to JOHNSON. © eller aud Optician. J. J J z } "Is the Latest R. less Eyeglass, | Jeweller and Optician. ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, OCT. 2. Pe Ca NO. 37. is wml? Listowel's Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Store. a < .S saaaa HINTS TO THE TRADE. Read the programme for Saturday and the following week. ' 20 dozen Ladies' Undergarments, price 25c each. ) dozen Men's Undergarments, price $1, sale price 65c each. Men's Suits, sizes 36, 37, to 8 50, sale price $4.50. ' ; 50 pairs Flannelette Blankets reg. 90c, sale price 59c. 1000 yds.Dress Goods, 60 in. wide,reg.$1.25 sale pr.75c. 100 pair Pauts, reg. price 1.50, sale price 99c. 25 Mantles, reg. price 5.00 to 7.00, reg. price 3.49, Our store is crowded from door to door with bargains that will surprise you. reg. price 50c, sale Tiger Brand, reg. 38, 39, 40 and 42, reg. $7.50 Every department has its own special inducements for you. Our Ready-to-wear Clothing Department is alive with Bargains. Our Furs and Mantles cannot be. sur- assed. Our Dress Goods Department has no rival. We bay in large quantities, pay spot cash, and take our dis- count. We sell ata close margin and endeavor to give our customers the best trade produces: We pay cash for produce and refund money if goods are not as represented. Walter Bros. Sign of the ee? . a Blephant | ROBERT THOMPSON. People's Cash Store # SignofGolden Lion onto New Dress Fabrics and Matchless Trimmings. We would strongly urge ladies to select goods and -leave their orders now, not only securing first choice of material thereby, but alsopreveniiig disappoint- ment in completing their orders later on, » » » NEW FURS Yothing but the very best qnality of fur can find a place in our stock, Come and et our epiendid vartety of clean, stylish furs for ladies and the good practi- eal fur formen. We bid you welcome to inspect this class of goods and get prices before buying elsewhere. NEW MANTLES FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. tock has been inspected by many and pronounced the best in Listowel anne eatt make your selection and be convinced that we are showing the styles that are the most up-to-date that can be shown this fall. Ladies' Fancy Woollen Waistcoats just arrived. Bring along your Butter, Eggs; Poultry, &c. Highest prices paid. ROBT. THOMPSON Sign of 3 Golden Lion The Store That Never Disappoints. . Gray, Bernie & Co.--Prize Clothing and Furs. tbh \ We invite the citizens of Listowel and surrounding district to inspect our new stock of up-to-date Clothing and Furs during our Fair on Sept, 29th and 30th. We are ready with advance styles for the season. Our showing already discounts anything within your reach for fetchiog features. Every novelty worth con- sideration, every really new design find representation ere. The largest range of exclusive new Dress Materials shown in town is here. Every yard new and up-to-date and then the collection is exceptionally large. ~ Give us a trial parcel. "# [TOWN AND VICINITY || Try Tue Bee till Jan. ist, 1904, for 20 cents, Atwood Photo Stndio open on Fair Day, Oct. 6th and 7th. . Get your photo taken at Atwood Photo Studio on Fair Day, Geo, Mitchell returned to town on Tuesday after a few days' visit to his home in Clarksburg, LOST--Somewhere between Newry and Atwood a large pair of cattle scis- sors. Finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving same at this office. The farmers are hugtling in their po- tatoes. They report a great many to be rotting, otherwise the crop would be an enormous one. "Miss Adra Luton sang last evening in Trinity Methodist Churoh rendering Gounod's Divine Redeemer. She pos- sesses a rich dramatic voice of great tange."--Malil and Empire, Three section men were killed near Stratford on the G. T. R. on Wednes. day morning, their lorry being struck by the train while on the middle of a bridge. Two other men were badly in- jured. FOR SALE--A first class farm in the Township of Elma; good buildings, windmill, hard and saft Water, excel. lent orehard. Terms reasonable. For fuller particulars apply to Jno. Knox, Atwood, Ont. Some one carelessly placed a bicycle against noger & Ratcliffe's fine plate glass window and the handle cracked the glass pretty badly. There are some very carele's and very thoughtless people in this old world of ours, Cards are out announcing the ap- proaching marriage of Miss M, Adeline Robertson, Qaughter of Mrvand Mrs. J. G. Robertson of this town, to George R4 Batho of Winnipeg, Man., to take place in Reston, Man., on Tuesday eve- ning, Oct, 6th at 8 o'clock, Fal Millinery Opening. Miss A. Goveniock will hold her Fall Millinery Opening on Friday and Sat- urday, Oct. 2nd. and 8rd. She cordially invites the ladies of Atwood and sur- rounding country to visit her store ou those days and examine her stock of stylish, up-to-date Millinery, Wm, Watters, editor of the Ford- wich Iteeord, gave usa pleasant gall on Monday of this week. We were glad to see our old friend and to learn that he is liking newspaper work and is suc- cteding well. He was accompanied by Mrs, Watters and two children on a visit to friends near Milverton over Sunday, Elma Fall Fain The Prize Lists for the Elma Fall Fair are now ready and may be obtairn« ed from the Secretary, John Morrison Newry. There is a considerable num- ber of Special Prizes offered this year, which should be the means of stimu- possibly some of the old ones, The directors are doing everything possible to make the Show as great asuccess us that of last year, but their efforts will all be of no avail, if the people gener- ally do not put forth an effortto assist them in eyery way possible. Remen.- ber the date, Oct, 6th and 7th. Eaely Closing Our littla town was a place desolate to behold on Monday night. The cause thereof was the closing of the stores at 6 o'clock. This came as a surprise to a great many who were not aware of the intention of the merchants to close. The matter has been under discussion for some time. Where the mistake was made was in not advertising it freely, The stores will be closed on three even- ings in the week, viz., Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday at7 p. m. and will be open on Tuesday, Thursday and on Saturday, Thisisthe agreement and we hope that none of the merchants will ever be asked to break it, either by the village or country people. When it is decided to close at 7 o'clock, see that it is done and not make a farce of it, The merchants will thus kava an op. portunity to enjoy a little time for im. proving their minds by reading. We 8 Co. jas: think that people could Iware to make i alti e ter-o 8 tu: lating a number of new exhibitors and aoe . If you want the latest in Stationery get the Dimity at Mitchell's Drug Store. Get your photos en at Atwood Photo Studio, O eyery Tuesday and Wednesday, "Miss Anddison's facial expression during her recitation "A slave's race for freedom" was Yona" J. A. Mitchell left om" Monday - morn- ingon a short visif®to his parental home in Clarksburg, "His mother is in very poor health at pfegent. His store is in charge of C. H. Farlane, who has been working in a rautford Drug Store, ; Taxes. \ Get your greenbacka ready for Col- lector Duncen when he begins his an- nual call on the ratepayers of Elma on next Monday, health and weather per- mitting, Pay yonr taxes promptly be- fore Dec, [4th and save 5 per cent, J.A. McBain, who @r nearly two months has been confined to the house through illness, left on Monday for Tv- routo, to resume his position as travel. ler for a wholesale houge in that city, We trust that his health may be fully restored and that be may experience no setback in his journey to the West, Listowel and Milverton had beauti- ful weather for their Fall Fairs and each was 4 grest success. At Milver- ton the sum of $425 was taken in at the gate and the exhibits were numerous and of splendid quality, Listowel's gate receipts weye at least $2v0 better than last year, and the exhibits exceli- ent in quality, " WANTED--Paithfal person to tra- vel for well established house in a few counties, callingon retail merchants and agents, Local territory. Salary, $1024 a year and @xpenses, pavable $19.- 70 a week in cash and expenses advan- ced. Busipres saccasfor and Toshiog, Posttioli Wtmafient. Standard 'House, 334 Deartorne St., Chicago, A Qrand Concert of J. A. Mitchell, our hustling druggist, has determined to give the citizens of Atwood and residents of thé surround- ing country a great treat on Wednes day and Thursday evenings of next week. At great expense he has pro- cured the Gauthier, Brownridge Con- cert Co. of six talented artists, to give one of their first class concerts here on Fall Show night and the night follow- ing. This will be the concert of the season. See large posters for full par- ticulars. Everybody turn out and en- courage Mr. Mitchell in hig efforts to give us good concerts. Owing to illnese in his family, it was impossible for the Rev. W. T. Hall of Toronto to preach in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. He however sent an able substitute in the person of Rey. Mr. Davidson of Toronto and formerly Presbyterian minister at Alma for 26 years. The Rev, Mr. Davidson js an "| old {riehd of the editor of this paper, being actively associated with bis futher, Rey. Daniel Anderson of Roth- say, in the active work of the ministry, We were indeed delighted to see Mr. Dayidson, who had proved such a true friend to our family, He was for 26 years the beloved, earnest and devoted pastor of the Alma church. Those were the days of long pastorates, when the people were bound to their pastors by ties hard to break, The people re. vered their minister, because he shared with them their privations and trials, The Executive Committee of the Bi- ble Society met on Monday evening in the Methodist church at 7 p,.m,./The auditors' report was read which showed that the sum of $82 had been raised in the past year. J. W..McBain, the very efficient secretary of the local branch, resigned the position, although urged to retain it, and J. A. Turnbull was el- ected to the position, The Executive passed a resolution, expressing their appreciation of the seryices of Mr. Mc. Bain during the many years of faithful service and also thanking him sincere. ly for the same, Wecan heartily en- dorse these sentiments, as Mr. McBain 'made an exceedingly capable and ener- getic Secretary. Lleis now near the three score year and ten and deserves a rest. <All the old members of the Ex- ecutive were retained and several new ones appointed, It was decided to hold the next annual meeting in thé Presby.| Don't forget to go to the 'grand linery Opening at Miss A. Govenle on Friday and Saturday of this week, -- After eating, pick your teeth wi good hardwood tooth picks A package. of 1000 picks for 10 cents at J. A. M chell's Drug Store. j Owing toa great rush of job work and municipal printing we must ask our readers to bear with us, if our paper does not contain its usual quota of local news, Our staff are kept on the jamp to k. ep up with the work tn han :. The concert on ; Fall 'Fair night will, be given by the Gauthier Concert Go., consisting of Chas, Gauthier, manager; Kathrine Chattoe-Morton, Contralto; Adra Lutron, Soprano; Miss May And- dison, Elocutionist; Emerson Moston, - Violinist; C. Millard Anddison, Com- edian and humorist Yocalist. What people say ofthem; "Mr, Anddison in ~ his rendering of Coon Songs made a. great hit. An oldcolored man in the ~ audience was heard to remark, "De. Lawd suahdid spile a good niggah when he made dat man white." - 4 Changed Hands ' Our grist mill will on 1st November - pass into the hands of A. F. Dickson, ~ who this week purchased the 'property and building from Mr. Corrie, who wiik operate it till lst November. Mr. Cor- ris has lately installed a new chopper which is now in operation. hig chop-. . per is of the most improved type = can chop a bag a minute. Mr. Dickson . intends to run the mill in first class style. He will have an up-to-date mil- ler and will use Manitoba wheat, so. that we can be assured that our mill -- willturn ot a fi 8: class produet, Mr. Corrie has not decided on his plaus for 4 the iuture, : Bible Society Meeting It was @ good move to hold ann- | ual meeting of this Society on, nday)s evening. It has foryears beeh the ets- . tom to hold the meeting on '_ vight. The faithful, interested few at- . tended and many were igrorant of the great work being done by this great Bo- ciety. 'The newly appointed agent of the Society, Rev. T. W. Cosens of Brus- _ Sels was the speaker. Mr. Cosensis no strapger to the people of Atwood, bay- ing been converted and licensed in the Methodist church bere, Heisa youbg- . wan Of energy and his acdress was a &. spirited and eloquent description of - the wide spread intluence exerted by t the British and Foreign Bible Society. _ This Society is one whose influence is = especially felt in connection with mis- 2 sionary enterprise, as it sends to the . missionaries copies of the old and pew 7 Testament iv the language of the people ; among whom they labor. The work of the missionary is thus made somewhat , easier and more systematic. The Bible . has been translated into 400 different. languages and dialects and millions of . copies of the Bible have been sent to . all the heathen countries of the world, | Rev. Mr. Davidson of Toronto, who hid been supplying for Rey. Dr, McLec de, and who is himself au agent of tie. Bible Society, also spoke briefly but. forcibly in behalf of the grand work doney it. The collection for the ezen- ing amounted to $10.50.° J. A. Turn-_ bull also spoke a few earnest and pra:- tical words urging the claims ofthe Society upon the time and talents ot: all christian people. A Cough} **I have made a most thorough : trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and am prepared to sey that for-ali dis- § eases of the lungs it never disap- ae points." 4 J. Early Finley, fronton, O. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral § won't cure rheumatism; we never said it would. It won't cure dyspepsia; we never claimed it, But it will cure coughs and colds of all kinds. We. first said eal il -- he | agd; we've been saying it ; : since, Be = ced Sea ae eat arose