~~ Pen: Picture In Fe the Stz ning ingle de Tarbell' shistory - of now "Oa Cotipan ar if ing. ing ap pent "ol ¢ J. D. 'Rocketellgt js disegssed at some. length, in part as follows:--"Of -course Mr. Rockefeller knew that the railroad } was a public carrier, and that its ¢Har- ter forbade discrimination. But he knew that the railroads did not ae to obey the laws, governing, them, they regularly hatided special cates Een rebates to those who had large am- ounts of freight... That is, you could bargain with the railroads as you could with a man carrying on a strictly -- ate business. depending inno way on # lic franchise. Moreover, Mr. Rocke- lier Knew that if he didnot get-re-: bates somebody else would; that they were for the wariest, the 'shrewdest, the most persistent. If somebody was to get rebates, why not he? This point ef view was no uncommon one. Many men held it, and felt a_sort of scorn as practical men always do for theorists, when it was contended that the shipper was as wrong in taking rates as the railroads in granting them.; Thus, on ene hand there was an exaggerated sense pf personal independence, on the ether a firm belief in combination: e hand a determination to root out Pi vigious system of rebates b practises by the railway, on the other a determin- ation to keep it aliye.and profit, by. it Those theories which-the body-of oil-. en held as vital and fundamental Mr. Bocxetelies 'and his associates either id not comprehend or- were déaf: fo. is lack of comprehension by y mén, of what seems tg" "angen | , be the most obvidu nciples f justice is not rare. Many men who re Widely known as good : 'share' ity ir. Rockefeller was 'good.' There was go more faithful Baptist: in Cléveland' than: Evety . entérprise of, that ehurch he had supported liberally froth his youth. He gave t@-its poor. He. visited its, sick lew with sits, suffering. Moredévér, fe & unostén= | tatiously to many outside charities of whose worthiness he was satisfied. He was simple and frugal in his habits. He mever went to the theatre, never drank wine. He was a devoted husband and he gave 'much time to the training af his children. seeking to develop_ in them his own habits of economy and'ot charity. Yet he was willing to. strain every Nerve to obtain for himself spe- cial and illegal Brivy! "Ess irom, Tailrqgads w hich w und to evéery.man in the ait bi tness not shar- ing them with him, 'Reliziqus emo tion and sen timents of charity, propri- ety and self-denial seem to have tak- en the plave in him of nagions of jus: tice and regard for the rights- ol | others." The Man Behind the Cow. Much is bemz of Vive journals and-atycons cyWyon, alin uf the | compéitativ@=-quality ot "Bitter amade | where the cream factory, ant where it is separated at the farm do only the%eream dehfer- ed to the hctury, Put into a few words, itis a battie between the fac tory sepafator afd tio farm sepdrator, In nearly every the ol the buttermakers ' a lishet touch "of quality fs obtai med from -the factory separated sm.othan from the watheped cigam sqparate J oat the farms, Just ediegeadagy on, have not s advocates brought to their ther taken directiv to separated at the farm, in ] alike when it comes: from the cows. It is the man behind tig' cow that ds the cause of any distinétiony good OF. bad, that may be found, aad i noe: the' separators. The créant as" {t "fomes from the smalb.separator at the jar is in every rete s as sweet, fresh an perfect as the cream from the large separ eat the factary, dt ry in, the after' Cafe" of the cféam' that is- thé cause $f guchimpegiection, (ii ans, Aha may 'be miet ih t fe Creani. The quicker cream, after it leaves. the cow, is carried through the net- essary changes on its way to the but- ter product, the better will. be the quality, of the butter, as judged by pre- | sent. standards. Factory fules of } Management do not require prompt daily delivery to the factory. of the greant from the farm separators, where the cream gathering plan is practised. For the convenience of the maker the eream is held at the farm where made for a day or two, and pequenty for several days, before delivery. Under any conditions of care this delay" damaging, and, further, the care un- der ityis KEpt ar fafipas no in aW eases "ttchl Ss ité Boot eridit fon requires, nor such as it would receive at;* 4 well-managed . factory... 'In. this way"the quality of fie' product ° 'made from it is graded down. The man'be- hind the cow, in whose care the | cream wsjlelty while at "the farm, ds: res sponsible for all defects uf the cream while under his care. The..practice: of keeping crear for several days, or for a week, as:is some- times the case, cannot be too emphafi-"! in d airy is an or se reports Cit cre cre is an important matter for and one over which we en any ai -30n that. the f the farm "Separators have avd, Phe milk, whe he factory or hoth cases 1s not be made from» cteam a-week-old, as every critical buttermaker, dle or factory, Jawows. <Apother error, of | the dairyman'is in failing té 'deat fete scald the sepatator, cach dag} -a every time it is used. Complain - mad Ipealiies 9 reheat ro sdlcsmea vepres --h that this is not Fe feet eg ~But. thistis @WiFong- © All. ite tisils ebtploy- (| ed in handling milk and in dairy work |. whether the Bek or the farm se paratag, or Pail, us be thor- =poow tx * e , RecR Sterne eter ving ery using. Ay speaker-at~< of vention declared that where ont the | ruin | eparated at the | Sof ardless.of aeypr condi 'ot 'Francie Bodih thi0 atm ce expedition in Ashantee, ip sub: ; + --to uss 7 cally condemned. Choice butter can- | ad | 4 admired his eg tors were properly-used they 7 Maine fF; nitial converts her proven she cannot alsée@imake, it into good beef. . Ifyou pick your ducks'and geese regularly for ete irothe ou should hot: e expect Whatever an 'animal.is doing bey a it is hard to premade it to do s: mething else. De- cide what product you want, and then get tat kind of ticed iwhiclt co: eS foo pinto that p: FOHACK ASA 30 fram what. it uses unt ivi > tes ee ~~ Legislation, on a, Oneaaton gs crt 'will have to beled Ea oan Lae a. Fats isdomeator pace pe nl ti a phil salve: of hymed 6 Dr. oS you na srerthog on Satan, do quotations bas wait of ies ee oe, aaa. bes "Bmiong the magses as well all. co tious 'mala' a as peng as aren amet u,the me iin by which contagious tious. diseases transmit om me oN as ri to another,-and whereas the prohibiting of such an. otfénce will be a ,Beeat preventive od isbe sare >of such - di aud pte shall be unlawfu tor any person to kiss gnother urless he cab proye by his f ily physician that 'he*hasn't 7 cra ousor infeetioug diseas¢. 2. testifies that the, defen nt ies rade hafigs he shizll be found ofca! ki second provisions of this: act shall be ; one dollar nor more | than five dollars for each offence." Com: menting, on this unique bill, tha New York " "8a ard kissing as a masculine indy} rend ' But 'kissing loses half 'its satisfaction if not reciprocated, jan statue as a Inss w ho Would not kis3 back. 'The aneeced devtor must ka Low | this, and therefore he will amen bill to cure the oversight. ods at wendy now, the gentle sexy imay vaculate af regardless. of hygiene, bat Inab mosh a i | frain. Fat) ters must not kissstheir elil drea or Jovers the mauien fou choice, unless they efrom | suspicion of infes tivus or conse alg) | easd. | Wa sec 'ugh in «tears. ayith ; arrows broteen, and the &Amatery poets gone." th of ly 3 wey gre the 4 Gis i}yt> S° ar, at once! John, ilarry--some af.y Blanc ge ubligh oping a Fs and©get the petrol! 'Ton, my Spirdtor 'and. Spectadles™ thid asarent adit 1 Cofe-along, Biekwicls, well catch eran q less than na Lipe---put of the. way. Wi kle, out of the way! Mr. Joseph Malina, in the "Prize Re- citér," «ysc, "A n pulic man | was Sstsly canited ie + <- that the asse mbly welcomed him 'with no un ' feigned pleasure": af bwhich the xigiton & was so embarrassed as to say, "T--I'nf always glad to be here--or 'anywhere else.' Those at the recent. Bipminghaw _ town's ineeting, on tha bill touching the" munici ipalization of the samways, pro- 'ably ecrein agserting; that it waset ' mayor who ane ba intérrapict | 'sit Gown and"to out?" He was nok polite as a suburban « souneiilor Who x de ie y intimated that an epporigst lg idéubtless afflicted with a ali Ae "ment in his veracity." Mr. atid 16, . berlain, when Mayor of H Bireing heen was less polite when he denied the 'allegation' Pe ent 1 "faa ed the 'al 4 sence @ Gloucester the pend f ions be gros: pie the fu mrieFp ther. tin he recent a Midland autherity of hse . 'OffieeR Br a pro test against women becoming medical men;' which reminds gne of the conven: dng* ot am 1g G2 ow jclass-- in, i A | bi W th 1 of an' poppe liga to8,' shire pe: ing propos} sien in ointment by a a sted what M 'had been 2! rhs a nt a 6 watity ye onl This t one: o' the' nd- ed sasctin at which we heard the. gale. man say, 'I am sorry Latinas 2 86 sent faces here.'" ; | "A Pullman to whitechapeb There are many stories 4 garding Mr. Atberé' is} cittulatio a RF Ge ala e .which-he,, self teils, says "M. A. P." °H professional phrase--' 'york. yang tw \/Purtis." +) Thefe was no 'tigre; | to spare, between the engagements,and Pi | "Chivvy" used to run across os = ware Road station .ip_his wa cut-away coat, bel! -bottémed' Ree ' pearlies, rakisi -bat/ and red handk _ chief included... One, gights he _bust- led to the pookit bff put"down ¢ his. money. and &sked a "'Brst-class - See close by, er, whose at- | | to page pone ll ¢ was: a geal, genuine : Hire 'was' dipto&ta6 ofthe actor, , With amazed eyes hd vas on the" "point sffil a pale ces aye emox 'Ww ee on eval? for jhis a bop el coster j 5 Cae cove ae we. nisde- et t 0b meanor, and the same penalt shall be - and: t impanid 2 § ious or * dou is t bons \ 8. Ay n yio-~ lating the provisions of the first and' geytiemen had started 'on their: clase- jolting- in-and gut of- the-eart-rute-and ahi. anxiously thrdugh hh surroundi w , Only had cut the remark sher? eaéily, broke, the sildnce "once mores iptiy. a on seed in _@ whirlw trom tb a 'Glgimed With brentinea coster comedian, but the best of all i is: an fhe bers. of, the} cowgta ia Pa topkt eh which, wae See . tee hehvat cil, and podnced a notébook: ior, 'eta ightly touches 'thal "sab ect. A a € topography. ¢ a gain, the various kids" 6: pap na cool and téndér; or* Sted! like those of Hatiz, whose mistress sya po deemed guilty of a .misdegreanor and afraid that. hia,too hot kisses would Jove \ Teang her delicate we ea or thase a marks behind, against which ATe- upd' wartied: Lyets in' a* Tettére="Oh, n" says: "Dr. Ware seems tore-suifer no yowig girl to print ithecmark. street wlitn, I gs Wer. teeth on your ueck'!--thase , ff ell treated, Of sucli tenor is the. boo! Ags well stmnack.a Par 'g exhaustive: atinost, it Would séem, of the " precip' possibilities of the subjec t--on' paper. Pickwick. up to até." oe (Mr. Jingle's- Elopement. y" "They're 'gone, sir----gone clean' offje et niga the servpnt, o's gone?" said Mr. Wardle fletee-, * | ter Jingle ,and., Miss, Rachel; the eceupstiog pf stain off i in a motor hired ten Fos. Old Compton singe, and-- Mr Warde, "ttsy 2 ry 1 shouted "Quick!" Tere we ayer--J Pickwick,, Stand clear there!' - ~¥'Snd in less time than it takes to de. tribe the 'event the two intrepid "old way they went, down.the narrow langs, umping against the hedges. on, either | "Is itis it safe?" musobled Mr. Piek- vidk behind his respirator, as he peered soggley ingo dhe: ce "HO ReuleN ei fumbling' ith the <ocea gear. EW 4° sed machinery" a motor a week, und on Bot A violent *eafinen agatuse, a Signpost iis pie For a while there ft. Pielkswick, who i: was silence: Then ad been auiiting un- at.js this abo ell?" "Shoat ylene," re Wardle. wron rne My dear good' friend," he giped? * able P i Semetties ¢ lamp. Look o now we go ut to comply h up aod Mr. Pickwick Sa thrown and down in ool £8 les were' ia opt "fréti- nit tae lown like a feather*towWHYds"tHs body converted | dttgsgne ' ise. ingly Spe d 3 --and indeed. t! hedges and'tte Hg? the welocity of i dagentia: Hie +. n a thofar, on le. ibe It wad traveling . ao other a: as aay gree Eame ire de} , ! re * y.at this ney. = 1 in Jess' than this direction was Be 1 Mir. & were] ... f acne ow) Rd ste Ww the well- ry -- ey' os Fs Hp soce och le aay ee bee nd here's a colored: cbrother 'kied wt tedden mary} 2 ee drewned. in the ay it ae ates, too. j | sop yas Biises mt ag phat he's far?" ota cae eee al "ain't dat ata "Constitution." Sbetet Piss nevs'. oA 'Disagea Haga 'friend Vi Van" Amberg worrles 'me tc h sonietimés ornde xen of food et: i soa fseaae Ue : 33 PE x sat h a dinner auch ee you} ae eve eat 7 eas wei hansémi! tage et the | ot 2 Laeoe 'apoel <n : ae live | of ee es ay, ith ho' rath to rs and + i, ie 3 'Groth ot Xoand ° ending -! ig sire inene-wild debaaich d-always eee t r,, Side, of Oxford , Rai seira's; | fet? the place hins an attinétion' for wrethiaey | Ai can) only Hken Mto thé ladttract iomof 6}; ~T; san'), daty vealy dl. cantp. ent side am y mia going ' int pone! ¢ ean't eat apy thang T want Longa sometimes pass' the Carlton Wi fir. a cket fH of soveftigns; but Tho more re to imthere abd dine thin the mar | who eweeps-the,erpssing just below; but lace Nagneys' [ can eat | g. Ife fs thie w want of the kitch' ! ou Wait an We disinissed the' it 'mt the Oxfords "Street vend . of fartdoir, sirect. We, ,walked down. Wardourystreet through rept apd down an allex;' at the ddor of 'dtvmal-lo. tking think cow nh paalanea he stiippe "This ist rely": I is gu. are not going tox Ging in A ® place of thi 3 Be setiption." ithout aohe he Gftbred, and' "1! plowed 'The plitee was artanigeed inside? in the, old-fashioned English ananner-- | 1 loose .hoxes ,svith, a fable in, jeach, Van,, Amberg. chose. the box ne: yest t he door Which was vatant; ' Nevs in' petion torenqniresiwhint he could 'do for*ns.'.-He svas-a tall'man with long | black hair, and .pigrcing blackeyes; ap idea] brigand, a man of energy, too, for | no time our dinner " sat | 4 1, anyt i en. served. - Ab! what a dinner th x was, fron the | Jobgter-red crawfish soup to the pale. ide g 5 a ne | acer * What ap 2 to- Peery " 7 ¥ ri us withneoffee fimselt than ae «You will 'hear him play? héard a fiddle being funed, and | »$hen' from a back room of that disreput: | able restaurant came music. Ah! that | was ynnsie 'inidded > music to liye for, | thusic'almost fo die for. By frien®grose wear: BE for nigt iss dining here Ronéys ashe gervéd "no Jess a person % | sof the bill the door ial = nea compliment you on you + GWhat have thinget I ny 'iihagination whilst 'thy: el is.a h tists his Pink siy-fhing axd tate anything 'Ptr to oneselt tha fem in fs ih fd it Wardle ine ten with a shout ve them, Pickwick, he cried, while the carg ef? ligh suing, And ¢ ar p--a crash--and Mr. 'Wardle and cs kwick qomsa themselves, sea die of the road, which was th fragments of. their machine. strewn Two gehen PA "Thought our rope, " Httle game: iat fesqite as thaé I make it. Nam 'Jingle's et = followed 'the tog ements (of ; Che valtey, | Msaas y-- Bo "1% 'fl ent. Well, so long!" oe) and ees i} machine, he. disappeared -- 'Puneb." poy eel ie ennt oH Re OF eee 'waiti -- stay a) et t that the great ait me; he wid ' nm fakirs touch the -hypnotize, the crowds thai imbin ders that hang! with no support in the air and stabbing |: children in wicker baskets?" thie ? Rit? oft fellow Ti Tlagnevs gets]. neevnlencd ana gles f ayo Pp e; tune the old éow diet sof and unter the pest of hypnotism' it ; ib te > Fay bee fire.j BEE s ' | ia Flagler d up cme NM. Ting: | i ypeents os be rok tarnip into 9 mines hs "Englisl [fi coud Went alah ee old cow died of". into. Hex a ge 'the spheres, vine *'™m for © = "poole in. London, "Ouitloo ea A ers ee mcr ne 'kind are A Pray, why,doesn e -write,to, ued 8 like to know, ont au a she, secret ha sister, Miss KH Pf One Or Its Annnal:Meating © "an interesting. ijluatration, of .corpars ate, methods. is afforded by"the' reeemta "3, xperience of a stockholder in. the Standac | arg, ait Company, reported-in. Leslie's 22% { Weekly." 'Atied*with thé: regtilar-printect } ed invitation of the company to alf 'oF P its | stockholder ; teratignd vite papal meeting. he maeted for the pied he Standard Oil Cot} Tat" Bayonne, N.J. After threading his yey through a events of' tages," 'pipes, « cars' * ipes, OR hk buildings, watil. he 'reachied » va comm at we pice brick. building on the Very. ecige of he Pade. he wis 'old nf sinh, Swe - ai s of stairs on the,ow £9 Bt eiute, and there, "niddent. 'awa Fee loft, without a sign to indicite- hapa me cation, the annual ipeeGagapgrthe great and powerful. Standard Ou Company wes ing he "1 fo = col e says oa middle- outa RTS IN at side wfacdarge table, ;upon which hole * piled the proxies sent in by "stockhold erg ; authorizing. Alessm. Rocketeller,' and others fo Tepresent then! at the. meeting. 1 thet! idishoveréd thaé* L was the only 'stockholder from: 'thee Outside who was present.. 'f inquired: ifs % an annual report of the earnings "of: the 5 | gompany had been presented. .The ro) ly was in the negative, the gentleman pe immediately stepped nto BD, wr djoining oflice for confident:al eonsuifation with the clerks. ] wos the -bject of a good. deal of scrutiny end was Apparently ap object of pate, Wr ae f Ritoba. tine my credentials . were pec epted,and | ven- tured again to ask whether be was able to, give me a statement beariig on the { company's business for 'the year. Cour- teoug:as ever, he declined to say more than, that he mist refer the to Mri Dods, the solicitor of 'the Saprpeny) eam é fhe New York office., I havé a 'believer in éati- trust Feglstlon Gatos { nm changing ai -- ae WLS Sy RAPIDS N.LINE- Geo. C. ChalkerTelis What _Dodd's Kidney Pills: » did for, Him. t@ te feat 2a ¥h Took Him from his 'Bed, made him™ a Well Wan, Able Sha WaiiAag to , do a Fair Day's Work.,, Housey" s Rapids,, Pnt.,; 'March ineads (Special. )rAs every. "eaty, town ahd' yer village in Canada. seams tb be igivinge = % its evidence~as---to-the«wenderiul CURES, w £ws '|rebulting from Dodd's Kidney Pils,' there is no rea a soya ys ope them "3 a "se Doda 'Kidney, Pills ¢vatid 'een. aed he aeSet x yt =" tii tases 40 é } lias 54 «hae "Onset t » the . most, vramest a as-that of Geo: iC, einer Soop 0 atm' Cured df Lies Pa bas fo. ti aren, a 4 ale 3 maiiken aeaoeed: it is all * gone; a heaps Us. S7o Sate, one ee. realize. the! "telters aA Fangs those) ;who. hay; sheen; through it re bh wag. so) dad Lica, mot work Fit}? butesvas! ed pélledstoq maken (a of ipang ~_ head, iult"Soabadtttiat tomy eyes would stem, tga Ei feltetized:} * Alt ithétitnes tity riod felt usctesst at tities and' so- very: Weayy., Xt°taved I s nid up and coukh:do.no wdrkrigg ae. een IT we psn) (0 with a y Kidn It only took six boxes to-.cure.. me ty ba ' = ee Chaiken' Lil iE Shiy om tiot ---- aan a Dae ° A oupelvn Beds: wanes! che eS t aes m he. oye