REDUCES EXPENSE Ask for the Octagon Bar 837 Perplexing. the Duke. - "| am not ' the young etl replied, wonderingly. So, no, no! It is for i perce rry!" protested his t, I am. not aon ac ateeuel® ex: @laimed Genevieve, her Pies) cents deepening.--Town Top *PMinard"s Liniment Cures Dandroff. Snap Shots A man never smiles when he shows hts teeth to a dentist. Some people are long on mock mod- esty and shy on the real thing. No wonder a fire's put out when gee the water drunk and the (reels. A man who gays he enjoys a church social may not be a lar, but be is not &bove suspicior What a br! liant world this would be if men could only acquire brains as aaaty as they can umbrellas. When a men telis you some man has mistreated him you always have a hankering to hear the wo- man's version of the story. New York Central and Hudson River Rallroad. ; The above name is a household word and the superior excellence of the road should be sufficient to at- tract: most people, but now that the rate is the same to New York and points east as by other lines no farther recommendation 'should be sought. Everybody will tell you it fe the best. Madge--When they became engag- ed did she tell him her past? Marjorie--Not all of It. ghe was 24.--New York Sun. gall Liniment Relieves Neur- algia NEW USE FOUND FOR KITES Kites cre now being called into aec- tlon to aesist in experiments with | the- wireless teiegraph. The appar-/ atus consists of two kites. One trans- | mite the message, while the other ! charges it with more force and sends , it on. By using relays of kites the in- ; ventor enys he is able to send a mes- eng Mit. med vero futol and then pues itGou with his @an be controlled trom the e6tarting point. He believes stations could be estoblished at intervals of fifty miles, repenting and forwarding the mee #ago almost indefinitely. The eystem is the invention of the principal of a Vermont echool. It has tried anuecessfully in| Vermont, with relays of kites. between towns eeveral miles apart. "JUST A LITTLE" Pain, neglected may produce chronic Rheumatism or Gout, Just a Nttle Backuche may create Lumbago. Just m little Sprain sometimes makes a Cripple. Just a little Bruise may do wm lot of damage. Just a little Head- ache may be the forerunner of Neu- ralgia. Just a little St. Jacobs Oil, applied in time, cures promptly and permanentl; Aches and Pains. Just a little... caution: just a little cost. Years of Pleasure against years of 'ain. If aches or pains, contusions, sprains, Should e'er your pleasure spoil, Now don't think twice, but in a trice Just use St. Jacobs O01! 8. Jacobs Ol is the w onder of the ecotury. There is nothing like it for killing pain. It is sold in 25 and 50 eent sizes throughout the world. It fias received twelve gold medals for conquering palin. 5100 REWARD, $100. he roaders " this pape rwill nad leascd to es that there is at lenat one dreaded disease bie to eure fn all ita is Catarrh appar tus stawona atment., ' ternally, acting directly bs the blood and fraying surfaces of the system, thereby der- ease, ind fe di Fhe t strength by building up he constitgtion and assisting nature in doing k. The proprle yt I avexotmuch faith in its a power thet pad oy Ono undred Dollars for aay ¢ hee thir tfutle to ru Send for liat of texstimonta Address F. J. CHLENEY & Cu.. g@ Sold by druggists. Tec. Crawford--While your wife is agvay in the country, why do you always gend her such small sums at a time? | Crabshaw--Lf 1 didn't. che might use the money to come home unex- peeted|y.--Tit-Bits She said; which , "Yoledo, ond Oh," "Tho famous regidence of George Vanderbilt at Asheville, N. C., known as Biltmore, is to gs Ne a rival erect- italist, and he has fallen heir to $z,- 000,000 t the death of a rela- tive in Germany. He has me to cae ig money, but before leaving ed an option ou one of the most beautiful tracts of land in the suburbs of Asheville. {i includes several thou- sand acres, and runs the neigh- borhood of the famous Switzerland dairy, which George Vanderbilt tried hard to buy before he purchased the Biltmore Gtate, The Minkewincz fam- ily came to this country from Poland several years ago. They have always wretchedly poor circum- nees, ann when one of the six children fell Illa few days ago the physician for the town's main char- ity mission was called in. The plans of this upstart, as he is called, have thrown the Vanderbilts into a state of consternation, and there ie prom- ise of a seri@us social upheaval. An attempt Is already being made by friends of the New York aristocrats to secure the vitiation of the option secured by the.German-Pole. TO CURE A COLD IN ONS DAY Take Laxative Broiao Quinine Tablets. All druggiate refund the money if 't fails to cure. Grove's siguature ison each box. 25c. A LAUDABLE LAW. Apropos of a recent edict in South Africa the London Globe remarks: One would like to see the against essing male fowls " crowable age' in Cape coloee ap- plied to London and extended barkable dogs sash niawwtie cates. The thrust. of 2 lance does not hurt more than the abdomiual pains following the eat- ing of ee roper food. Quick rellet comes wit the use Perry Davis' Painkiller. Always keep it in the house. Request for Explicit Information. "Are you thinking only of the pre- sent ?" asked the serious man. "Or, are you doing your duty and try- ing to leave something for those who come after you ?" "Those who come after me?" re- + the man of gpakse, passe ely, "Do refer to posterity or my sretiines ?"--Washington "ost. Stops the Cough and Works Off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure acold in one day. Nocure, Se aa il Price 25 cents. DRIFTING DROLLERY. "Te Van Boom an ardent yachts- man ?" | "Very, He is always wiling to drink toasts to both ships."--Brooklyn Life. out of a flies which invaded his room, o sheets of sticky + fly paper which he placed on chairs. near a" window. on late that 'evening he forg the sticky stuff jand sat down i one of the chairs. ; He soon got up and proceeded to | piek the paper off his trousers. As it was hard to get at. he took the pants off. and wiile cleaning them uneonse.ously sit down in the other chair and then stood up and medi. tuted. The above item clipped from an ex- change would point the moral that it is better to use Wilson's Fly Pads (poison) clean, safe and. sure. One 10 cent package will kill more flies than 800 sheets of sitcky fly paper. A Lancaster bachelor, tience with the Her Definition. Archbishop Ryan recently visited a smuli parish in the mining district of Sehuylkili county for the purpose of udministering the sacrament of con- firmation. in examining a class he asked one poor, nervous, frightened little girl what matrimony was, and she auswered that il was "a state of terrible torment which those who enter it are compelled to undergo for a time to prepare them for a brighter and better world. "No, no," remopstrated the pastor, "that isn't matrimony ; that's the de- finition of purgatory." "Leave her alouc," said the Arch- bishop, with a twinkle in his eye; "maybe she's right. What do you or I know about it ?"--Boston Sunday Journal. ) Minard's Liniment for sale every- where. The King Skipped. A few weeks ago His Majesty paid a visit to his daughter, the Duchess of Fife, at Brighton, and unfortun- ately, the little children were un- usually peevish and tiresome--in fact, they seemed utterly oblivious of the fact that their august elated had come to pay them a v "The Iittle ones are Bsc hard to please to-day, are 'they not?" remarked His Majesty, somewhat good naturediv, for he Is very fond of his daughter's children, "Indeed they hre!" replied the Duchess, with a sign. "I don! t know what has come over th em.' " Now," said the King, ' I do to amuse them before Her Royal Highness Tmmeiistely ers asped tie situation. she said, "how food of you ey love :k pping, and if you dont not mind ckipping with them for half 'an hour ti the g wurden they would be so deli = er r ' His Majesty afterw: ards related the story to the Prince of Wales, and, with a twinkle in his eye, remarked: "J certainly skipped, but not in the 'garden.%-London Answers. 'Ww hat can I go limas Neste made nds of places also make ee Pare Wire Senet Cont Co.. Li gies Ai te. at each fraikervite, Ont pet cars older and Bes summit of the nit ace an Cyrene by th ot excavations eg "seriou ool is Sabstaliig to an alarming aaerte ipes, e ern én the tunnel had evidently overlooked. His Own Free Will. Dear Sirs--I cannot speak too strongly of the excellence of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. It is THE rem- edy in my household for sprains, etc., and we would no thout it. 'It is truly a nalee. fal medicine. JOHN A. MACDONALD, Publisher, Arnprior Chronicle. Why He Didn't Get Her. Prospective Father-in-law--Do you over gamble or smoke, sir ? Prospective Son-in-law--No, P tive Father-in- inveie. ever drink, sir? tive Son-in-law (absent- mindedlyjJ---Well, I don't eare if Ido, sir.--_Smart Set. you Monkey Brand Soap makes copper like gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble, and windows like crystal. 34 Misunderstood. Mrs, znnocent--What did you enjox most about the fishing trip, dea Mr. Innocent--I got --, "excited when, I was reeling in, my Mrs. Innocent (bursting dato _---- --And to--to--th'think you promia 7d me y'you wouldn't drink a drop!-- Harlem Life. Tick, erick, oe baralyge pains that Pn Son' rves scles. on nelther time norcout- 'Menthol Plaster, oat its Tadrae ow er will soak tight into you. All drug: Ww rome phat describe A French Execution, Details of an execution of a soldier in Oran show that it was a most painfal affair. Tho firing party were evidently bad shots, for the volley failed to kill him, and the unfortunate man _ writhed about pressing his hands to his chest. A sergeant was ordered to give him the coup de grace, but his hand trem- bled, and the revolven shot merely fractured the victim's Jaw, and a sec- ond shot had to be fired. Two of the firing party fainted with horror, and the efiect on the battalion which was drawn up to witness the execu- tion can only be described as deplor- able. Tne man who was shot was a Ger- mau who had earned a reputation as u good soidier. He wag a great favor- ite with his comrades, and he leaves a widow and child. His crime wus the killing of a ser- geant and corporal while drunk. It is possible that the firing party were unnerved by his nonchalant be- havior before his exccution, for he chatted gaily to the chaplain, refused to be blindfolded, and bade the sol- diers fire at his heart.--London Bx- press. "KELPION" OmtTMENT.) Endorsed by best English modicaljournais, Supplied to British soldiersin South 'pom For all Lb gg and Gland Troubles. mps, se: cers, pag Skia ries. Stiff Joints, Sprains, Bruises, <A STAINLESS toomE Sold by Oruggiste, 25c. rete once, IT WASN'T NECESSARY. "What are you doing, Freddie?" said the oA geil md smart boy's uncle. pictures on my slate." "Wiest ils this supposed to repre- sent ?' "A locomotive.' "But why don't you ears?' "Why-er-the locomotive draws the * 5c. draw the Za» DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH CURE ... 13 THE omy CURE for | So dag PUL- MO # relicf. One; SAMPL Pie BOTILS ts to every reader of this paper. Put-Mo is for sale by all druggists at $1.00 per large bottle--15 cents for small size, or it may be ordered direct from "THE PUL-MO CO., TORONTO, ONT. As Above Referred to. | One evening at dinner Ida was asked if she would have some squashi. She answered, "No," "No what 2?" asked her father. "No squash," answered Ida.--Little Chronicle. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, ets. wf $f . and peopleagree that Scott's Emul- aica of vottdiver ofl laches best thing |. to take for 'don't feel well and don't know why," especially babies --they like it--men and women don't mind it, but babies actually Yay it. * TORONTO, GREEKS IN AN EVELESS EDEN Sewer Than 100 W. Women to 10,000 Men in Greek Colony. e most curious thing about the Gmak colony in New York city--more remarkable than the dress, the cus- toms, the coffee, the burnished gold ornaments, the pipes and the speech of the Greek wiation of New York --ig the fact that there nre sub- Pp patgaccutc no Greek women in the ty In the fast quarter of 1900 the Greek immigration to the port of Yor chs oe 1,267 persons--1,- 231 and 'thirty- ~six wo- men. This iitegasae is explained on pie theory that when a foreign coun- try is drawn on for emigrants for she first time the pioneers are men that women emigrants do not Talos until some years after. But the statistics of Greek immigration to New York for the quarter ending Jan. 1, 1902, showed only 46 Greek girls and women, and there are now fewer than 100 of them in New York as against 10.000 male Greeks. In no other New York colony out- side of the Chinese does such a dis- parity between the two sexes exist, but an explanation for it is found at home. Greece is one of the few Euro- pean counitries in which there is a antae excess of male inhabitants. Ag consequence more male than female Greake seek homes or embior ment in other countries and the emigration from Greece is not only be Turkey, Egypt and southern France, but in recent ae very largely tothe Un- ited Sta There ig no religious or social rea- = as in the case e Chinese, Greek colony of New York, therefore, is really composed of men. This is the. most notable but a on esque thing about it.--N. Y. "will kill all the'flies in a roomina few hours. Avoid |Imitations.| The Flow of Milk Will be increased. Purifier strengthens the digestion and invi- gorates the whole system so that the nutriment is all drawn from the food. It takes just the same trou- ble to care for a cow when she pa will pay back its cost with good interest in a few weeks. cents a package. ' Leeming, goo & BS Gome Agents, Write toh ssiioo We ont A Cattle f free. Dr. Carson's Tonic Stomach and Constipation Bitters Made from the formals of an eminent 0 has used the A Purely Vegetable, Tonic and Blood Purifier. Price 50 cents per Bottle. penal youcan obtain the prepara- of you ur loca l druggist, but if you tle) carringe prepalc Pamphlet sent FREE on application, THE GfiRSON MEDICINE GOMPANY . TORONTO __ PETROTEX TEXAS OIL. Gre made from crude BEAUMONT TEXAS OIL utest medical discovery of tyea re and speedy cure for all throat bronchial and lun diseases, con- sumption nits earlier stages, and rhenma- tism. Large bottle prpais to nny adilress on receipt of one dolla Addre BEAUMONT MEDIC Al COMPANY, 569, Beaumont, Texas, U.S/A, NO DIRTY HANDS. Clean your ailver--_ ba a dat brass, " BLEGTRIG POLISHING FIBRE aagte. crugeriats 'OF "4 mall womance MFG. OO., St. Catharines, Ont. Trial samples free. Trade supplied. HAMILTON- TORONTO- MONTREAL LINE... 4 CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Hon. Joun Dryven...... PRESIDENT The report for 1901 showed remarkable increases over 1900, in the following items: New business increased by .... $ 3650, 705 Premium income increnset Total income incre by by. 438,959 Iusuranceiniores increased by 1,399,466 Continental Life Policies are unexcelled for simplicity and Mberality. Agents wanted. GEO. B. WOODS, CHAS. H. FULLER, General Manager Secretary. leave Hamilton 1 p. m. and Toronto 7.30 p. - = an and Fridays during nd on and after June 8rd ie dig Thure- days and Saturdays. Single $7 Hamilton to Montreal Refarn'g1s TorontotoMontreal Rekrn e11. Return $11.50 Meal# and berths included. The above cheap rates to Mont- real are in effect for May only. Only * line running rapids. Write for R.& O. Hotel Book of Lower St. Lawrence and folders. H. Foster Chaffee, Western Passenger Agent, 2 King Street East, Toronto, Ont. PAINT IT It costes just as much to put on poor paint as it does pure paint. it costs more, because it is harder te work. Buy good paint, but don't pay any more than you need pay. Buy RAMSAY'S. PAINTS ond you get the oldest ard best- known Paints in Canada, brought to perfection with 60 yenrs' exper- jience In the best rsterisis thet ge to make the best Paint Easy 'to work, durable, for be andy cans. Drop us 2 co) and ask for BOOKLE'. #0. 11, FREE, showing how some homes are painted. Established 1845 A. RAMSAY & SON MONTREAL, Paint Makers. fair price »PARLOR ust E,B, EDDY'S ' ' THE FINSST IN THE WORLD. | | Wer oalg by all the primsipel grosers, < . - 'Head Light," 500 **Eagle,'® 100 & Joo "Victoria." 'Little Comet."' ee