Sicneny & CARTHEW, Boliclior for Saiichocs, Cyerarancees, Xe Si Lon u n. Mone . Loan. Onion secre ' Carson & Mck ny Listowel, U: Morrsy. J. M. Oanrnew. BLrewerT & BRAY, AR "ssid prema Kistowsi;. Money te Loan. Bolicitose for. tees ueeand Ont. Perm, Ba hee meray Pi pla l over er Scott's Bank, Listowel. Pe Geo. Bray, B. A. a. CECIL HAMIL TON, B. A, BARRISTER, CONVEYANCE. : dfoney +o aay at "ely per ia : erin: Melee; <n next to Dr. Foster, Dentist. BRANCH OFFICE--Main-st., Atwood, 'ever 'Tne Bex office. Will yisit at wood every Wednesday afternoon. DENTAL. Dr. W. A, McDoweLL, DENTIST. XRADUATE af Royal College of Dental Sur- ie ter te of T. to University. uate foron Gites 0 ove! F Thompson, Listowel, mene cH O¥Fick Atwood, Over THE gy office. vin' iy Linvoow every Wed* nesday, from 9.30 DR. W. M. BRUCE, DEIWTIST, PORE IATE B 4 . 3. one iearie tario. ¥ . Past BS iaat aie nity Univers 'Se hood of of f Prouthetic hic guts Chien. ally in his new office over re. i by same stairway X _, rs' ator ntrance gts towel, Ont. Rutherford, Main St., as Dr. MEDICAL. DR. A. S. LANGRILL Honor Geadaate of Toronto Univers- Licentiate: uns of Physicians. and #urgeonsof Oita: Special attentiomgiven to Eye, Ear! rout, Evenings preferred }! Zosea Zor such work, Office and residence--Main-st., Birs. Roger's store, s ATWOOD, ONT. next D. A. KIDD, M.D., ATWOOD, ONT. Physician,. Surgeon . Accoucheur. A full course of six weeks in 1899 wad a full course of eight weeks in 1901 a). The New York Post-Graduate School and Hespitai,.New York Special attention to Diseases of the ear, nose, throat, Diseases of \\WWomen and childre and operative surgery, @ffice Hours :9 to 10a. m, 1 to3 p.m. 6 io 8p, m. AUCTIONEERS. C. H. MERRYFIELDO, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE , of Perth, Monkton, Ont. Rates moderate. For. particulars ap fag at thts. office. ALEX. MORRISON, LICENSED AUCrIONEER FOR the Counties of Perth and fluron. @harges moderate, All orders by mail er otherwise promptly attended to. At- wood P New Harness Shop. Mr. George | Cocks desires to inform the people of At- wood and the surrounding eountry that he has opened up a harness shop in the building lately occupied by Geo. Krauter, one door north of A. Berlet's shoe store, where he will be very much pleased to meet all his friends. He guarantees - good work at prices as low as are consistent with the night kind of work. GEO. COCKS. Estray Hogs: Strayed on to the pr premises of the un- @brsiguea; lob 18 con-7; Elma, on or a- , Mout Deesmber 380th;. 1002, two pigs. ner is requested to prove property, ¥ eXpepses and take them away, WM, GRAHAM, Atwood | to their own ites at'the factory. Tuk be Goforth Visited tis' brother, J. E., Monday4u Monktdén, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, Near intend' fo leave the farm and move to Moukton this week. Mr. Near hus just had com. able honse.. Richard J. Near and Miss Besste Adair, youngest daughter of Mr. and "Irs. Jobn Adair, joined hands iu holy wedlock Wednesday afternoon at 4 p. ~ Rey. My, Currie tied the knot. Donegal. <trs, John Little and' children pur- s# returning te Chicago on Thurs- v '4 D. A. MeKenzie of Stratford' spent Seturday and Sunday with his father, A. McKenzie. pleted a very handsome und comfort-} : aye the breath, deranges the stom nd affects the appetite. q ust be ger re catarrh, treatment m conatitational--alterative and reg 1 for four months with catarr& become couraged when-my busband bought a bottle ra Hood's Sarsa' and me ta try it, I advise all to talie it. It has cured and built me up." Mfas, Noes Be DOLPH, West Eisesmh, N. § Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures catarrh--it soothes and stren ens the mucous membrane and builds up the whole system. Samorl MeLennan has pu shag aw 8. Huchanan's fifty acre farm on the f%Xth con., for the sum of $15, Such sympathy is felt for Mrs, Cor- nelius Balls in the loss of her_ mother, Mrs, Lewis, who died snddenly-on Fri- day morning. The funeral took place In Palmerston on Monday, not_often_onr.fire_department is called into action, but snch was necessary on Monday morning Tasf, when fire was discovered in the resi- dence of Cornelius Balls. The fire caught from the stove-pipe at the roof and was"making good headway when noticed, Prompt -action was taken and the flames soon extingnished. The annual meeting of the patrons of Donegal cheese factory was held on Saturday. The meeting was largely sattended, and much satisfaction ex- pressed with the: season's work. ft was decided to pay patrons by check this year,and to haye the funds in the hands of the Bank of Hamilton, At- wood, The following officers were elected :Secy. E. W. Vipond ; Sates- man, Alex.McKenzie ;' Comn.ittee of management, Chas. Mason. John Ervine, Allan McMane. Elma. R.S. Ballantyne is visiting relatives in Downie this week. County ouncillor Jas, Donaldson waa on the sick list fora few days but is now recovered. Mrd. (Dr.) Lineham of Swan River, Manitoba, is at present a visitor at the 'home of her mother, Mrs, Moses Har- vey, 10th con, We understand that John Dickson, son of Mrs. Wm. Dickson, 8th con,, has bought the Grubber farm of 100 acres or $7,000, This isa valuable piece of reperty aod hrs considerable bush up- on it. Sampson Bennett entertainedia large company in his fine new house on Tues- day evening. A jvery enjoyable time was spent by all present. His grand house was the object of admiration of all beholders, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Inglis took a trip last week and visited friends and re- latives at Preston, Beverley, Brantford, Drumbo, Innerkip and Stratford. It proved a very enjoyable trip, all the more appreciated after a busy season's work. John Wilson has rented his farm to John Scott of Listowel, who will use it as #astock farm. 'The renting is con- ditional upon Mr. Wilson's selling of the property, In the event of not sell- ing the farm, Mr.Wilson and family occupy their present residence and re- serye a small portion of land for their own use, From the Financial Statement of the Newry Cheese Factory we gather the following : Total receipts for 206,- 705 lbs. cheese were $20,842.95 ; paid for manufacturing 31.860.34 ; paid pat- rons for milk $18,180.91 ; los. of milk received 2,220,186 ; average Ibs. of milk to 1 ib of cheese 10.74; ay. price per Ib cheese 10.06; av. per cent butter fat 3.46; A large number of young people spent a very enjoyable evening at "Cas_ tie Hili Farm," the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Dickson, last Friday ev- ening. Everyone received a hearty weicome and was made to feel right at home. <An_ interesting impromptu progres. consistivg of music, recitata- tions .% stories, was rendered, and the hight fantastic was tripped in merry style. A large number of the thareholders of the Elma Cheese & Butter vo., were preseut at the factory on Tuesday afternoon, when the milk hauling and fice hauling contracts were let. The price paid for milk hauling for 1903 will be considerably higher than past years, owing no doubt to hired help being so hard to obtain. J. B. Hamil- ton jr. got the contract for hauling ice at $1.58 a load, the ice to be delivered at the factory in good condition, The directors of the company look for- ward to anotlier very successful year, Much interest will centre in the saneek ment of the company, feeding the 'whey -East:--One feature of the show which 'dressed beef trade rather than an. ex- av. cost per ib Ae | orgattization, the same capital that was quived for the organization of: the this stent, and i about," Lessons from the Ontario Winter Fair, (Continued from last week.) Finishing Range Cattle in the attracted considerable attention was a bunch of 24 range cattle from the Northwest, exhibited by the Territorial Department of Agricuiture: These cat- tle were grade Shorthurns, Herefords and Galloways, and will be stabled and fed at the Agricultural College, and at}: Major Hood's farm at Guelph, - Ont., with a view to ascertain whether # ave-| cessful-business cam be dove by Ontario f ers in "finishing" Western cattle. Only 15 per cent.of the American range cattle are shipped direct to the market. The rest are shipped East and fed grain until they arein condition for slaughter, and that is one reason why American range cattle bring better prices than ours, In shipping our range cattle to England, they are so unaccustomed to confinement that they usually reach the Olid Country before they begin to eat. ie they have to be slaughtered within ten days of their arrival the loss in weight and price is very heavy. It is believed by Western men that if range cattle were shipped East and sold at sume central point, such as Toronto, they could be laid down at $35 to 940 per head, leaving a good margin for the Ontario farmer, Great Beef Packing Centers Needed. --In speaking of the outbreak of the} foot and mouth disease in the United States and of the necessity of protee!- ing Canadian herds from contagious diseases, Hlon, Sydney Fisher drew at- tention to the advantages of having a port trade jin live cattle, Among other things he said :--"The Americans have a dead meat trade, They have all qhe facilities of immense abattoirs aud they cau turn the stream from the live cattle to the dead meat trade ina very little time. cur a case of contagious disease in Can ada tomorrow atid the markets of the Old Country should be shut ayaiust our |: live stock trade, we have no- organized |' dead meat trade,.no abattoirs' here to slanghter our animals, no facilities for the transportation of that meat if it were prepared for the Old Country market, and that would be an almost fatal bluw against the live stock trade of this country. Such a thing might occurin Canada at any moment; it matters not how vareful the authorities may be. Such things have occurred in in the old land. I believe the day has come when the ordinary dead meat trade must be organized, must be sup- ported, must beestablished, so that if such an incident should occur in this country, we should not be put to the enormous loss that we would today. We have an exaniple of what can be ne in the success of the beef trade of Canada. The same thing can be done in(the dead beef trade, It will require thasame busipess capacity, the same picking houses, and for the establish- ment of the bacon trade, the organiza- tion of an abattoir system in Canada, and a transportation system to carry the meat forward. I want to call the attention of the stockmen and capital- ist of this province to this prublem, am -quite sure the difficulties which have hindered it up to the present time haye largely disappeared. One of these was the !ack of a market for the offal. There will soon be a market here that all the different parts of the animal can be utilized. This being the case, I feel the time is now ripe for the establish- ment of adead meat trade with the Old Country and tnat it must be brought about in the interests. of the live stock of this country. | Unless we take steps we are short sighted and we|- are closing our eyes to a eer with which we are face to fa announcement concerning the estab- lishmert of an industry that will re. lieve us from the danger with which we are now con ted, ter hae are even now at work which t should. be a hace But,.if there were to oc-}' ness to-devote my time and energy co the organization of the cement company, E am offering my large and well assorted stock of «Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furs, etc., at prices that must attract buyers. It will be your golden opportunity to save money by careful buying. This is a genuine sale and we mean what we say. Very Special Sate cf Furs and Readymade Clothing ! M. M. NILES, Atwood. Ss. WATSON The prime requisite in Groceries is freshness. ad a in this we pride ourselves : GROCERIES Fresh,New and Up-to-date We have a complete assortment of eyery kind of Breakfast Food. Milverton four and bread always on hand. HS We take this opportunity of thanking our numerous patrons for past favors: and wish ove and alla prosperous New Year. 5S. Watson, Atwood. Glearing Out 'dale of Odd Lines ! Having finished taking stock, gives us much pleasure. in thanking our numerous customers for their patronage during the past year, and hope for a con- tinuance of the same. it For the next week or two we will clear out all odd lines at Prices That Must. Command Attention,. in order to make room for new goods. We make it a point not to carry too large a quantity of old goods, but strive to keep our stock fresh and up-to-date. (. H. HOLMES, Sse 'Merchant. Having ee ecided to give up busi- | oe