ear liver! Ayer's Pills phd bo pills; they cure dys- pepuie, biliousness. ¥ 28c, All druggists. Went your moustarhg or brand « beawutal Then us BUCKINGHAM D OVE Ehlers The. Stewart Drain. Referee Rankin's Report in Suit Wallace vs. Elma. (Continued from Last Week,) - Nor can I accept the principle upon which the lands of the north branch were assessed by theenginver. He states im his evidence that be estimated the ' cost of the river.improysment at $i0,- 054, and, deducting the benefit assess- ment of $1,046 and $1,612 below "the ¥lma and Grey town line, would leave $7,396 to be provided for, and he divid- 6d this bafance by 80,934, the numier of acres within the north branch water- shed, excluding lands in Grey, and the reault obtained was 24 cents per acre and this sum is placed upon every acre, whether bigh or low land. In re township of Carodec and Ek. frid, 24 O.A.K.p. 576, at p. 689, Mr Justice Osler says : "Section 8 requires him (the engineer) to make an assess- ment of the lands and roads to be bene- fitted, and of any other lands liable to be assessec as thereinafter provided, stating, as nearly as may be in his opinion, the proportion of the cost of the work to be paid by every road and lot or portion of lot (a) for benefit, (b) and for outlet liability, and (c) relief from injuring liability as afterwards defined :-sec. 8; sub-sec, 1, latter part. Phis is.also, again, by section 12, ex- pressly required to be done by the engineerin his report. I need not further refer to the assessment for ssessment forrelief fur in- juring liability seems to be tbe sanis thing 48 assessment for what is defined, or rather described as "injuring linbil- "ity" tn Bub-seetion 3 of section 8, viz. - the assessment of lands from which 'The same principle would ap where, in order to benefit -- in small area or watershed, a wer sea, Ciarke aut Scully's drainage CASES, page I AceAmpAByiig this, my report, is a statement of my jaspection and the viv effeet given to it isin conficmation' et the evidene: ra tekeo apart from areas brid exten' ef Fallin the lauds. Igy the reasons given I report, order aud direct that the appeai of jiue township of Wallace be, and ithe sume is, hereby allowed and that the assessment herein made by John Roger, sa., O. L. 8S. upon lands and roads in township of W alfeae beset aside and that the drainage work proposed and provided for in the re purt appealed from be pot proceeded with by the township of E'ma at the expengs of the township of Wallace upon the assessment madein suid re- port. ~ I report, order and direct that the Sl of the townsbip of Wallace of this appeal and reference be paid by. the township of Elma to the said towaship of Wallace and that such costs be tax-' ed by the Clerk of the County Court of the County of Perth, at the city of Stratford, in the said county, I further order and direct that the trial be considered as 8 trial of two days and that stanips to the amount of eight dollars ve affixed to this, my re- port, and ee by the township of Elma aod, if'uffiked by the township of Wal- lace. the amount 60 paid shall be in- cluded in the costgs'to be taxed to said Sownsbip. There will be no costs of inspection. J. B RANKIN, Referee under Drainage Laws. In the High Court of Justice, in. the matter of "The Municipal Drainage Act" and proposed Stewart ---- Work inthe township of Elma. _ Wal- lace vs. Elma, et al. On Tuesday the Sth day of Novem- ber, 1901, pursuant to my appointment herein the inspection of the areas and localities affected was made by me in Pace with Messrs. Mabee and Davis or Wallace and Messrs. Morphy and pega for Elma. Inthe forenoon we drove into Elma and viewed the Spring Creek at yarious points aud its junction with the north branch in lot 2 in the th concession. At, aboye and below the junction the lands are flat and fal- len trees, timber, flood wood, and jams exist in the bed and for a distance of about 30 rods on either side of the north branch and across the town lise into Grey. The flow of wateris 1 pong 'checked and impeded by a ridge of 'graveLabout % of a mile long wad. 30 'feet high, a short distance below the junction of Spring Creek and the north 'branch of the Maitland riyer. 'north branch course around the ridge ig aver 2 miles while acrogs the neck of the ridge the distance from bed to b of the nerth branch is Jess than ig R miley, 'he banks up stream into Grey begin to rise and the river is fairly clear of obstructions, We also exam- water is "by any Menuns caused to flow upov and injure" other Jands : the as-;- sessment being for the cost of drainage work necessary for reliev.ug | tte injured lands from such water." j "The engineer has not assessed Jauds under this head of fiao.tity. perusal of the evidence satisfies me tha ' | the Referee was rightio hoidivz that! the report was not opeu to gubstautial! anys mea 7 vid the course of the north braneh urough the town of Listowel. There re three dams seross kay stream one b is solid ali the way acioss the sirvam, 'Chere aro b: iiidings standing rabuty ales Rud plies over the bed of @ OFaue fd whiel yaa be afters eth Lbrea. : +h bers oon Ve objection on this grouud." pees Lam therefore of the opi:ion that!' the lands and roads Of the appecliunts! could pot legally be assessed for icjui- joy liability. | Tam also of the opinion that ga al lands and roads conld nut Jeg ally ve | a sessed for "outlet ability.' yory sinuous and 'ufiatgin some on either The aod to an clevation Torre are ditches wide mes At page 58! jad bisig Ie case cited Mr. | Justice Osler sa is plain frotw ~«the evidence of the er nner that, sa, far as they are concerned, the week! does Bot give them an improved cuttet, |: ] speak now of the large Qulk . pruperty assessed, for there ma cases of a few lots along the cours the drain, the outlet of which i: proyed, or which are distinetiy be:etii- led by the new work. What I reyard #8 objectionable in the principle w Hieh the engineer seems to have «dopted 'this, that, to use his own language, he has taxed the lauds because tbey con. tribute water to the area drained, charging lands within that area with cutlet expenses, no matter how rem. te they are, and althecugh the new work or perbaps: the drain itself is not neces sary for the culliyalion ur draiuage of the land. il If it be legal that the majority of owners Within a deseribed ares, as here, in three concessions, @wbracing at most 4,500 acres of Iand, can initiate a drainage work which will put under cultivation 80,934 acres, then I cannot understand why the majority of own- ers of 400 acres in one of the conces- sions could not do the same work and have the-30,984 acres ussesse they are in this case. re Montgomery hg Raleigh, 21 U. Cc. ». P., 381,. at page be aa Chancellor in West"Nissouri ys North Dorchester, 14 O: R. 294, at page 298 says: "The in:ent of the' statute, 4 appears,is, that if the drain projeeted in one tuwnsbip is carried into a nel boring townenle; should only be for of the boundary. It cannot be that a few residents-at the side of one wuni- cipality can initiate drainage ae -- kon eee Boe nd@ across the whol rpartofan adjbining tae ni aa Paguinet th the. will of the large ma- jorit ee bere The seif- soe ng r powers mun onid be thus destroyed they tos ' af} rive im-jpruy hen: owitpe to eourae taken for satucp to increase an, ard, at the te aad M! aryborough, 'oe hills with the ere iM no. artificial tis any part of the north liefereé under Drainage Laws. Distowei, sth Nov., 1201, Sunday School heid in Loronto in The international so -tivg will be 'ithe Cermeny, Anstria-iuogary and Icaly have decided tu coutinue the triple alli- Bice, The military authorities are arrang- dng to send ome 70,000 of the 202,000 troops uow io Suuti Actica, Isaac Dord left Mitcheli last week as a delegate to tile Literndtional Sunday school cunventiuu, tu be held at Den- ver, Coloreda Walter Ratley, who was born in Mit- chell some 63- yervrs ago, committed suicide near Clinton the other Guy by cutting bis throat with a razor, Jersey Ball for -srin ----~ The undersigned keeps for service a thorobred pedigreed Jersey bull, "Paul Kruger," at hig stable, Atwood. Terme, $1.00, at of service ; 2 if not so Parties is dtapstine of their cows 8 befor 'ealving time will be held renponsilly' woe orn nob, | JAS RLUMP 'of the country." e| ive, but indefinite." 'proposal of any kind on behalf of the We have beea in @ tight hole our- selves at different tines, but we are not in it with Joshua Sanford, - Joshua will never feel quite so mach out of yal between time and eternity. ' zs Iris reported that King Edward's coronation will take place during the latter part of September. The Canad: jan contingent in London have been iuvited: by the War Office to remain, which fact is significant. The King is reported out of danger and making recovery. a * A WINNIPEG despatch srys: "The weather all over the Canadian North- ern system continues warm and humid, calm and cloudy, and is considered ideal growing weather by the farmers, While the Western Statesare-complain- ing of excessive rainfall, Manitoba is working along under the most fayorable conditions, With moderate dry weath- er between now and harvest, the farm- localities have started work on their hay crop; though it is not all in shape for cutting yet. bitionists this week in London, & reso- lution was adopted declaring "that asa large number of Prohibitionists had stated that they would not take any{ part inthe vote on the referendum, the F conyention could not regard the vote polled on Dee. 4th as in any way repre- sentative of the temperance sentiment The Business Com- mittee, however, reported upon' tie referendum, that, while they regarded it as an invasion of the pledges of the Ontario Government, as large a vote as possiBie should be polled'for it on Dec. 4 i ty A Lowpon despatch says under date' of July 2nd: Joseph Chamberliio,-the Colonial Sec- society agxin except during the inter-| . satisfactory progress towards complete ers have every reason to expect a} bumpercrop. 'lhe farmers in seyeral |' ys «"* AT the convention of Ontario Prohi-} J I. The speech made byf and Svothing Syrups. Ita guarantee is* thirty Flatutency. ae Mothers ite good effect wposi their children." Da. G. C. Osdeds; Lorrelt, @ ene "Casterian is an ¢xcclient medicine fer Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is # harriless substitute for Castor Oil, 'Paregoric, Drops It contains either Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substan¢e. It is Picasant, - years' use by Millions of Mothers. Onstoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish-~ ness. Castoria cures Diarrhea and Wind Colic. Castorig relieved Teething Troubles, enres Constipation' and Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates- the Stomach and Bowels ef Infants and Children, giving healthy and matural sicep. Castorim is thé Children's" Panacea--The Mother's Friend. ' > Gastori, " Caatéirtis' le' so Well adapted to ebtidren™ lave repeatediy told mse | that I recommend it at superior to any gue" eceiption known to me." MM. A. Aneunn, M. DB. Srasdin, W, THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. bode ditt. retary, #t the conference of colonial |' Premiers on Monday is said to seg been a great disappointment. I¢ is deseribed as "varied and eat" Ie While Mr. Cham- ber:ain covered a large field of subjects no decided opinion on any one of them, and he advauced no detinite opinion or Government, his unly suggestion in the directior f-mp rial federation being that of tue periodic sepetition of the conference of colouiai } remiers in Lon- don, Mr. Chataberlain': speech bas left the impression 'hat, regarding the zoliverein and iit o:ber .important points, including ! mperial defence, not oply his bands but his tougue also is tied. Dark Hair} "IT have uscd Ayer's Hair Vigor for w great many years, and al- though | am past eighty years of aab yet I, I have note gtay hair ih my Geo. Yeliott, Towson, Md. We mean all that rich dark color had hair used to have. If it's gray now, no matter; for Ayer's Hair Vigor always re- stores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and long; and it steps falling of the ran' too. Pies et recs offico. Address, J.C. AY CO., Lowell, Maas, Weta roy 'fe our intoresting books " Invent- 'elp" and sow fee uro swindied." proverhent and we i oe ry in hisspeech, he committed himself to atte? the 2a day of July, So cke Sock dnt..2..2.2. cm) eee a SE Ss etehedefod- ott Visit Our Chine Palace --IN BASEMENT.-- We maintain that we can positively: save you money in_#» China, - ve Glass, ne ke>y, C lassware, Ee ciaenwere, do. &e. 2!! we esk is th: it see we ot we are of- ing and the prices are asking before ing a 'purchace aretit eluewhere. , nh Bares & Deacen, Market Sireet, Site pt ea Pb ti ees ee . a ee OD ore; Oni. Eden de focdort foodnete: Ke 'ahe t h Shee ie ie hi Se We Sie Sa Foake Seale c¥s oh 1 Rxecuiors' Notice to Creditors, Executors' Notice to Creditors of Alex- ander Mitidleton, the Elder, late of the Township of Elma, in the County of Perth, JSarmer, deceased N: OTICE is hereby given ae a#utto the Statutes io that "behalf that all ereditora and '| others having claims against the estate .|of the said Alexander Middleton, the .pelder, deceased, who died on or about the seventeenth day of May, 1902, are 'required on or before the 2nd day of | July, 1902, to deliver to J. Cecil Iamii- ton, Barrister, Listowel, Ontario, Solic- iter for the undersigned Execatora of |- >| the said Alexander Middleton, the eld- er, or to the said Executors; a written statement of their names, addresses and occupations, with full 'particulars of their claims and of the securities (af pany) beld by them. a notice is further given that 1902, the said Exeeutors may distribute the estate of the said deceased, having regard only to the cluims of which they may have notice and that they ning not be tiable -for the so dis- tributed to any oll ot Shove. « claim tier cows*are with fcalf | § Assciates, Bow they had not notice at the time of = y4istribu ion. |, Dated at Listowel this: 4th day of: une, 1902, ' _. ROBERT ENOX, - JOBN KNOX. Ex Yorkshive Figs for Sale, The undersigned of offers. for sale a number dof uy thoroughbred . Yo! shire h ee ther'sex, some frota 1 ported Also Wyandotte eggs, 56¢ a setting, A. STEVENSON, Lot6, con. 2, Elma, Atwood P.@ ° HATS ! HATS) _ HATS |, Latest styles just in ; all: English goods. Prices from Tae. to $3:00. All cur new Tweeds are™ to hand. Come in and pick: cut your suit as we are sell-~ ing them at the rate' of three suits per day. -- First In, Fi. .t-Made. All kinds: of Shirts-:; something immense ! Overalls and Readymade': Suits just arrived. Call and see them. GES. CHE eh * any t" sent upon poquest, 'aten one sending opinion Any receive our Obtain a P; mptly ow to rned if we fail. An wil pro ay t