Atwood Bee, 30 Jan 1903, p. 1

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eqs ip er ain Ladies' Bii:coat, woth $3.00, _ for $2.50 each. 'Misses', $°.75, for $2.00 each. Ladies' heavy, reat y-to-wear Skiris SJ worth @8.25, for 82.75. Pe z si _¥or--i+-- a i ae aiiiy oe Pure black Seylon Tea, regular doce for 3%. A choice Tantus Bled 2 'Coffee, worth 80c, for We a Ib There are leaders. The Coffee is fresh groand while you wait.- ~ATWOO ONT, FRIDAY. JAN. 80, 1903. NO. 3. ~_ JISTOWEL'S-LEADING-DRY-G00DS HOUSE, GREAT -- wi STOCK TAKING S E! This week we outlined onr plans for the eg Bg oF Fe ny. is. to be the banner week of this great sale, and day > dal After such genuine success as we have had this oe we ten asa | to. ty generously wilh shoppers during the coming week. That we are heeds no other argument than the following list for the coming w Carpets 17 yds ae Tapestry Carpets, 27 in wide, a splendid pea 11 bp- o-date patterns, regniar 65¢ and 70c¢, sale priae, per yd Regular S06 and 65c Union 36 in wide, sale price per yd _ 'Lace Curtains--no equal Hegutar 85ce and 40¢ Lace C urtains | sale price per pair eves Dive 5 nd 65¢ és 2995 iss bed nd ia id " cous Shae 60 * S100 and $1.25 " " " 'ioe Bthe 87 « 150and 1.75 " * we eee 119 " 9.00, 2.25, 230 " - a bee L69 Dress Goods One line all wool tweed Dress Goods, 5 colors, reg price 50c, to clear at.. 29 $1.00 Homespuns and Cheviots to clear at <a Saas 69 $i 25 i" = = «vas So ee 89 Ladies' Jackets 19 Indies' and misses' ticht and semi-fitting Jackets in all colors, tack blue, fawh and grey, sizes fiom 80 to 38, Miciaead $5.00 to .00, toclest §g- = 8 wease | -- neceee +... $8 50 Flannelette and 1 Cotton a All 124gc 36 in Fiannelette, per yd - a0 cane 8 40 yds vest 8c cotton for -- Biese 1 00 Groceries 25 lbs best granulated Sngar for hee senses $1 00 2 boxes Royal or Jersey Yeast fur na ae jhe 5 & Ibs Currants ior evede pe 25 14 tbs Green Coffee for, ae 1 00 ' Balance of Furs at 'cost. Sign of The Elephant, LISTOWELe Dou't forget the Ciothing Safe, Walter Bros., ROBERT THOMPSON, People's Cash Store, » Sign of The Golden Lion, Success of Our January Sale. You wiil know this as an annual event of this store in the futuressNot a lot of bargain stuff made up for cheap selling, but the whole of our reBaiar stack of high-grade goods reduced in price. A direct saving on each article bought during our January Sale, This Sale lasts{through January merely as a means of making shoppers better acquainted with onr mode of doing business and for the purpose of reducing the volume of our stock before annual stock takin sy trading in this store leaves a more lasting impression on your mind, especially us you kuow we only keep tirs!-class goods at the lowest possible cash price. 214g Ib. tin Edwardsburg voile Brand pure table syrup for $1.00 2,000 yds, Bengal oer eae' Uatten, 80 yds, length, at 74¢¢ per 5 Ibs. new Currants on you only 25c, 8 cans fresh, pink Columbia salmon 10c per can. Where ? The Golden Lion. 25 Ibs. Rice, not boiled, for $1.00, 8 bottles of Pickles for $1.00. 10 Ibs. roasted Coffee for $1.09. 20 yds. Al good Towelling for $1.00, ; . 5 Best green Coffee only 8c per lb. Do 6 bars Surprise Soap. "Cost how} you ase coffee ? Lf so, call at the Gold- much ? I told you--2dc, Lion. 10-4 white and grey Fiannelette Blankets per pair 55e. 8 lbs. of new a only 2ée. 5 lbs. Granulated Sugar, 1 1b. best} 6& bars Comfort Soap for 2h¢, Golden Liou Japan Tea for $1.2 25 yds. Flannelette ouly $1.90, Great Pre Smashing. Stock Reducing Winter Sale now in full blast at Live Cash Listowel's Store. 50 pairs Blankets, white or grey, made to sell at 75e, our Winter Sale on y 100 pairs Blankets, white or grey, large size, 30 55 made to'sell at $1,0ur Winter Sale only 77 20 pieces 30 inch Flannelette, good cloth, our Winter Sale only per yard Po 25 blaek sateen Shirt Waists, zood bright goods, nicely made,worth $1 D5, our Winter Sale 79 10 pieces good heavy Serge Dress Goods, all color s, all pure wool, ay inter Sale per yd 19 20 pieces Table Oil Cloth, th.vis the best cloth made. Our Winter Sale only per yd. 19 25 pairs men's Tweed Pants. Our Winter Sale 15 25 pairs men's heavy stuff Pants, good, all wool, well made, worth $1. 40,1. 50, Winter Sale 1 15 Best green Coffee, 'that money can 'buy, per Ib. 9 A good green Coffee, 15 pounds for 1 00 food cleaned Currants. Our Winter Sale per Tb. 5 MeDapald's Tobaccos, all 3 plugs for British Columbia Salmon, pink, best quality. Winter Sale, per can only 11 Gray, Bernie & O(o.,, Listowel and Owen Sound, 25 ww we | TOWN AND VICINITY Miller's Grip Diaders. cure. T. G, Ballantyne shipped & carload of cattle to Toronto on Wednesday, ~ tbe | Geo, Currie was in Toronto ow busi- ness on Monday. ""Gan'teat ? Take miller's Compound Iron Pills for a few days and observe the results, Wm. Porter ot Tn Bex staff spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives near Ethel, County Councillor Donaldson is at- tending the sesstou of the Couuty Council in Stratford this week. George Gordon fs suffering from a se- vere attack of the grippe. His daught- er Elsie has also been ill with a severe cold J. G. Robertson having sold hts home "the Maples" to Wm. Buchanan for the sum ¢f 81200 will move next week to his other property on Main St. Do not fail tohear Owen Smily at the Royal Templar concert next Tnes- day evening; also see the fancy flag drill by 16 handsome young ladies. ft will be worth the price of admission. A series of special meetings will be held early in February in the Baptist church here, The pastor will be aasist- ed by Ret, Dr. Spencer of Brantford. The meetings will likely continue for severa: weeks. T. G. Ballantyne shipped two cars of hoga on Monday. Itis wonderful the number of hogs that the farmers have to sell, Every week two or three car- loads leave this station and still there ere more to follow, Miss Lily Anderson of Manitou, Manitoba, and Mrs, Wm. Polloek of Rothsay were the guests this week Of their brother, D. G, Anderson. Miss Anderson has been a resident of the West for many years and considers it the country in which to live, Assessor John Hamilton was in town on Monday getting things in shape. to resurad hie euntired onll-apon the "Tate | payers, John make8a very goed as- sessor, J, A. Mitchell is now comfortably es- tablished in his new drug store. He has a great deal more room both for drugs and stagionery ; also more shelf room for the Library books. Colporteur A. F. Piercey was in the village last Fri@ay. [le has been act_ ively engaged in his work as colporteur in the neighborhood of Cranbrook and Ethel and is meeting with gratifying success. Thomes Hay is Listowel's new _post- 'master We heartily congratulate Mr. Hay upon obtalning so comfortable a position and hope that he may be long spared toenjoy it. His appointment 'gives general satisfaction to both politi cal parties. A passenger who was boarding the 3.48 express last Saturday came pearly losing his life. In attempting to get on the train while it was moying, he slipp- ed from the step and was thrown against the car. Fortunately the impact threw him a little distance out from the track. Another foot or two would have made quite a difference. People are far teo careless ip boarding trains. Some seem to do it to show off ; others are always late for the train, and others again are reckless, A rough-and-ready hockey match was played on the rick last Saturday afternoon between the 10th line boys and a team of Atwoodites. The game partook largely of the nature of old fashioned shinney as many of the play- ers were not expert skaters or stick- handlers, Ilowever, the players seemed to enjoy the fun and the game afforded plenty of amusement to those who were onlookers, The Atwood boys came out victorious by 5 goals to 2. Referee, Colin Cameron, This is the way a weekly paper ex- presses a trite idea: "[low dear to my heart is the steady subscriber, who pays in advance at the birth of each year ; who lays down his money quite gladly and casts round the oftice a hulo of eheer, Le never says stop it, I cannot afford it, I'm getting more papers than now J can read ;but always says send it, the family likes it~in fact we thinks it a real househuld need. How welcome he is when he steps in the sanctum, how he makes our heart dance! We outwardly thank him' the steady sub- | when ebey. "(superior quality, although the price, W. & J. Thompson's S This bein we will fake A abi We quote some prices, g the last week of our Grreat Stock Reducing effort to move & big portion of our remaining stoe%, Seies : eet PRE Goops. 20 yds. good Flamnelette for $1.00 yt Riese: Fecwry | Cotton "1.00 0) " I tt 1.00 : 20 tt ine ae Goods " 1.00 GROCERIZS. 25 Ibs. granulated Sugar ". 1.00 na" ee gil 5 " -- Cngrants «25 3 " RaBins * ao ' 6 " "25 3 'Dates "2 3 4 Prunes "25 3 " Soda Biscuits " 25 3 plugs McDonald Tobacco " .25 3 bo. : of Maté@hes 25 6 bars good LatttidrySoap " 25 2 doz. Marmala@le Oranges " .25 Scrofula cured by Miller's Compoun Tron Pills, Miss Edith Reurmington of Kincard- ineisthe guest of her uncle, Chas. Swall George Smith was engaged Wednes-. day mornirgin levelling the road be- tween Atwood and Newry. This ® af portion of road that becomes almost unfit for travel ow ing to the pitch holes. A wire fence on each side would be a worthy experiment. Que of the genial G.T. R. brakesmen, David Cox, was united in marriage on Wednesday of this week to Miss Shelton of Kincardiue. David is very popular with thse travelling public and we heartily congratulate the young eouple on the important step they have taken. The Paris Review says that Paris hockey team has been knocking the spots off every team in the intermediate league, but they ran up against a snag. en they tackled the Galt boys.ts the spots in that town ave of @ very pecul- iar kind, not easily knocked off and very catchin'. A carload of coal arrived in Atwood this week, and its arriyal was hailed with delight and relief by those house- holders who were nearly out of fuel, The coal dues not appear to be of very $8atonis certainly a superior one. The fuel question has been a source of anxiety to a great many people who in past years scarcely eyer realized jus how nuch it signified to have a Las supply of fuel on haud, In order to: meet some obligations the directors of the Atwood Public Library decided to give an entertain- ment on the evening of Feb. 10th, Phey have engaged L. B. Spafford car- toonist, humorist and instrumentalist to give one of his unique' entertain- ments. Mr. Spafford gives two and one half hours of solid fun, The press of the province area unit in according him unstinted praise. We hope the directors will be encouraged by seeing a bumper house greet Mr. Spafford. Remember it is for a worthy cause. Mr. Spafford is giving us a special offer and we hope the people will appreciate a good thing. The Royal Templars are going to give the people of Atwood and vicinity a rare treat on Feb. 8rd wnen Owen A. Smily of Toronto will give one of his inimitable entertainmeuts.. Mr. Smily is an exceptionally gifted young man. Several of our citizens have heard him, and it is on their recommendation that! the Templars engaged him for Tues- day evening next. He is an elocut- fnist, ventriloquist, monologist aud musician, and will be assis'ed by~.the best local talent. On Feb. 3rd the county district meeting will be held here, when it is. expected that a con- siderable delegation will be present from allover the county, to deliberate on matters of interest to the temper- ance cause, Let there be a good rally of local workers on Tuesday afternoon in the Foresters' Hall. We want to see Mitchell's Music Hall packed to the doors next' Tuesday evening to hear Mr. Smiiy. Royal Templars, get out and hustle !, Cell all the tickets you possibly ean, Call at Tuk BEE uffice and: get tiekets, We desire to see every concession canyxssed, Ad- mission to the concert, 25 cents. This soriier who paysin- advance." gives youa seat iu any part of the hall Miller's Worm Powders for restless ness and peevishness, ' We are informed that Martin Thom-, as who met with such a severe acciden& while braking on the G.T. R. near Han- over is not likely to survivethe injury. Messrs Kranter and Ritchte, our new hardware firm make an announcement: to the reacersof THE BEE. George is already weil Known, having worked for George Anderson-for some years, Mr, Ritehie comes from Cranbrook, anc will doubtless soon become acquainted with the people of this vicinity, We wish the new firm every success, Centre Bruce election trial, held at Walkerton, came to a sudden close Wednesday. * Donald Galbraith ad-« mitted have got liquor at MeCluse's Hotel, Paisley, on election day, and itt having been established that McCluse. was an agent of Hugh Clark, the re- spondent, the Judges at once declared she election voided: »The cross petition was pot proceeded with ; the petition and cross petition were dismissed with- out costs. We take'great pleasure in heartily recommending three splendid Canadian publications, namely : The Montreak Witness, World Wide, and Northerm Messenger, all published by John Dou- gall & Son, Montreal. The Witness has the reputationgf being the most independent paper in Canada, it standst for all that is good and upright and entirely fearless in its utterances. World Wide is a marvel of interest aud cheapness, and contains a weekly reprint ef articles from leading jour- nals and reviews, and reflecting the current thought of both hemispheres. The Messenger especially appeals to' the young, ils stories are caretully' chosen, and exereise a helpful influences op the young, Weean give THe BEE and Daily Witness for $2.35 ; Bee and Weekly Witness for $1.60 ; BEE. andl World Wide for $1.60 ; Bee and Mes- senger for $1.25 ; Daily Witness, World Wide, Northern Messenger aud Berri for $3.60 ; Weekly Witness, World Wide, Northern Messenger and BEE for $2.60. These rates provide a lot of" good reading for very little money~ Try it for one year, ee ee is= '""T have made a most thorougl f trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and #f am prepared to say that for all dis- 'i eases of the hungs it never disap- § points." J. Early Finley, Ironton, O, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral won't cure rheumatism; § we never said it would. & It won't cure dyspepsia; _we never claimed it. But # it wilt cure coughs and §: colds of all kinds. Weg first said this sixty years ago; we've been saying it ever since.

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