J. tel Ss, GE E -- is showing---- Ladies' Rau coat, worth for $2.50 each, Misses', $°,75, for $2.09 each. Ludies' heave, ready-to-wear Skiris worth $3.25, fur $2.75. $9.90, | ----is selling a---- (ae Pure black Ueylon Tea, regular 40c. = -- for 89. A choice Tantus Blend * Coffee, worth 80c, for 20c a Ib These are leaders. The Coffee ig * fresh groand while you wait. "= --_ VOL. 14. ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, FEB. 6, 1903. NO. 4. W ALTER BROS Listowel's Leading " Dry Goods House. Closing days of onr stock taking sale ; the end looms in sight. Only Satin day and the following week, seven days, in which to make a glorious finish for © 1F 1903 stock taking sale, the biggest mid-winter event of the kind Listowel tores ever attempted. Without wordy comment or lengthy introduction, we present onr pro-ram for the coming week aud by this list show how we. intend to boom business for the finigh. Goods exactly as represented. Prices just rs we teed or money refunded, The following list does'not begin to tell the story but it is enongh to show that a dollar will do the duty of two or more th week. Many of our best snaps don't get newspaper mention because quantities are too siwall, They will be here just the same, Dress Goods Cashmere in all colors reg. 65,75 and 85c, this week .50 Ladies' unlined top skirts, made of English cheviot and homespun in black, blue and grey, reg: $3. - skirts this week for $3.50 and $4.00 skirts for $5.00 and 5.50 skirts for 10-4 Flannelette Blankets ; esae OO All 123¢ plain and striped Flannelette,36 inches wide 7c Groceries 25 lbs. Redpath granulated Sugar ..e- $1.00 5 lbs. Currants this week for -- 25 2 boxes Royal or Jersey Yeast for wees bars Surprise, Sunlight, Comfort or Sweet Home Soap for Low Inlet Salmon, the best money can buy, week, per can 3 plugs McDonald Tobacco for 14 lbs. green Coffee for Hundreds of other bargains to offer ; too numerous to mention. All Fur Goods at Cost. "Prone W alter Bros., Sign of The Elephant, say. Satisfaction guaran- 23 LISTOWEL. ROBERT THOMPSON, BARGAINS! BARGAIN! BARGAINS! One of the Greatest Chances for you during February, 2,000 yds. new spring Prints, going] 56 lbs. Figs 25c. atocuyd. © 900 yds., only lefv, Bengal Sheeting 20 lbs. new Currants, cost you $1.00.) 30 yd.¢ ids Tc per yd. 1700 yds. new tapestry Carpet, rang-] 5 Ibs. Tapioca 25c. ing from 25c to 8e per yd. 8 lbs Purity Wheat 25¢. 6 bass Comfort Soap 25c. Ladies' black Duchesse{Satine Under- 6 bars : urprise Soap 25e, skirts, 95c at 'I'he Golden Lion. 2 Royal Yeast Cakes 5c. Ladies' kid Gloves, tan shades, dome 2 Jersey Yeast Cakes 5c. fastners, only 49c per pair. 27 pieces new wool and union Carpets 1200 ibs. Rice, come early, 4c per Ib. just opened out. 4,000 yds. 30 inch Flanuelette, downs Fresh Columbia Salmon 10c per can j them all, at 5c per yd. No fake : best roasted Coffee 10c per Ib Snap : best Green Coffee Sc per ib 8 plugs McDonald chewing Tobacco 25c. 25 cases pew spring goods. Try us for bargains. Try our Golden Lion Japan Tea 25c er 1b. One only gent's Fur Coat, Astrachan Collar, now $22 00, Three plugs McDonald best smoking Tobacco aud one pipe for 25c, Two bottles mixed Tickles 25c. Jp New Laces, new kid Gloves, new Embroidery, new lace Collars, new Corsets, new Dress Goods, new lace Curtains, new Silks, The leading Dry Goods and Grocerys House of Listowel. Highest price paid in cash or trede for all kinds of farm produce, Great Chance t0 § Listowel's Live Save Money at Cash Store. All lines of Furs, Mantles, Overcoats and ready made clothing are being slaughtered. It will pay you to borrow the money rather than miss the chanee. Why wait until next winter for a fur coat when you can save twenty-five per cent by buying now ? The sooner you come the better the choice. t o Men's heavy Ulsters, worth ie Winter Sale $4. as . "i ue 8 a long Raglan Overcoats worth ey Men's heavy Pea Jackets, \*nter Sale Boys' heavy Reefer Coats, 3.50, 3.75 . 5. 4. - Ladies' Fur Coats, to clear at 30.00, 27.00, 24.00, 19. Men's heavy fleece Underclothing, sold by all dealers at 5Uc, Winter Sale We are determined to clear all winter goods at all costs. Groceries cheaper than any other house in the coun- try, at Listowel's noted bargain house. Gray, Bernie & Co., Listowel and Owen Sound. i | ' ||T0WN AND viewiy) W., & J. Thompson's: Miller's Compound Iron Pills, only 25 cents for 50 doses, Wm, Ward is spending afew weeks with his son Joe at Mildmay, Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Caswell of Neep~ awa, Man., are visitors at J. H. Moore's this week. The juicy weather of the first of the week.-reminded us some- what of the past summer--it was wet, John Knox has had a second attack of the grippe, or rather a relapse of the first-attack: He is somewhat better this week. A, W. Parks of Durham spenta few days with friend 1n town last week. He left on Monday morning. Mr. Parks isa third yedr medical student of McGill University, Louise Candler, the little danghter of of Ben Candler, fell from a chair last week and broke her shoulder blade. The fracture is knitting nicely and she will soon have the use of her arm. Mr. Westman, representative of the Stratford Herald, was acaller at THE Bre office last Thursday. Mr, Westman was attending the Farmer's Institute meetings as reporter for The Herald. Johnston Stewart, who has been working in the Palmerston Flax mill spent a few days last week at his home here. The mill was closed down for some time but Johnston left on Satur- day to resume work, The price of coal oil has advanced rapidly, Canadian selling at 25 cents a gallon and American at 30 cents a gal- lon. The boys will have to do their courting in the dark, as the pater may object to the expense. The smokestack of M. Corrie's grist mill took a decided tilt to one side on Friday. Efforts were made to straight en it on Saturday but it seems without great success as it. was blown complete- ly over by the high wind of Monday. Mrs. McKoy moved her household ef- fects inta her new home on Monday. The old-drug siore has been nicely pa- pered, painted and Gtted up with new counters, shelves, etc, aud will make a very bright, cheery grocery and confec- tionery store. Do not forget' the Public Library concert on Tuesday evening next, Feb, 10th. Mr. Spafford, who provides the whole entertainment, is a veritable host in himself. The Library deserves your patronage, as this institution benefits all and injures no one. Tickets for any seat in the hail 25 cents. Geo. Smith is getting to bea champ- ion road leveller. He made a good job of levelling the pitchhoies between At- wood and the cheese factory. He had to tackle an enormous drift just oppos- ite the factory. It was one of the larg- est drifts we have seen for years, We wonder how John Sunflower would have liked to tackle it witha cut- ter Friday evening. We fancy he wou'd have been sitting there til relief came in the form of George Smith and his trusty soow shovel. An evolution is going on in newspa- perdom. The evening paper has takeo away the predominance long enjoyed by the morning daily. Two facts are re- sponsible for this, One is that busy people have more time to read after their day's work is done, and the second fact is that the big news events happen for the evening papers and are fresher inthem than when served up next morning. Then, too, nearly everybody is interested in the financial and com- mercial markets, and these are publish éd in evening papers of the largest class, like the Toronto Star, tweive hours before the morning papers can haye them. Moreover, in the matter of getting the world's news, The Toronto Toronto Daily Star has its own corres- pondentin Lonaon, 'and receives its own cables from him about everything of interest to Canadians. Whiie some papers are advocating a Government subsidy to a special cable service for Canadian newspapers, The Tororto Star has been publishing for more than two years past a direct cable service for its readers and for Canada generally. It is enterprise of this kind that has plac- ed The Torotto Star in the iead of ail other 'Toronto papers, morning and ey- ening - ay 30Oc Dress Goods, "To Towelilng "Ge Cotton Sc Fiannelette Lad * 1 ; runes Figs iam The Popular Place to Trade. Our great Stock Redacing Sale has come to an end, and judging from the * number of satisfied customers, and the amount of goods moved during the past * month, we consider ita big success ic every way. This week we will keep up ? the good work by offering alist of Every Day Bargains. oRT Goonrvs. for 190 a yard, " 66 * * Se ies' Vests, good weight, for 25c. " Drawers' "~~ 25. SROCHE RIES. 25 lbs Granulated Sugar for 8 " Yellow mS 1.00. 1.00. .25e. -25e. o " " ce 25e., ugs McDonald Tobacco for 25c. bs, Dates for cents. " " 25 se Remember the Place. Miller's Worm Powders cure fever in children, Mrs, John Wilson of Douglas, Man., has been visiting friends in Atwood. Mrs, John Smith returned to Detroit last Saturday after visiting her sister, Mrs, Geo. Gordon during the past two weeks. The Misses Morrison of Newry and "Mrs, John Switzer of Atwood visited their friend, Miss, Lily Hay of Stratford on Monday. Miss Bertie Wilson left Tuesday moroing for Stratford, where she will complete a thorough course in Short- hand and Typewriting atthe Stratford Business College, Miss A, Goyenlock returned on Tues- day from asbort vimt to relatives in Brussels. She leaves next week for London where she#i!l yisit'the whole- sale millinery stores and lay in her stock for the spring millinery trade, and also learn something regarding the latest creatious in the millinery art, John and Charles McKenzie left for Manitoba-last Friday. They are both enthusiastic luvers of the roarin' game of curling, and were anxious to reach Winnipeg in time for the great annual bonspiel, which will be attended by hundreds of curlers from all over the West. The visitof the Scotch curlers is of course the chief attraction, The Review editor states that he is indebted to A. F. McLaren, M. P., for a case of his famous Imperial cheese. We notice that a case of that famous Imperial has not yet reached THE BEE sanctuu. If for nothing else, Mac, you might just remember Tue BEE staff for the sake of ye old days. Now that the by-elections are over, the hard shelled Grits would not consider that you were offering a bribe to the pre- sent dyed-in-the-wool, Grit editor of THE BEE. Miller's Grip Powders cure. indieates others, which are worse-- Hood,s Sarsaparilia cures them all. On Jan. 10th, The Breeders' Advo- cate, 9 poultry, pigeon and pet stock paper published at Petrolia, Ont., pur- chased The Canadian Poultry Directory, asimilar publication, of Woodstock, Ont. The two papers will be amalgar- ated under the heading of The Breeders' Advocate, and published at Petrolia, This will add nearly 1,000 to The Ad- vocate's circulation, and will materially benefit those interested in the fancy, Sample copies mailed for the asking. That fullness after meal promptly re- lieved by taking one of Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills after each meal, LOCAL MARKETS. WHEAT, 67c. to 68c. OATs, 28 to 30, PEAS, 60c. to 68. BARLEY; 87c. to 38c. FLOUR, per ewt., $1.75 to $2.00. BUTTER, per Ib., 16c. to 17¢. Eaas, per dozen, 18c, POTATOES, per 'bag, 50e, Larp, per Ib., 12c. to 14¢ Hoes, live weight, $5.60 per cwt. HiIpes, per Ib., 5c. : BEEF per quarter, 6c, to 8c. per Ib, to 6c CoAL, $8.00 per-ton, . DISTRICT MEETING. The semi-anvual district meeting of * Perth Royal Templars was held in the' Foresters' Hall here pn Tuesday after. - noon, About twenty members were? present from Listowel, and two from+# Stratford, The local lodge was welt!' represented. Much routine business + was disposed of and new officers for" the district elected. The next meeting- will be held in Listowel. . Resolutions 4 were passed requesting the Districts Secretary to write to John Brown, M.- P. P,, and request him to support Hon... Mr. Ross in any temperance legislations he may introduce next session ; also te" Valentine Stock, M. P. P. for Souths Perth, with the same request. The fol-- lowing officers were elected: D.8. U.,. D.G. Anderson, Atwood; D. V. C.,, Miss Cleland, Stratford ; Sec.-Treas., A. - F. Dickson ; D. Chaplain, T, Kay, Lis-- towel ; D. Herald, Emerson Ballantyne,, Listowel ; D, Sentinel, W. Webb, Strat-- ford; D. Guard, W. Thompson, At-- wood ; District Representative to the: Grand Council, R. Seaman, Listowel ;: alternate, D. G. Anderson, Atwood. The concert in the evening under the auspices of the Royal Templara wast weil attended considering the rouglhs weather and the close proximity of the Public Library concert. Owen Smily> the chief entertainer of the evening: made a decided hit and kept his aud_- ience in good humor from start to fin-- ish. All his numbers were good, his! musical sketches being exceedingly' humorous and unique. Mr. Smily has a splendid stage presence and his hum- or is so refined and free from yulgarity" that he came as a welcome relief to thes ordinary comic singer, of whom At- wood audieuces have had a surfeit in years past. The local male quartet sang: two numbers and George Cocks render-- ed two solos ; all were heartily encored,- The fancy flag drill by sixteen young? ladivs was again successfully. given,, The effect was very pretty and the aud- ivuce demanded a repetition of the drill, Which was cheerfully given, Toe committee in charge of the entertain- Loss of appetite is an ailment that\ ment desire to thank all those who so- kindly assisted in the program. A, EF Dickson, Select Councillor of the 40¢al Royal 'Temp!ar Society$acted.as chai - man, The receipts totalled $45. a very creditable showing considering the cir* cumstances, My Lungs '*An attack of !a grippe left me with a bad cough. My friends said 1 had consumption. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it cured me promptly."' A. K. Randles, Nokomis, Il. You forgot to buy a bot- tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral when your cold first "came on, se you let it run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. 'There's a'record of sixty years to fall back on. - Three sizes: ordinary st Bese or chronle - 3.0, 4 tor bronchitis, bourse. fot throng cased snd lahoep on Sand j cs re