So a Sg ? * fe a Me 3 F. b oe 5 "~s by ee ee EET IS PRs er eee G atin NEWS OF THE WEEK. eam races on Aur. 18th and Lord Kitchener ts expected to reach 'sLondon on Saturday. _ Aguinaldo, the yr eipine leader, will _Jecture iv the United s The dates of the W ania fall fair Are September 25th and 26th. Many a fellow has asked to be pre- _ sented to a girl who woalun't take him ns a gift. Ina match at. Bisley the Canadian rifle team defeated tbe Rhodesian team Dy 10-points. Gelebrations will be beld in Brussele, Goderich, Gorrie, Milverton and St, Marys on July the 12th. The Centre Bruce election protest Against the return of Major Hugh Clark, Con, will ve proceeded with. The Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias 48 in session at Strattord, Reports _Show the order to be in «# flourishing condition. Petitions have been filed against the oe of Mr. Miscampbell i@ Sault arig, and against M, G, Cameron "dn % est Huron, Mr. Chamberlain was shaken up by {he horse of his cab slippiug. His head avent through the glass frouvof the cab and was os cut. J. n offered to place all the ritish shire in in the new combine at he disposal] of the British Admiralty for the next fifty years, It is anticipated that the Apore op «in Huron this year will be o he dargest in its history. arvel MD turers are already making the neces- sary preparations for it. [t is estimated that the crop will be in the vicivity otf " barrels. BLeports to the Department of Agri- culture, Ottawa, state that the pros- cts are good fora fairly large crop of early apples in Canada. Red Astra- _chans, St. Lawrenee, and similar var- jeties will be abundant enough to pro- ide a comparatively large quautity for export. Ata as vestry meeting "4 St, John's chureh, Bru and St. eorge's church, Walton, "held recently, "tt was decided to ask the Bishop to ap- point Rev. 1. M. Webb, now assistant minister in All Saints' church, Wiud- . Bor, to be incumbent of these churches. The Bishop's decision has not been re- ceived yet John Penman, of Paris, who provid- _ed the money which made the saving of the life of Joshua Sanford, the well diggerat Branchton, possible, said to a reporter that the reaction following the excitement of the release of the ane man from the well had set in, and tha he was in A serious condition. Sanford, he suid, could net bear to be left alone, and was still under the delusion that he was still undergoing his terrible ex- yerience in the well. He would not al- ow the windows. of his room to be closed and obtained rest only when 4a cloth was placed over his eyes, Mr. Penman was exceedingly any us let the ordeal through which Saniord pass ed might yet result in a mental col- -lapse. PERTH COUNTY NOTES, 'David Clark, of North Easthope, fell out of his wagon at Stratford, was run over and fatally injured, Editor Climie, of the Listowel Ban- ner, went to Winnipeg to see his brotli- er Ktobert, who is seriously ill, Rey. Mr. Irvine, Methodist minister wus presented with a purse of $60, and Mrs. livine with a handsome silver fruit dish on the occasion of their leay- iug Listowel. Miss Nell Rothwell, who -ha3s been teuchingriu Fort William, has returned ome to Listowel. Miss Rothwell is re engaged for next year as first assist- aut aud at a4 splendid raise in salary, Rey. Jas. Livingstone, of Windsor, formerly of Listowel, created some dis- turbance by stating in his sermon be- fore leaving, that he would soouer seek shelter in the graye than spend anotber fuur years in that city, U.S. Consul A. G, Seyfert, Stratford, received word on Saturday thata man sharged with committing murder in Buffalo had been al the Stratford races. He uotified the police, but no trace of dhe man could be tound. A delegation of the Ladies' Aid of the Millbank Methodist church waited ppon Rev. Mr. and Mrs. 'T, J. Snowdon 4#t the parsopage, Milverton, and pre- sented them with an address and Mrs. Snowdon with a hapdsome easy chair 4s a mark of appreciation on their de- parture to their new charge. In accordance with the resolution of the County Council at the June meet- ing, the cheque of the County for $25,- oCO has been passed to the British Mortgage Loan company for one of! its four year debentures at fonr per cent. half yearly, This is a county | $ sinking iund investment. Besides the Orange parade and pnb- jic speaking which will be prominent features of the Orange celebration to be held in Milverton on Saturday, July 32, arrangements have been made for is .# good program of field sports. Among these are to be a foot ball and base ne tournament. Milverton is mak reparatious to have a right royal cae ration. In Listowel not long ago P.C. Woods prrested a man by the name of Glick jor peddiing without a license, acd Silick was fined $25 and costs, py B Kagistrate Trehune, of that place J d 1Dg iar gi 'the silver geddin son, which will be both a 'uo The Roman 'gladiators race Robert Themen. 'Pullattoo, Four, per cwt., $1.25 to 82.00. PoTATOEs, per bag, 5c. to 60c, LARD, per Ib., 12c. to 1dc I1ogs, live weight, $7.00 per cwt. BEEF per quarter, fc. to 8c. per ib. TRUTH is mighty nce to become No man is half as oni as he ex- pects his daughter's husband to be, A GANG of men is at present engag- ed in re-plastering and otherwise im- THE best physicians speak well of Miller's Compound Iron Pills. For sale at the Atwuod drug store, HE--What fools women are to waste go much time following the fashions ! She--And what fools men are to waste ~ much time following the women } rn. Perne, of New Hamburg, was oy onan of his son-in-law, A. this week. The old gentleman and his ae pertust will celebrate their golden year hence, to- ' their erlet, que and Ow1ne to a change in the postal re gulations printers' copy in- unsealed envelopes must be prepaid at the rate of two eents for four ounces or less, and one cent for each additional two ounces. . Correspondents sarine envel- opes with one cent in ae wil return them at once and exchanged, or add the additional cost and render account to the office. THE Milverton Sun makes this refer- ance top well known Atwoodite : Rob- ert Forrest, of Atwa@od, while visiting friends in this viciuity on Wednesday paid the Sun a pleasant call. rest was one of the first settlers of reiine ely irs coming in with his -- in 1842, tne year that the late John patina and his'sons John and Adam came in ; these were the first male settlers in the Wm. Forrest, a brother of Robert, WAS the first w hite child born Mr. Forrest says thet the hardships endured in those days moate have them Mr. For- settlers throngh sheer pluck and energy con- quered every obstacle and made the wilderness blossom as the rose, CIRCUS IS COMING. The circus posters ip are up The small boy sees souie pictures that Are simply quite immense, The elephant and spotted horse, The pink, long-necked giraffe Are there--the bip-po-pot-a-mus, Likewise the sacred calif. The agile lady in = air The smail boy's not the any one (And old ones, too) they "aneak a look At the fences now and then, DeaTH To WILD Mustarp.--Prof, Doherty, associate professor of biology at Guelph Agricultural College, is re- celying many reports srom farmers of the success of his recipe for destroying wie mustard by spraying with biue Tuesday a letter Was received from D. A. Dempsey stating that in a Andrew Easson, North Easthope, where the solution was used| the mustard, whic heavy crop, has been entirely killed aoe the oats, though a little brown for a few days trom the effects of the spray- ing, have completely recovered. The result of the experiment has be2n more satisfactory from the fact that the mustard at the time of the application was ata little further advauced stage than is regarded as the best for effect- h was THE a wills are entered at the Surrogate Court for June: For 7 aot yg gentle- man, $5,800 personal,$950 real; Thom Odbert, South 7h ea farmer, $1,000 000 real; John Hastings, Hibbert, farmer, $984 personal ; Hugh Currie, Hibbert, farmer, $60 personal, Fear ygnet ei Blan- r 3500 2 Watson, Milverton, gentleman, $3,564 Wm. Thistle, ownie, farmer, $887" personal, $6,000 ; George Karkness, Downie, farm- For administration-- Sarah Kennedy, St. Marys, For guardianship-- Ellen and Alexander Goodwin, Strat- widow, A WRITER in Hoard's Dairyman, in explaining why milk often sours dur- ing a thunderstorm, says ; thatthe same conditions that pru- duce thunderstorms also cause a rapid The warm, close, roduces thunderstorms mulant to the growth of bacteria will show its effect on the milk in avery short time. and about the time of day that the conditions are proper for storms, the milk verge of souri ing, and the two results not because one canses impossible. 2,000 references. Book, ther| explanations and proofs 'wailed "The reason on t FOREPAUGT and Sells Bros.' eircus will be in Stratford on July 15. Roy PELYon, of Lonerkip, is acting as telegraph student at the station, Wer have great Legs in ae rat- ulating Miss Melissa A thel, on the completion of her oot in in voc- al music at the Toronto Conservato She has now the Kenor of writing ve C.M. after ber name if she so de- sires, A PHILOSOPHICAL V: a ae McAdams, of the Sandob (B.C .) Pay- streak, takes a ee view of : bad situation he imself has got himself into trouble for making slighting remarks about the judiciary, but shows no signs of timidity, and wants to know what the jail regula tions are, a. "Is a geotieman in retirement Sunday papers ? Does the eight-hour jaw apply, and who runs the Junch couuter ip the King's boar ting house ? An ordiuary contempt of court victim should be allowed to attesd the ball games." And tian b he gues on to say hat "if an editor intimates that the judiciary is dishonest, prejudiced, lazy, fossilized, orin the habit of getting jagged frequently, he may be indicted or contempt of court, If he proved it they would probably give him en years. Jf hedon't prove it they will as there are still a few left we will give the Paystreak fully paid up and non- assessable for one year for the appre- PP ---- of any law- abiding citizen ip he Interior who bas not a well-ground- ed gontempt for the British Columbia judiciary. Photos applications." must accompany valuable in the home as Menthol 4) druggiets, 25 eta ' Headnchos Relieved in One Minate. Griffiths' Menthol Liniment relieves head- aches the minufe gpbiled. Apply it to the d the bottle. Mo other remedy is s0 Kdaiment. A: 28 Cook's Cotton Root Compound BR er creig oAage ee mon minty Fy < om our + for Cook's Com- 'ako no other a8 all Mixtures, pilisand mitstions are ge rice, 1 r stamps, The Ear Nos. 3 and2 P soid an sponsi ruggista ona atent- 'atent. charge, ix free sent upon request. -- notice, E . ti aromas ga Qnr fee returned if we fail, Any one sending sketah @nd d tly receive our opinion to Obtai ue advertised for sale at our Gtustrated an abil circulated journal, dousulted WASHINCTON. BD. C. o Patent? aad widely OR J., EVANS, & CO., (Paten' AMorné 3,) AHlow invention will ty of samo. Rvans Bulldi All ren ca0 t be Apvllosof strength and foim, but ali may have yobust health and strony in nerves and clem - Me ta ics ymainds. Our treat ai Nekisce ment makes such Set VTA] mon. The methods are our own exclusively, and wherr anything is teft to build upon, the FIGOR OF HRN 7 any oon iy, permanently restored. Weakness, Nerveacuess, Debility, and all the train of evil from early errors or later excesses, the result ef over-work, sclmess, vorry, ete., forever cured. Fal atrength development, and +26 gir en to every organ and pertion of the body. Simpk, natural methcds. Im mediate improvement seen. Failure 2) Pains in the Back Are symptoms of a weak, fore or stagnant condition et pstronel or They are conten attended by Iess of-energy, lack of courage, and some- times nthe gloomy foreboding and de- sponden "I was nee itl with kidney trouble, and ee 80 weak I could scarcely get around. anew woman. When my little girl wus a mach, and we gave her Hood's Sarsa sapa- red her." Mrs. Tuowas Ty- mts, Wallaceburg, Ont. Hood's Sarsapariltla Cures kidney aad liver troubles, re- lieves the bask, end bvilds up the whole system. lenis Poi --¥ Excursion ! A Special Train will leave Atwood for Brussels July 12a, 19°02, At 7.30 o'clock a. m., Return- ing In the evening. Return Fare, 40 cents. This fare is good only on the _-- train, . 'J. H. MOORBZ, Agent, ATWOOD. ae i as Sa! SOUTH PERTH --GRAND-- Orange 'Celebration --AT-- St. Marys, JULY 12, 1902. Grand Orange Parade, Orange Ad- dresses, etc,, etc. Ample preparations are being made to accomodate a large crowd, Special railway rates on all the rail- ways, HATS! HATS! HATS ! Latest styles just in ; all English goods. Prices from 75e. to $3.00. All our new Tweeds are to hand. Come in and pick out your suit as we are sell- ing them at the rate of three suits per day. First In, First Made, All kinds of Shirts; something immense ! Overalls and Readymade wailed | Suits just arrived. Call end {see them. o Ej Business Directory, DENTAL. Dr. W. A. McoDoweELt, DENTIST. Gi goon of Onterie Royal College of Dental Sér- Honor G uate of "Toron Uaioe over rst el aioe. y whee pO wel, Beswos Ores #--Main St, Atw Over Tek ne ian = t Atwood every Wen DR. W. M. BRUCE, Dal TIsyT, ICENTIATE R s., | Paps siuato. Hank Gaivenity, Torento pis oie 1 School of Proathetis , Chicago, Pes 16 found aaily in his new office o bg store. Entrance b as De Prtutherford, Main Si., Llatows 8 talrway LEGAL. MorPHy & CARTHEW, ARRISTERS, Solicitora, Co BAg Molloitors 5 or the Bank of Hannon, Maney to Offices al Carso store, Listow el, Ont. H. B. Morpuy. J. M. CartuEew. BLEWeTT & Bray, BARSISTERS and and , Sctlaiboes, _ aiatowes Ont. Banking anus and. Ont. Perm. mm. Building & Wallace SSlcect: Litees eo SORE Hore Lies F. RJ Biewerr. G¥o. Bray, B. A. J. CECIL HAMILTON, B, A, BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER. Dfonexy to -- at 4 per mt. _ Ofgiee ai. st., Listuw Dr. Foster, Dentist. el, next to BRANCH OFFIGE--Main-st., Atwood over 'I'nE BEE office. Will yisit At- wood every el afternoon. AUCTIONE ERS. C. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR FHR anes - Perth, Monkton, Ont. ates moderate. For particulars a ply at this office. , a _ MEDICAL, DR.A. S. LANGRILL z enna Graduate of Torcuto Univers- it 'Licentiate ee of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Special attention givea to Eye, Ear Nose and Throat, ---Evenings preferred for such work, Office and residence--Main-st,, next Mrs. Roger's store, ATWwoop, ONT. D. A. KIDD, M. D., ATWwoop, Ont, eae eon, "Leiden, A full course of six weeks in 1899 and a full course of ng weeks in 1901 in The New York Post-Graduate School and Hospital, New York. Special attention to Diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat, Diseases of W omen and children, and operative surgery, Office Hours : ? he 10 a, um, o3p.m. 6 _ 8 p,m, SAW EIW CG. J. W. SCOTT & SON, Bankers Guistowrel, Ontario. [Zstablished 1872.] one aes Listowel, Palmerston and C lif o with J, A. Halstead, Mi and Shelburne. = alee i A General Banking Business transacted, DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, Payable in all parts of the JPOMIN ION, UNIT- ED STATES and GREA eITAIN Notes Discounted. Deposits Received: Current rate of interest. avowed. A large amount of P rivate Pais to lend on good farm security r and one-balf per --. with pi ivile: se of rep aying principal an i y- Marriage Licenses Issued.' "EO wy ~ THE BEE