fee +" a Ti Al Cana'!:'s Biri QRopatty CefeBrated in QGarwecr, Big Crowd and Lots of Fun--| 5, Pitiiverton- Band Present TiE 86th binthday of the Domin- royal fashion in --Concert at Night. - July Ist, 1902. Ideal weather #avored the people, and the people fav- red the weatier by turning out in werowde frum the susrounding country. Rothing coud haye been better, Even Gill Barber, {rom Listowel, was pres- nt,with tin whistle, silk plog, swallow- dail, thirty cent emile, &. It was shortly after 12 o'clock p. m. when the calithumpians, headed by the Miiverion sand, paraded. down Main etreet, to the delight of the onlookers, wspecially the young fry, who saw deaps of fun in the grotesque trappings An' okt ene of the 'thumpians. he first prize, $5, was won by George um and Jimmy Struthers, and the prize, 3, was awarded to Milton Bsn Edgaucen Strathe The boys u Saveriisenent, rayitie the people to Sttend the 24th of Ma ah eelebration io Diltehesix w -- sports in the Park pc pty a 8 football match between Atwoai and-Listowel senior teams, re- pier 3 in aneasy walk-over for <Alt- by a.score of § to 2. the baseball match, 12th line Elma 8. 1dth line, was kg by the 14th buoys pte an unmeptioveble score. ion other sports shore as follows : yard on gaa Wm, Robertson ; Peay i Bric ya aren -A. Bricker ; 2nd, in, Struthers, oeains jam jump--ist, Geo, Struthers ; Standin "8 - ites and jump--ist, G. Struthers Feud, A. Bricker. ___._Bunnivg Jong jarmp--tst, G. Strath- "@1a ; 8nd, A. Bricker. Running hop, step and ump--lst, C. Bricker ; fod iy Brick + Santen 8 Face, mene wa An- Vai ; 2ug, KR. Erskine ; rd Kvy aflance. bildren's face, under 10--Ist, L. bogies god, FE.' Anderson ; 8rd, C. Struthers. Childrep's race, Struthers ; 2nd; t Porterfield, Girls' race--Ist, Lizzie Struthers ; Bud, Bernice Morrison ; 3rd, £. Bro Wu. There was to have been a sprinting éontest between Mrs. Donald Gurdon, ra, John Graham god Mrs. Andrew jondidson, with Mrs. John Cranston oh anal but the race (failed to come presumably because the stakes were uot big enough. feady to bet ten aa: subscriptions nat 50c. that. Mrs, fordon. would ave come in fifteen laps ahead, The gatereceipts netted 854; sub- #eript' roceeds $83.90; eaving 8 sub: stantial balanée in the treasury after paying all e{penses The Milverton Band rendered good #ervice during the afternoon and even- t THER The entertainment in the Hall at wight was liberally patroni The ptar performer was, of course, Will Me- ; a clever young comedian of Sea- -- who kept the audience in the t of humor for over an hour's solid entertainment, Among his best nume rs-were "Colligan Cull Age 'She's Mad," "The Baby under 19--Ist, Milton Vv. Peebles ; 8rd, Johu ! CONCERT. hornpipe. Little Len ' onto, elicited hearty applause and uni- versal praise for her part in the pro- gram. She recited "Lhe Bishop and the Cow" 'admirably, aud gave as afi encore, "Because," which was also well reteiyed. Miss Polly Little sustained fi enviable reputation as a render in he Scotch dialect, while R. Campbell gud daughter rendered several praise- worthy selections on the violin and organ, 'The dnet by Miss Aggie Dick- on and Geo, Currie was heartily en- , 48 was algo the reading by Miss Hobertn Wilson and the numbers f on he male quartet, James Pelton unerkip, assisted with several eufitat Violin justrumentals. Mrs.Juhn Pelton resided at the piano with her accus- med ability. The bonors of chairman fell to the lot of Geo. Currie, Mrs. B. Koenig, of Mitchell, has _fall- eh heir , through the death of her fatb- any. to $30,000 or mere. The. alls tbls week to fpeceivy the "~ A few of our villagers went on the excursion-to the Model Farm Satur y.. Miss Mary E, Bannerman fas return- ed home from Loudou for a month) 8 ion of Canada was celebrated in [ Atwood, 0D] ey holidays, The home of R.J. Shines, V.S., made happy Saturday by the arrival. at a little daughter. Rey. Mr. Abrey svent to Tavistock Saturday to iat pulpits with Revi Mr. McCu; Our ee school, which - has just closed for the summer helidays, shows a yery creditable record. Mrs. (Dr) Douglas and--children, 0: 'Arnprior, are at present visiting her i Mrs, &. Erskine, at the Post oO . Miss Lizzie Appel and ker niece, Miss sheleman, of Berlin, are at present visiting the former's sister, Mra, Wm. Bettger. John Melville, of the boundary west, had his new bank barn raised Saturday etary size 45x80 feet, upon cement n basemer Wm. "Bannerman and sister, Miss Sadie E,, returned Tharaday from a weeks' visit atong friends in Park and Loudon, m. Bettger, jr.,clerk in oe eitir store at New llambu urg, ine this week in Monks, holidayiog wie his parents and associates, Miss Maggie Huggins has resigned her position as teacher in S.S. No. 11, Lugan, acd has been accepted.as teach- ef for the Union sehool, Monkton. The Masonic brethren have the rooms over J. C, Wilson's general store converted into a handsome hall. W. Marshall, of Atwood, did the painting and paperin A. Knipe, after visiting the place of his younger days down in Quebec for the past three weeks, has returned with tis nephew, William Knipe, o in- tends to remain in this section for a few months to benefit his health, Many were 'isappointed Sunday morning by being Sperentes from gO- ing to hear, Rev. G. A. Thompson's ee ag nag on account of the gentiemen and fain- ily 'left sacle" Monday for their new field of labor at Brigden, Lambton Owing to rain, John Berlet's barn was not raised Tuesday, but was suc- cessfully raised the next day, about eighty men being present. Sides were chosen, Brose Panton's side winning b 4 a few rafters. The contractor was H. McEwen, Onthe lawn refreshments Were provided by the good lady, the neighborhood, TOWN TALE. PEAS, 70c. to 70c. ~ OATS, 40¢. to 40c. HIpDEs, per Ib., 5c. CoAL,.$7.00 per ton, , WHEAT, 7c, to 76c. BARLEY, 4ic, to 48¢, Foon, per cwt., $1.75 to 82.00. BuTreR, per Ib, i6c, Eas, per dozen, 12c. PoTATOES, per bag, 50c. to 60c, LARD, per Ib., 12c. to 14c Hoes, live weight, $7.00 per ewt. BEEF per quarter, 6c. to 8c. per Ib, If women are admitted to Methodist Conferences, poor man will not often catch the President's eye. THE streets were prettily decoratedd on Tuesday with flags, bunting, ete., including ap evergreen arch opposite ere Block. 2. J. GRay, of poset is the guest sede aoe d Mrs. J.Kuo Mr, Gray says the other night a ermal clondburat fell oe the city, dooding the streets with five feet of water in some localities, while a lar, 4 portion of the counties of Kert and Essex are a lake of water, UnveER.the auspices of the Epworth League, Atwood, a monster garden party will be held in Geo, Coghlin's eeohare, s orpeete the Elma Cheese Co's factory, on Friday eve, July 18th, com- mencing at 7 o'clock, A go od program 18 beserved Aum Refreshments will Aamiassion, ifc. Every- body inv adv New Pras -- Gray, Hernie & Co., successors to Wm. 8 Listowel, ip. vite the Ae Bd ont of our readers to their advertisement. In addition to the advantages of buying Mr. § stock at 50 cents on the 8, they are direct importers, thus saving their cus- tomers the middlemen's profits,--a con- 4 sideration no buyer cao afford to over- look or underestimate. them when in Listowel. Miss NELLIE MCFARLANE, formerly teacher in the junior department = the Atwood Public school, has ap- pointed successor to Miss Nettie. Pel- ton, teacher in the junior department of the Listowel Public school, during thiutter's absence at Normal. Miss Melcrlane is a good 'teacher, and is held in high esteem by the people here. We wish hier success. THE, fcllowing may prove useful to our readers ; A liviment that is very simple to make, butis very efficacious in results, is composed of kerosene, camphor gum and sweet ofl, Put u pint of kerosene into a quart bottle, add as much ra gum as will dis- solve, adding a little more camphor gum ot by day for three days; then add half a pint of sweet ofl, 'shake thoroughly, cork well and pat ina veoh place for future ae For burns, bruises, stiff neck or join sore throat bunions and « few other ills 'ed olay the flesh is tae bored is srid to Call upon most magical Ww Tappiled, * bea rs. echoren rer 8 Berlet, assisted by her maar friends in : Ok Whi lein. atwood guest of Rev, Mr. Penhall, were exchan between Georgia friends recently : Boag? Bill.--The camp !-tn's on, you see ; armin, there's no proiita, voice for iIne-- ten old I ae Ine sod 'the office. To vue » Bill repited in the same fasbi gue 'To m,--Your votin' ec Til be Long caer ae a Les Task you 7 think of m, I need $10. R.T. oF T. VPiontc.--The Perth Dis- trict R. T. of T.helaa yery successful picnic in Queen's Park, »-°attord, this week. There was 4 co pout from various parts: of th games of various kin: thetime, In the eve: the Counell was held routine business was elected. The next | meeting was Atwood, eeted for inte to be Jannary L heers were : > Distriet Conan ior Vv. F. Gilad. Strattord ; Vice- Councilor, Miss A. Hammond, Atwood; Cha tiny Thos, Mate, Listowel ; Sec Seean, Mr, 'Schlimme, List wel ; : Herald, Migs Kate Peebles, Atwoud ; gua rd, (, B. smith, Stratford ; Sentinel, M. H, West- brook, *'tratford ; Deputy Herald, Hugh E. McEwing, wood. fhe = following committees were appointed : Literature and Distribu- tion, Mrs, Kidd, Jas. Moore and Dis- trict Sec, Schlimme ; State and Excens- lon, Mr. Westbrook, of Stratford ; Mr. Male, Listowel ; Mr. Burritt, Mit- chel!, and the select ccuncilfors of the district, a! 'tre Blyth Standard reports as follows & fareweli enteriainment tendered the Rev, Mr. Penba!l aud family on the eve of their departure for "twood: "A happy and pleasant time was apent in the basement of the Bi:th Methodist church on Friday evenitg last, {t was a farewell entertainment to Rev, Wm Penhall and fathily, and was gotten up by the ladies of the congregation. The audience was a very 'xrge one and was presided over by Coun. Sloan, who made a very adaptable chairman. The precram wasaspendid one. feports relating to the pr: gress of the church were j1¥e', -e¢ch rerort showing the Bivth Math ds cehureh to be in a healthy a-dy;> - e on- state and doing & large an? sng work for the Master. fu 'on to reading the of the speak- eotary and eulo- # willing and eurn- lean ziren in all wo kK by Rev. or Panhall aud sho. pith' addresses were ilford and lattar thanked the hu ch and corgrega- vd assistance they im vying his three te «inong them. Blyth ave every redson to be themscives. They have «# besut ful church and parsonage valued at 39 free from debt, years ago the chnrtch sheds were en- large and remodelled and On them yet remains a debt of $150, which is the only eocumbrai.ce on the Blyth Metb- odist church property. evening Miss Raith Penhall, beeo the charch organ{st for the past two years, was the recipient of a well tilled purse, accompanied by an address. At the close of the program reéfresh- ments were served and an enjoyable evening brought to a close, 4 in i ALWAYS THE SAME. . Same old posters, Same old show ; Same decision Not to go; Same excitement When it comes, Same band wagon, Horns and drums ; Same white horses, ; _ Same parade ; 1-0-pe-- Same old ponging Filling Same old vielding, Same old rush 77 bame old side shows, Same old sells ; Same old cages, Same old smells ; Same old extra Charge for seats, Same old rings, and Same old feats ; Same old --_ Riding nags, Same old spangles, Same old ga "Same oid peanuts entice, sneie old "emo," Same old ice ; Same announcement OF the concert That they'll hold ; Sime decision _ Not to stay-- Same old victim, pcintment, then Vow to never Go again ; Same old tearing Down of seats "Same 6 crowding To the streets ; Same old 'clatter, . Tne following rhymed compliments | Distrees ty Ay oa night-- That's the complaint of those whe are so unfortunate ag to be afflicted. with Eczema or Salt F out- ward applications do net cure. They can't. The source of the trouble is in the blood--make that pure and thid écal- ing, burning, itching skin disease will ---- : taken with an itching on eoyegg of Hood's | Sere ter I began taking i See ce one was not est before I was cured. Have never bad any skin disease since." Mus. iba E. Wann, Core Point, Md. Hood's Sarsaparilla ids the blood of all impurities and cures all eruptions, @nd description A earning the patent th WASHINGT OM: si Cre «,) Peter? * tly VICTOR J. EVANS, & CO., Kena' Rvana Bulldtings SE_A MAN \): VIGOR Fe STRENGTH! For LOST or FAILING MANHOOD General and NERVOUS DEBILITY Weakness ef BODY AND HIND. |. Effects of Exrors or Excesses in Old or Young. Rebast, Noble MAN- HOOB faily Restored. How to en- large and strengthen WEAH UN- DEVELOPED ORGANS and PARTS OF BODY. Absolutely unfi HOME TREATRENT--Benefits =a. Men toedify from fifty States and Féreign Conntrics. Write them. Book, explanation and proefs wailed (staled) Frex, Address ERIE MEDICAL OO., EUFFALO, re BD" CHASES ~MANDRAKEN DANDELION ~---- 600,000 SOLD ~~ Dd wa is tco wal! and faverably known dy his reocipt books to require any recoinmenda. tion. Da, Crser's Iéver Cure bas @ receipt book wr rapped eronnd gvary botthe woich is worth its weightiu u gold, Dr. Cuasr's Liver Cure is guarnn non to ere v inactive png rey Rilipaniconzainadice, ond. ache, 65 opm plexten. ein THE KIDNEYS THE Kieneys isa corta!n enre forall ~. BUSH os on of the abdomen, arine, mc and he seco sts, shooting pains s ie ee saga, Br Risen, and all uria ary trcubles. cto. Wry Chase's Eidcey-Liver Pills, bo opty pli made ac ay ah eo ey on on the Ki' dncys, Liver Bx eals. 00 25 con herve a mga Lie Og 3 ook Set Boake ; oe. ANSON & CO., inva en SSS, it is Try it. Me by all drug. © cere all, Tasos. Bok nght a ila. In two days | DENTAL. R. W. A. McDowELL, : DENTIs=. pees RADUATE of Royal Colle>«: of Doxtal Sur geons of Ontari Honor Graduate ee Ue ave sity. » Listo' oot over Tkompeson Bros. Brancu OrFick+Main St., Atw ood, Over Tr Bex office. Wil} tae peng a ip tice cy itd y Wed DR. W. M. -- its acai ; poe D. ori Trinity U Ualterity "Toros. pews eter We Bee ipand ¢ Ba his new oRiog over he ing Py: tine slalrway "Ont. Spe Prruthert erfora, Main ' ~ Mieaas . MORPHY & CARTHEW, ATRISTERS, Solicitors, Cony. eyoncers, cra, Ac, as iow tor th t 4 8 Seen: the Bank of Harton, Money ea Listowel, Bar. te Cars McK . B MorpuHy. : J. M. - CARTHEWi BLEweTr & Bray, BARR gg ' and poore, Listow t. o Loatt.. Solici sors oon , atta oon oe z Hote ad One over Seok RY ion. u 'Wallace direct, Lisio wol.. over' Scott's Bak, F. R, Buewerr. Gro. Bray, B. A. J. CECIL HAMILTON, BOA, BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER. ifonesy to Se at 4 pet gh A one Listowel, Dr. Foster, Dentis' rly RRS Branca nan Atwood over Tig Bee office. Will 'yisit At- wood every Wednesday afternoon. --ooooSEE C. H. MERRYFI ELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR ¥ County of Perth, onkto: = bag Rates moderate. For office. sitiovlars a ply at this - a. MEDICAL. DR. A. S. LANGRILL Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- ty. Licentiate nee of Phyaicians and Surgeons of Onta Special attention ; givea to Eye, Ear Nose and 'hroat.. Evenings preferred for sich work, Office and residence--Main-st,, next Mrs, Roger's store, ATWoop, ONT. UW. A. KIDD, M. D., ATWOOD, ONT. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur, A full cofrse of six weeks in 1899 ~ a full course of eight weeks in 1yul n Tie New York Post-Graduate School and Hospital, New York. Special attention to eases of the eye, . @8ar, nose, throat. Diseases of Women . and children, and operative surgery, -Office Hours : gpg 103. m. t p, m. 6to8 p, m. BAITICIITGS. J. W. SCOTT & SON, Bankers Ldatewel, Ontario: [Established 1872.) FFICES: Listowel, Palm and 1 Cue. ford ; alao with J. A. Halstead! Mount and Shelburne. A Genera) Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable ih all parts of the DOMINION, UNIT- ED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN. Notes Discounted. -- Received. '| Current rate of interest alloge large amount of Privaté = to lend on good farm security at Four and one-half per , with privilese of repaying principal an nus Marriage Licenses Issued. Try "THE BEE! ca] You Will Like It.