Atwood Bee, 27 Mar 1903, p. 4

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rhe. Fool; in Packages aii pais: © Titefiation al Stoc (Is: te: Hess' Btock Food in sacks, ] Herbageum in paper 'bags. j na Buy your Cabbage and omato seed fot box . a at the Medical lit - All. kinds of garden seed ih packages, 5c Bach, packages for oh or 10 packages for Get our prices on Man- ' d Oil Cake, 2c Ib . "a cic: ig el and Turnip seed. | aa r 100 pounds. They will interest you. i org bs * J. A. Mitchell, Medical Hall, ATWOOD. "Bank at Hamilton, HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON. , General Manager, - ° 'early Branches in Ontario, Mani- . hd Hens and British Columbia. . ef British and American Correspondents. gm Deposite received and Interest allowed. ga Goneral Banking Facilities. ATWOOD BRANCH ----OPEN---- 'Monday, Wednesday and Friday. AISTOWEL BRANCH B, FORSAYETH, Agent, AAantial etrictic N. B.--All busi 'The Young Man as a Citizen "Por our conversation is in heaven; = from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Jord Jesus Christ." Phil. 3: 20. (Continued from last week.) One duty of Christian citizenship is x sto keep the laws of the land. The man | - whois atrae lover of his country will ystrive to its laws, The lawbreaker -. 43 not a doures of strength but of weak ness to any country in which he may reside, A whole army of officials have ¥ 10 be maintained so-as to keep him in | ...order. Good citizenship pre-supposes _ 'good, moral, and righteous actiocs. The 4 immoral mau and the profane, the Sab- bath breaker, the thief or the scound- rel can not be a good citizen, no matter ~ how he may vote. Ifa man breaks the ~ jaws of God and of the State he is not a good citizen, however enterprising, but, is an enemy to the might be applied thus the coumonwealth would be au = A state is .| aod bad priuciples.| Que party is just dened} will follow conscience, let the results be | el@es that of the nations of this world. of Greece, draws attention to the fact that no other power was able to curb her pride until "fron herself she fell,' This is a fruitfal source of nations' dis- aster--falling from themselves. The citizens and especially the ruling classes set the laws at defiance, and take part in shameful and corrupt practices. When thia happens, unless it is checked and the remedy promptly applied, the nation has not far to. go to meet its doom, Another duty of the young Christian is to help to govern his country by ex- | ercising his franchise, Cast your ballot for what you consider to be right when election day comes rouns. For this right our forefathers fought and bled anddied. Itistne safeguard against tyranny and despotism. If it was worth while battling for these rights) surely when they are obtained it is worth the Christian's while to exercise them. No greater mistake can be made than to leave the government of the country in the hands of the lowest and most iguorant of its citizens. Christiau men, young and old, who are qualified tw yote should, and. thus purify political life and make it impogsibie for the worst clements in. the community to control our civic and national affairs, as they so often do, for their own per- sonal ends, to the detriment of the state as a whole. In order to give an intelligent vote tbe young mau should read and keep himseif posted on public questions. Study carefully the great ecouvmic proviems that agitate the public mind aod come befure the country for settle- ment. It is ouly thus that the reign of the partizaa aud prdfessional politician can ve overthrown, Tue death of iguor- ance will ve thedvuum of demagoguery. It may be decessary in order to carry On the affairs of guverument to have parties, But the young should rise su- porior to auy party. 'Luv strict pactizan is always Qarrow, uever seviung any good in his oppouvnts, uever any wroug iu hisuwu party. He will stick Jo party regardless of the issues involved, aod vote fur it whether right or wrong. He degenerates into a mere machine, aod never exercises his miud or his cuuscieuce, 'Ihe truth seems tu be that both parties have some good men iu thew aud sume good principles tuo, as well as a certain proportion of bad meu about as guod and just abuut as bad as the other. What our country needs to- day isa relaxation of the old part lines,and a large bedy of young electo:s who are frev aud independent, who ae uot wedded to either side, but are abie to sew Lhe good aud the bad in both sides, gud to treat them impartially, Priucipie should always prevail over party.allegiance. Vote your best con- Tigsions,gome what will, "What is ly/wrong can never be politically right." Weare going more for our Lediutry when we are ip the minority voting right thap when we sre with the' majority vaiiong wrong. God wants sitizeus iu.every commonwealth who td what they may. B.t there is another el\iz-nship be 'There is a better city even an heaventy, % to ob- here below, but eternal {life beyond, should become citiBens of that celestial comtiutiWealth, the kingdom of oar Gord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It alone shall endure after the kingdoms, of this world, the very yreatest and best of them have crumbled in thedust, In other words, young man, build not only fox time, for eternity. What- ever you do, choose the one thing need- fal, the salvation of your soul. To be a citizen of a good country, where the laws are calculated to devel- op the highest type of manhood, and where they ase firmly yet kindly ad- ministered, isa blessing for which we cannot be too grateful, but itis not to be compared in value to citizenship in the kingdom of Heaven. Tobea citi- zen of Heaven is to be an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. It ts to have not only unending life, but riches and pleasures and joys unspeakable at our command. The best of this world's |sovereignties have drawbacks, Not one of them is perfect. But this king- dom, of which we ali are privileged to becowe@ o:ti:é 18, is absolutely without a flaw. Its bonors are the highest, its rights the most royal, and its liberties the fiuest. To faiiiu securing a por- tion in this kingdom, no matter what worldy honors and estatés we may 8e- cure, is to make our lives on the whole 'complete failures. Nothing that we can gain in this world can counterbal- ance the loss of the kingdom of God, which is equivalent to the loss of the soul, . The preciousness of this kingdom, and the importance of being citizens of it, may be inferred from what it cost to establish it. It has been purchased with the bipod of Calvary's cross. Nothing less than the death of the Son of God could suffice as a sacrifice for human guilt. No other foundation than the expiatory sacritice of the God- | man could form a foundation sufficient. ly broad and strong upon which to build the edifice of the plan of salvation. But God Himself discovered the way by which He could be just aod yet the justifier of sinners. Aud He discovered the means and performed the work necessury to its accomplishment, for no other could do it. He considered it worth his worth His while to'do so, for the souls of men were exceedingly prec- ious in His sight. And surely if it was worth God's while to seck after us, and to do so much in order to purchase our redemption, and secure our salvation, it must be a matter of pre-emivent im- portance to us, and we should not rest satisfied uctil we are citizens uf the kingdom of Heaven. It now remains to point out the way by which we may find eutrance iute this kingdom and become citizeus of it, The cuonditious are very simple, so sim- ple indeed that many neglect it aito- gether. It is "believe on the Lord Jesus Ctrist and thou shalt be saved," Faich in Jesus Christ is the sole requisite for qualification for ce- lestial citizenship -- the citizeuship which means so much to the individual in this life and in the world which is te come, Yuung man, whatare you ga jug todo with Jesus Christ ? You cannot afford to ignore Him; you must either accept Him or reject Him. Accept Him now and your earthly citizenship shall become more complete and satisfying, and when this world passes away it shali be your bappy portion to "depart and be with Him which is far better', Batif you reject Him now, the time will come when He shall reject you. "Admit Him, ere His anger burn, t be depart, and ne'er return ; Admit Him, or the hour's at When at His door, denied you'll P. A. MacLzop, DEA TES Guurmson--In Elms, on Thursday, am the direction of J. ROGER. Hardware Merchants: This is the seasonof the year when the thoughts ofjour custome Dairy - and - Creamery - Supplies, » We have made up and passed into stock an excellent line of milk cans, creamery cans, and all kitchen utensils required by every good house wife. Special attention given to the manufacture of cheese vats. order solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. rs naturally turn A trial T. G. RATCLIFFE. New Dress Goods, 2 ew Waist Goods, New Prints, New Shirtings, New Flannelettes, New Tickings, | New | a choice of patterns. Wi. R. Erskine, New Spring Goods! These goods are all new and up-to-date in style, quality and effect at reasonable prices. Call and secure New Muslins, . New lace Curtains, be OD wad New Cottonettes, enims, New Table Linens, New Floor Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc., ete. Farm Produce taken as Cash. yd Atwood. 'The People's Popular Cash Store. , 7 tion guaranteed. S. Watson, New Bakery _ I have -secured a first-class baker in the person of W. H. Mylks of Arthur, who has had considerable experience in the art of baking WBRolesome Bread and Cakes. A fair trial solicited and satisfac- - Atwood. business. the cuts we are making. '|All 12% cent Prints at 10 cents. were $4.00 now The only place to get Bargains is where a man is going out of @=eece cee Our Clearing Sale still goes on, and has proved very satisfactory. We are still reducing prices on all lines, and the prices quoted below will give you.some idea of 10 Mens' waterproof a suitable for spring wear, Resdymeade Clothing all aizes, going at reduced prices. 1,000 pairs of Shoes, sll kinds, now going at cost, #. M. WILES, - Atwood.

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