Atwood Bee, 15 Aug 1902, p. 1

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Ladies' Ready-to-wear, Feit Hats now being opened ap, also omespun and Frieze Shirts, nicely stitched, latest style. ee a <u 96c Homespun Suitin 90c and colored V. oy lack enetian for? ;75c a yard. Thisis a snap. VOL. 13. ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, AUG. 15, 1902. NO. 31. The ---- Elephant Store August sing ) a month between seasons, we spare no time or effort in ringing out the balance of summer goods, and to swell this month's sales we have procured many lines at Jess than one-half their regular value which we place before you at prices to induce the closest buyer to pick them up. Ready-to-put-on Clothing. $3.49 will buy a Man's Suit, sizes from 36 to 42. 99c will buy a well made pair of Pants. 99c will buy a Persect Fitting. Vest. 25c will buy four pairs of Men's Sox. $9c will buy a $1.00 Shirt Waist. 10c will buy 1 yard double width Dress Goods. 25e will buy two Patent Leather Belts. 25c will buy 3 pure linen turn down Collars, 99c will buy an excellent pair of Shoes. Our Grocery Department is kept fresh and complete, To those who have not yet learned the art of buying at the Elephant Store, This month will afford an excellent opportunity for you to begin. We consider it no trouble to show goods. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs in cash or trade. Sign of The Elphant, LISTOWEL. Walter Bros., ROBERT THOMPSON, People's Cash Store, Sign of The Golden Lion. Bargains for the Month of August. We have no desire to quote you many prices for this month or te use many words intraquctyg the specs, values to be found in the following lines,, You will find each department in this store complete. _ Aff'are. bar- - gains and shows our determinatiou to make:August the Fauna month of the year. Snaps 20 yards Toweling, drill..,,...... 20 " #£Flannelette 20 " ® Black Dress Goods, Broadcloths Pepley dye pirle finish Vecunias cloths, Amazons, Habit Cloth, Silk Warp Sub- Facteny limes, Ottaman Cords, Homespuns, am tose eens Henriettas, Coaling Serges, Poplins, po 'Bleached Cotton Basket Cloths, Silk Voiles, plain, strip-/19 « ed and fancy, Colored Dress Goods, : Cashmeres, Cashmere Serges, Coating ' Serges, Cheviots, Granite Cloth Vene- 4 poumte Oayeno Japan Tea tians, Broadcioths, Homespuns, Queens ds Rice .....cccceeveccece Cloth, Alexandria Cloth, Silk Warp Sublimes, Pame Cheviots, Bearrity Cloth. Many others in great variety of colors and texture. Waistings. We show an immense range of Novelties for fall and winter wants. eeme eens SSS8S8s8ssssesss Space will not allow us to tell of the bargains we are offering this month Come and compare value and prices, . Don't forget our great Corset Sale is still going on, 'Also we haye a few those sample lines of Ladies' Hose and Underwear left at bargain prices. Grocery Department complete in every line. Highést prices paid in ¢ash or trade Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce. The Wool Season Is Over . of a "*. B. F. Brook, of the Listowel Woolen Mill, wishes to thank his many customers and friends for their liberal patronage this season as in the past, and the large amount of wool now on hand is an evidence of their esteem and confidence. We hope it may long continue. Our Large Stock of Ready-to-wear Clothing of all sizes is now being offered at Reduc- ed Prices to make room for our Fall Stock. Men's Jackets and working Pants al- ways on hand. B. F. Brook, a Listowel. é The Bee to Jan, ist, A GLORIOUS VICTORY. Galt Intermediates Turned Down by Atwood Foot- ball Club--Score 2-0. When the Galt Intermediates started on their tour of victory (as they suppos- ed) they doubtless never thought of. playing a game of football with At- wood. On Monday evening, Augast 4, they defeated Listowel by 2 goals to 0, then..journeyed to Wroxeter only to meet defeat by a score of 1 to0, then on to Brussels.did they go. Here they outshone themselves, defeating the strong Brussels team by 6to 8. Now itso happened that a game with At- wood was arranged by representatives of both teams in Listowel on Monday evening. The game was billed for Thursday evening, August 7th, at 6.80, The day opened beautifully but towards the middie of the afternoon the sky became oyercast and rain fell in tor- rents. This dampened the hopes of the local boys, Dut they determined to play. At645 p.m, referee St. Clair Wilson blew the whistle and the game started with Atwood defending the west goal. Joseph Ward took the kick-off and passed to Earl Switzer, he neatly turn- ed the ball to the right wing where Dan Steis took it under his fatherly pro- tection and with blood in his eye, let drive at the Galt goal and lo! Atwood had scored its first goal in one minute's play. It wasaneat bit of work and dazzied the Galt boys completely. The remainder of the first half saw some 'Splendid rushes by -both teams and Johnson Stewart cleverly defended the home goal by two or three quick movements, On changing ends the play bécame more exciting. Gult was determined tu score but could not get past those backs and half-backs, who did such yeoman service. After some clever work by the whole Atwood forward line. Joe Ward passed to Switzer, he, to Peebles, the latter shot it across in front of goal, the Galt .back slipped. or. rather was thade to lose his balance and George rdwh slammed a beauty through the centre of the goal. The play becanie'a little rougher, several players on both sides taking a soft and juiéy seat on mother earth, only to arise with their garmeuts a beautiful green, for say--it was wet. After many more exciting rushes by the local forward which did not materialize in a goal, the game end- ed 2 te 0 in favor of Atwood, and Galt boys looked sick, for you know it was the easiest kind of a proposition (before the match) but oh my! what a differ- ence in the--rain. NOTES. The Galt boys play a great game but Atwood played a greater. Bamford and Stewart used great headwork on the back division. Bundscho, you are a jewel and n mistake! You were everywhere; just where you were most wanted, Did. you notice how Kidd and Ed. Stewart played those outside wingmen ? They are all right, Joseph, you haye not forgotten a few of the old tricks. ail Say, Geor you should not have rolled that Galt back over so often, aes must heve jarred him consider- It was too bad that it rained so heavi- ly. There would have been one of the largest jcrowds in attendance in the history of football in Atwood. The re- ceipts were $13.90, not bad considering the weather. Now good poopie. help the boys out, Don't see them lose any- thing over the game, The names of the home players are as follows: Goal, Johnson Stewart; backs, John Stewart and Art. Bamford; half-backs, K. Kidd, Bundscho and E. | Stewart; left wing, Peebles, Switzer ; ard; right wing, Steis and Referee, St. Clair Wilson, Perth County Wills. Following is a list of the wills enter- ed at the local surrogate court during July: , For administration--Bridget Pigeon, Ellice, widow, personal, no real; W. & J. Thompson's Great Boot and Shoe Sale ! Having purchased the use of the store formerly used by us as a grocery,we have transferred our stock of Shoes to it, and we are starting one of the Greatest Clear- _ ing Sales of Shoes ever held in the history of Listowel. We have our stock nicely opened out, and we cord- ially invite the public to partake of some of the unheard of Bargains we are offering. A large stock of Ladies' and Girls' Shoes and Men's and Boys' Fine and Coarse Shoes in all grades to choose from and all going at about half their value and in some cases even Less than Half Price. Don't let this opportunity for saving money go_past ou, but buy while you have an assortment to choose rom. Remember this is a Genuine Sale as we are go- ing out of the shoe business. We are also mektean Ble Sale of all the Men's Hatsin Felt and Straw goods. Remember the p The Corner Store. Wm. & Jno. Thompson. The New Gem ! The most perfect Gem on the market, also finest Quality. Quarts, 69c dozen ; half-gallon, 89c dozen. Ifyou once use these Gems you. will not use any other. J. J. JOHNSON, Jeweler, ATWOOD. TOWN TALK, MILLER's Granules cure sallow skin. For sale at the Atwood drag store. RerD Moore spent Saturday in Kincardine. Mrs. M ANNUEL of Toronto, isa visitor at Mrs. W. T. Mitchell's. . GEORGE Cocks of Ethel, as#isted the Presbyterian choir on Setbvat last, Miss Gaurna Haines and Gilbert MeNeil, of Fullerton, spent Sunday with Miss Annie Giddins, WE are pleased to report the success of Miss Mabel Kidd in ing her Part J, junior leaying examination at Strat- ford, JOHN Dickson of the 8th con:, Elma, was attracted to a lakeside resort on the shores of Lake Huron on Satarday of last week. DRIVER FoR SALE.--Ejight years old, sound, kind in haruess and broken to the saddle. Trice $75.00 Dr. Me- Kenzie, Monkton. Mrs. J. W. McBAIN arrived home on Friday last after an extremely pleasant visit to Rev J. $8. Fisher's, Lambeth. While there, in company with Mrs. Fisher, she enjoyed outings to Port Stanley and other points, Mrs, McBain reports Mr. and and prosperous, which is good news to thei: many friends in Atwood, To ATTEND LIsTOWEL Fairn.--Hon., Jobn Dryden, Provincial Minister of Agriculture, has written to President Hemsworth, intimating that he will attend the Listowel Fail Show on from the Secretary, Mr.W.E.Binning, Wa. Trer, B.A., of Lucan, was a caller on THE BEE on Saturday in company with James Erskine of Monuk- ton. Will is an oid Model School friend of the editor's and many a lark did we have together in Mitchell years ago. Wiil looks well and is certainly prosper- ing, if looks count for anything. He occupies the position of Mathematical Master in Lucan High School and is a su fui and popular teacher. feel that we owe our readers an explanation of the seeming interrup tion of the serial now running in THE Mr. Pelton had made arrange- ments to buy his paper from another house. 'The paper used in this week's issue was a bundle left over from a previous order, Readers of the serial will find the story carried forward in this week's issue. With this explan- ation we trust the interruption will be pardoned. THE BEE joins in extending congratu- lations to two young Listowel ladies on their recent marriage. We refer to Miss Mollie McDonald and Miss Myrtie Rig, iss McDonald was on Wed- nesday, August 6th, uvited in marriage Mr. K. Stoddard, Classical Master, of $2,254 | Clinton High School, and formerly of a Listowel High Schoo] staff. i Miss W.. W. Nichol, B. A., thematical Master of Listowel High School, on Tuesday afte o'clock. All the pg pa are wel] known to Tue Bee editor we heartily wish them a wedded life. and loog and Miss Roste Trim, of Milverton, is a visitor at Mr. John Wilson's, 8th con. Mrs. Ler'and her two danghters, -of Listowel, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson. Ws. Warp left on Wednesday morning for an extended visit to friends in Peterboro and Millbrook. Look UP our clubbing offer. We: WHI announce other offers in the course of a few weeks,of just as advantageo @ character, ; ' = F. W. Hay, of Listowel, was in our town on Tuesday inspecting the work on their new elevator, which is rapidiy nearing completion. Don'r FORGET the I, O. F. .excursion - to Buffalo on August 16th, 17th and 18th, under the auspices of the Wing- ham society. Three days in Buffalo. Fare from Atwood $3.20. THE ORANGEMEN 1n a body: paraded to St. Alban's church on Sunday morn- ing at 11 a. m., and listened to'an elo- age Coronation sermon delivered by y. T. B, Howard, B.A., of Milverton, SPLENDID CLUBBING Orres:. We are able to announce an arrangement whereby we can give THE KEE-'und the: Toronto Daily World for one year for $3, payable in advance. This: offer a good till October 15, so order: rly. Mrs. Fisher as weil | early G. T. R. TICKET AGENT J. H. Moore,. sold twenty-five tickets to Kincardine on Tuesday, it was 2 special excur- sion to the lake-side town under the auspices of the Sabbath schools of Grey. When the train pulled into the station here, it was seen to consist of fourteen coaches, very sparsely fitled. Doubtless a larger contingent joined it at Brussels and Wingham. IF you have a friend visrting you, or: if you intend taking a trip, d a line or callin and seeus, We will be leased to see you. It is impossible-for' or us to be everywhere, so if your' name does not appear in the news columns of THe BEE, remember it is: use we have not been aware of &ny event paving ired in connection with yourself. Bring or send along allt the news you can. THE editor of the Wingham 'Times: will please accept our thanks for the following kindly remarks. We are pleased to hear of your prosperity broth-- er Elliot, an!" stave very pleasant recoi- lections of o.. associations as school fellows in Listowel: Mr.D. G. An- derson, principal of the Atwood public' school is the new proprietor of the At- ood e. Mr Anderson spent his: early daysin Listowel, and is an old school mateof the Times man, We wish him success in newspaper work. Thanks brother Climie for your kind- ly reference. We hope to be able to show sufficient patience towards onr new pupils, so as to merit their approval and assistance: We are pleased to wel- comé Mr. Grant Anderson, who has recently purchased tht Atwood Ber, into the newspaper ranks of the coun- ty. He bas left oneteaehing profession to enter another, from being an instrac- torof children he will now become a teacher of men, women aud children, He will find the proportion of stupid pupils larger in his new classes, as men get duller and more indolent as they get older. We hope he may be entirely | successful in his new venture y wf

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