Atwood Bee, 20 Nov 1903, p. 4

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Hot Water Bottle Does. It has so many uses. As a foot warmer, ase means of applying heat in sickness, It makes a hot ap- plication a pleasure because it does away with dis- agreeable and uncomfortable wet cloth apd the like. It has come to be a necessity in every household. We've a fresh lot right They are built to use without leaking for two or three years, If they leak you a new one free of charge. J. A. Mitchell, Medical Hall: from the manufaoturer. within one year we give Atwood. Made Perfect. Perfect Sight is determined by @ series of scientific tests, | We render faulty eyes perfect _ by scientifically ftttng glasses. Remember we guarantee satis- faction. J. A. Mitchell, Graduate Optician, Atwood. é iaeneianimeenieal = Bank of Hamilton, [Established 1872}: HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON. | [ok wAL-uImeoN - -_ President. ~.J, TURNBULL, Vice-President and General Manager., Capital All Pard Up ; ¢ $2,000,000, Raserve Fund $1,700,000 Total Assets $22,000,000 3 56 BRANCHES IN CANADA 56 ak § BUSINESS a specialty. Notes of FARMERS, B farmers discounted. ae ores collected and advances made LECTI N DEPARTMENT . has our COLE toe making prompt returns. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT --Deposits recelv- rand upwards; interes Sioned ye rates aon added. twice vach year, on June No formalities nor on in iouing money. Drafts Bought and Sold. ATWOOD -BRANCH WW. N- McKAY, Sub-Agent. , Ali, business strictly'confidential ADDITIONAL LOCALS, ™ Mrs. David.Alair of Brucefield spent a, few days this week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Peebles, 8th con, west. Her sister Jennie has but recently returned from a lengthy visit te Manitoba and her many friends are pleased to see her home again, Foreign Missions _, Rey. J. W: Cameron.of North Morn- ington ocoupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Suoday .morn- ing, and preached with all bis old time vigor and earnestness. Mr. Cameron was the Presbytery of. Stratford to place the matter of. the supporting of.a foreign missionary by -the Stratford. Presbytery before the Atwood congregation, and this he did in a clear., concisa. manner.. The suvject of. his discourse. was .* For we "are unprofitable servants." He showed very clearly that when we do our best, we are only dving what is.our,duty, for "at the very best, our. servicegtioes .not mean. any profit to God. By this means the speaker payed 'the. way for the broaching of the subject of foreign missions,.° Knox church, Stratford, has -undertaken the sgpport of a missionnry to India in. the. person of Rev Mr. Davidson and his estimable wife. This will mean tlie raising of $1,200 addition- at to all other giyings. The other Congregations in the 'Presbytery, some 21 in number, are asked to sup- port another. missionary, Atwood's share, with its 200 Presbyterian famil-y its will be about $25-or .a little over 45-cents a family. The pastor, Rev. Dr. MacLeod, in speaking of the matter to 3 _ his congregation, thanked Mr, Cameron » for his able sermon and promised him that Atwood Presbyterians would not he 'ound their sense of duty. We believe. that Rev, Dr, MacLeod is Tight, and-we hope fo see the contribu- tion raised: without. diffienlty.. - YOUNG LADIES, READ THIS If you are bothéred with pimples, ra- shes or ugly blotches on vour face, if. . yRur complexion is sallow, ivsan evi- : 'guce that you require Ferrozone , to " ' @ tone up your blood. One Ferrozon tab- let taken at meals makes the complex- fon like peach bloom, cheeks soon be- come rosy, eyes bright, you'll become the picture of health, Thousands of ia- dies keep up their youthful appearance with Ferrozone, why not you? Price 50c. at druggiste, ; The Muskoka hunters returned on Saturday evening, hale and happy. And why should they not be happy? The, locel: party, along with their Listowel confreres, succeeded in ob- taining their full complement of game, two deer each. John Sanders brought home with him a handsome buck that weighed 240 lbs. He had quite an ex- perience in capturing his lordship who eertainly was a beauty. John's dog Jumbo is,-one cf the best ia the business and he, succeeded in driving 'the. deer into the open, about 100 yards from where Jack was patiently waiting. The first shot hit the deer's:.horn and partly stunned him. He turned on the dog and showed fight. Another shot hit him in the ear and that angered him more than ever, Jumbo stuck to hi§ work and -kept grabbing the buck by the heels,. Jack was not certain which way the.deer would head and for about fifteen minute watched the performance between the hound and the deer until at last the aniwal "went to.make off and then John's eagle eys8. saw that the decisive moment had come for prompt action. JTis trusty rifle, rang out and that w..o the eud of Mr, deer. THE GERMS OF. CATARRH Nat only attack the' passages of the earbolic acid Monday morning, death resulting the evening of the same day, It seems that the little girl desired the bottle which contained carbolic acid to play with. Her mother told ber to wait until it was used up. A bottle of cough syrup that the little one was taking was standing beside the bottle of acid. The little one, unknown to her parents, took the last dose from the bottle of cough syrup, and child like turned and emptied the carbolic acid into the cough syrup bottle and thus secured the coveted carbolic acid bottle to play with. Monday morning Eva was taken with a severe coughing spell and her mother seized the cough syrup bottle and administered a dose tore lieve the child. The little one screamed that it burged her and the mother took a taste to see what was the matter, Her tongue and mouth were burned and ehe realized. at once the awfu truth. Medical help was summoned immediately and all that it was possible to de was done but in vain. The little one passed away at 7:40 in the evening. The heartfelt sympathy of the entire community is extended to the.bereaved parents. The Sixth grade of the pablic schools attended the funeral services of their schoolmate in a body, and the pall bearers were selected from among her little girl friends, The funeral took place from the Baptist ehurch Wednes- day at 2 p.m., Rev. U. R. Betts officiat- fog, interment in Riverview cemetery. AN ENGLISH AUTHOR . WROTE: "No shade, no shine, no fruit, no flowers, no laaves,--November!" Many Americans would'add no freedom from 'head and throat but finally reach the juogs and cause consumption. Nothing destroys catarrh so quickly. as fragrant healing Catarrbozone'which ralieves the cough, stops the. discharge, takes all discharge, takes all.goreness. from . the throat, "I consider Catarrhozone has no equal as a cure for catarrh and lung trouble" writes Jas. E. Wetherell of 'Brighton. It. cured me atter many good doctors failed toeven relieve my trouble." Catarrhozone ean't fail to ecure--it's guaranteed. Two . months treatment $1.00; trial size, 25c. Sad Death of Evadnglis. . Mrs, George Hudson of this town re- |- ceived, last week, the sad -intelligence of the death of Sarah Evelyn. Inglis, the twelve year old. daughter of Engineer Jas. G. Inglis and wife,.of McUook, Nebraska, Mr, Ioglisfis.a son of George Inglis of Monkton and Mrs: Inglis is a sister of Mrs. Hudgan.. The. circumstances of the death.of the. little girl.arp particularly sad. She was the darling of hec.parants and the life of the household and togee her little body painracked froth the effects of the dead- ly carbolic acid must have been excru- tiating agony to the parents.. The ex- act nature of the accident that caused her death 1s explained in an extract ftom' 3.,McCook paper.. Little Eva lived for 12 hours, during fveanda half of which she was unconscious, She rallied .sufficiently to call her mother, hen the other wmembers of her family. Near.the end she lifted? Wer little arms and asking her father, "Papa. do. you see the angels?'. she quietly passed away to the land where there will be no more suffering or pain, Mr. aud Mrs, Inglis have the sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends in this terridly sud afietion which has come to them sa.saddenly, The funeral of little Eva was one of the largest ever seen in|, McCook and the oral offerings were something magnificent. - This isswhxt |; the McCook paper has' to say regarding | 'her death: Eva, the..twelve-year old daughter of Engineer James Inglis and catarrh, which is so aggravated during this month that it becomes constantly troublesome. There is abundant proof that catarrh is a constitutional disease. related to scrofula and consump- tion, being one of the wasting diseases. Hood's Sarsaparilla, has. shown .that what is capable of eradicating serofula completely cures catarrh and teken in tima.prevents consumption. We can- not see how any. sufferer can put off taking this medicine, in view of the wi- dely published record of its radical and ermanent cures, It. is undoubtedly merica's Greatest. Medicine for Amer- ica's Greatest Disease--Catarrh. Miss.Minnie McFarlane, teacher in the Milverton public school, is lying ill with pneumonia at the home.of.; James Tarrance.. All the, members-of the fam- ily are with her and her life is despaired of. We hope her lifg may be spared: ; AH Canada is indebted to The Family Herald and "Weekly Star..of Montreal for producing a new map of : the Dominion of Canada, right up: to-date in every respect. It' certainly. is re- Lquired, . Although a cash price of $2.50 per copy is 'placed .on..their new map, still publishers. .of - that great: family weekly, with their immense circulation, are offering a copy .of the map abso- lutely free along. with 'two other beau- tiful ,ealored pictures to all. who sub- scribe to The Family Herald for 1904 It is the biggest dollar's -worth ever effered. | Liver Pills: That's what youneed; som thing to-cure your biliouss ness and' give yous guod digestion. A a Piils are - Stipation..and_biliousness. Gently laxative. or tich -bigck,? j Rell , BUCKINGHAM DYE liver pills. am i 25c. All os y ies your moustach wile was fatally burned with a dose of 4 < fresh, clean Greceries go oc We carry a full line of Canned Goods and Breakfast Foods. | \ euenhsiaesinimbamnthinen meat Listowel Bread always on hand. Milverton Flour for sale. Give us a call and see if our Groceries and Confection ery are just what we represent them to be. C. BALLANTYNE. Interesting to the Ladies! New Fall Dress Goods ----JUST INR---- CPI TID t Cloths, Venetians, Canvass Cloths, Hopsack. Suiting, Spow Flakes, Striped Homespuns, Cheviots,. Serges, Freizes, Ladies' Cloths, Etc., in all shades. We have the finest apartment of Dress Goods i in this section, and are all marked in plain figures at very close prices:. Waist Goods, Silks in All Colors, French Flannel, Spanish Stripes, Ready Made Waists, New Belts, New Collars, New Ribbons, New Waist Silks, Silk Gloves, black ond white, "Alexanders" celebrated Kid Glaves:: also, a general assortment in new styles and all grades Basket || 0£ Corsets, from 35c up. W. R. ERSKINE | } cure con-_ The Victoria Cross In Ten Colors For Valor Wickly Mail a mt Empire 24 Pages HE picture-shown is one dear to every man, woman, | boy and girl, on account of its meaning--*" The Vic- For News 4 toria Cross," given. for conspicuous bravery. _ IE only the. sojl of South .Afriga could voice the deeds performed upon it, how. many: Victoria Crosses would have beea ' found to have been earned by Canada's sons! It is hard in. the, heat of action to notice every act of ¥alor, and , therefore only those which. take. place. under eye of ", Superiors of .sufficient-rank can be noted. ' : The picture shows one of such deeds. Two Snopes are . Closely pressed. by the. enemy, The, horse of, one is hit. i Under the. withering fire, the mao whose mount is-unharmed ~ halts, and, .risking everything, :waits.ta get his comrade safely _ Mounted behind him and carry him -back to the Canadian. lines. It is a desperate deed, and one. often performed but seldom noticed, When, however, such an. act-is seén, the |.) Teward «dear to .soldiers'. hearts-. above every other is the " result. This picture is from the brush of Mr: W. B. Wollen, an artist famed -for his war pictures, one whose work appearsin ' all.the leading illustrated periodicals of the Empire, Itis a forceful subject from the hand of.a strong man, . The Mail and Empire has obtained the exclusive right for this picture in Canada. It is a perfect ten-color reproduction, and will be given FREE to readers under the fo!lowing conditions: -- With 'The Weekly Mail and Empire babe meat old substribers may secure one copy of the Artogravure on ordering E YEAR'S sabeexintion, pee in ries mailed to any address in Canad Great Britain or United States for $1.00 he For samples of paper and furiher s jareicabars; write to-- CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT, -MAIL AND EMPIRE, TORONTO.

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