IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA APITAL (PAID UP) = * RESERVE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. shes in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, North BV est Te rritories, Rashes S Columb LISTOWEL BRANCH Ss. apa BANK DEPARTMENT--Deposits gece Soe Seren added to principal io SPECIAL a attention given to the discounting no! DRAFTS SOLD. available at at sll. peee in MONEY « ORDERS States eee Bacre at any Bank ue c an Canada. Rates "Under $0, 8c.; $10 to $x, '10c. Hun co $12 2c. . ERRELL, po ¥ W. SCOTT & SON, Bankers Iuistowrel, Ontario. {Established 1872.} ie it Peet an and_ Cif S: OFFICE alstead, Mount Forest > also Ww = Shelburn A Gencral Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, payable in all parts of the DOMINION, UNIT- *D STATES and GREAT BRITAIN. Notes Discounted. Deposits Received. Current rate of interest allowed. ; tof Private Funds to lend on x0 ah Milica oe pecal fs at Four and one-half por cent.. -with ori Mowe 'of repaying principal Marriage hicenses Issued. "WAKE UP YOUR MIND --TO ATTEND-- LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fall Term Begins Sept. 1. Two courses, Commercial and Short- 'sand. Send for Coltege journal. EMING, A. L. MoINTYRE, Se a President, becretary. nnn Sener Get the Best--It Pays _SrnATFORR ONT lace in Canada for securing a mara t tasiuess oa or a superior raduates are al- than the xpect. aloguc. r this menth if possib for cata le. * W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. op. R. BREWER Photographer --____) Fa BRUSSELS Has rented the Photo Studio, Atwood. The Gallery will be openTuesday and Wed- nesday ever weekycon mencing uly 28th. Everybody welcome to call and see samples. Your trade solicited. H. R. Brewer, ARTIST. HELLO BILL . . What have you been doing .to yourself? Your figure seems to haye changed 80 muct® ave you been tak- ing a course of phvsical culture or what? No I have been getting my clothes made atCarrie's and_ he has got the cuttingdown so finethathecan make any , old humpy back look straight and if you- want those crooked legs of yours made straight and that left shoulder of yours that sags down so low fitted up, juat try Lim. He can really make a man out of nothing and his prices, you will smile when you hear how JowAhey are. Try him and veconvinced. £ , u said list. "aod if wir om _ Little Reta Boyd brought te ¢ fice last week something which to mind appeated a cutiosity. It was « monstercrab apple fittiebongact. of the apple wee a teat If net of crab-apple blossoms plittked froth the athe tree. Little Ret& infotite? us that the blossoms afd pple Were ob> tained from the selfstme tree on her grandfather's farm. The Weekly Globe We are now iu a positién to offer this great weekly paper and THe Ber from now till tst January, 1905, for $1.75, to new sabscribers, Just think of it, two papers for 16 months for $175. Any one desiring a trial subscription of The Bee and Weekly Globe till Jan, 1st, 'o4, may have them for the sum of 385¢c. Read the announcement re. the Weekly Globe for 1904 in another column, The Weekly Mail and Empire Weean give our readers THE BEE and the Weekly Mail and Empire from vow till January ist for 35c, This is for uew subscribers, Those who send us new subscriptions after October Ist way have Tne Beer and the Weekly Mail and Empire till January Ist, 1905, Pfor $2, All yearly subscribers will re celye a new premium picture entitled, "The Victoria Cross." Itis.a maguifi- cent reproduction in ten colors, -It shows two Canadian troopers hard pressed by the Boers, The horse of one has been hit and the man whose horse is unhurt, halts and risks eyerything to get his comrade safely mounted behind him, Try this offer for one year. Leave subscriptions at this office. Trowbridge. All necessary preparation is being made to make the Anniversary Ser- vices in connection with the Methodist Church, on Oct. 4th and 5th, a success- Cement walks i. connection with th© church property add greatly to the appearance of our vilage. Mr. James Almoute of Simcoe is yisiting at the home of W. J. Tughan. A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr, Thos, Darly 2nd con. Eima, at moon on Tuesday, when his daughter Priscilla was married to Mr. Milhausen, atation-master of Brussels, Mr.and Mrs' Jas. McCrae and Mast- ter Clarence are visiting-at the home of M~. McCrse's parenis,JLeamington. R. H. Green has been. re-engaged as cheese and butter maker, with an in- crease ip salary. FALL PAIRS. The time for the fal} fairs is fast ap- proaching. The dates of the following fairs in this district have been fixed: BIMIG se sccwes Eb eV edupearesas Oct. 67 Blythe. ....., Bre ccc coenscees Oct. 6-7 Stratford... cee eee ceee wee Oct. 7 BemenelS ......0scsae saseee caweve Oct 1-2 GOETHE oo ccavie passa este conweesiata Oct, 8 Eareiston ciceei sacewasccwees Sept. 23-25 Stovk Raisers Say They Are Alricht. Prof, A. V. M. Day's English Tonic Powders (5 separate packages) for horses, catule, hogs, sheep and poultry. Tuey make tonic, food and fatten stock. Day's Cream for Calves, with skim- nedor 6 arated m'ik, prevents scours and acidity of the stomach. ROGER & RATCLIFFE, AGENTS, ATWOOD. Voters's List, 1903 -- of Elma. entionéd " Lis' the last re nnicipality th be entitled to rote in the said Banityets at Elections for members of the asetmmbly oo at Municipal Eloc- tions; and that the nai list was first. posted u office on the 19th dad, of A om oc o 'remains there for inepee rors are foane therein, to have the ceedin according to law. Datod 19th Ai EDS, FULLARTON Clerk of Elma. WANTED A man to represent "CANAD GREATEST NURSERIES" iv the town "of ATWOOD and surrounding ceufttry, and take orders for . Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals,Schrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Stock trae to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent pusition for the right man on either salary or com- mission. Stone & Wellington said errors corrected =e 'GEO. CURRIE FONTHILL NURSERIES John Cowan, Whol the Witcher for the 10th con. beef ring, killed & cow be- fonging to Arthur and Avd¥é Robb which weighed 71 tbs, We Will guar- antee that the people belongin to that beef rirg are enjoyir® the eating of that meat and th beauty of it is, it costs them only 304 cents a ib. Wish We belonged to a beef ring, We tight -¢then eat more meat. Golden Wedding It was a happy gathering of people that assembled at the comfortable home of Mr. and Mrs. Lake Lucas, 10th cou. west on Tuesday of this week. It was the celebration of the gulden wedding of the worthy couple and about forty peopte gathered to do honor to the hus- band and wife who for fifty years have fought life's battles together. Mr Lucas was born in Cornwall, Ehgland, came to Canada in 1851 and lived in Haxailton for four years, then settled in ¥ima in 1855, a period of 48 years. He and his wife have resided on the pre- sent homestead for that time and have prospered in things temporal. Four sons are living to do honor to their par- rents, namely, Luke, Wm. and Cyrus ,all on farms in Zlma and Chas. who lives retired in Atwood, 'The happy gather- ing satidown to a sumpttous meal,after which congratulatery 5peeches were made by Samuel Wherry, William Wherry, Luke Lucas, Rev. Wm. Pen- hall. Many elegant and costly presents testifieh to the esteém in which the worthy pair are held by those who know. them best. We extend to Mr. and Mrs. Lucas our heartiest congratu- lations on their 50 years of happy wedd- ed life and hope they may be long spar- ed to be a comfort and support to each other, Wedding Belle One by one the fair daughters of Elma are beicg claimed and carried off to rule in other homes and hearts. Ov Wednesday of this week, at 3 o'clock Rey.Dr.McLeod pronounced the solemn words that made Miss Kate Peebles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Audrew Peebles, 8th con,, west, and David Alair, G,T.R. agent at Brucefield, man and wife. About 60 guests were pre. sent when the groom took his place under a neat arch of evergreens and asters. The bride leaning on the arm of her father entered the roots to the strains of Mendelsoho's Wedding March played by Miss Jennie [farvey. It is cnstomary to say that the bride looked handsome etc., but in this case we can henestly affirm that she certainly looked winsome,dressed in a beautiful costume of white silk, trimmed with band em- broidered yoke and bertha, She car- ried a u.ypificent bouquet of white asters. Little Miss Minnie Pope made rs cate @ little flower girl, dressed ii. white, as oue could well wish to behold The merry compauy, after hearty con- gratulations bad been extended, sal down to a sumptuous wedding dinner The time was then pleasantly spent un- til it was time fur the bridal couple to take the evening train for Brucefield. A goodly number «i friends and well wishers assembled at the station to give them a hearty send off in the cus- tomary form of rice and old boots. Th: wedding presents were numerous, cost ly and exceedingly substantial and use- ful. Mr. Alair was unable to obtail. leave of absence from the G.T.R. for » longer period than one day and so the young couple will take their honeymoon trip later on. The bride was for many years a useful member of the Presby- terian choir and Christian Endeavor Society and will be much missed by he many friends. The groom is uo strao- ger to the people of this vicinity,having been engaged us assistant to G.T.R. agent, J. H. Moore, for some time. He is atyoung man of sterling, christian character and gives promise of a use- ful career. We extend to them our "i best wishes for a long and happy wed- liga: | ded life, -| tield's gain, ro What is our loss 'is Bruce- VORTLAND CEMENT INDUSTRY HASA PROMISING FUTURE. The time will soon be that there will be no Cement Stock offered for sale un- less you pay $1000 for 4 $100 share, 78 the dividends will be great, At present the cement stock seems to be yery st- ractive, Governm:nt contract; for Port thousands of barrels, avnounced that as he has fourcd from torough tests that C sion that Canadian Cemen: D> usec, OVER 800 ACRES TORONTO +--+ - account of a Neca growing de = Kind You Have has Bought, and which has been in use for over 80 years, has borne the Signature of a and has been made under his per- ; 4 sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Ail Countertctts; Imitations and * Just-as-good"' are but eeporiments that trifle with and endanger the health of ts and Children--Experience against Experim -What is CASTORIA. ent Castorin is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency, It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. cenuinE CASTORIA 4tways: Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 3O Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STRECT, NEW YORK CITY. tee ea othe tine sas os P3 i 3 3 lund Cement are given by the tens of The Minister of Publis Works has n ian Cement is t.e very best in the world, all further cantracts entered into by the Public WorksDerpartment will contain a prov:- The best authorities claim that the price of cement will advauce simply on : I Drs. KENNEDY & KERGAN K Wo other Medical Firm in the world has the Bien and Women that Dra, KE. meaene' and happiness soe tea woe SiDebauey S> pits sions, Nervous Yy, = t Dr: s, Impoten : 2 Sxpeit 7 and Seonees: gaat AE K K & K You may have a eecret deain through the a outin the veatit pad area no ambition, Don ; bead your Life Cureor n 3. e the scourge but Itisa Crime -- i to rremsaia by er gyetom. treatment. Dre K. & K. enjoy. ogabtstet nod sopetatt setien f for a caring tee sc Pacha yer 9 Ser teteres Gleet, ad Foy i Weakness, Kid- are backed by Bank Bones. MEN'S LIFE Bioop. tine--thaut's 'ou ate not rested, your ae an af = "you fel Pacapondent Blood be deaimed a Drs. K.& EK. k BLOOD POISON for it may Like father-- & K. pusltively cure me to have i VARICOCELE & & S STRICTURE. ely a oleae eofterige nod no detention va from business, ja Dont rine Par oe aad rele Be & K. coneam org. pe Wie tricture t Kidneys & Bladder ect your kidneys, 5 pone menening back tells the tale, Don't let 't neg! Pi ba qn J yy They guarantee to Cure or No Pay CURES GUARANTEED, S Treatment. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, Doctors can cure youlf you are not beyond human aid. CURE AY. Consultation Free. Books sent Free, aS SER for 'Question Bianok fer Home Everything Co 148 SHELBY STRE Onno talon wash day into play day.' Snow white clothes are the result of using GOLD DUST It makes light thé. labors of washing. Turns Better than any Soap and more economical. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago, New York, Boston, SiLouls Montreal: