The New York Post-Graduat@Sthool and Hospital, New York. Special attention to Diseases ot the eye, ear, nosé, throat. Diseases of Women and children, and Operative surgery, Office Hours ; 9 to 10a. m, a to 3 p. m. 6 to 8 p, m. BAITEIMWNG. ld. W. SCOTT & SON, Bankers Listowel, Ontario. [Zstablished 1872.} OFFICES: Listowel, Palmerston and CHf ford ; also with J, A, Halstead, Mount Forest and Shelburne. A General Banking Business transactod. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, Payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNIT- ED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN. Notes Discounted. Deposits Received. Current rate of interest allowed. A lores anne, of Private Funds to lene on rx surity at Four and one-half per cant with privilege of repaying principal ao nually. Marriage Licenses Issued, Tenders for Gravel. EALED tenders will be received by James Donaldson, Reeve, up = 2 o'clock p.m., June 9th, next, for putting on of 800 yards of gravel on Elma gravel road as follows: 50 yards from Listowel boundary to 2nd con. ; 580 yards from 2nd to 4th; 7 yards from 4th to 6th ; 150 yards from 6th to 8th ; 40 yards from 8th con, to railroad crossing ; 45 yards from railroad cross- ng ta 10th con, ;140 yards from 10th to 12th con. ; 75 yards from 12th to 14th; 50 yards from 14th to 16th; 75 yards from 16th to 18th ;50 yards from 18th to boundary. Gravel to be first-class ; contractor to furnish grayel aud pay one-half overseer's salary ; employ 4 teams daily ; stones be broken as gravel is Jaid on, so as to pass through a 23¢ inch iron ring; grayel to be placed where overseer directs ; work to completed on or setoreie 15th of July, 1902. Also tenders wili be received at the same time for spreading and over- seeing. The lowest or any tender not THOS, FULLARTON, a May 28th, 1092, & The People's Cofumn ~ Elma Centre Cemetery. The annual meeting of the Elma (entre Cemetéry Company will be held at the cemetery, at 2 p.m., on Satarday, May 3i. Full attendance of lot owne requested. : J.B. HAMILTON, 8n., 4 18-2... Sec'y-Treas. Estray Sow. CX TRAYRHD from the. premises of the undersigned dn or about the 39tn ult.,a white sow, weight 240 pounds. "Any information leading: to her. recovery will be gratefully re- ceived. JOHN MORRISON, Newry P.0.- " Hotse and Lots for Sale, Pasture to Rent. HE undersigned offers for sale his honse und lots, Main street, Atwood, opposite the Elma Agricultural Society's grounds. Wil also rent pasture for 4or5 cows, from May tdth to Nov. Ist, 19.2, at $7 per head, paid in advanee. For farther particulars apply to the endersigned on the premises, JOHN CRANSTON, Atwood, Unt. 17-4* Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his desirable farm of 100 acres, being lot 11, con. 10, Elma. The farm is in a high state of cultivation ; story a.d a half brick house, and one of the finest bank barns in the township ;a young bear- ing orchard, anda plentiful supply of good water. There is at present 60 acres under crop and meadow, balance in pasture. Purchaser can have the growing crop with the farm. <As the proprietor is giving up farming, a bar- gain can be had by an immediate pnr- chaser, on easy terms of payment, For fuller particulars apply to John Knox. Conveyaucer, Atwood, or to the under- sigued proprietor, \ JOHN LOVE, Jr, 18-4* Newry P. 0. HATS! HATS! HATS | Latest styles just in; all English goods. Prices from T5c. to $3.00. All our new Tweeds are to hand. Come in and pick out your suit as we are sell- ing them at the rate of three suits per day. First In, First Made. All kinds of Shirts; something immense ! Overalls and Readymade Suits just arrived. Call and see them. CEO. CURRIE. t- ts Po circulated potted descrip tion of » withous notice Obtain a Patent" sent upon voquest, . wih fi petey "4, 1 jit piiefaane age Gia! uel,

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