ti . -- eae of is Official Returns Give J. C. i: ac cae ror ee Gale This|Testimonial credi "|by the Agent of: Monteith, Conservative, a Majority of 2. 42 REJECTED BALLOTS. Returning Offiger, Sheriff Hostie, | of Monday afternoon made his official count of the ballots in the North Perth sy election from the figures supplied by deputies, After samming up the voteS cast, he announced that he found that 8,283 votes had been cast for John Brown (Lib.), and 3,285-for John UC. Monteith (Cons.), giving Mr. Monteith a majority of 2. "I therefore," he con- ciuded, "declare John C.Monteith elect- ed." There were in all 42 spoiled ballots' as compared with 82 at the last pro- yincial election. Of these Stratford contribnted 22, North Easthope 0, El- lice 3, Elma 1, Wallace 7, Mornington |5 8, Listowel 4, Milverton 2. Stratford-- &@ Magwood -~ ~] 5328 Monteith he - mae Wace Be! , > - Mr. Bawtinhimer did not write to him e National Separator Ea. the DECLARES THE ALPHA TO BE turning candidate having the greater suinties of votes, ascertained by the county | judge. SOUTH PERTH ELECTION. BY MAJORITIES. 1898 3 Monteitn St, Marys. ., Bianshard.. Downie.. iibbert... oe polunraes: _ § & Monteith : Log 8. Easthope. Majority for Monteith 189°, 8. Majority for Stock in 1902, i2. PERTH COUNTY NOTES. The Mitchell Beneeder editor bes ju: completed fifty years of life in on the whole usefully and ereditabls 90] spent, and having developed an indiv. Shakespeare iduality that is interesting aod presents admirable phases, Stephen Douglas, of Mitchell, father of Vera Douglas, the noted American beauty, who died in Paris a year or two ago, the other day received a cheque $10,000 as being a part of her es- te, Brunner, June 2.--On Saturday night while the 9.15 train was pulling into our station, at a good rate of speed, it came very near being derailed by com- ing violently into contact with several 5 | large sized stones which, it is generally ---- | supposed, were put upon thetrack for DIM Cm CORO ~ ~ Listowel-- Bismarck ... Gladstone .... Victoria Dufferin .... Lansdowne.... glatees §| seress gl seas Ls] tw Milverton-- BY Stratford . Lf eeeaeNe « Moraington ; EI - MAJORITIES, 97 850 ig -_ a | co: BRB: : o-« "2 # Sa: "8 8 Milverton ... 453 293 3826 Maj. for Brown (1898) 160. Maj. for Monteith (1902) 2, NOTES. "It isa significant thing," says the Herald, "that in No Easthope, where Brown 320 of a m mi there was not asiugle rejected was counted. It is votes cas' more invalid. 'onesthan among the 108 Coneervative ballot papers. In No. 1 Wallace a ballot was rejected without ven and {is also en- Of the 41 others, an si they could be identitied and 22 were re- jected a3 uncertain in intention, at least so the deputies' returns sbow." Pa A recount before a + cobints judge may be obtained upon an affidavit that a deputy had, in counting bee impro- more, perly, counted or Tejected. one. of 68 | Ojed Spaniah Misister, 'A Ottawa, June 2 The Canadian sold- | sewea g| geenes the purpose of..harm-doing, by some nefarious culprit. There was also a large stone thrown violently through the window of the passenger coac mire missing Conductor Collison's NEWS: ae T THE DAY. THE BEST MACHINE--RE- SULT OF TE THE TEST, In reply toa letter c oyer his bn erg | and purported to have been written by @ | aim and published in THe Bee of re- t date, Churchill Bawtinhimer, of Hastepn, Ont., makes the following tatement : Henfryn, May 81, 1902. Alpha De Laval Co. DEAR Stas,--The Alpha separator which I purchased according to con- ng on pte 18th has proven itself to superior machine to. the National or the New Century Ameri- een agg were entered in the cuntest, ust say that the National soon have issued a circular referring to the contest which contains incorrect | statements. An I desire to say to any dairyman wishing to purchase a creAm separator, that he will' do nothing wrongin pur- . duces 8 an Alpha separator as it pro- u ces @ much smoother cream, and therefore ma much better butter, and it also skims yar igor the other machines entered in It does not walp bi a up % such a terrible rate as those machines do, making a very dangerous food for yourg calves. I would not have rg the Alpha separator did I not think i the best machine, when the <#. agents offered me theirs from $15 to mouey than the Alpha people, 380 ypu mn amd judge which machine was ue vaaybody doubts this statement they may write to me for further par- ticulars. CHURCHILL' BAWTINHIMER. DECLARATION. In the matter of a certain test of the Alpha cream separator with the Na- tional cream separator, I, Churchill Bawtinhimer, of the township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer, do solemnly declare that a certain state- nent thatis being circulated by the National Cream Separator people to the effect that the said test which was made on thé 18th of April at my place was unfair and unjust to the National cream séparator and, which statement purports to have been signed by me, was never so made or signed by me an d a) in fact untrue. I believe the test hen made to have been a fair one and vat in no wise affected by a small hole in the National skimmer, that w completely covered by the rubber so that you could not blow through it. e| That I was never threatened with suit or legal proceedings of any kind by the Alpha agent or Company,.-1. willingly C- |} and freely paid for the Alpba separator nota Minto 4ails on the ous on 6}- June 7th ; for, england to attend the coronation emonies. Sir Wilfri Laurier sails on the 14th. Lord Kitchener has been created a Viscount, and the King has sent a message to Parliament recommending a grant of £50,000 for his war services. | as Hon. Michael: Herbert s ucceeds the late 'LordPagncetote as British Anm-| 94! bassad or at Waebifigton, and 'Senor De} #2 a succeeds the ke d'Arcos as iers recruited for service in South Af- rica since the outbreak of hostilities have numbered something over seven thousand. Thedeaths in action and thiefly the -- fever, ollows : t ' Son' African Constabatary 51, Second Can- adian Mounted po a6, Canadians in various [mperial co: The peace | i. ptm pena will ne affect the term aed of the Canadian corps out in r London, May 31.--Those in touch with royal circles are busy gossipin about the reported tiff between Lor Salisbury and_ King Edward, on ac- count of the King's demand that the Premier recommend Sir Ernest Cassel for a Peerage. Last year the same quest met with retasse but this ye was again ee go by King Edward the ground of Sir Ernest's muni gift (£200,000) towards the cure o sumption. The Premier absolute! fused to countenance the \suggestion, and at the end ofa stormy interview, which occurred the day the State din- ner was held at Buckingham Palace, he remarked :--" Well, sir, I suppose better leave my place at to-nlght's ban- quet vacant ?" To which the King is one to have, replied :--"Yes, I think had," and stalked out of oe room, slp, ing terms, Constipation Does your head ache? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's liver !-/Ayer's Pills are fiver pills. resy care consti- pation, heaiach nny SY dyspepeia. | & 7 pty bayien od of the and am quite satisfied that it is not ook the equal but when the question of close skimming is conside isina d | much higher class than the National. - I wish to again state that the' state- meut over my nate is wholly untrue and was made without my knowledge or consent, asI signed no such paper is circu lated, And'I make this solemn declaration | conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of the Canada Evidence ct, 1893. CHURCHILL BAWTINHIMER. Declared before me at the meg A of Elma, in the County of Perth 4th Lond, 10 of J wR, in the year of our 0s. FULLARTON, Commissioner, &. RESULT OF TEST. ' To whom it may concern : This is to certify that I tested the cream and skim miik from the three arators named below with all due fa rness to each with the Babcock test- er, on the evening of the 18th of April, 1902, with this result : Separator, No, Bottle. Cream. Skim milk. 1--National 8 17 fat American ll .08 "* 3--Alpha r) 06 ** Wm. D. CovsLey, Stratford, Ont, It is regarded as a curious coinci-| dence that the news of peace should have been knownin England on the ublic celebrations i) of Amiensa hundred years ago, Then the nation returned solemo thanks for its victory in a prolong struggle with the French Republic. eu RE FRAGRANT. DELICIOUS. THE PERFCT. TEA: sealed Beaupre Mies Bbe wed and Soothing Syrups. Its guarantee is thirty Fiatalency. Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is # harmiess substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. years' use by Milli of Si Mothers. Oastoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and -- Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates Bee the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving -- Castoria. healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for pore erat Mothers have repeatedly teld ma | that I recommend it as superior to any pro ~ its good ag oe their childres." G@. C. Osacon, Lowell, Bi Castoria. " Casteria is so well adapted to children' scalption known to me.' M. A. Aneuen, M.D. Sroohipa, HN. F THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF ad @ -------- APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THE CENVYAUR COMPANY, TY MURRAY STREST, NEW TORK CrTy. -- MARSEALI'S-- FLOOR ENAMEL ! °|Better than Paint, It Drys Hard in 8 Hours.. ee: and for the next 30 days ared a floor enamel, all colors, which for: ility,and a pearing far surpasses paint,, wi as for cau floor paint, to get it introduced. _ FOR 0 DAYS ONLY, REMEMBER | make the price the same: This is the best and only finish of its kind in the: market, ang we invite you to call and see it. Once Teed, Always Used... W. J. MARSHALL... RAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TRUNK $62.00 TORONTO to Los Angeles, ' San Francisco, Cal., AND RETURN. of Independent. Order of Fores- taraat Loe Ange i ce, Cal, May Ist to 8th, 1902. Round trip anes s will be valid going April 19th to 26th, 1902. Retw Hed = June 25th, 1902. Through fast veep ty wit h all modern Mand Cato Wide vestibule pine | Pullman Cafe Parlor For fw ply to i. 6. DICKSOX, D. P, L, TOROMSD. J. EX. MOOR, Agent, ATWOOD. Jersey. Bull for Service. The Gndersigned | keeps for service. a thorobred pedigreed Jersey bull, "Paul Kruger," at his stable, Atwood. Terms, $1.00, at time of service ; or 81.20 if not so paid. Parties disposing of their cows before calving time will be held responsible whether cows are with [calf or not. J, A. KLOMP, YER sachin Front St, Pasty , Be Atwood P, OF G.T.R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Atwood Station, North: _--| and South, as follows GOING NORTH. Mixed 1.20 p.m. GOING SOUTH. Express 7.47 a.m. Mixed The Gem Wire Rence Is a Leader Messrs. Blair & Hamiltah;. © Atwood, Ont:, agency for this. district: of the famous Gem. Coiedi Sprin ire manufactured: at Wandsor;, Ont. A fence: built from the: coiled springs wire for borizental wires,. and woven together with medium sized cross es really the only kind of a fence that: _jhas always The coil is the pea con tion and alps: Coiled: Wire. has nearly double the tensile strength of theerdin- . ary galvanized wire, und the - tendencyy to stretch is very much'less. Give Them a Trial!, Blair & Hamilton,. Sple Agents, Atwood, Orch, ie 10.25 a.m, | Express 75h ; have. the: Foncingae' hi *