. BALL For fresh, clean Greceries go to C. Ballantyne's. . Glasses Easily Fitted. - What is Dimity? i; Itisthe latestin Stationery! } DIMITYGREY, } DIMITY PEARL BLUE, } DIMITY HELIOTROPE, pIMITY CHINA WHITE, WITH ENVELOPES TO MATCH EACH. A quire of paper and a package of envelopes for 38c.4 PEPE Sey : : Our Ice Cream is acknowledged by all to be No. 1. We can easily fit glasses for any jf a" case of defective vision and the fitting 4 is easy for the patient. We have every- thing needed in the-way of equipment and make examination in such a man- jj ner that it is not tiresome or annoying {i in any way. Itisapt tobe done very } promptly too, because we do not have to experiment or try various plans~in order to locate the troubles. We. fit easily because we know how to fit per- fectly. Our prices are always very reasonable and the work is guaranteed. We carry a full line of Canned Goods and Breakfast Foods. 4 Listowel Bread always on hand. Milverton Flour for sale. Give us a call and see if our Groceries and Confection | HON. WM. GIBSON, - J. TURNBULL, Vice President and | Capital All Pard Up | Reserve Fund - Total Assets We also varry a large line of Writing Pads from 5 to 26cts, J. A. Mitchell ----- cael ---- ---- --_-- . ed RD TD Medical Hall 9 ATWOOD. J. Examinations free. A. MITCHELL, Graduate Optician, Atwood. Bank of Hamilton. [Established 1872.] HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON. nd President. General Manager. -- $2,000,000 $1,700,000 $22,000,000 53 BRANCHES IN CANADA & ERS BUSINESS axpecialty, Notes of Cee sitle farmers discounted. SALE NOTES collected and advances made thexeon. * ° $51 OLLECTION BRPARTMENT has os = facility for making prompt returns. EN1T--Deposits, rece. s dollar and upwards; interes' aiawed oe current rates and added twice each year, on June 1 and Dee. I No formalities nor delays in drawing moncy. Drafts Bought and Sold. SAVINGS DEPA RTM a AtWwooD BRANCH W. N. McKAY, Sub-Agent. ». 'All business strictly 'confidential ee Cy ADDITIONAL LOCALS. 'Mrs. Stephen M. Rau of Sault Ste. - Marie is visiting ber parents, Mr, and ) Mrs. M. Corrie of this town. | sickness isto take Hood's Sarsaparilla, | for it tones the whole system, F inners nt the Milvertou Show we ot- He _ serve the following; Horses, » Bros., J. B. LIamilton, sr., T. E. May- 3 verry, Char. Mc Mane, Sheep,. 3.5. Cowan, and A. Stevenson. | Hogs, J. %. /Go,Chip CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of cp Ueda Return Tennis Match The local Tennis Club journeyed to Linwood last Saturday and succeeded in defeating the players of that town by 5setsto3. It wasan ideal day for a drive, although a little too windy for good tennis, The Linwood players made a brave fight for it but the visi- tors were too mnch for them, especially the lady players. We take off our hats to the Atwood young ladies who play- ed the game of their lives. The Atwood geutiemen did not shine as bright as usual and the ladies saved the day, Too much praise cannot be given to the Linwood people for the kindness ex- tanded by them to the visitors. They know how to entertain strangers right royally. The following is the score:-- Miss MeKay and Miss Parsill,Linwood, were defeated by Miss Belle Mitche | and Miss Belle Pelton 4--6; Miss Mary Cuthbertson and Migs Myrtle Ferguson defeated Miss Berlet and Miss Spahr 6--4. 6--4, (2 sets);O. Bundy and W. J. McKinley, Linwood, defeated N. Dopp und R. Richmond 6--4; R. B. Hamilton and F. Schumer, Linwood, defeated | N. Dopp and R, Richmond 6--0; Miss | Belle Pelton and D. G Anderson,defeat- | ed Mrs.Green and R. B. Mamilton 6--4; |} The way to regain your health after Among the successful Elma prize Dickson B, McCormick, Cowan. Roots, J. 8. Cowan, 'ap, Wm S'rathers. Vege- "sables, Gsv, Coapman, Wao. Struthers, | Miss L. McCormack of Trowbridge ob- tained 2nd prize as best lady driver ' Donbtiess we have overlooked some "wat we only had time for a cursory {= F glance at the list of pr.ze winners. Miss Belle Mitchell and Cameron For- | post defeated Miss Goetz and.O. Bundy 6 --1; Miss O'Connor and F. Schumer defeated Miss Belle Pelton and R.Rich mond 6--!; And now there is another tale to be told, a tale of woe. The vil- lage of Wellesley has some crack ten. nis players and 4 number of them were in Lintvood on Saturday and took a fall out of our local cracks. The re. sult was that Jas. Kerr. an old schoo'- mate of the ejitor's,defeated "ye editor ' | in a well played game by 6--4, and Messrs. Kerr and Roger of Wellesley won from Messrs. McKay and Aunder- son by 6--3, We take off our hats to the Wellesley-players who certainly can pliy tenuis, but with a little more prac- tice we hope to make them work hard- FIRE! FIRE! THOS. MALE, LIS"OWEL, (Successor to W. H. Hay) GENT for the Waterloo Mutual Fire Insur- So., Wa Ontario of or above Companies at his office, Atwood. Voters' List #yotice Notice is hereby given that a Court w'll be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the Coufity of Perth, in the Agricultural Hall, Atwood, on Friday, the 9th day of October, 1903, at ten o'clock, a.m., to hear and determine the several com- plaints of errorsand omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Elma for 1903. All persons having business at the CUourt are required to attend at the said time and plate, Dated Sept. 23rd, 1903. Tuos. FULLARTON, Clerk, Elma, rson. | Serges, Freizes, Ladies' Cloths, Etc., in all shades ery are just what we represent them to be. C. BALLANTYNE. ---s Interesting to the Ladies! New Fall Dress Goods ---- JUST IN------ CS IEC TIE Basket Cloths, Venetians, Canvass Cloths, [.ysack Suiting, Snow Flakes, Striped Homespuns, (h:viots, We have the finest apartment of Dress Goods in this section, and are all marked in plain figures at very close prices. Waist Goods, Silks in All Colors, French Flannel, Spanish Stripes, Ready Made Waists, New Belts, New Collars, New Ribbons, New Waist Silks, Silk Gloves, black and white, "Alexanders" celebrated Kid Gloves; also, a general assortment in new styles and all grades of Corsets, from 35c up. IT have ordered a car of loose salt. Parties desiring same should leave their orders with me before Oct. Ist. OSE IMEC "ALS W.R.ERSKINE . . markets it ty EY ANY - EROS Sl The Toronto Star publishes the day's and stock reports the evening er for their victory next time. It was an enjoyable day's sport, the drive home in the moonlight being especially pleasant, of samé day. London, New York, Chicago, Buffalo, Montreal, and Toronto prices are given at the closing of each market. You can read to-night what price your produce has com- manded to-day. You can take advantage of this information to either buy, sell, or hold to-morrow. To-night you can see what butter is selling for in Toronto to-day--what price is being paid for eggs, apples, vegetables --all the information.a wide-awake man should have to do good business, and all in time to properly make use of. * Not twelve hours later as given by the morning paper. The Star gives all the World's News of the day in addi- tion--all told in a bright and. entertaining style. You can have The Toronto Daily Star every week day for a year and the paper in which this advertisement is printed for $2.20. Subscriptions. received at this office, Toronto St | A Sad Accident. \ The people of this vici aity were very | uel shocked, when ov last Saturday fternoon word reached town that Mre, , ©. Burt of Listowel had been killed hb AYumaway aceident and Mr, Burt al- pinjured, It seems that in company | vith their three children they had been _ spending the day at Shipley, and on re- turning home, when within @ short dis- ee fyom town, the horses started to naway. Mrs. Burt became alarmed | A leaped from the rig, alighting on 'pead.. She was carried to the home f Mr. Peteh Where she died in abvut hour, having 'never regained coo- ouspess. Frank Burt also jumped wes vot burt. Mr. Burt and two Idren yemained in the buggy until hoises cullided with a telephone sen they were thrown out. 'rhe s chjkiren were notinjund bat Nr { received some painful but not*fa- pjunies, 'The funeral of Mrs. Burt K plice om Fuesaay afternoon and LOCAL MARKETS. Wukat, TL to 78. OaTs, old, 28. New, 28 Pras, 50c, to 60. : JARLEY, 38 to 40c. Four, per cwt., $1.75 to $2.00. BuTrer, per Ib., 16c. to 18c, Eeas, per dozen, lic. POTATOES, per bag, $1.00. LARD, per Ib., 12c. to 14c tlogs, live weight, $6.00 percwt. IIlrpeEs, per Jb., 5¢e. BEEF per quarter, 6c, toe. per 1b, CoaL, $7.25 per ton. Dizzy ? Then your liver isn't acting | well. You suffer from bilious- ie largely attended. 'Tho deceased} ness, constipation. Ayer's "arte ais ate Wing andt Pills act directly on the liver. 1 Hay-ot Listowel, She was ror ee Jig me pn a ai universally admired ang loved, her t rriblyfendden death cast # mall doses cure, All draggists yom over ail, 'he bereaved huspaud -- : = fam 1, hive th: siucere sympathy yu Uueit heartbreaking Dersays Pe ee ee a £8 aaltepet ek ee » i ; . = =