Atwood Bee, 6 Mar 1903, p. 8

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MorPHy & CARTHEW, ISTERS, Solicitors, Conveyance Soliciiors for ihe Ban Percot tis nen Sones Mos a & McKee ae store, Listowel, Ont -. HL B. Morruy. BLEWETT & BRAY, ARRISTERS and Solicitors, Listowel, Ont. Money to Loan. Solicitors for Scott's ouseand Ont, Perm. Buliding & . Offices over Scott's Bank, treet, Listowel. y FR. Brewerr. J.M. CanToEew. Gero. Bray, B. A. CECIL HAMILTON, B.A, BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER. * Dfonmey to Iocan at 4 per i: cent. oJ. -- OFFICE--Main-st., Listowel, next to § Dr. Foster, Dentist. i Brancu OFrFrice--Main-st., Atwood, "gover 'PHe Bee otiice. Will yisit) At- ¥ Wood every W napininaic die afternoon, DENTAL. Dr. W. A. McDoweELL, DHNTIST. YRADUATE of nora College of Dental Sur- » 1 geons of Onta i Honor Graduate mj Toronto University. Office over Thompson Bros. store, Lastowel; Beacon Orrice--Main St., Atwood, over THE Bee office. Will visit phi every Wed- nesday, from 9.30 a DR. W. M. BRUCE, s DEWTIsT, 8 BUSTS ate tis DD. Or pee. G nive oo To 4 bask Grwiuate Hank kel 1 School of °Prosthetic ntist J Will ne tound 'daily in his new office over sara' store, Entrance by same stairway ¥" 'as Dr. Rutherford, Main St., Listowel, Ont. = MEDICAL, 'DR. A. S. LANGRILL Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- t Licentiate College of Physicians and ¢ Surgeons of Outario. Special attention givea to Eye, Ear ~Nose and Throat, Evenings preferred efor such work. Office and residence--Maipn-st., . Pts. Roger's store, ATWOOD, ONT. next D. A. KIDD, M_D., ATWOOD, ONT, Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur, A full course of six weeks in 1899 sand a full course of eight weeks in 190! pin The New York Post-Graduate Schoo} sand Hospital, New York Special attention to Diseuses of the eye, ear, nose, throat, iseases of Women and children, and Operative surgery, :9to1l0a.m, p.m. 6 to8 p.m. 4Office Hours AUCTIONEERS. Cc. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE ey of 'Perth, Monkton, Ont. 'Rates st agg ly For particulars ap ply at this office ALEX. MORRISON, LICENSED AUCrIONEER FOR #the Counties of Verth aod Huron Charges moderate, All orders by mail ,or otherwise promptly attended ta, At- :wo ood P. O The Piace 2 Your Money ET wns keep your money for doubtful low rates of interest, when at all times, in large or small amounts, for any reasonable per- jod, it cuu'be safely ingested:in the goid- bering bonds of the British Mortguge Lean Company, Strat- ford, at four per.cent. interest, pay able 'reguiarly every half year? The wafest and best investment. The ydebentures of this Company are re- commended to Executors, Admin istrators, aud Trustees, as by the 'Statutes of Ontario, chapter 180. and by special! Order-in-Council of 'September @, £902, they are-made a legal investment for trast funds, Tbe County of Perth and the Perto Mutual Insurance Company mon- ies are invested in the bonds of the British Mortgage Loan Company. on deposits interest is paid on daily balances, aud is compounded 'every half year. Apply to : ai BUCKINGHAM, Manager. G.T.R. TIME TABLE. ' Trains leave Atwood Station, North nd South, as follows : GOING NORTH. Mixed 9.20 4.m 10.35 a.m, ek inent Japanese educator said: "The in- dolence of Japanese ladies is some- thing amazing. I know a daughter of a certain peer, but a brand new one, and this young lady's indolence is real- ly beyond the idea of ordinary mor- tals. She will not even open her mouth of herself. As soon as the time to re- tire to her bed arrives she issues her order, 'Now I will retire,' and at once three or four maids spread the under- quilts, help. her, or, rather, make ber, for she simply stands like a doll, to change her clothes, and at last the girl, swaddled In her night garment, is put to bed just like a person suffering from a serious illness, and so the poor thing goes to sleep and releases her maids from their trouble till the morning, when the daily routine is resumed. First of all she issues to the maids waiting in her anteroom this extraor- dinary order, 'I shall get up now,' and then the process exactly the reverse of that ef the night before is forth- with commenced by the girls. Day after day this routine is gone through, and the spoiled child of the proud up- start peer forces herself from her mis- taken notion as to dignity ad the life of an invalid and to le the normal development of her body." Fish Proverbs. "TI have other fish to fry" one says In declining a task. "A pretty Kittle of fish," says another in designating a pretty bad mess. The "kittle" is the tackle of the fish boom, which may easily get into a sad snarl. "There are other fish in the sea," says the rejected suitor. "Mute as a fish," "Dead as a herring," "As uneasy as a fish out of water," "To fish for compliments," are among the best known figurative ex- pressions referring to the finny tribe. "Very like a whale' we may refer at least to Shakespeare's time ('""Hamlet," lii, 2). "White as whalebone" was coined when walrus ivory was taken for whale's bone. "The shark flies the feather" is a sailor's saying, indicating the fact that this voracious fish will not touch a bird. The use of the term "land shark" is not confined to seamen by any means. Shakespeare makes use of another nautical expression in "Twelfth Night," i, 8 True Literature. We are inclined on the whole to be- lieve that the stimulus to literary pro- duction exists within and not without the man. It is not external circum- stances, poverty or riches, sickness or health, greatness or humbleness, that determine the productions or output of genius. It is the characteristics of the man that determine not what he shall learn or what he shall think, but what be shall do. A stimulus from without, such as poverty, may start production, of course, but that is merely the phys- ical awakening of a disposition that in any circumstances would have been awakened in some way at some time. True literature is the voice of the soul calling from the windows of the house of clay in response to those*things of life that touch the nature of the soul that speaks. No Charge. A group of representatives were one day telling stories of their experience in court when one of them couvtrib- uted this incident from Arizona, says o western newspaper: Out in one of the border towns a case Was in progress, one of the law- yers being an eastern man who wag new to tbe country. "Will you charge the jury, your honor?" he asked when the evidence had been submitted. "Oh, no; 1 guess not," replied the judge. "I never charge them anything. They don't know mucb anyhow, and I let 'em have all they can make." A Costly Bible The most costly book in -- Royal library at Stockholm is a Bible. It ts no wonder that it is considered pre- clous, for there is not another like It In the world. In weight and size alone it is unique. It is said that 160 asses' skins were used for its parchment leaves. There are 309 pages of writ- Ing, and each page falls but an inch short of being'a yard in length. The width of the leaves is twenty Inches. The covers are solid planks four inches thick, An Explanation, - = suppose vod will be glad to get "fay from 'congress 'and get a little rest." "My friend." answered the states- man, "you misinterpret the situation. When a man goes 'to bis own state, he 'has got to look after elections night and day. He goes home to hustle. If he's lucky, he gets tq congress, where is a chance to rest." Like Father, Like Son, "I'm determined to call the dear iit- tle fellow Marion," said Mrs. Henpeck. "But think, my dear," protested Mr. | Genpeck, pere, "if be should grow up, like me, to marry a--er--strong woman and push a baby coach bimself and wasb dishes, bow easy it would be for people to change Marion to Mary Ann." '1 ---- Express 12.52 atm Express 7,05 pam 8.48 p,m re In a recent address in Tokyo a prom- E ur Food You don't and ease iF pas. stomaeh is weak. A weak stomach does not di- gest all that is ordinarily taken into &. It gets tired easily, and what it fnils toe digest is wasted. Among the signs of a*weak stomach gre uneasiness after eating, fits of ner vous headache, and disagreeable beleh- ing. "T have keen troubled with is a =] Ss cS 8 # i] 3 and fall and oni not be without te . A. Nugent, Belleville, Ont. Hood's Sarsapariila Strengthens and tones the stomach ang the whole digestive system. Donegal. Thos, Marks {who has rented Isaac Matthews' farm on the 6th con., moved last week, Joseph McCracken has disposed of his farm to his brother-in-law, William Hymers of Mornington for $5,000. James Hyslop C. E, of British Col- umbia and sister of Strasburg were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson last week. Mrs, Cornelius Balls was given an ag- reeable surprise, previous to her depar- ture for ber new home near St. Marys. A number of her lady friends present- ed her with toilet and berry sets. Mrs. Balls, who was somewhat embarassed at their unexpected kindness suitably responded and thanked them for their kind token of regard for her. W.S. Buchanan has purchased a ~100 acre farm from Mr. Brydone near Glen- allen, and will move there shortly. We shall be very sorry to lose Mr. Buchan- an, ashe bas long been] a very useful man in our midst, being blacksmith here for over twenty years, He hasde- cided to dispose of his residence and shop, and is looking for a suitable man to purchase them. Andrew Hemphill met with a rather serious accident on Sunday night. It appears he was making his way down stairs during the night, and missed his footing, falling to.the bottom. Doctor Langrill was summoned and stated that no serious injuries had been re- ceived, Mr. Hemphill is almost ninety years of age and has not shown any improvement in his condition, it is feared his case may prove serious. Auction Sales, Alex. Morrison, auctioneer, bas received instructions from Jno. Wilson to sell by public auction on Jot 14. con. 7, Elma, on Saturday March t4th, all his farm stock and implements. The farm will also be offered for sale and if not sold will be leased fora number of years fur a stock farm and must not be farmed. LICENSE DISTRICT OF NORTH PERTH. To Tavern-Keepers, Shop-Keep- ers = ae all others interested: Firs t Day of int 1903, mal ager Yo will be required to furnish the zood and sufficient sureties when * the polling sub- efor wh ich li- at the time of making such a ppptee ent within said polling sub-division. WM. CLIMIE, Inspector, March Ist, 1903, Listowel, Ont. Executors' Notice to Creditors. ixecutors' Notice to Creditors of Wil- liam Shannon, late of the Town- ship of Elma, in the County of Perth, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby. given pursuant to the Stat- utes in that beh: that all creditors and other paving claims Sa i estate ofthe said ty deceased losuny, a. 0. bout the twent; y of January, at the of cmnaite of Elma are required on or before Sat parser eo the 2 tyrenty signin day Fareweett Listowel Ont, Bo Soitee for th r we) 'or the un- de ed Executo' ot the 3 anid pa sey Shan- es gs to the sai ten state- of see names, Dated at Listowel tourth sales A.D. 1903, ne DOUGLAS, the Shoe Man. Never before were such bargains offered in Listowel as for the past 30 days. More old boots have been dump- ed in the rubbish pile than ever before known of. You know the reason why. If not, call at Douglas' Store, where he is selling git Boots and Shoes, Cheaper than you can steal them. The bankrupt sale for the past 30 days has been a Wonder of Wonders. This is only acommencer, as we have decided for the Next 30 Days to break all previous records, having purchased a large Bankrupt Stock at a very low rate. We purpose turning them into cash and to do so we are going to sell them Cheaper than Ever. 500 prs men's handmade Plow Boots,were $3.50 now $1.60 358 "* Fine Gaiters, were $2.75 now 7 78 "* men's fine Lace Boots, were $3.50, now 786 s ladies' fine Dongola Lace Shoes, were $3.75 now bees tees . 55 pairs ladies' Button Shoes, were $1.65, now 9 134 500 a Also a number of ladies' Rubbers. oe Strapped Slippers, were $1.50, now men's Rubbers, were 90 cents, now 1,25 1.25 TA 15 60 Dou gclias, The New Boot Hustler, Ballard's Old Stand, Main St. Bridge. This Space belongs to N. Nolmes. Watch for 'Next 'Week. -

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