ne Mains, Tastee next to 2 Pr. Foster, Dentist. Branocu Orrice--Main-st., Atwood, over THE Bes office. Wil yisit <At- '% wood every Wednesday afternoon. DENTAL. Dr. W. A. MCDOWELL, DEHN TIST. : UL gaoakiey of moval College ef Dental Sur- a woordraduate of of Toronto avers Office over Thompsou Bros. store, Listowel, tom Mado f St., Atwood, over THE Bex hoe. Will visit Atwood every Wed- nesday, from 9.30 = » "DR. W. M. BRUCE, DEwTistT, ch 8, TH B. G: D, S., Onieete a 4 o'acks verslty oF prosthetic a oats be tound ily in his new office 0 -* W. Spears' store. Entrance prem caiewuy _» ¢s-Dr. Rutherford, Main St., towel, Ont. MEDICAL. DR. A. S. LANGRILL Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- ivea to Eye, Ear yenings. preferred Licentiate Dollege of Physicians and Special attention © Nose and Throat, Office asd residence--Main-st,, next 2 Mrs. Rugor's store, # Surgeons of Ontario }tor such work, AtTWwaopD, ONT. --_---- Orv" D. A. KIDD, M D., ATwoopD, OxT, jae Surgeon a "'Accoucheur. A fall course of six weeks in 1899 sand a full coarse of eight weeks in 19UL © %in 'The New York Post-Graduate School gand Hospital, New York, Specisl aftentiou to Diseases of Lie eye, ear, nose, throat. Diseases of Women wed children, and operative surgery, - # Office Hoars : oto 10a. m. 1to3 p. im. Giv 8 p.m. -- ae AUCTIONEERS. C..H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE t€ounty of (Certh, Monkton, Oni SRates moderate. For particulars up pply at 'this office. ALEX. MORRISON, LICENSED AUCVtIONEER FOR tthe Counties of Perth and Huron e®barges moderate, All orders by mail avr OLherwise promplly atleuded to, At- woud r.°O The Place "FOR = Why Keep your money for doubtful * Mortgages at low rates of interest, Whe atubl tines, 1 large or small mbiounts, for any reusonable per- jod, it can be safely. ingested in the -goid-vearing bonds of tbe British Mortgage Loan Company, Strat- ford, at four per cent titerest, pay 'able regularly every balf year? The safest and best investment. The debeutures of this Company are re- commended to Executors, Admin ixtrators, #ud Trustees, as by the Suilutes of Ontario, chapter 130 aud by special Order-in-Coaneil of September 3, 1992. they are made a -legal vestinent for trast funds, he County of Perth and the Pertn Muwual Luscrance Company mon- jes are invested in the bonds of the British Mortgage Loan Company. Wu deposits interest is paid on daily bLasences, dud is compuunded evers huif year, pply lu - BUCKINGHAM, Manager, G.T. R. TIME TABLE. Trains jedve Atwood Station, North id South, ws follows : GOING NORTH. 9.20 Your Money PUGH--MaoFARLANE. At the residence of the bride's mother &|Mrs. Thos. MacFarlane, Elma, Miss '| Liazie was married on Wednesday af- ternoon of last week to Josiah D. Pugh of Okotoks, Alta. the ceremony being eonducted by Rey. J. Saunders of Lis- towel. The bride entered the draw- brother Joh e strains of the Loh- engrin Wedding March, played by Miss Rebecca MacFarlane, Miss Nellie Mac- Farlane, sister of the bride, was brides- maid, and Dr. Prank Turubull of Gode- rich was. best man, The bride was daintily attired in an exquisite gown of white silk with white chiffon overdress and yeil, and looked yery: graceful and 'pretty. She carried a bouquet of white roses. 'The bridesmaid wore a becom- ing gown of pink silk voile, trimmed with chiffon and point lace medallions and carried a large bouquet of brides- 'maid's roses. The bride's travelling suit -wasof navy blue broadcloth with a turban of navy blue velvet trimmed with foliage, The groom's favor to the bride was a beautiful Persian lamb coat and to the bridesmaid a brooch \of diamonds and pearls. Among the 'other presents, which were many and very beautiful, were a silver tea serviee ané a huge diamond pin, the gift of Doetors Pugh of Chieago, and a wish- stone brooch of solid gold set with pearis, the gift of Rev. A. J. Hamilton of Montreal, cousin of the bride.. After the ceremony a dainty wedding 'supper was served at which the health -of the bride was proposed and respond- ed to. Congratulatory speeches were made by Rev. A. J. Saunders, Dr. Turn- bull, Dr.. Egbert, Dr. Hamilton, and Messrs. Lee, Dunn and _ Dickson. 'ingroom leaning' on the arm of her) cu impairs the taste, smell and hearing, pollutes the breath, deranges the stom- ach and affects the appetite. To cure catarrh, treatment must be constitational--alterative and tonic. "I was if for four months with catarrly in the head and throat. beans a bad #. blood. become poLPH, West Liscomb,, N. 2 Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures catarrh--it soothes and oreutral ens the 1aucous membrane and builds up the whole system. Grey An Epworth league has_been organ- ized im connection with the Union ehureh, 12th cou, Jno. K. Baker was elected President. The night of meet- ing will be Thursday. Wm. Bray, 16th eon., disposed of a heavy draught 5 year old mare to John } Wallace, Downie township, Perth Go. for $150: She was a fine animal and bred from "McBean". Last Priday Jno, B. and Miss Mary McLaueblin took train at Brussels for a trip to the Northwest, Their destin- ation is Salt Coats. They will probably spend a few months in the West before returning. Councillors Fraser and Turobull at- tended the Good Roads Coayention at Clintoa oa Wednesday. Harry Atwood disposed of a fine three year ofd heavy draught colt to P. McKay, 8th con., for the sum of '$150, He boughta standard bred filly from Mr. MeKay at $75. A fine horse belonging to Samnel Wright, of the Henfryn brickyard, Friends and relatives were present from Toronto, Strafford, Listowel, Mil- verton and Atwood. The happy couple left for the West on Tuesday and will spend a few days en route at Stratford, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary and Banff. « oct and Its Oaas. A notorious gambler, who died some time ago, once wagered a thousand dol- lars to one that six would not be thrown with a pair of dice ten times in suceession. His offer was taken up by a fellow clubman. The dice were brought, and his opponent actually threw six nine times in succession. The gambler then offered $470 to be free of the bet. The other man declined, had his tenth throw and failed to get- another six. Just to show how very Httle the av- erage man knows about the doctrine of chances a well known mathematic ian has pointed out the real odds about this bet. The chances were no less than 60,466,175 to 1 against six being thrown ten times in succession; there- fore the real bet should have been about $600,000 to 1 eent against such a thing happening. A Drawback. "Well, James, how are you feeling today?" said the miuister to one of his parishioners, an old man suffering from chronic rheumatism. "You are not looking as brisk as usual." "Na, sir," replied the old fellow sad- y. "I've been-gey unfortinit the day." "How, James?" "Weel, sir, I got a letter fra a Glasca lawyer body this mornin' tellin' me that ma cousin Jock was deid an' that be had left me twa hunner poun'." "Two hundred pounds!" repeated the minister. "And you call that bard luck? Why, it is quite a fortune for you, James." "Aye," said the old man sorrowfully, "but the stipld lawyer body didna pit eneuch stamps on bis letter, an' I had a hale saxpence to pey for extra post: age." dropped dead the other day. Last week the livery stable conduc- ted for 143¢ years by Hugh Williams & Son, of Brussels, was purchased by Ben Dark, who recently sold his farm in Grey, and the new proprietor took pos- session on Tuesday. We are pleased to report that Messrs Krauter & Ritchie haye opened up a hardware sture in Ethel, and will no doubt do a good busines3. Auction Sales, Alex. Morrison, auctioneer, has received instructions from Jno. Wilson to sell by public auction on lot 14, eon. 7, Elma, on Saturday March I4th,. all his farm stock and implements. The farm will also be offered for sale and if not sold will be leased fora number of years fur a stock farm and must not be farmed. * LICENSE DISTRICT OF NORTH PERTH. To Tavern-Keepers, Shop-Keep- ers and all others interested: OTICE is hereby. given that application for for Bes will be received by the First Day of "April, "1908, Applicants will be required to furnish the names of t ° good and ane sureties mek licatio: must inelue € one- third of the e at the time of making ae fpyeeetion, resid- ent = said polling sub-division 8&3 VM. CLIMIE, Inspector, March me 1903. Listowel, Ont. can, get elsewhere. BOYS! Have you ordered your Spring Suit? No! Well, do not do so till you see Hugh Porter's large assortment "of Spring and Summer Suitings which have just arrived, and we will convince you that you can get better satisfaction for less money than you Our line of Furnishings can't be beaten. :/Hugh Porter, Atwood.| a DOUGLAS, the Shoe Man. Never before were such bargains offered in Listowel. as for the past 30 days. More old boots have been dump- ed in the rubbish pile than ever before knownof. You know the reason why. If not, call at Douglas' Store, where he is selling --eamggit-- Boots and Shoes, Cheaper than you can steal them. The bankrupt sale for the past 30 days has been '& Wonder of Wonders. This is only a commencer, as wehave decided for the Next 30 Days to break all previous records, having purchased a large Bankrupt Stock at a very low rate. We purpose turning them into cash and to do so we are going to sell them Cheaper than Ever. 500 prs men's handmade Plow Bootttwere $3.50 now $1.50 358 jj" Fine Gaiters, were $2.75 now ee 78 =" men's fine Lace Boots, were $3.50, now 1,26 786 '** ladies' fine peneols Lace ee were $3.75 now "4 woe 185 55 pairs ladies' Button Shoes, : were $1. 65, now TB 90 9 Strapped Slippers, were $1.50, now .76 500 7 men's Rubbers, were 90 cents, now 60 Also a number of ladies' Rubbers. Dousttlias =, The New Boot Hustler, Ballard's Old Stand, Main St. Bride>. IMBERLEY BLOCK STORE IN FULL BLAST! New eoods at pleasingly new prices. Our Spring Goods opened up ready for your Inspection. It will afford us much pleasure for you to call, one ac.jand all, big and small. Look through our stock, see the - beautiful new goods we have to offer in the latest shades "land designs ; get our prices, it will be to our mutual ad- :3| Vantage. We sell goods on their merits and are quite satisfied to accept your verdict. Zedpath's Granulated secured by us before the recent. advance, SHt.SO per 100 lbs, for cash. New Prints in one hundred different patterns, from 5 to 12ke per yd. at New Ginghams New Laces and Embroideries, New Lace 'Cittains, New Carpets, New Cottonades New Shirtings, 'New Oilcloths, table and floor. A full line of Boots and Shces in stock. If you require anything i in the Ready-to-wear line we can please you in quality, style and price. A fresh and complete stock of Groceries always on hand. |Farm produce taken in exchange at the highest market { ) pFice. : 0. H. Holmes, Atwo