'The regular old fashioned kind with its distinctive flavor can be obtained' by using the kind we call your attention to now. [t is economical to buy and_re- quires less trouble than any other to produce a good drink for this hot weather. ®» »® 15 cents a bottle. (Makes 5 gallons.) J. A. MITCHELL, MEDICAL HALL, ATWOOD. Bank of Hamilton. HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON. CAPITAL PAID UP. - RESERVE FUND, TOTAL ASSETS NEARLY General Manager, - - J. Turnbull Asst. General Manager, - UH. 8S. Steven inspector, - - - 4, it. Watson ------ ae Nearly fifty Branches in Ontario, Mani- tobe, N Jorthwest y, and British Colum gr British and ivouias wecnnetede 27 Deposits received and Interest allowed. gar General Banking Facilities. LISTOWEL BRANCH J. H. STUART, Agent. N. B.--All business strictly confidertial. Tow Galk. Monkton cheese factory shipped on Tuesday the first half of July cheese, A. MeLaren & Co. were the buyers at 9 9-16 tT, G. BALLANTYNE shipped Monday a double deck ear of hogs to Palm erston Pork Packing Co, He paid $7 a lundred. Mr. anD Mrs. J. Granam, Mrs. W. ht. Erskine and family Jeft for Kincar- dine on Wednesdav for a short yisit. The sojourner by the lake must enjoy its cool breezes during the hot sultry weather. A Panty of young ladies, viz.: Misses Joan Hamilton, Ethel Ferguson, Aggie Dickson and Fanny Horn have rented a cottage at Bayfeld and will seek to recuperate their health by inhaling the pure air from the lake. Hay Bros.' elevator is rapidly near- ing comple rtion, and is an imposing strue- ture. A grand view of town and sur rounding country is to bea obtained from itssummit. We wi'l give you a more extended description of this fine building in a few weeks. A. ALI.AN, Te presentative of Wood- stock Permanent Loan Co,, has been in town for some weeks and has writ- ten up quite an amount of stock, This is a good form of investment for a young man or woman, desirous saving money. It will encourage those habits, which tend to economy aud thrift. Mr fiven PorTer has bought the tailoring business of Charles Stewart vind is now in possession, tlugh is one .of our most eslimtble young men, and we bespeak for him a fair share of trade. He speaks to you through our advertising columns. Read his advertisement, and see if he cin secure your order for a nobby sait of clothes. SucctssFUL GARDEN PARTY aaarge attendauce ani good gate ecaipts are any criterion then the Roy: al Templars cartainly scored a sie- cess in their garden party, held on Fri- day evening, Aug. I st, on John Knox's spacious lawn. The attendance was certainly the largest of any similar event ever 'held in Atwood, but the proceeds, $52, were not in keeping with the large crowd which filled the grounds. Certain specimens of mau- kind forgot for the time being their identity and ingloriously sneaked in by side entrances, to spend probably the aniy five cents theyr possessed Tt is too bad that certain misguided youths from Milverton, Listowel and Burrounding country should so far forget themselves as to enter the et in an intoxicated condition, lr endeavor to throw odium upon the Royal 7a ere cee certainly over- shot the ark this time. The Listowel "Drass Band enlivened the Se ee 2 by rendering excellent music. programme of singing, pacitetions, GiAloe ties. &c. was rendered, Listowel and Trowbridge contributed in a very abie mauner their. share of the masical programme with, quartets andduetts. Mr. Geo, Hudson's grama- phone delighted everybody, with its rendering of many. popular. airs. nao af prs Templars are exceedingly te Mr. and Mrs. Knox for the Re- ve ef, finer gpacious grovads. "8 Compound tron Pills, Atwood drug store. of) stantial brick Lis p chance to get straw hats cheap at Miss Govenlock's, Straw hats at half price at Miss Govenlock's millinery store. New Life for a Quar Miller's For sale at the SEND us all the Elma news possible. We desire the Eima news coluinn to be one of the best in our paper. A, PEEBLES ys dig a load of hogs on Wednesday to the Collingwood Pork Packing Co, Price paid, $7 a cwt. WE intend to give an a agin write- pin the course of a weeks 0 the palidiog. operations - Elma this year. ANDREw LITTLE has been uriier the weather for some time, suffering from inflammation. We are glad to report that he is improving. Tuis is the time for the raspberry ickers, Wedo not envy them their ob. Picking berries was one job which we always tried to avoid. GALT Intermediates defeated Listo- wel Mariboros on Monday eve by 2 goals to0. Atwood played Galt last evening. Full report next week. G..T. R. AGENT J. H. Moore sold 48 tickets for the S.S, excursion to Gode rich on Tuesday. The excursionists were not favored with very good weather. Juel. O. F. Society. of Wingham purpose running a grand excursion to Buffalo Aug, 16th, returning Aug 18th, giving three days in Buffalo. Return fare from Atwood will be $3.20. Look out for posters. AT the quarterly business meeting of the Methodist Managing Board, the members unanimously increased the salary of their pastor, Rev. Mr. Penhall, to 8800. 'The increase was entirely un- solicited by Mr. Penhall and is there- fore all the more appreciated by him. Own 'Tuesday, July 22nd, at the home of Mrs. Thos. Reid, the Rev.Mr. Sann- ders securely tied the mystic knot that united in the holy bonds of matrimony Miss Lizzie Lueas, of Grey. and Wm. Nichol, son of our esteemed townsman. We wish the young couple a successful and happy married life. CONSIDERABLE amusement was caus ed by Chas, Keeso's cement gang holding up all unwary pedestrians, who dared to pass into their fortress, A good many victims -were found, and the spoils of victory thus appropriated, were used in ways calculated to satiate their enormons appetite and intense thirst. FooTRALL MATcH.--A sernb team of iocal players played a rather slow game against the Milverton football team on Friday evening, August Ist. The game was called at 7p. m. and last- ed forty minutes, with A. McBeth of Milverton as referee, The final score was 1 to 1, although the "Milverton team claimed a goal which was 30 manifestly offside that tne referee dis- allowed it. THe southern portion of Perth and certain portions of Oxford suffered severzly from a terrible wind and hail- storm, which swept over the countrv, destroying the standing grain, and covering the ground with hail, inches Gvep. Thetownshipof =lma and near by townships, have been extremely fortunate thus far, in not baving en- countered such terrible outbursts of the elements, as have visited other sections of the country, BRUSSELS : "Tre ATWooD BEE has been disposed of by R. 8. Pel- ton to his brother-in-law, D. G. Ander- son, who has been teaching at Atwood for several years. The new proprietor comes into possession Friday of this week and will no doubt make THE BEE us great a success asitever was. Mr, Pelton, who by the way is a graduate of The. Post, will either ero a paper in a large town or: will oi in one of the printing instita- ons in some of the smaller cities. He is industrious, persevering, and abie to hold his own with the best of them. in the yarions departments.of journalistic effort, He established. -- BEE. 8 pe eo about 13 years. and: made.a good namie for it ned. consider- vine 'soi for himself. 4 r he robased a fine home,known as" owe on account of the many beanti- ful roses, and has a su brick block ia which his office PhP ebb bbb eobb bebe efedeobeofeeterepedefedeede beofeefeofecde ofedecfeche fecfocdeofeofeefesde ae ae errs lea a a ll il lal fal lalial OaTs, 40c. to 40c, New, 30. Hips, per !b., 5c. _ 'CoaL, $700 per ton, WueEat, 75¢c, to 76c. BAr.ey, 45c, to 48¢. Frowr, per cwt., $1.75 to $2.00. BUTTER, per lb., 16c. to 17c. Eaes, per dozen, 14c. POTATOES, per bag, 50¢. to 60c, New, $1.10. LARD, per Ib., 12c. to 14c Hogs, live weight, $7.00 ver ewt, BEEF per quarter, 6c. to 8c. per Ib. For biliousness try Miller's Granules, * oe at the Atwood drug store, 3. BH. EFFINGER, of London, was the ben of D. G.Auderson-over- Sun- I1ood's Sarsaparilla builds up A brok- n down system t begins its work ight: that is, on the breeds Mrs. D. G. ANDERSON and sister, Mrs.C.H.Etffinger, of London, arrived in Atwood Thursdav eyening, after an extended visit to Inaerkip and Galt. Mr C. M. STEWART having sold out his tailoring establishment to r, Hugh Porter; leaves in a few days for Brit sh Colambia. We are sorry to lose Chailie from onr midst. -He has been a very usefnl young man, his well known musical abilities, m muk'ng him very popular. CARDs are out announcing the ap- proaching marriage of Maggie Adam, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. A, Dundas, of Indian Head, to Mrs Samuet W. tHddins, of the same place, on Wednes- day, Augast 13, Mr. Giddina is the son of our respected townswoman, Mrs. yiddins, and is one of the most success- ful business men of Indian Head. LisrowrEL Standard: "THE woop Bre has changed hands, Mr. An 8. Pelton haying sold ont to his broth- er-in-law, Mr. Grant Anderson, Prin- cipal of the Atwood public school, Mr. Anderson has been a successful teach- er, and has our best wishes for success as a journalist, Mr. Pelton, we onder- stand, disposed of his business with a view of joining the editorial staff of the Stratford Herald, but the arrangement has since fallen through. He will prob- ably enter the journalistic field again, for which his ability and push well qualify bim." Genuine Casteria always bears the Signeture of Chas. H. Fletcher. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. he had Children,st tt Castoria, FIRE! FIRE! -- THOS. MALE, (Successor to W. H. Hay) LISTOWEL, ict) as for oe Waterloo a 7 Fire Insv ur: aterioo, ) Rraten dy ; absolute security. of £ BEE, isauthorized to ta 9 'Tocal ris sks for above Companies at his office, Atwood. Roselawn for Sale. The undersigned offers his residence and grounds, *Roselawn," for sale, at a bargain. It is situated on Main street. Atwood ; two story white brick, 22x28 feet, with extensive frame kitchen, summer kitehen and woodshed at rear; bouse contains parlor, drawing room, library, 4 bedrooms, 2 clothes closets, 2 halls, kitchen, summer kitchen and large woodshed, bath room, pantry, fine cellar with cement floor. Property in- cludes over half an acre of ground, up- on which are 35 choice yonng fruit trees and large quartity of small fruits, fine fawn, hedges, cement walk, etc. The house is new, beautifully finished in- side, heated 'throughout with hot air, complete bath fixures, hard and soft water, ete. A fine, comfortable home at a snap bargain. R.S. PELTON, Proprietor. --THERE'S-- Artistic Attractiveness In All Our China! That is why we gain - new patrons every day. Every purchase made here, no matter how small the cost, is a sat- - faction, as you have the + best there is at the t price. Albwe ask is that you come and see- what we are offering: and the prices we are asking. Burritt & Deacon, aE GS SRT Ae ee EP Pee a a a 7 F -btht = Hugh Porter, Fashionable Tailor. Having bought out the Tailor!ffg Business, of _ tuart, we are prepared to turn out neat and nobby suits at reasonable prices. We desire your patronage and once having it A will endeavor to keep it. Ve also earry a full line of f up- -to-date Hats, Ties Shirts and Collars.. Give usa trial. ie Western Fair LONDON. SSP Mise 12-20, 1502. A Medley of Spectacular Merit. Prof. Hutchison, the Human Bomb, in a thrilling Ballooa Ascension and Parachute Drop. Cycle Dazzle. great Gay, Eccentr iques. Rosa Naynon, with her troupe of trained Tropi- pedes. cal Birds. The marvelous The Osnatos, in a oe novelty. The the Handcuff King. The Olifans, Continental Manning and Du Crow, famous Mono- The Bard Bros., Acrobatic Wonders. Chris- sie M.Jones, Cornet Virtuoso. Magnificent Pyrotechnics and many other features. lines. Exhibits further ahead than the times. siduously beautiful. Prize Hfsts, 3, ae GARTSHORE, Special train service over all ad | the t Grounds in- Buildings irrisistably inviting. ts, Maps, Programmes and information for the asking from J. A, NELLES, President. Secretary wt Bie, fJo, Mol oi ae Ah rh iy re ld §) Rite Cadet SS hoes powm are "tats: hb Bo ¥3 bike a, eve "5 oe ae ales a4, ro Ae z JOIIN *. Ce SE ree 8 La -tobCn ~ MATLING FACTS FOI oy CURES 3 ie) Nervous and doepondent; wail or dobilttate; tired r 4 ty 3 é rts orig po APIO ct B: abijvontt in vr'ne OOF SROryg, Buu situs -- wt 'San' CURB you team \aeulaohe al A hae "ANLiA. JOMN A. MANLIM. LEFOnE . aATMENT 80 NAMES OR TESTIMOMALS USED WITHOUT WAITFEN CONSENT. SAT Tees % TRH acy PITAL 3 # 34S '| PO tel = Gi ay , a +] ie > mr bine, GUARA NTOED OR NOD PAY! i -- : < " mornines: noeme bt lop -- iil #9; itt weak be RED TO MANHOCD-SY DRO. K. a KK. CHAS. POWERS. CHAS. POWERS, Asiee DREATMENT, BxyUNG TALATRIDNE, YVARIC me: «RE Ae: EMISSIONS anp IMPOTENCY CURED. Jobn A. Manlin eays:--""T was one of t! nt'o"s Tie tin of variy hruorauce commeoced At 3d sents of ne. I tried seven medical tirins und spent Govt wit.oucavall, | i gavo up in despair. be «rains on n ny indellect «6 well os m3 sexval CELE, > and ambition, fj Specialists to ) Weakness. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO P+ es of eorly hagbood, laid the Soundor inn of c full ont, bone pains, ulee blotches on bevy, ete, & Bgergun, = shey No a eedicine 6 tc eo: FREE cysning contidential, "Ques sien list el 'cost or > el ORS: KENNEDY. & KERGA This was four yous suo, "gn - Bow 1 bs LUese iable Pee uv m all my oflieted Seltowenet." * ee = Wr -CONFIDENTAL. r avd ex » bhood ae. . Thad ull the Syma: toma of | Syphilis, Emissions B 'ris | Vericocele, Cured, CH:3, POWBLUS. t m I thank God { tried Dra, Kenredy restored mo to health, vigor aD | happiness." Qs treat and cure Waricoccle, Emissions, Nesvous Debil:tv, Seminal e Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, B Kidney ort Lladder Diseases, $Y YEARS IN DETROIT. READER ! hod Treatment will oo DSNSUC TATION REE No ee of Cc reason of Men. Incloee 200,000 CURED. NO RIS. Are you n victim? _ Fave riage? Has your Blood Enve you nay weakne Oor- Te To. Ww hae' it i done for others it will do: tor rou, who hna trea write for on honest otinion Preo F BOOKS FREE olden Monitor" (illustrated), on we ponte, ealod, NAMES ED wn rHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT: PRI- & n vw No names on s orenvel~} & tong jot ae Boast Are vem contem plat ng mar. & "No. 148 SHELBY: ST. | y DETROIT, MICH.