ledve Atwood GOING NORTH. Mixed ops aan Express in. Express Station, North GOING SMUT. Express 7.47 a.m. Mixed 10,35 a.m. Express 8.48 p.m NEWS OF THE WEEK. Miller's Grip Powders Cure, - For sale at the Atwoud drug store. The estimated losses of the anthrac- Lee coal strike are placed at $56,445,- |; R. A. Graham, Pembroke, is out as an Independent eandidatein North Renfrew. The C.N.R. has been put on the "onfair list" of the Winnipeg Trades and Labor Council. The Cestrian has arrived at Halifax with 1.639 officers and men of the Can- adian Mouuted Rifles. The Czar has decorated Signor Blar- con, of wireless telegraph fame, with the Order of St. Anne. Six: y-three applications were receiv- ed for the yacant position of engineer of the Woodstock waterworks, Nearly one hundred British war- ships will take part in the coronption review off Spithead August 11. -In the bye-election in North Leeds, Eng.,@ Liberal candidate was success- ful tur the first time since 1886. The Manitoba Government returns show that 20,0C0 men will be required to assist in the harvest in that Prov- ince and the Territories. Those unsightly Pimples ean be en- tireiy removed by the use of Miller's Componnd Iron Pills. 50 doses 265c. For sale at the Atwood drug store. Woodstock hockey team, an r the denartment of the Woodstock Times, of which he was aisu spurtivg editor, leaves for Vau- conver, B.C, ne In a St. Thomas family the other day when all were seated at the din- ner table, one of the daughters, who you" saidthe mother. "When it gets to the ground." And there was a family laugh. Galt, Ont., July 29--The ©. P. R stution ticket office here was robbed between twelve and one o'clock to- day during the absence of the ticket seller. The window was pried o with. a chisel, breaking tbe lock. About $75 was taken from the till, which was also broken open with the same instrument. " A salutary lesson was given to a young man in the police court on Mon- day last for using profane language on the street. pended sentence with a warning and the payment of $9. A few examples made of this kind will have a very decided tendency to put a stop to an entirely unrecessary and dis- agreeable habit. Moral--If you must swear do not swear on the public streets. Thesafest plan is tolock your- self iniv & vault somewhere, and rip away to your heart's content, A lictle girl had listened during the last few waeks while her pareuts dis- cussed the bigh price of meats and vegetables. It had been the customary topic at the table, aod the child had been heard to speak about the high price to her playmates while "playing house" with them, Yesterday the mother presented tne family with a bouncing baby boy,and the other child was well pleased. In telling about her new brother to a neighbor last night she exclaimed: "The doctor brought him this morning. He's awful big. Wasn'> mamma good to buv such a big baby when meat is so high?" The Canada Paper Company has placed an order with a-firm in Wilm- ington, Del, for a machine that will tutn out a sheet of newspaper over fourteen feet in width. This machine will be set up at the company's works ov the st. Francis River, Quebec, and it is expected that it will be in oper- ution about the end of the year, The size of modern paper making mach- inery may be inferred from the fact that it wili weigh close on 400 tons, and sill require a train of 25 cars in transit. It will turn out 35 tons of fin- ished newspaper per day, The com. pany expects to turn out about 50 tons of ground wood pulp per day as soon as the new pulpmill is completed. We have much pleasure in call- ing the attention of the dairying public to the remarkably clever and ingenious invention of Mr Thomas Martir, of Carthage, consisting of a weight raising platform, peculiarly adapted for use as a roadside milk stud, by whigh any number of cans of milk can be easily raised to the level of the milk hauling waggon. Mr. Martin has procured a patent for the Dominion of Canada, and proposes to apply for one covering the United States. The apparatus will also find ready sale amongst railways, foundries merchants, and in fact wherever high lifting is required. District Fall Fairs... Owen Sound, Sep. 16-18, Woodstock, Sept. 25.26. Ingersol, Sept, 25-26. Listowel, Sept. 30-Oct. 1. = sees (North Perth), Sept. 30- ct. 1. St. Marys, Sept. 30-Oct. 1. West Zorra and Embro, Oct. 2. E. Nissouri aad Thamesford, Oct, 10. Atwood (Elma), Oct, 7 and 8. Wingham, Sept, 25-26.. - Blyth, Oct. 7-8. Brussels, Oct. ie 7.55 p.m. | He was let off on sus-| or Pee epee ee aca Fall Fair on October 7th and Mrs. Robert Hamilton, of Chicago, 1s visiting at Mr. J, A. Porter's. Miss Maggie Peebles bas been on the sick list, and is only slowly 're- covering. are spending their holidays at Mr. J, Fisher's. 3 We are pleased to note the recovery of Miss Fanny Horn from her severe attack of fever. Mr. John 'Wilson, of the 8th con ,west advertises his farm for sale in this ssue, Look it up. Miss Allie Porter, of the 6th con.. is on the sick list: We trust her illness will be of short duration. Mrs. James and Miss Ella Griffith, of Wallace, were visiting Miss Ella L Hamilton Jast week. Mus. Stopss. of Guelph, and Mrs, Simis, of Drayton, are visiting at J. W. McBain's this week. Mrs. Armstrong and daughters, of St. Mourys, are.the guests of Mrs, An- drew Stevenson this weck. We are sorry to report that Miss Laura 'Turnball is sick with qmmzy We hope for ber speedy recovery, Wm. Wherry deserves the sympathy of the community in the serions illness of several members of his family. It is oursincere Wish that all may soon recover, Miss Mary Murray and Miss Martha Thompson have returped from the pro- hibition convention held in Toronto, July 29th, They report having had a good meeting with a large attendance, The municipal council of the Town- ship of Elma aet in the Agricultural Hall, Atwood, on August 4th, 1902. Members all present, except Mr. Wher- ry, who was unable to attend owing to sickness iu his family. Minutes of last meeting read and signed, Moved by Mr. Coates, seconded by Mr, Boyle,that by-law. Nos. 449 and 450 for levying rates and schoo! rates for the current year as now read a third time, be fina - ly passed.--Carried. (Rates same as »| last year, except township rate, half mill lower.) Moved by Mr. Boyle, seconded by Mr. Curry, that orders be issued for payment sf the following ac- counts, VizZ.: '. Burnett, $11.50, ravel; J. Mann, $5.80. gravel; E. oore,. $4.70, grayel; J. W. Steck:, $3.87, gravel; J. B. Hamilton, $9.10, : 'T. Jackson, 33.59, 'am oD 87.00, gravel; ravel; Mrs. H. Wilson, $6.70, gravel; Mrs. Petrie, 82700, gravel; S. Hiles, $18.60, gravel; ©. Coughlin, $4.90 avel; L. Senaeh, $17.70, gravel; J. Rode Etiacott, award $4200, 86.00 at- tending Judge's Court, Baillie appeal, and $20 expenses to Toronto re Stewart drain; R.S. Ballantyne, $2.00, hauling plank and repairing culyerts, cou. 8; lt. Thompson. $4.00, culverts, con. 4; E. Hannu, $39.00, graveling con. 4; G. Nichol, $700, gravel; J. Keith, $5.85, gravelling T. L. E. G.; R. Code, $3.00, titting culyert on con. 7; E. Mann, $1, repniring culvert 8, R.con, 2; G, Pat- terson, $3.50, repairing road, Trow- bridge; J. Henderson, 25c, repairing eulyert T. L. E. W.; J. Hamilton, 86.00, for 80 rods wire fence, T. L. E. W. Elma's share; A. Wilson, balarce con- tract award drain, S. R. 20 and 21, con. {1; RK. Hamiltun, $7 890, for 52 rods wire fence, gravel road; C. Vallance, 38.00, gravel and $3 for railing on bridges, gravel road; P. McLellan, 48c, grayel; A. Porter, $10, hauling tile and putting in culvert, con, 6; J. W. MeBain, $14.21, tile; C. A. Broughton, $29.49; oversee- ing and spreading gravel, ;gravei road ; Johuston & Scott, $4.00, repairing tile drain and tile, [. L. E, Lb; J. Graham, 2409.30, in full of gravel contract, grayel road; A. F. Dickson, 356,50, Jam- ber; W. Scott, $30, on account of ditch- ing, con, 17; J, McCourt, $15, three con- crete culverts and coyeripg culvert, con. .2; A. Robertson, $9.45, gravelling T. L. E. M.; J. Burns, $11.44, geavelling tT. L. E. G.--Carried. Moved by Mr. Boyle, seconded by Mr, Curry, that the council do now adjourn to meet at the call of the Reeve.--Carried. T. FULLARTON, Clerk, Sold by All Newsdealers Song and Music 2 vast volume of 'New, Choice Copyright Compositions by the most popular authors. G& Pages of Plano flusic Half Vocal, Half Instremental 2t:-Complete Pieces for Plano Mr. and Mrs, Armstead, of Belleville, ANegetable Prepar. similating the Food races bp i) fing the Stomachs and of 4 RANFANSS CHILDREN" < t ful- rer Hestbottals ples Ugo Dror Matin bau ae ation for As- eae ae tes} i, Morphine nor Mineral. or NARCOTIC. ee, aad Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- ji pgs Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms Convulsions ,Feverish- ness and LosS OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of "Ato months 'oli CENTS : 35 Dosrs =395 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. FAC-SIMILE SEE THAT THE SIGNATURE --or-- Will answer ¢very pur- 2 Eco that you get O-A-8-T-0-B-I-A, is ca every wrapper. K a o k Ké&K.-Ko Kn KEK Drs. KENNEDY & KERGAN The Loading Specialists of America. 25 Yoars in Detroit. Bank References. 4 &Z-No Names Used Without Written Consent. VARICOCELE MERYOUS DEBILITY CURED. romi oad bi re, aud privato eo have wrecked sing llves. Treat with Scientific ph e cured, Avoid q As Bra. , i ays: "At M habit and at 19 contracted aserioun disease, I treated They got my money and I aorteae the di K&KM Kk Acc K K have transgressed -a: inbe the laws of have acks. Ei +9 W accelic, B nd Biaddecr Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS F3 t. NO CURE, NOP DRS, KENNEDY & KERGAN, Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby Streot. . i Weakness, Hidaey -- Call or write for Question Blank & Detrolt, Mich. Ke 100 railway station vation, good rock well, togetber with all Stock and Implements, aud crop 1f desired. Apply to Farm for Sale. acres, good land, 44 mile from 75 acres under culti- bearing orchard, good J. W. WILSON, Atwood, Ont. ESTRAY CALVES. of |3 > six calves, mostly red roan colored. Finder will be rewarded. TRAYED from the premises the undersigned, lot 2, con. 14, Elma, on or about July 20, 1902, | und white, one suitably WM. A. PEET, Henfryn P.O Canadian. Pacitic Fa w on Laborers Wanted. P, boia, W No stations in Ontario on Main Line Tor- of Toronto and Cardwell Jct. 20,000 Farm Pu ECOND rm Laborers' Excursions "stvs3 ill be run to stations on C, R. in Manitoba and Assini- i Jest, South-west and -west of Winnipeg as I SE JAW, ESTEVAN. and LKTON, AUGUST 2ist, from toto Sarnia and North, except North ch engage Winnipeg, provided will work not Jess than 30 days: at vesting, an effect, they startin, Noy. "4 . Tickets not good on "Imperial Limited" For further particulars and ets apply to nearest railway agent. Eixecutors' Notice to Creditors. Exeentors' Notice to Creditors of Rebert McMane, late of the 'Town- ship of Elma, in the County of Perth, farmer, deceased, TOTICE is hereby given pursnant to the Statutes in that behalf that all creditors aims against the estate o' .in the said they may not then have received notice. Dated at Listowel this 22nd day of July, 1902. ALLAN McMANE, MARY ANNE McMANE. By Morphy & Carthew. Their Solicitors. Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his farm, situated in the township of Grey, lot 16, 18th con., being composed of 100 neres, more or less, about 85 of which are cleared and under good state of cultivation ; balance bush, On the premises are » good frame house with kitchen attached; good bank barn 50x 56 feet; also a goud driving shed 40x20 feet, anda hog pev. Hard and soft water wells and flowing spring. Au sete of good fruit-bearing orchard. Possession given in February of 1903 with the privilege of doing fall work this year, and n-cessary accommod- ation furnished for:so doing. Terms as farm la' rs: at ASers . such farm laborers har- produce certificate to that will be returned to original point-at $18.00, on or before tick reasunablé-and made known on appli- cation to, THOs. ENNIS, j Cranbrook P.O. OTHER dog poisoned, J. A. Klump's fine St. Bernard dog was pols- oned-on Wednesday, © It is a shame that such » harmless brute should .be got rid of in such a fashion... Beok, explanation and mailed (sealed) FREE, Rebast, Restored. Howto om ERIE MEDICAL CO., : EUFFALO, 4. cena Noble MAN- procts. haa mr Dark Hair We mean all that rich dark color pon hair used to have. If it's gray now, no matter; for Ayer's Hair Vigor always re- stores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and long; and it stops falling of the hair, too. $1.00 a bottle. All dragriets. If your druggist cannot supply you, send us one dollar and we will express you & bottle. sure and give the name of your nearest eaves ice, Address, J.C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. ~~ SURE ™~ FRAGRANT, DELICIOUS. THEPERECT TER 3 9.52, Cre Pt <4 A. eS < J > ea PEAY yt UP IN SEALED Capp), URDER THE SUPERVISION OF c.. Tra pLants " 5 "ee TEA ves Is packed under tin That is why "' Monsoon," the perfect Fea, can be sold at the same price as inferior tea, It is put up in sealed caddies of 4 1h,, TTh and Slbs., aad sold in three flavours at dc., 0c. and Glic, STEEL, HAYTER & CO. Front St., Toronto. A. H. NOTMAN. . Asst. Genl. Pasar. Agent, Toronto. " = a = - = } The oh petrator of such a deed will yet get into thy, clutches.ef LheJawe-. 1m ion c& atent- atents d journal, consulted t P ice, ~ithout charge, ula 1p the ing tn, circ! WASHINGTON, D. G. sketah grr dexer n free concern special ) trated and widely Manufacturers and Investort, Address, torn' Obtain a Patent" sem upon request. us regeive receive our opinio (Paten* -/ co us ptly rw to yh 'van Parewr Recorp, an ¥ How we VISTOR J. EVANS, & CO., * Sa for saxvyle copy FREE. invention will z beets % + Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending Patent taken out Send vans Building, | VIGOR o¢ STRENGTHE for LOST or FAILING ; General and NERVOUS Weakness of BODY Effects of Errors or Young. OGD fully large and ap ore WEAK UN- riya es ORGANS and PARTS